(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font color="ff6000">sneaky

ya lor mus make sure either someone we noe has gone to the school before or make sure we made good studies on tat particular school first!! how can they treat kids like this!! can make them grow to have phobia wan leh!! so bad!!!


wahahha coz i indeed know u for jin long mah!! *grin*


i have not decided on the birthday cake but den i have already found someone to bake cupcakes for ash's birthday liaoz!! hee.. clever? ha ha ha.. main cake haven settle den side dishes settle first!

here is the pic of the bite size cupcake, which she bake this am for me to try and comment! </font>


SSL: I'm back. yupz busy running some errands &amp; work related matters. My new office premises is still in renovation so met up with boss to see design layout &amp; work progress. Next week big bosses flying into town, more meetings!! Went to One George Street, location not bad lah, I can still have river view of Clark Quay behind me.

I'm also looking for childcare centre for Kaiser so that he can attend when he's 18mo. Otherwise stay at home also a bit wasting time. I will take note of the abovementioned incident when seaching for one. It can really affect the child perception of school, teachers &amp; classrooms.
carole... sorry i blur! donno y u cannot reply but i meant 8 oct, it's sunday right? i can't make it unless in evening.. sorry about that!!

if anyone is holding birthday party but for a smaller group of ppl and want to find someone to cook food/make cup cakes whatever, i can recommend you my friends' mom.. cos' i know for caterer u need a min of abt 30-50 ppl and some of u may be holding smaller parties.

PM me if u want becos' i rarely come on to read the whole thread!

we can meet up at harbourfront (when my boss not around) for lunch with patsy and yippee


cupcake looks nice and cute
hope its not too sweet

u can check with room for dessert if they do cupcake as well.


ah... my view is facing Great Eastern building. But pantry got a garden outside (but we cant go out) its a bit far to walk from raffles place mrt but once u get used to it, its pretty fast too.

If u are looking for childcare centre near your workplace, there's one at great eastern building opp OGS but expensive. Got a couple more along havelock and apollo centre.

maybe u can PM me your opic email and we can chat there

i ordered the mini buffet for 10pax from Neo garden. no warmers though but food is as good. $15+ per pax.
<font color="ff0000">SSL

yeap its not too sweet jus nice!

i dun need to check with room for dessert when i have someone to do for me the exact FREE leh.. wahahha dun blur dun blur</font>
<font color="ff0000">carole

wah lau eh!! i cant be telling her.. pls add on 100 pcs on 08/10 pls! hahahaha.. u wanna eat den come ash's birthday lor!!</font>
carole, i've been to Raffles Hotel's chocolate indulgence event on invitation. eat chocolate until scared. every table and everywhere i went, i see chocolate...after eating some, it's actually quite jelat! yeeekssss...
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Adel</font>

errrmmm... I'm sorry but I cannot sell u the big bird balloon anyway. It's not in a very gd condition liao, wrinkled w some colours dropped off liao. Got a shock yesterday when i saw Janelle playing w it. Her daddy said she asked for it when daddy try to deflate so he tot no harm, just let her play awhile. Paiseh leh</font>
Adel: Replied you already!

SSL: Your pantry has a garden outside! Wow... not bad at all. Just curious, does it has high chairs &amp; elevated coffee tops? So many office seems to be having this design for pantry. My office pantry no garden but got river view, with high chairs &amp; high table tops.
Thx for info re childcarce at GE Blg - will go there &amp; take a look. Although I'll most likely send him to one nearer Thomson area.
mummies who are invited to Clarisse's bday.. RSVP pls... need to order enough food.. i scare no food SB SB Paisey one u know.. kekkekeke
mayday: I work in alexandra too!

sneaky: just saw the article you posted. Very scary! How can ppl like this be allowed to work in childcare? Don't they have to pass some tests/psychological profiling before they start work?
adel, party starts at 7.00pm..but pls come around 6.30pm cos the entertainer will start making balloons for the little ones...

patsy and all concerned mummies, i totally feel just as shocked as you are. in fact, this piece of article was sent to me by hubby. he saw this and thought there's cause for concern and consideration...

The garden doesnt belong to us and we cant go out also. only for show. our pantry has high chairs and table tops too. with a normal dining table too.
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">J. / Brennan / Samuel</font>


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy 1st Birthday</font></font></font>
SSL: i got my blanket from Aussino, but she doesnt use it as she sleeps in the Grobag.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday Samuel!!!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+0">Happy Birthday to Samuel and Happy belated Birthday to Brennan &amp; J.</font></font>
Jenifur, San, Patsy

Thanks for your birthday wishes for baby brennan


Ya i was also thinking about Aussino one but not sure if its very thick. cos brennan dont really like blankets so those i use are not very think ones. infact they are actually receiving blankets.
<font color="119911">Sherisse's lunch for today.. ABC pasta.. 1st attempt to cook pasta by making own sauce last time always buy those ready ones..

looks yummy???</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Thank you, aunties from Oct MTB thread for the birthday wishes...

with love,
<font color="0000ff">TOYS</font>

What toys do your babies play with now? Mine likes plastic blocks, books and remote controls. Thinking of toys to buy....

hehe, sounding really dumb now, but can someone teach me how to make big colored fonts? hehe

Pam: did Tammi like it? Was it according to the recipe i gave you?

Ruff: Xaby also likes anything with buttons and sounds, her grandpa got her a toy mobile phone but she's since realized it was fake and refuses to play with it and prefers mine or her daddy's.
Happy Birthday to cutey Samuel too


I bought a Ausino Jersey Baby blanket just now
heehee size and thickness just nice. They also have fleece type but think too thick for brennan.
SSL: tts nice.. i always put clarisse in sleeping bag, if during the day i on aircon, then i will use the receiving blanket i bought from motherworks.

Sneaky: how's the party went???

ya happy i found the blanket and its not expensive also.

dont think i can put brennan in sleeping bag cos he always roll about when he sleep. even if i cover him with blanket, it will be off him in a while.

for me day time no aircon cos MIL taking care. so its sarong and fan. night time, our aircon also cooling only about 25degree and fan is on so that when timer is off, it wont be so hot.
Thanks to the aunties who still remembered my birthday!
I am a toddler now and going to be jiejie next yr. FROM J (now known as Gift)
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Mybabydream</font>,


Tt's such good news. Take care of yourself ya</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Happy Children's Day to all our Babies</font></font>

*phew* party has finally ended! it was quite a good one except for some stolen limelight though...

the magic show was rather good. they've entertained at least both children &amp; adults!

i'll post some pictures either here or on my yahoo photos when they are ready.

i'm using blankets i bought from Aussino, Pigeon &amp; receiving blanket from kiddypalace. there's another one which is a gift from my auntie, which i haven't even opened up for use.

mybabydream, congrats!!!
Sneaky: I know what you mean about the 'stolen limelight'. It was pretty obvious when I was there.

Btw, guess who I saw when I went to pick up Carole in Bedok who was doing a show? I saw your magician &amp; balloon scupltor performing the same thing on the stage. haha. small world and apparently, Carole knows them.
Congratulations mybabydream!!!

I'm so exhausted... first time I'm sitting down without Xaby stuck to me. I think it's a combination of her two top teeth coming out, a runny nose and her coughing, but the whole day today she has refused to let me put her down. I had to pee and eat with her sitting on my lap. As soon as I passed her to her Daddy she would start crying and thrashing about... back ache!

Sneaky: aiyo, ignore the "limelight stealer" lah... be comforted by the fact her parents will have a very very hard time dealing with her
when she's older ;-)

<font size="+2">happy children's day</font>
