(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Puea: injection is gng to be done by my BIL, who is a GP.

sneaky: Taka itself level 2 got one tea Lounge. where else in Taka good to go?
CM :

on venue, how abt Marche? i think it's quite baby friendly... and accessible enough. of cos i still prefer Holl V but can't think of a restaurant
Just wondering...
Do you abstain from these things cos of BF :
- Coke
- Coffee
- Tea
- Garlic??

or what do you abstain from??

ruff: from the list i think i did not take coffee n coke so far.

pammie: Which Marche? Heeren? isit Pram friendly? Marche food too continental leh. how abt a plc for tim sum? or cakes etc? both sneaky thinking of Coffee Club at Wisma Atria, if not will be likely at Taka, cos more BB friendly.

Adel: where did the Aug/Sept mums went for gathering? good plc?
Long time no log on. hope that everybody is doing well with motherhood.

hope you have recovered. I too fell ill, think some how after 1 month confinement, the body some how cannot take heaty/bu food.

appreciate your help in updating my gal's stats :
at birth : 3.3kg / 50 cm
at 1 mth : 4.7kg / 56.5cm
CM -

Depends on whether bride/groom allow kids at wedding or not.. we had a wedding last mth, they specified no kids so didn't bring her. Another one coming up, they say can so we're bringing her. just remember to bring extra to keep warm cos' those hotels can sometimes b v cold!

I didn't abstain from any of the food u listed.. I take 1 cup of coffee every morning n one cup of tea around 5plus in the evening.. coke only as n when and garlic probably all the time. Y is garlic not allowed??

CM - Coffee CLub so small - can they seat so many of us ?.. for Marche, i thot at least there's a wide variety for Mummies to choose from mah, and the place is big enuf for prams etc.. either suntec/heeren is ok i believe. anyway just a sugg.. the aug/sep thread moms went to Taka's breeks (lvl 5).
Ruff and everyone,
I have heard that we shldnt eat garlic as we will haf Body Odour in future. Not sure if true, but i nv eat garlic just in case.

Not adviseable to do so.. afriad tat they will turn their head face DOWN... have to be very careful ya..

If u still wana eat the dinner peacefully, better not.. haha.. and if u wana bao three person's angpao den ok lor
taobaby,Garfield and Fiona,

I should say Bfing Realli realli helps in slimming down!! I now can fit into my old 3/4 pants liao!! keke so happy! but as for tight dresses.. havent try yet.. :p
i not very consistent in bfing one, most often fm for my gal. But i gonna try the OTO Trimax, hopes it will help.

I let my bb sleep on her tummy.... old people will advise that, they said their children all sleep like that, then bb will not feel scared.
And really, my baby tends to sleep longer in that way.
Thanks for the advice.. cos my girl get scared easily.. then have to carry and pacify her.. another reason is that I scared she vomit while sleeping then get choke.. happened twice last nite.. then my CL said could be colic.. thats why she vomit her milk out.. after applying oil on her stomach and made her burp then she no vomit liao..

thats what I heard also.. thats why wanted to try.. but hubby not really wanted to try... shall monitor her and see how..

its normal for bb to spit out milk after feeding.. and burping is important too lor.. dun worry, she is fine, normally boys will have more colic probs than gals.
try to burp her in between feeding ba.. last nite i latch Alden on, for awhile liao den he unlatch himself, i try burping him straight away and u know wat, he burped so hard tat he spited out soo much milk!!! i believe got 40ml ba.. wetted my shorts and bed ah... i so sad...
I see.. we got burp her leh.. but sometimes burp her for about half an hr still dun want to burp lor.. we tried to burp her in between feeding.. but she will doze off and refuse to finish her milk.. sigh...
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">San</font>,

Is not advisable to let BB sleep on their tummy unless their neck is strong enuf to support their own head &amp; can turn their head. This is to prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)</font>
ling: sorry.. have been busy over the weekend.. so didn't come in at all..

erm.. aug/sept mum went to breeks at taka.. we can try coffee club.. the food there's not bad..

frankly speaking.. if u all want to meet up, right? should meet up in places like taka! its child friendly.. plus the nursary room is big enough and well equipped.. esp to those mums bf bb..
holland v.. i would say.. ain't tt child friendly.. and what if u need to bf? i dun think there's any secluded place for ya wor..

how about meeting up on wed... u all decide on the location. am ok with any place.. will be driving..
ya.. thats what my hubby said too.. thats why he not into the idea of letting her sleep on her tummy.. actually my girl quite strong leh.. she had been trying to lift her head up liao.. she just 2 weeks old.. today asked the massage lady to do baby massage for her.. when the massage lady put her on her tummy.. she try to lift her head and use her hand to push herself up.. hehe
kuririn: its not really due to colic then bb vomit milk out but rather its coz she is not burped properly.. try this.. after u burp her.. let her sit up for a while before laying her down onto the bed.. for colicky baby like mine.. he will keep on fussing until his stomach is not painful! and he will keep on crying.. so gotta carry him in such a way whereby his stomach is resting against mine!(tts what aug/sept mum taught me) and it works!
pammie: is Breeks good? Marche suntec?i think heeren better... if not Breeks oso ok. kekek..

