(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi everyone,

I am a new member and my bb girl is also born in June 05. She is turning 5 mths on the 14th. It's nice to learn from all the mummies here what their babies are doing at this age. e.g. starting on solid, swimming, different types of classes etc. etc.

Paiseh...i read wrongly.

The class is conducted every Wed. There is one on 23 Nov, 9.30am.

Hi bbrooster
Welcome...my boy is 5mth now.
U also interested arh.. But the message n website states that Kindermusik is suitable from birth.. If from 6mths onwards, they should state clearly lah, otherwise so deceiving.. Imagine we attend liao then they say its actually nt suitable for our bb cos they too young!

Yah, Shane told me tat we are on waiting list. So far no news from them so i dun think we can attend. Will have to wait for the next round liao.

Re enrichment classes:
I will be sending Sherilyn for trial class at Gymboree, Kindermusik, BJG and GUG before i make an assessment which one to sign up.. Any of u also interested? Maybe we can form a trial class on our own?

5 mths then can go swimming arh? If tat is the case i shall wait for another mth.. Anyway year end liao, weather getting cooler. I also dun want Sherilyn to fall sick.. She still suffering from runny nose lei.

Ur gal is enjoying her activity time! Sherilyn doesnt realli like the 3rd hand exersaucer passed down by my sil's fren.. 2 of the removable toys are missing and the rest of the 3 toys attached doesnt catch her attention lei.. She seems to prefer the safety first exersaucer cos more toys and e colours are brighter and more attractive. Too bad its at my parents place so she onli gets to play wf it once every week.
Hi everyone,

Long time never log in. I was down wif flu the entire week since last week. My boy oso kanna a bit from me.. so poor thing.. Luckily he got well from his jab fever already before he kanna the flu...

Anyway i called for the baby massage but class already full.

I'm interested in signing up the Gymboree leh... but that class can take in above 6 or 9 months.. i cannot remember...

Robinson's still having th 15+5% sale.. and John Little oso having sale 20% on nursery items..

I'm still looking for a walker for my boy.. I saw one that is similar to the exersaucer from the Fisher Price catalogue but cannot find in shops here leh...
hi mummies,

went for the kindermusik trial. i find it not too bad. kinda fun. they play some music and mums will do some dancing/activity with baby. can be quite tiring. too bad it's out of budget for me if not i might sign up. i did speak to the pple there whether possible to have a gp trial for us. They don't seem keen cos their classes are starting next week. Nevertheless, they'll still check for me. So if there's any updates, will let you mummies know.

let my gal try the exersaucer at motherworks, she seems interested in the toys, but her feet can't touch the floor yet. anyways, also out of budget for us
so no exersaucer for baby hee hee ...

I hv let my boy try rice cereal already. He seems to like it but it can get really messy during feeding. My boy simply can't stay still during feeding and its impossible to feed him by myself....need another pair of hands to help....my pd also said to NOT feed brown rice first...shld start with normal rice cereal. BTW, I am feeding him frisocrem now...


Bought the fisher price one from robinsons on Thu. we only got 15% discount cos no ocbc card...saw the safety first one too but thot the fisher price is better cos it can bounce n has lights n sounds...altho' it has lesser toys as compared to the safety first one. my boy seems to enjoy it a lot


Lately, my boy somehow learnt to scream...he will scream very loudly and at a very high pitch too...he does it when he is happy, when he wants attention and sometimes even when he is grumpy...don't know where he learnt that from..any of you guys experience this with your bbs?
<font color="0000ff">Exersaucer</font>
Today happily went down to Robinson, hoping to get the safety 1st exersaucer but it is OUT OF STOCK!
Anyone knows if Isetan or Tangs has this?

<font color="119911">Screaming</font>
My boy doesn't scream but he will blow his saliva when he is angry...

<font color="ff6000">Solids</font>
I haven started yet...deciding between Heniz Rice Cereal &amp; Frisocrem. Any recomendations?

Do you add in milk for Frisocrem? Rmber the instruction behind state to add water only right?

Just passed by and saw that you have brought your ger for swim. Can check wif you where did you get that float (in the photo) for her? Me thinking of bringing my-coming 4mth ger for swim but can't find a suitable float. I like your float alot

your girl girl got runny nose? Must take care. Ever since the last time i pass the flu bug to my girl, I bought mouth masks. So every now and then when i start having flu, i wear the mask. My girl must be thinking that I'm a nurse..haha

Actually the exersaucer keeps her occupied only for a while, she still prefers to crawl around the bumper mat. I guess it's less confined to her. I'm always changing her from 'station' to 'station' to keep her occupied. Tough job.

