(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Snowpooher, I think for most cases, first time will be painful. Well, some may not. Depends on individual.

Folic, very tired hor? So did you bring your stroller/pram along? For me, I only bring my sling to carry bb, heavy load man! After a day of shopping, me like old woman liao (hand muscle and back pain).
hi friesbandit,
which postion of the sling are you referring to? The kangaroo hold or cradle? For kangaroo hold, i rest the back of his head against my chest. As for cradle hold, i didn't master it cos he refused to be put in that position.
As for adjusting / tightening the sling, don't put the entire tail. If you need to tighten only one part, just tug that side of the tail (don't know how to explain it well)

This is Joshua looking happy in the sling
Who's asking about car seat huh? can't find the original post
Anyway, I am using Britax Safe and Sound, bought from baby kingdom for 240 bucks. New born to 4-5 years old.

hi there,
friedbandit, when i'm at home and i'm nursing, i will express on the other side simultaneously. but that's cos emma will usually only drink from one side and she's full already! but even if she wants more, and i find there's not much milk then i'll give her (from bottle) what i've just expressed.

joyce/friesbandit, yeah...the first time we did it was 6 weeks after i delivered. it was painful too, and when i pee-ed after that it hurt like mad!!! but subsequently was ok. that reminds me...must buy a new tube of lubricant!

folic, becos of having to nurse her, i always go to shopping centres these days. the other day i tried to nurse her at Genki sushi, but like everyone suddenly staring like that,,,in the end i felt so uncomfy i stopped and brought her to the nursing room. i don't mind if it's just with my friends around but i guess when there are strangers watching (and some Singaporeans can be quite ignorant!) i still feel quite pai say.

omg, just don't go to too crowded places lor...weekdays are generally ok. i'm usually at United Sq (my recent favourite haunt!) or Great World or Tanglin Mall cos these are less crowded than town. but if in town, then i'll be at paragon or isetan scotts cos they have nice baby rooms. Taka's also very nice but too many people. weekends we will avoid town cos super crowded.
hi qdee,
hiaz, look nvm mind, but stare n point is "chao ji sianz", coz i dun look chinese. imagine the looks on their faces, trying to figure if i m the mummy. their logic is "fair baby + tan mummy does not equate
for me , i dun look @ other ppl's bb hahah coz have to concentrate on my own bb if not wait stroller go out of direction.
got one, alyssa was sleeping, my hubby was taking care, which ever direction he turn, she go n stand in front n c bb.. a bit psycho right ?? then hubby went to pay for items, i was @ another place. when came alyssa was awake n i saw a pissed off hubby.
he said he was signing for my clothes when the lady went n make noises to play with her n wake her up.. a bit extreme right. if she's awake ok lah, but sleeping ????

hi qdee\omigosh,2mths fly pretty fast hor.. hiaz... bought clothes @ isetan.. spend money again
i need to get a new set of bras also.. frm B cup upgrade to C cup liao.. i tink...
i weighed myself today
@ 55.5kg , a far far cry from 48kg. my waist is 30inch.. hiaz pre preggie is 25 inch

my arms r disgusting, trying to do some arm exercises to firm them up.. flabby n big like nobody's business

hi joyce,
hehe started making out @ 6 weeks , was painful.. 2nd time wasn't tat bad..

hi friesbandit\snowpooher,
know what u mean, the pain was quite startling !! haha my whole body stiffen !! didn't know how to react :p

hi jannie,
$200 budget ,itz best if u go n touch touch n feel feel the car seat :p the sales ppl quite obliging :p coz sometimes u might not like a particular fabric.
like my boss, he prefers velvet. i dun like velvet, prefer mesh fabric..

hi tiny.
totally agree with u tat sg ppl r ignorant !!.. they get a facination with babies n breast !!???
alyssa has this habit of nuzzling into my chest when she's having hiccups.. this middle age guy sat opp us n look stare look stare.. hiazzz feel so paiseh. shifted her on my shoudler, forcefully nuzzle her way down to my chest again.. give up .. n act blur
Ahhh...Ashley woke up for her night feeds 2 hourly!! So i woke up 4 times at 12MN, 2+am, 4+am &amp; 6+am..it WAS already just 3am &amp; 6am. <font color="ff0000">WHY like dat???</font> But then she didn't cluster feed yesterday lah. I wonder wat awaits me today

Hi Doll,
me too leh...waist 30 now...used to be 23-24

weight now 51..used to be 43-44

i think i'll NEVER regain that..but hope waist can at least go to 25-26.

