(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

ya lor.. u all go ahead first lah.. my confinement will only end in end nov leh.. my confinement lady leaving on 29nov.. will join u all for the next gathering lor..

ling: wah..you describe that as engine overhaul ah...keke...i've started right after my postnatal checkup and when gynae said we can start doing "it" already...it was during the 5th week...after doing "it" hor, a little funny tingling sensation leh...1st time a bit scared and stressed...keke

fiona: Pampers last for the whole night??? i don't think my boy will accept that cos it's very heavy in the front and it's sitting on his bird bird...i've had him experiencing discomfort and cried big time...the moment i opened the "3kg" soiled pampers, he stopped crying liao...
poor kuririn... ekekekkee..

anyone game???? when? lol.. adel u set date and time.. set plc later.. but will be in central lor.

some plc for food n tea etc.

InterCon Hotel - Thurs or Friday
Marriot Hotel - Any time
other plcs??? pls suggest.
hiak hiak.. doing 'it'? hehehehehehehe...

erm.. ling: u gals wants it next week or what? am ok with whichever timing one wor..
hi everyone, i have jus given birth on the 2nd of november, my edd was suppose to be on the 28th of oct. anyway, after the birth of my girl, i really realise that being a mom is the hardest job in the whole world. i really need advice on breastfeeding and i hope mummies here can help me. from the lactation consultant in tmc, the correct way of breastfeeding is to let my girl suckle on the right/left breast for at least 15mins and then the left/right breast for at least 15 mins, then pump the remaning milk out. but my girl only wants to suckle for 10 mins at most on one breast, that left me no time to proceed to another breast. no matter how i tried to wake her up or feed her, she refuse and will kind of like choke on the milk by coughing. this makes me really dissapointed on breastfeeding her and thoughts of stopping breastfeeding kept coming through my mind. also, i do not wish to feed my girl on expressed breastmilk but what should i do with the expressed breastmilk if i were to pump out cos of engorgement? throwing it away is kind of wasteful. i hope experience mummies here can giv me valuable advice. pls email ur advice to my email add, [email protected] as it is easier for me to check my email. thanks a million!
PM: there is no diff from drinking from ur breast n drinking from bottle.
mine girl drinks EBM from the bottle and she latches on when i am trying to heat the EBM up. dun give up on breastfeeding, we are all once like u before.
its a matter of time before bb gets use to it... patience ok!
Jia You
but i am concern about the expressed breast milk in the fridge, the nurses told me at most it can be kept for 2 hours. but my little girl feeding time is kind of irregular, sometimes is 2 hours interval, sometimes its 3 hours. if i pump out the milk and keep it in the frige, not freezer, how long u mummies keep in the fridge? and can i warm up the expressed breastmilk using hotwater? i have another question, my girl needs to go for her jab on the 6th of dec, is it cheaper if she receives the jabs at polyclinic? how do i go about doing it? jus bring her to the polyclinic on the 6th of dec with her health booklet will do? or mus i pre-register her?
but i am concern about the expressed breast milk in the fridge, the nurses told me at most it can be kept for 2 hours. but my little girl feeding time is kind of irregular, sometimes is 2 hours interval, sometimes its 3 hours. if i pump out the milk and keep it in the frige, not freezer, how long u mummies keep in the fridge? and can i warm up the expressed breastmilk using hotwater? i have another question, my girl needs to go for her jab on the 6th of dec, is it cheaper if she receives the jabs at polyclinic? how do i go about doing it? jus bring her to the polyclinic on the 6th of dec with her health booklet will do? or mus i pre-register her?

Ya, I was quite shocked too, the GP's charges are so much cheaper than Dr Terence's charges.
Maybe you can check wif the GPs around your area see how much they charge.

You decide to go to the PD beside Lot1?
Fun: whahaha... ok lahz. once once a blue mth.. moreover we ke lian leh..... suffer one full mth.. better eat one time shiok one. kekeke

PM: 2 hours? no ... 2-3 days in lower compartment and freezer will be even longer.
Dear all Oct mums, I'm new to this thread. Hope it's ok if I join. My EDD was supposed to be 28 Oct and I have been reading your postings. Really envious that there is a support group ongoing. Anyway, I delivered on 1 Nov (via c-sec) as baby was past due but wasn't engaged. I still hope to join the Oct thread since I was reading it instead of the Nov one.