I'm also feeding my girl frisocrem rice cereal once a day. I started with gerber rice cereal with ebm but she didn't take a lot. So to avoid wasting ebm, i give her frisocrem which had milk in it already. will try giving her gerber again when she can take spoon feeding better.

I bought it at Isetan. Good for baby swimmers to get used to water.
babyjun, my gal already started this "screaming" tone when she was 3 mths plus. She scream when she wants milk or sleep. So fierce hor
No, I din add milk for Frisocrem. Yes, the instructions behind state to add water only cos Frisocrem already contains milk. I hv tasted the Nestle and Frisocrem rice cereal before and both taste not bad actually.

Your gal does the same thing too ah...? dun know where they learnt it from hor?
Hi bbrooster,
Welcome to our June mommies family.. It's realli great and benefical for all of us here cos we can learn and share abt babies and lots of things under e sun.. Keekeke..

Re enrichment classes:
I went to GUG today to find out abt the trial classes. Their programmes are suitable for 8 mths old babies n above. Anyway the person nt realli friendly. Told me that the waiting list is very long and its nt possible for them to conduct trial classes for group. It will be based on first come first serve basis and subjected to availability, ie. when some parents are nt able to make it last min cos gg overseas or bb sick, etc... So i dun think its possible for us to arrange for a gp trial.

As for Gymboree, I haven had time to call to find out abt the trial class. Anyway i will try to call tomorrow and see if we can book early for the trial class in case its overwhelming and we will be delayed.

How much is kindermusik charging? Hopefully we can get a trial session so tat we can assess which is the best programme that is suitable for our bb hor?

Seems like u have a few toys in mind to get for Esher hor? Read from another thread that u like the FP toy also.. Keekkee... Wait for Christmas sales! Then u and hubby can each get Esher a present! Hahaha...
U also bought the FP Jumporee? Here's a pic of Sherilyn's first jumpee in her Jumporee..

I think someone mentioned that Isetan also selling the SF Exersaucer.. U managed to get it??

Re solids,
I bought my gal Earth's brand organic whole grain rice cereal. My mil is gg to let Sherilyn have her first solid tomorrow! Too bad I cant be ard to give her the first feed. Cant imagine her expression and reaction.. Kekeke..

Wow, wear mask? u realli take precautions hor.. Me bad mommy cos i will nt wear a mask. At most, i will try to stay away from her but i dun think i bear to isolate myself.. I have been giving her flu drops, think she has just recover..

Re screaming,
Aiyoh, ur babies so guai now then start screaming. My Sherilyn amplifier already kicked off since birth lei.. The way she scream realli scare and put off pple.. Always scream &amp; cry, cannot tahan her.. Sometimes i myself also find her quite a nuisance when she super cranky..

Ur gal so cute...
ur maid was carrying her when I collected the octotune from u izit?

Yah, I bot the FP exersaucer but its not the same one that Sherilyn has. We bot the one that is not so 'bouncy'and has more toys i.e. the one that cost $129 b4 discount. We were afraid that the one that Sherilyn has may be too 'bouncy' for my boy and he may end up bouncing non-stop :p!!
babyjun, think she learn from the elder boy at her babysitter's place. Luckily she did not cry if not i sure go mad hearing those high pitch sound.
She only scream in a loud tone or kept grumble loudly while waiting for milk.
Heard that it is good to have an elder one at home so that your child will copy &amp; learn from them faster like talking, standing....etc. Is it true?
tomatoes, you can find that float in kiddy palace, cost 9.90. Some places sell them at $12+. i bought a float for my girl at kiddy palace yesterday too. That one has a shelter over in case it's too hot. haha.. want her to be fair fair... brought her to picnic once and though she wasn't in the sun, she came back like red lobster.

re: screaming
cheryl started to scream recently too. Yesterday, she was screaming away when we were at causeway point. in the morning, brought her to church for the first time and thank God, she didn't scream there. hee..

shane, thanks for checking for us regarding the trial class.

went to my friend's place on sat and she had everything from exersaucer to bumbo to bumper mat to farm house and mini sofa, etc. etc.. see photo of cheryl in her exersaucer. i didn't buy also cos too exp and as for bumbo chair, her legs got stuck cos too fat and she dislikes it.

Morning mummies,

Sherilyn is getting prettier and prettier ! She's also v fair ley. U always say she is not.