Tao baby... lol.. no lah garlicf dun contribute to bad odour lahz. its the meat

Fun: likely to be a lunch or tea outing, dinner loads of ppl ard, and transport for many will be an issue.

Outing: Wednesday 16 Nov? ok with u all?
Clarisse Mum - 16 Nov/Lunch or Tea/Taka Breeks or Heeren Marche
hmm.. true.. cos my girl very difficult to burp one.. sometimes can burp for half an hr still dun wan to burp.. sigh... my CL also taught me to hold her that way.. another way is to hold her in such a way that her head is on your shoulder and her tummy on your heart.. that way she will also calm down..
ling: Breeks alright.. definitely big enough.. heeren.. marche is alright except tt its a bit.. smoky leh.. erm.. one more question.. what if u gals need to bf ah?

Kuririn: mmm... am facing a colicky baby everyday now.. when the sun sets.. my nightmare begins! so u can imagine.. my fear.. tonight is alright coz i managed to coax him to sleep still.. phew..but he is waking up soon.. so scared can't get him to sleep back again..
i'd prefer breeks at taka cos Marche staying inside Marche makes our clothes, hair and most importantly our babies stinko leh...pls count me in, Ling!
Adel, whwn u drive, u put the baby in the car seat in the rear alone? Is that safe? I was wondering how to take my baby out after the confinement if I have to drive somewhere alone.
I asked a day or two ago if anyone has had their massage for those with c-sec wound? If so, after how many weeks?
I am fine with any day for the outing.

I won't be driving, most probably carrying the bb in sarong. Btw, I oni noe how to carry my bb in sarong in one position i.e. the lying down position, in other words, i can oni free one hand, with the other hand supporting my bb's head. Am interested to learn the cradle position which I can free both hands. If anyone of u know how to do this, can teach me when we meet up?
adel: level 5 of taka got BF room? i likely to bring along FM so i am ok..

yesterday afternoon onwards i was looking after my girl myself, cos CL finally left me
sob sob.... now i like a zombie manz.. kekekek..tks god, my girl feed was like 12 am, 5am and 8.30am.
not tt bad. but her sound while she made while stretching always woke me up.
i carry her till my left hand is aching!

Sneaky: i went taka yesterday.. kekkekeke.. i bought the Sarong liaoz.. kekeke.. yuppie!

Outing: Wednesday 16 Nov? ok with u all?
Adel - 16 Nov/lunch or tea/Taka Breeks
Clarisse Mum - 16 Nov/Lunch or Tea/Taka Breeks
Sneaky - 16 Nov/lunch or tea/Taka Breeks
Fiona - 16 Nov/lunch or tea/Taka Breeks
fiona: i also know how to carry baby in the sarong in 1 position. we shall explore with ling when we get together, k???

ling: whahahaha...finally...what colour did you buy? i will still bring my pram along cos i don't wanna get tired carrying him leh...

today is our appointment with the PD. will update on his growth when i get home... :D

as for the outing, i think it's better to be tea time cos if lunch, most of us will not be able to fill our stomachs if baby fusses...
Sneaky: tea how abt 2pm? cos after lunch time.. wont be too crowded.. i am not driving, still not very confident, cos my girl fuss alot and she cant sit still, i scare she cries, so i am not gng to bring a pram. just the sarong.

Date: 16 Novemeber, Wednesday
Venue: Ngee Ann City, Level 5 <font color="ff0000">Breeks</font>
Time: 2pm

Clarisse Mum

(pls add on for Mummies who can join us)
I will bring along my EBM. It's convenient to get hot water from the restaurant to warm the milk.

Ya, we shall exchange tips on how to use the sarong.

How r u gng to bring along ur pram if u r not driving? Isn't it heavy and troublesome to carry the pram to take public transport?

Clarisse's mum,
I am fine with the timing and place. See u all then.

When u r alone with the bb, do u have problem pushing ur pram up and down the escalator if the lift is not available? I am still not confident to do that leh. I am always afraid that the pram will topple down.
hi everyone,

Do you have problem with milk flow? i am very vex about my supply. anyone stopped feeding bm already?

i feel very useless if i cannot provide bm to my baby... my hubby is very supportive. i feel that i will fail him and baby if i dun feed bm anymore...

i am now expressing my milk for baby as she is not confused with my nipples and teats of bottles already. but my supply is getting lower and lower... feel like crying. Aye...
driving: erm.. yea.. i think its possible to leave him at the rear! after all.. its a safety infant car seat mah.. hiak hiak.. and must drive safely to be safe! jus make sure bb is fed le.. then let bb sleep during the car ride.. then he will look fresher.. and wun be so grumpy lor.. haha..

using the pram on escalator: its really easy.. so shouldn't cause a lot of problems.. just hang on to the pram tight!

ling: nursary room is on the 3rd floor.. so.. its really convenient! am bring my breasts along! haha... dun have ebm.. and will bring milk formula as well.. coz he is always less patient on latching on.. so.. i will latch him on after feeding him milk formula! hiak hiak.. half half!
my milk supply also not alot.. my hubby also very supportive.. so I just pump out whatever I can for my girl lor.. usually I have to combine to pump sessions for 1 feed.. at least she gets some better than nothing.. try to perceiver..
Hi mummies,

Do you bb have little white spot in the mouth?
Looks like ulcer so far I see 2 in my boy's mouth.
Can clean off or how to treat it?
fiona: i'm gonna drive, therefore, no fuss...if really inconvenient, i'll put the pram back into the car and use the sling instead...

i also have low BM ss. Now i latch Brennan during day time as and when he wants. sometimes until evening time bo supply, he will cry and cry. then i will supplement with FM. And next feed will try to latch him and if not enough, another FM top up. Max FM supplement is 2x.