Ehh...the strangers u meet quite bian-tai leh! Where got ppl go &amp; wake other ppl's baby up one??? Last time my HB also..wake Ashley up when he come home..so i made him let her sleep again---&amp; he never woke her up when she's sleeping again!

Hi Tiny,
Thanks for the recommended places. How do u travel? Cos some places u mention (Tanglin mall, Great World) not very accessible by train leh.
Hope today can go &amp; get the stroller/pram..yday raining so didn;t go.

BTW, how do u express &amp; feed at the same time? How do u hold her &amp; hold the pump?

Hi Folic/Tiny,
How do ur hubbies react when u nurse in public?
My HB very averse to the idea leh..even gotta close the main door when i nurse her in MY OWN living room (my sofa quite a distance away from door leh)
Once i did it in polyclinic, &amp; he was soo super uneasy..i wasn;t even showing anything!
Hi mummies who use EBM,
is there a metallic smell when u warm up the EBM that has been frozen for >2wks?
i think someone mentioned b4 also right?
Is it normal?
But i threw them away (quite a few bottles of ~80ml leh)..cos i can't stand the smell!
good morning all,
omg, i think it was folic who mentioned the metallic smell. which brand of bags you use for storage? or you use bottles only? the last tme i warmed up from the avent and medela bags, it seems ok. i didn't smell it, and she took the milk like nothing wrong like that...so i dunno. but i seem to notice it was a little oilier when i washed the bottle.

i will hold her with her body slanting down to make space for the pump. may have to hold the pump a little sideways too, but as long as the milk can still flow in. somehow i find that i also can pump more than usual when i do that, i think cos the let down happens at the same time?

oh i drive when we go out, so i jus strap her to her car seat. regarding bfing in public, my hubby is ok with it if there's really no choice. just find a quiet corner lor. actually it is quite discreet don't u think? when my friends bf, i also can't see anything what! i mean, unless you're very bian tai and go and stare during latching on and off, if not there's practically nothing to see! but some pp still stare lor.

mummies who use sarong slings, you can bf with baby inside isn't it? i bought the one from MIM but i still dunno how to use it. that time when i tried she hated it cos she was 'lost' inside. so now i use the carrier (like the haversack kind in front ) instead. she likes to look around leh.
Hi Tiny,

I use glass bottles (those formula bottles they use in hospitals) &amp; Medela bags (not using nowadays). The metallic smell came from those in glass bottles.

For the Medela bags, do u tear the bottom or use scissors to cut? Cos the manual say NOT to cut, must tear..do u know why?
&amp; Can we immerse the medela bags in HOT water? Manual says warm water--think that'll take ages to warm up the milk!

The carrier that u use...u mean u can put Emma sitting upright already? Her head steady? How many wks old is she now?
My baby carrier manual says can only use that upright position when baby is 4mth old, so now gotta use the carrier holding her in a cradle.
hmm...i'm not sure abt the glass bottles cosi freeze them in bags. for the medela bags i think they say don't cut cos maybe the scissors not sterilised? my friend told me that the reason why they say must sterilised is cos bacteria is easily introduced into milk. that's why like when they take solids don't really need to sterilise the bowl/plate/spoons but milk bottles should. so i guess that's why we must tear and not cut. i think only lah. actually i do use hot water to warm it up. you're right, warm water takes too long...by then she'd have cried her eyes out!

the carrier i use is Evenflo brand. it's called 'Snugli'. we first bough and used it when she was about 6 weeks i think. later i resize a photo and show you what it's like. when she wasn't so steady yet, i would hold her back to keep it close to my body. like hugging her like that, you know what i mean? but at least it frees my hands if i need to carry other stuff or push the pram. now (she's 11 wks today!) now much easier cos she can sit upright (with support behind) and hold her head, so when she's awake i can also put her facing the front in the carrier. more things to see, mah so she's very happy. what brand is your carrier?
hi gals
talking abt BFing in public. I have been doing that the very first time we brought Ray out...in clinic, restaurant, shopping mall (where I cant find nursing room)...