Ya got alot of toys to buy. Cos i feel there's nothing to stimulate her at home. only got mimi and octotune which she can't play with yet. also thot of getting for her at Christmas but by then quite long liow ley. from now till then, she got nothing much to play with.

ok got to go pump. catch up with the rest of the post later. will update the growth chart later as well !
<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy Nick</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Birthdate</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>3 mths</TD><TD>4 mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/57cm</TD><TD>6.3kg/60cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/63cm</TD><TD>7.3kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.745kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/61cm</TD><TD>7.85kg/66cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Cayden</font></TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>7.5kg/69cm</TD><TD>7.5kg/70cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg</TD><TD>7.5kg/62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg</TD><TD>6.79kg/61cm</TD><TD>7.5kg/62cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Rene</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.84kg/60cm</TD><TD>6.8kg/60cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Justin</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg</TD><TD>6.04kg/63.8cm</TD><TD>6.42kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg</TD><TD>6.2kg/58cm</TD><TD>7.25kg/62cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg</TD><TD>5.7kg/62.5cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamci</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jacia</font></TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>3.26kg</TD><TD>6.12kg/60.5cm</TD><TD>6.6kg/61cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yippy</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Shawn</font></TD><TD>26/06/2005</TD><TD>3.33kg</TD><TD>6.9kg</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg</TD><TD>6.1kg/60cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aariz</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>2.31kg</TD><TD>5.5kg/62cm</TD><TD>6kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adriana</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg</TD><TD>5.86kg/58cm</TD><TD>6kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ryan</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>3.68kg</TD><TD>6.97kg/62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">JX</font></TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>3.48kg</TD><TD>7.3kg/61cm</TD><TD>8.2kg/65cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>3.55kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/62cm</TD><TD>6.2kg/64.5cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Shekinah</font></TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>3kg</TD><TD>6.2kg/62cm</TD><TD>6.66kg/62cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ian</font></TD><TD>07/07/2005</TD><TD>3.25kg</TD><TD>5.5kg/60cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Growth chart updated !
Did I miss anyone out?

i saw the FP jumping toy that u bot for sherilyn. I let Esher try, she quite interested in the toys but not jumping.

the exersaucer doesn't keep Kayla occupied for long ? maybe i should just skip that. you bot the baby einstein one rite ? u very she de ley !

wow, cherly is tall, her legs can touch the floor already when she's in the bumbo. Esher one still cannot.

see you all start solids, like so fun. Feel like giving Esher as well. i saw the Nuby feeding bottle in robinson (the one recommended by Zoe Tay). Anyone tried ? is it really as useful as it seems ? want to get that to feed solids to Esher when it's time for her to start.
pls help update nicole at 4mths: 6.45kg, 65cm.
Thanks for update on ur tel. got it!

I've the FP Kick &amp; whirl carnival. It's nicole's all time fav toy and mummy's too! Cos it keeps her occupied for long long time!
Wanted to get exersaucer or FP jumping one. but $$$. so giving it a miss. HB and I make out own. hold her on armpits and bounce her while the other party hold toys in front to entertain!

Heard the longer we delay the solids up to 6 months the better. give bb a chance to fully develop stomach. So I won't be feeding her that yet... (partly also mummy lazy to start preparing!)

Anyone still on TBF? And your bb is pooing once a week only? Nicole poos once a week. But each poo is SUPER DUPER CHAMPION poo. Looks like she pooed all her guts out kind! HAve to delicately balance the diaper as I walk to the bin!
Yup, Sherilyn was wf my maid when i passed u the octotunes... My maid just love to carry her ard.. Dunno whether she realli has affection for my gal or just trying to siam carrying diaper &amp; shopping bags..

Thanks for ur compliment on Sherilyn! Hmmm.. wonder if its the effect of her milk bath at home.. I find that she is getting fairer also and her complexion is much better also.. At certain times of the day she still look dark lei...

Esher also like the Jumporee? Sherilyn was so happy with her jummpy ride yest nite.. I think she played too much so did not have a gd nite sleep yest. Kept crying in her sleep..
noted the update. Will post the table again when i gather more updates.
nicole is a tall gal!

hey, the FP Kick &amp; Whirl really entertaining ? me very tempted to get it ley. sigh but i missed the 15% from Rob already. Yday was the last day. Hope got 20% soon, then i might really get it.

Yup heard that as well that y i'm holding back, tho' the temptation is very great. hee hee...

When Esher was on TBF sometime back,also like that. Poo once a week. And when she goes, it's like ALOT. ha ha ... think on the bright side, save diapers !
could be the milk bath ! wish i had that much milk to bathe Esher in it ha ha .... SS dipping ! *stressed*

She likes the toys, was grabbing them but didn't jump much. maybe she still don't know how to.
mckee, how much did you pay for this? my bb loves to kick... shane, thanks for the link. Intellitainer looks like exersaucer.
the intellitainer really VERY expensive I think... So powerful... like all in one for ALL FP toys!