Precious moments: I have problems breastfeeding too, but am trying real hard to perservere. Don't give up on what's best for your baby. I know it's tough-I'm also facing it, but tell myself not to be too stressed up, otherwise milk production really dwindles.
buffet? not thinking of losing weight after delivery?hahaha...btw, if u r gng alone and not gng, how do u carry ur bb pram?

I go out alone with bb sometimes and I dun drive as hb using car. I usually carry bb in one arm and my bag in the other arm, find it quite troublesome.
preciousmooments: i keep my ebm in the fridge for max of 3 days. so far do not have extra ebm for storage in freezer but i read tat it can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 months.
u can warm up the eb, by soaking the bottle of ebm in hot water.
i bring my gal to polyclinic for her jab cos it is cheaper as compared to my paed. Just call up the polyclinic to make apptm then bring along ur bb BC and health booklet to the polyclinic on the day of the apptm.

adel: onz lah!! then i will eat all these...safe even for bfeeding hor??

Clarissemum: u dun stress..i dun have extra bm at all. Just tat my mil looking after my gal at nite and she feeds my gal with FM. So every morning, i will pump out and keep in the fridge if it is not time for my gal to feed yet. tat is why i have bm to store in the fridge. If i bf her during the nite, i will not have any extra bm at all to bf. me thinkg of taking fenugreek to boost my milk supply so tat i can have ebm then can go out shopping or work (after my maternity leave) with ease.
ling: if not confident, better not do it...but my gynae said it's safe to do it from 6th week onwards...

garfield: do you have any links to information about fenugreek. i thought of taking it too...what are the pros & cons ah???
Dolly WELCOME!!! ekekkekee

fiona: carry one hand meaning u will hav to carry bb throughout....
i can bring my pram along. no problem. i have a direct train to orchard, if not i can take bus too.
losing weight? eat first lose later. .whahaha... kekkeke

garfield: i am thinking of asking tt from my gynae to boost the supply as well. i got a hard time catching up with her demand.

sneaky : noted
garfield: thanks for the link. i will go get it today...i hv the same thought as you...it's better to wait till your supply is stable before consuming it.

ling & fiona: i bought the sling and it's quite useful. i will bring along to show you all when we meet, k? i'm game anytime and anywhere!

can try the ameda pump at breast feeding support group to see and feel the effect b4 u decide to buy. was using medela dual but bought ameda, more gentle on nipples and can get more milk somehow. the motor also not as noisy.


i bought the tollyjoy warmer but used once and put it aside coz milk was too hot when the indicator light changes to green. Still doing the conventional method now. faster too. i also let bb latch on like clarisse mum so bb remember how to latch on, and appease her b4 ebm warms up.

charlize's 4.96kg and 58.5cm at 1 mth. thx for updating.
sneaky: Taka sell the sling? if yes i will go buy. kekek.. TAKA got any plc for mummies to sit n eat n talk? i cant think of a plc there at all.
i know intercon has big big space. kekke..

sneaky, can u keep the drypers for me?
i take all.. whahahaahhaah

Jenifur: Clarisse, 4kg 52cm

kaoz mine a fat girl!!!!
Jenifur, my baby was born on 1 Nov 05 (EDD 28 Oct). Her name is Christine. Weight 3.61kg, 50cm. Please add to the list. Thanks very much! I think Kuririn is not the last now ;-P
ya lor.. ya lor.. hehe.. but our confinement should ends abt the same time.. just 1 day difference.. haha
Clarisse's Mum: comparing my delivery date with Kuririn's. Mine is still a day later than hers.