I think is ok as long as we are comfortable with it...my hubby is ok with the idea too...well, he said BFing is the most beautiful scene he has ever seen..

btw, I have started pumping out my milk to store. Most of the time I can only get abt 100ml...only if I am superly engorged, then perhaps can get 150ml..Ray shld be drinking arnd 150ml for his age according to his PD.

In this case, can I ask for mummies who is also feeding EBM, do you suppl also with FM if the EBM is under the normal amt your bb is drinking?
My boy sometimes seem to be 'confused' between BM &amp; FM. For e.g if I bottle feed him with EBM, then he will refuse to drink FM. It will takes a long while to coax him to drink..anyone having the same problem?

btw, today is the third day liao. Ray hasnt poo yet..
Hi gals,

I am MS Panda eyes today. The princess took her 3.30am feed and decided not to sleep till 630
In between, she pooped, cry, have anothe feed at 5pm, cry cry cry! Sigh!!

omg, yah I noticed that there is a metallic taste but I checked with others and it seemed to be normal. I think the milk absorbed the smell of the freezer. That's why I seldom freeze the milk these days. But now, I starting again, cos YX is on total FM for these couple of weeks.
My hubby is quite ok with me feeding in public. The first time I did it, I was at the Tui Na clinic with YX. At that time, she was colicky and keeps crying. So the only way to pacify her was to latch her. There were MANY people all around me, plus a few parents whose kids are being massaged next to YX. At that time, my main priority is to stop her crying, so didnt think much. After that, my hubby said he was proud of me. I feel a bit awkward though, I guess I was nvr fully comfortable nursing in public.

Tiny, I am opposite from you. I feel less uncomfy when there are only strangers around me. I mean, I don't know them and they can't comment much to my face anyway. But if they are frens, I feel more restrained, especially guy frens.. jus strange!
But with frens who does b/feeding, I am totally comfy!

lbs, If Ray is still on full BM, I will not suggest supplementing. Jus give another EBM when he next demands it. How old is Ray now? The poo pattern usually change at around week 6. I was worried last week cos she did not poo for 3 days also. But that nite, when she pooed, it is the biggest load I have ever seen! Look out for your big present from Ray soon!

hi folic
Ray not exactly on TBF. He has been on partial FM on &amp; off. If he is not full, he wont be sleeping or will wake up in between sleeps. Sometimes can be quite cranky too.I am also worry if he is not feeding well, this may prolong his jaundice further..

Ray is in his 7th week. I did check with PD &amp; she said bbs on BM mostly will have lesser poo in certain time. But seeing him gek sai until his face all red, my heart really aching..~sigh~
Also, he does fart a lot nowadays..sometimes can be a bit smelly..Maybe I shld bring him to Tui Na again cos the Chinese physician actually told us that controversial to Western doc, it is not good if bb no poo for days lor.
lbs, I know what you mean about gek sai. That is the main reason that is making YX cranky these days. Actually, from western medicine perspective, they will consider the baby as constipated only if they have not pooed for many days and the stool consitency is hard. For YX, her stool has now become stickier after taking formula milk and also grown darker, instead of mustard yellow. My hubby is changing her as I typed now. I jus cleaned her after a big poo. She did one time last nite at 4am and now again. But she did not go it for the last 2 days liao. Hopefully, she will sleep better tonite. I might bring her to tui na again.

Good evening mummies!
Finally brought Ashley for her 2nd HepB jab..delayed for 3+weeks cos of her fever &amp; throat infection.
&amp; finally brought her out shopping &amp; bought a stroller! But must practise using it at home b4 can use outside..i'm a tech/mech-dummy

hi Folic,
EBM absorb smell of freezer?? sounds a bit unhygienic leh..dun thk i'll freeze them anymore
u use bags or bottles?
I thought last night i wake up 4 times very kelian..i think u more kelian, being up for 3 full hrs
Let's hope our princesses behave better tonight!

hi tiny,
i find if i tear the milk bag, it's even more unhygienic.. very difficult to tear!

my baby carrier is Ninna Nanna (Jap brand)..i think it's under Combi. The manual very difficult to read..it's in traditional Chinese!
&amp; i find if i carry her cradle in the carrier, very boring for her leh.
yeah, pls show the pic of Emma in ur carrier

Hi lbs,
The normal amt for baby also depends on frequency right? Cos if 150ml at 4-5hourly..it may be equivalent to 70-80ml 2-2.5 hrly right?

my Ashley also will gek-sai until face red red, in the middle of her feed..so she'll unlatch &amp; relatch a few times..&amp; then she'll swallow air &amp; then she'll be cranky after dat if there's difficulty burping
omg, I jus slept for about 3 hours in the afternoon.. feel a bit more lively now
I use bags. I stoped storing today liao. The discussion about the smell reminded me on why I don't really like to freeze the milk. It is a bit wasted to pump and throw but bo pian lah. Hope my SS will go down soon. I am quite irritated with the engorgement and leaky breasts.