Kick &amp; whirl is good cos it has 2 modes. one is for music for 5min non-stop. Then reactivated when baby kicks. the other is music for half a min I think, then reactivated when baby kicks.

thanks Nicole is tall maybe cos she has been kicking? haha...
ur ss manageable? Esher putting on good weight, so shows ur ss is good!

forgot to mention... sherilyn is really very pretty.
very girl too! Are u still bf-ing her? how's it going?

FM samples
anyone signed up for Similac samples? Wah their service very very impressive. After I signed up (some cut out from magazine) in July, received CD w baby music. Then nurse called me to encourage me to con't BF. Today, she called again, to ask how's everything, then if I'm going to con't BF. Said if I was, she'll call again next year, so that sample will be appropriate for nicole.
Not hardselling at all, but I was so impressive w their followup calls, I think I might just go for that!
I got it as a gift! I figured it was the best toy gift ever! It costs abt $79 I think. Then when the time is right, like robinsons' sale, can get up to 25% off. Can use up to 2 years, cos it can change mode to something like a console for baby./toddler to play w the balls.
One thing though, the music is a little irritatng... a little high pitched
ya i reckon the Intellitainer gg to be real expensive as well. it looks like so much fun !!!

hey the kick and whirl sounds really fun. encourages leg power ! sigh... so so so tempted to get it. Yes it cost $79.90 ! you're lucky u got it as a gift ! hmm, ok will check out OG and see if there's still 20% or not.

ya ss manageable but the usual grouses, can't pump enuf when i'm away from her. she only exclusively on mummy's milk when i'm with her.

talking abt music from toys...
i so dread the day when there's lots of toys all over the place and each one gives out their own music. i really hate that, gives me a headache. so next time Esher can only play with 1 toy at a time. mummy can't stand too much noise !

FM sample
ha ha... i got that CD too. i called for a sample when i was abt to rtn to work to save some money but they couldn't give out step 1 FM. so gave me CD instead. They said they will follow up with me again when baby is abt 5mths or so, so that they can send the step 2 FM to me. not too bad at all....
i'm still on tbf. she poos quite regularly. in fact every morn she'll visit the 'toilet'. When she wakes up, she crawls to one corner of the mattress and poo. afterthat, she crawl to my side and wake me up. she dont dare to lie down back scare the poo kenna her backside. hahah.. very xiaojie right.

no choice leh.. my hubby prefers the einstein one. wanted to get evenflo one which is slightly cheaper but he said einstein one looks more colourful and interesting.. he pays so everything also ok to me
anyway it doesn't keep her long coz her attention span very short for each station. Her favourite station is 'ME'. when she sees me, she wants me more than any other activity centres..hehe
btw, do contd recom those interesting toys which can keep them occupied. Dont want to waste money buy toys that look fun but in the end babies not interested. I think sometimes the prob is we buy toys we like but not our babies. The other day at mothercare, i let my girl choose a soft toy, she stretched out for the same toy even though i place it away from her in different angles. So they do have preference.
FP toys,
I have always been fascinated by the Kick&amp;Whirl. But bcoz i already have the Playskool's Tummy Time Gym at home, didn't want to spend additional money on that!

You guys saw the Intellitainer?? Impressive rite!! Instead of getting the exersaucer, I seriously want to get my boy the Intellitainer. Been scouring the entire Sg for this toy but it doesn't seem to sell anywhere at all!! If any of you do see it,let me know...coz I really do want to get that for my boy... but of course lah,must see how much first *gulp*

here's my boy and his mini "intellitainer":
Hi gals,
here are some pics of Ryan in his exersaucer n his mimi..the pic of him with mimi..dun realli looks like him cos the way he smile..


anyone started to give rice cereal liao?

i hve let Ryan tried some over the wkend..he rejected it on sat,n gave mi this funni look...
but on sun,he more willingly to take some..

btw,i bought this plain organic rice cereal..i think is gd..cos it is vv fine in powder form..but is ex..
rice cereal,
i started giving to Riz since last week. Started out with just half teaspoon to see how's his reactions. So far so good. He seems to love it! In the beginning I don't givehim everyday see if he got any constipation. So farnone. Then I increase his intake to 1 full tablespoon. I gave him Frisocrem.
just talked abt similac and today the person called me for follow up but too bad i was not home

and talking abt that... prices for milk powder went up !!! went to get a tin of similac at NTUC, it was a whopping $30 bucks !!! the last time i bought was abt $28 !

very siong man...must really keep up with partial bfg, if not milk powder cost is very high !