Kuririn: Yes, our confinement ending around the same time, so I guess we can only sneak out after that. Hopefully, by then, we'll be brave enough to bring our little ones out!
hehe...my confinement ends tomorrow and my bb gal full month celebration is tomorrow too.
i bathed & washed my hair just now using boiled water with rice wine! yeah....feel so shiok. from today onwards can bathe liao.
hi gals, what actions have ur taken to slim down ah? Though i am still in my confinement, but i felt quite depressed when i couldnt fit in my old jeans.
Can we go for jogging right aft confinement? Do ur intend to take any slimming pill? Any good methods to slim down?
so paiseh...so many qns:p
Tao_baby: i gained a total of 20kg for my pregnancy and now at the end of my confinement i lost a total of 10kg. Still got another 10kg to lose. Of course very low morale. sometimes when i looked at my figure, really feel like crying!!

i went for C-section, so i was advised not to exercise for at least 3 months...so dun think i will exercise for the time being. Me dun intend to take slimming pill cos i bfeeding my gal, not good to take pills if you are bfeeding.
Intend to take note of diet from tomorrow onwards (since confinement ended liao and i took a lot of tonics during my confinement) and together with bfeeding, hope will be able to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight before i go back to work.
ya lor.. hopefully my hubby will allow.. haha.. just had my massage.. shiok.. hehe.. tomorrow going to wipe body and wash my hair with herbal water.. really looking forward to that.. cannot tahan liao..
Hi All,

Just finsihed reading all the postings finally as had been busy taking care of my bb this week as my mum needs to go back home..So all have to qing li qing wei.

I may want to go to the PD [the one beside Lot One] for the injection.

I have checked their rates and find that the polyclinic is more expensive [dun know the polyclinic nurse got quote me wrongly or not].

Below is their charges [the one beside Lot One]:
Hep B - $55 + 5% GST
5 in 1 - $105 + 5% GST
6 in 1 - $140 + 5% GST

Polyclinic charges for 5 in 1 is $295. Hep B is $10. They do not have 6 in 1. Anybody who intend bring their baby to Polyclinic injection can advise me whether the charges that I have written is correct?

I managed to post the tel no. of the clinic as it was in bold and red. Only finished readuing today, so I dun think u need the opening hours as you have went to see the PD liao, right... So how is Clarisse?

I also want to join u all for the gathering but my confinement only end ard end nov...sob sob...Kuririn, I also same same as u...
Nuttnuts: i was quoted roughly the price that u mentioned for polyclinic. wow...that means polyclinic def confirm not the cheapest. I thought it is cheap. hmmm...in that case, will bring my gal to polyclinic to take the 2nd hep B jab since cost $10 only.then will go source for other clinic for the 5-in-1 jab
at least not just me.. hehe.. nevermind can always organise another gathering after our confinement.. hehe

If I dun remember wrongly, the nurse at hospital told me that hep B jab if go polyclinic take can deduct from medisave leh..
i have tried mamy poka, pureen, fitti nb. pureen is very losu, gets wet easily, not absorbant. if i use mamy poka, i will change after 2 feed. if pureenm, after 1 feed.
Just something to share..For those who have a problem latching on (like me), I tried using a nipple shield and it works.
Just to share: The polyclinic price is a package for 3 jabs, but the PD is $100+ per jab, so polyclic is still slightly cheaper lor...
<font face="Calisto mt">Finally got time to log on after few days. Hv been sick plus Janelle have been fussing *haiz*

Keep me update of the meet up. Will try to make it if it's in town</font>
i gained 15kg, lost 11kg within a mth. i guess malay massage, lack of sleep n bfing helps to slim dwn. though i weigh 49kg nw, i still look plump, n def cannot pull up any of my old clothes, veri low morale too...but i gave myself 6 mths to fully slim dwn to old fig. i will wait 4 3 mths later then do ex. dun b in the hurri to do ex. our womb nids time to rest too.
Hi Gal,

U order Neo Garden for your buffet... Can I know that that their vegetarian dishes, do they put garlic and onion in their vegetarian dishes? Can I have the contact of whom u liase with as thought of using them for my bb buffet?

What are the other dishes that is recommended?

Clarisse's Mum,
You oni went there for consultation?
How abt injection? Haven't done?

Thanks for the info.
Hmm... will discuss wif my HB and then decide to go polyclinic or the PD beside Lot1, since WTP mentioned tat polyclinic charges is slightly cheaper only.
ling: yes, the sling is available at taka...i show you later when i go to your party, k?? i will also bring along all the drypers for you later...as for where to eat with the presence of potentially crying babies, i'm really at a loss too...

Garfield and Fiona,
i gained 20kgs. I only managed to lose 10kgs, very upset when i couldnt fit in my old pants and jeans. Got to buy new ones i guess.
Agreed malay massage realli helped!