I pray hard that there will be peace tonite for all mums and all babies sleep through the nite!

hi all
I 've learnt from my mil to feed my baby with lotsa water each morning if he has not poo-ed for a few days. It actually helps to "clean" out his intestines and the poo will then come out watery + less painful for him too.

hi jannie
I did not see any s sized nepia. I think they oni have sizes from M onwards. Anyway, my baby outgrew S size when he was less than 2 mths old, so my advice to all is NOT to stock up on S size diapers. Now, he 's outgrowing the last few pcs of S sized Pampers premium that I have left. I have switched to all M size diapers liao. My boy now weighs 6kg at 2 mths and 13 days. Is this considered big?

When I go out shopping, I realise that babies smaller-sized than him can already support their heads, whereas my baby's neck is still not strong yet. sigh, his head is big and heavy lah.

hi friesbandit/ joyce, my 1st time making out after birth was also very painful, that I stopped halfway. now still feel needle-prick pain at times, does anyone here feel the same? I feel paranoid that my wound will burst if "over-exerted".
so been rejecting my HB a lot of times, so much so that I feel rather guilty leh.

I am still 5kg &amp; 7 waist-inches away from my pre-preggie figure. sigh, now can oni look at pretty clothes and tell myself to work harder to lose more weight.
hi Elle

My MIL specially bought the jing feng shan at $18.50 per tiny bottle and insists that it is locally produced and therefore safe, so she will let him eat whenever she bathes my boy (once a week only). In fact, I also tasted the powder, seems quite alright and baby seems to like it too.

hi Jannie
I bought my Nepia M sized pack (51 pcs) at $15.95 from ntuc.
oh dear... seems that the first time will be q painful. Make me even more scared leh. I'm afraid of the pain, so till now still dun dare to try.
Oic.. so some of you already started making out.. me sooo bad.. haben do yet.
My hb must be starving badly.. lol
And also hor, I'm worried wait *miss fire* again... si bei kia. I DUN WANNA 3RD BABY!!

But then, have you mums decided on which contraceptive method? I've decided on Implanon (spelling?) A method that using a needle to insert in our upper part of our arms, can tahan 3 years.

Sooo happy, last night my Jonas missed the midnight feeds and slept for 7 hours again!!
Hoping the same for tonight.
hi gals,

My gynea was telling me that for those who are still bfing, the vaginal will be a bit dry hence it'll be painful when making out.

oh good news, i can fit into my pre-pregnant jeans
Aiyah, forgot to ask...
did you mums notice that your baby's fingers, What I meant was in between the fingers is very dirty, something like a *thread of dust*..
aiyah dunno how to describe lah!

AND.. AND, which brand of diapers is the BEST har??
hi babygrace...not sure which hold i'm refering to for the sling either! but the tip on pulling only 1 side of the tail helps...we thought that mite help...but it was quite hard to pull. will try again.
and congrats on fitting into ur jeans! i tried mine on...and sigh...the buttons &amp; zip still cannot. quite depressing. i'm surviving on my mid-pregnancy clothes now. i'm 5kg away from pre-preggie weight.

can i ask when does the brown line down the middle of the tummy disappear? it's quite ugly...and makes my tummy look so dirty.

hi folic...i think it helps if u see another mom v hiong bfing in public. after i saw the hip mama bfing in Crystal Jade, i not shy liao. i was at ikea, and i bf ignatius in burger king. heh. some pple made some rude comments, but i just ignored them. after all, i did it in one corner. didn't bother them!

so wat mthd of contraceptive is best? my gynae told me coz mine is ceasarean, cannot get pregnant for 1yr. like joyce, i also scared miss fire! heheh...then dunno how the wound will hold the next bb.