so all TBF mums, should feel v happy, u all really save alot !!!

ha ha kayla so cute, still can wake u up to change diaper. she's really such a fast developer. must be very fun playing with her now.

ya ya ... must share wat toys are gd. if not really waste money. there's just too many enticing toys out there.

can't agree more abt buying toys we like more. one gd e.g. is mimi and octotune ! i think me and hubby enjoy pressing them than Esher. I doubt she knows wat they are all abt ! ha ha ...

my guess is that the intellitainer is the same price as the bb einstein exersaucer if not even more ! it's really so cool. i also want to get it for my baby if it's affordable. i really doubt so cos it's just too 'powerful' to be afforable. the kick n whirl is already $79, what more the intellitainer ....
hmmm, so u couldn't find it in stores? did u try toys R us ? also gd lah if can't find, then we wouldn't be tempted ! ha ha...

oh, Aariz look like he's hvg fun with his tummy time gym. i really think Esher needs sometime like this to keep her occupied and develop her motor skills as well. sigh, mummy was just too stingy yday ! if not would hv gotten the kick and whirl for her!
Ryan has an exersaucer as well ! he enjoys playing with it ? ha ha... he look so cute with his blur blur "y u taking my pic" look hee hee...

Frisocrem vs heinze rice cereal
wat's the diff ? one has milk and the other no ?
I tried in Kiddy Palace, ToysRUs, Robinsons, John Little all don't have. Don't have also better, otherwise, parents like us burn our own pockets..haha

Like for myself, I sooo crazy about toys. Every weekend go out looking for new toys for Riz. My husband already "give up" on me... he always tell me, lucky we not rich otherwise I'll buy over the entire toy stores in Singapore...hahah
Later the toys all I have bought not for Riz to play, but for myself to play... haha
Wow, all your babies like all very well-entertained! Can swim, play in exersaucer, have different play stations, play gym, educational dvds...... My poor Justin is dire need of toys! Poor him, mummy still have yet collect his long-awaited octotune from Serrich, coz daddy very busy with work. The other day he was in his pram in MRT train and was staring at a little boy's toy bear while he only had his blanket to play with. He looked so poor thing leh.... somemore the little boy showed off his other toys.

RE Poo:
Mckee, so gd your gal poos once a week. LV, your gal v good also leh, poos every morning with signal somemore at least u can anticipate her poo. Mine still poos like 4-5 times a day. And if i give him one formula feed that day, he'll give me a superduper biggie poo.

U take care of your gal 24 7? She's so close to u, it's like she is yr one big fan!! I'm taking care of Justin all by myself and it seems he has no loyalty one. His daddy can make him laugh very easily. He smiles at anyone who coos at him. I dun think he prefers to look at me or search for me lor.
Ryan looks so comical in the first picture! So cute! Where do u get the organic rice cereal? I heard from my colleagues that Nestle cereal q sweet and Gerber tastes bitter. So i'm looking ard for other brands.
I am on TBF, my boy only Poo once a week...sometimes can stretch to 2weeks. His poo also SUPER...a lot n very SMELLY. It has been like that since he is 2mth.

Sherilyn is so pretty....Isetan has SF exersaucer? Ok i go n see...since i have a $20 voucher. Tks!
I also nt sure whether its realli e wonders of the bm? Actually a lot of folks were telling me thou she's quite tan at birth, she will become fairer as she grows... So dunno if its the myth or the ebm that makes wonders?!

Thanks for ur praises.. Sherilyn is now on total ebm liao. She just refused to latched on anymore.. Realli hands up to this little impatient gal of mine duh.. Very inconvenient for me now tt she dont latch on anymore. I always have to bring 2-3 bottles of ebm out when i bring her out. Sometimes my breasts so engorged that I gotto hand express in toilets.. Everytime need to carry my pump wf me cos i gg to parents place, grandparents place, etc.. Will need to express out.. Sometimes I realli wonder y i wanna make my life so difficult. Time is p need to pump.. Need to transport the ebm here and there..

Wow Ryan is so cute.. He got miss my Sherilyn or nt? Haven meet up wf u guys for quite a while liao hor..

My mil gave Sherilyn the rice cereal i bought from Tanglin Mall today. She was crying and screaming like hell when they tried to spoon feed her. Maybe she tot that they are feedin her medicine. My mil no choice gotto resort to bottle feeding her instead. She managed to finish the 5 oz of ebm w 2 tablespoons of rice cereal.

Thanks for ur compliments on Sherilyn.. Want to book her for ur boi? Kekeekke.. Yah u can try to check wf Isetan whether they still have stock or nt.