I used to pump and latch when CL is here. But now, no time at all to pump. Unless i feel engorged. Now that i'm also latching him for last feed and wee hours feeding, no more engorgement.


Brennan also had that white spot. My MIL said its like ulcer, cos we didnt clean probably so caused by the milk. She actually use hanky and rub that two spots to "break" it and let it heal. Of course got blood lor. Now ok liao. so i make sure i really clean his mouth as clean as i can now. But if u afraid, can bring to PD to see what they can do for your boy. MIL said its like ulcer so sometimes when drinking milk, may cause pain lor.
Mummies who had CL help, then cant handle after CL left, decided to hire maid to help out.

Does it really help? Think me the next one to consider this option. Though MIL comes to help everyday, i have to do the rest of the stuff which i have it very tiring. MIL does the cooking usually.

Any maid agency to recommend. What are the charges like har? Maybe can post here or email to me at [email protected]
taobaby: lots of meat with contribute to BO. drink more water.

Sneaky: I taking bus.
its ok.. i bring her in sarong.kekekke..

Date: 16 Novemeber, Wednesday
Venue: Ngee Ann City, Level 5 <font color="ff0000">Breeks</font>
Time: 2pm

Clarisse Mum

(pls add on for Mummies who can join us)
I got no choice.. when she is hungry, very difficult to latch her on.. she simply refuse my breasts.. so no choice have to pump lor.. now my girl is on FM most of the time..
kuririn &amp;ssl: whats there to be upset about? hiak hiak.. am also the same.. i know tt all mums will wish tt they can go on tbf! am the same.. my boy.. has got no patience to latch on for my bm so i gave him half FM then after tt.. when he is a bit groggy.. burped him le.. then latch him on lor.. at least got BM better than none mah! dun be upset ok? u are not alone..

ssl: trust me.. its better to have a maid at home.. even if u are a sahm! at least the maid can take care og general household cleaning.. and could probably can help you out with some feeds!

I know what u are going through. Brennan also super impatient one. he will latch and unlatch many times when my milk flow is slow. bo bian lor, gotta fight with him....


u also got maid hor. she does cooking? And she washes all BB's clothes as well? How much agency fee did u pay and how much is her salary. Sorry me ignorant when it comes to maids.

Currently i have those part time cleaner to come twice a month (used to be once a month) to clean my house. But its still the daily washing of me and hubby's clothings as well as bb's clothings after each change. its so tiring.

Huh, my maid wont be able to help me feed BB cos me on BF heehee. think night time i will also feed him. Btw, so your maid sleep in one room? or she sleeps with BB. I only got one extra room which is the nursery room. really sim tia if let maid sleep alone
But i dont think i will let BB sleep with maid at night. Currently me sleeping with BB in nursery and hubby in masterbedroom.

Btw, anyone knows that if we hire the maid, and wants her to do housework at another location (eg. inlaw house at times), we can tell agent and how much extra do we need to pay har?
ssl: yea.. she does cooking and general household cleaning thingy.. of course she washes bb clothes as well.. i think her best trait would be washing of clothes.. i have got so many pieces of stained clothes.. which i wanted to throw away.. she actually managed to wash them all clean. haha.. erm.. i paid 88 bucks for agency fee.. one time only. so now.. paying 200 levy and 350 her pay. tts about how much i spend on her monthly. erm.. of course tt doesn't include her living expenses.. her toiletries and etc.
my maid sleeps by herself.. coz bb is sleeping with me. dun think i will let her sleep with bb.. coz i want bb to be close to me mah.. haha..

and alsoo.. for the maid doing housework in other household is definitely not allowed. even if u pay her extra. it is against the law.. unless u are really tt good with her.. or rather trust her.. coz if things turn sour.. and she goes complaining about u guys.. she can always say tt u guys made her clean 2 household!then u will be in serious trouble le.
Re: BF, during my first week after coming home from the hospital, I was also stressed because the baby refused to latch on. I tried to pump as much as I could, but the supply was really dwindling because of the stress. The more stressed you are, the worse the supply is. Therefore, try to relax and let the baby suckle. Otherwise there will be no let-down and the milk will not flow. Very very important to relax and not get stressed up.


i thought i saw it somewhere that as long as we include the other household address in the application (then its known to the agency but must pay abit higher la), its ok. maybe i misunderstand.

she is philipina? u get to interview her? whats het exp like? how fast did u get her?

think u can PM me the maid agency contact? thanks