hi tiny, i'm impressed u manage to bf and pump at the same time! the last time i did dat, i needed hubby's help. but i agree...when bb latch on at the same time, can pump more due to let down. anyway, ignatius now drinks from both sides during each feeding session...so i can't pump anything after dat. sigh.
{? think the threads of dust comes from the mittens...cos i find that after i stopped letting her wear mittens, no more. either that or is it his skin peeling? you know like they 'shed' their embroynic skin?

hey you see, jonas is sleeping thru the night already!
so folic/omg...don't fret, your turns will come soon! just give them time and when they're ready they will on their own. remember how i tried to shift emma's feed time using all sorts of methods, and they all failed? in the end i let it be naturally and after a few days it just happened lor. so since then her last feed is at 10+ and she gets up at 6 or 7+, which is perfect for me

friesbandit, i think it's cos emma is a small baby...
and the line down my tummy is still there too! my gynae says about a year leh.. and there's a nursing room in Ikea by the way. And here's a very useful link for all bf-ing mummies.
there's a list of nursing rooms in singapore. i make sure i refer to it before i step out of my house!

looks like some of your babies only poo in a few days. emma is still poo-ing about twice/thrice a day leh...is it normal?
hi omg here's the picture of emma in the carrier. it was taken on 29 mar, means when she was 2 mths (she was born on 30 Jan). we were at a hardware shop in greatworld and i gave her a paintbrush...so funnnneeee!

ps: she's a bit small so her mouth hidden inside. but later i found out can fold the top part in so that her head can stick out! haha. silly me

ps2; i 've seen the combi carriers. they look bigger i think. i didn't get cos i couldn't read the instructions and had no idea how old it was for! isn't it all in Japanese?
Joyce, I had those thread also. I think it is the threads from the mittens

Tiny, I certainly hope so. YX is very clingy the last two days. Refused to be put to bed to sleep. I think she missed being latched on. So sim tia! sigh!

Hope it will be better soon!

Morning mummies
Hope you all had a great weekend!

haha..I havent try out my pre-preggie clothes yet...Dun dare to lar but I have abt 3kg to lose now...

oh..me havent make out with

hi Joyce
envy-envy...though Ray is a day older than your Jonas..he is STILL on his 3hrly at night...hopefully before I back to work, he can skip his night feed already...

Hi folic
oh, so now you not latching YX anymore?
Ray still hasnt poo..already made him drink lots of water..~sigh~

hey Tiny
Is that you with Emma? You look slim ler!
litebreeze, thanks for the info on nepia. i have decided not to let my boy use the s petpet anymore eventhough i have just opened a new pack. the elastic side is cutting into his thigh.. dunno why my mom insisted that he can wear... but yesterday, after she saw the red marks, she also say better dun wear... i dunno how heavy my bb is leh... i guess he should be ard 5kg or a little more (he was 4.1kg at 1st mth, he is 8 wks old now)... m size is a little big for him but i think i will let him use M instead of buying another pack other brand s size...

joyce, u had c-sec, right? you should be able to resume sex life earlier than those who had undergone normal vaginal delivery. anyway, did your gynae tell u the side effects of the method you mentioned? now i think is the improved version.. last time, need to have 5 tiny metal sticks implanted on the underside of your upper arm, can last for 5 years. my sis had them, but the side effects were irregular menses, bloating, weight gain, and some other minor things.... hopefully this improved version is better..

talking abt waking up for nite feeds..my boy had started to wake up every 3-4 hrs for nite feeds a few days back.. but these few days, he is back to every 2 hrly.... dunno what happened...

folic, dun throw away your EBM lah.... so wasted.. i want to have more also dun have... i take fenugreek, eat cod fish almost everyday also no help...store your EBM in bags instead loh.. can bottle feed her EBM instead of FM in a few weeks' time, correct?
hi tiny thanks for the link. actually i know abt it, but was too lazy to move my butt from BK. heh. just finished my lunch. also, the room at Ikea stinks of soiled poo-ey diapers. i love the room at Centrepoint. u gals shld check it out. it's fantastic!

hi joyce, ignatius also wearing mittens, but i dun see any threads. last time when he was still shedding his skin, got some skin that got rolled up when shedding so maybe look like threads? could be skin shedding.
Good morning mummies!

Think it was mentioned previously..but can ask
<font color="0000ff">Any idea how much the 5-in-1 vaccinations cost at polyclinic?</font>

Ashley was 'back to normal' last night..cluster fed from 7+-10+pm, fussed til 11+pm, slept til 4+am

Hi Tiny,
i hope my turn comes soon (baby sleeping thru)!

Emma looks so cute in that carrier
Her motor skills very good leh..can grasp so well at 2 mths &amp; her head looks fairly steady too!
&amp; ur arms look quite slim &amp; toned at 2 mths!

The combi carrier that hb bought has chinese manual..but i read until blur cos dunno the terms that they use for the carrier parts
&amp; then yday bought a combi stroller (hb likes the suspension system
)..hope there's english manual!!!

Hi Friesbandit,
i'm also wondering when that ugly brown line &amp; stretch marks will disappear..or at least fade away???

Tiny: one year???

Hi Joyce,
Ashley also has those white stuff in her finger web-spaces..just clean it out lor..i think it's common.
I also scared miss-fire leh..tell me more abt this implanon??? I dun really lke using condom &amp; not so disciplined in using it..the result-->baby Ashley

BTW maybe u'r right abt day-time cranky--> better sleep at night

Hope all babies r well-behaved today!!!
Hi all,
When do u express breastmilk?Just b4 feeding time or anytime then store in the fridge?After taking out from the fridge,how long to put in warm water b4 feeding the bb??
Tiny, have you regain back your figure liao? Your body like very well-tone leh. *envy envy*
I am still 4kg more than my original weight !!! Last time was 52kg, now 56kg ! Arghhhh...dunno when will i lose this 4 kgs !

Am amazed that emma can grab the paintbrush so well. My gal still can't hold anything yet.
Seems like a baby carrier is better than a sarong huh. I will go n buy a baby carrier so that i can bring my baby out more often! Now, i only can afford to carry her downstairs walk walk for a while. Carry too long my hands will ache...hhehehe

Oh as for sleeping through the nite, my gal managed to sleep through the night since she was 1.5 mths. So usually her last feed will be around 11-12 pm and she will sleep till 6-7 am. And now she is on full FM feed leow, i have stopped bf cos am working and also living @ my inlaws place temporary, very inconvenient to bf.
Hi Bonnygal,
I'll express anytime..normally after her feed cos she'll empty one breast &amp; sometimes a bit from the other side, so i'll express from the fuller side. Some days in the morning when i'm super-engorged, i'll express b4 her feed.

I'll put on HOT water..not sure how long, maybe ~5mins, until the milk is lukewarm.
steamboat, did u do anything to train your girl to sleep thru the night? i tried to feed more during the day but he still wakes up for feed every 2hrly (FM at night). he will drink only abt 60-80ml and refuse to drink anymore... resulting in every 2 hrly feed loh.. how how??
Jannie, yah, c-section. But I've no mood to do it. Seems like my desire has gone down a lot. So tired after a day of *Ah sham* job.

hmmm... Ohmigosh, maybe I'll tell you more after my checkup with my gynae,ok?

lbs, my Jonas is very cranky at daytime, that's why he's so played out during night time.

Last night not so bad too, my Jonas slept at 9 pm something, woke up at ard 1 am for milk, then slept again till 6 am somthing.
actually i didn't really train her leh. You can try using a very dim light when it's time for her to sleep, to let her know that it's sleeping time.
Another thing i find out is that she tends to sleep better when i co-sleep with her on my bed. So usually she will sleep in-between me and my hubby..
Hi Joyce,
Heheh! No problem, thanks!! Ehh..i tried doing it over weekend..pain leh!

Hi Jannie,
i thk we same same problem..Ashley will refuse to drink after ~80ml then will feed more often.

But fortunately *cross my fingers &amp; toes* at night she'll cluster feed (that's tiring though!) to store her reserves to manage a 5hr interval.
Dunno when she can sleep through without having to cluster feed??
Hi Tiny, Folic et al,

I BF my bb in public when she was merely a wk old. I Bf in restaurant, clinic (in fact in front of her PD), taxis, while walking etc, i even BF her when nurse was taking her blood to test the jaundiced level. No one not even the nurse know I was nursing her until one nurse even asked me why i carry her so low.
Normally i will carry a receiving blanket and cover the upper part of my body with blanket.

My hubby doesnt mind me BFing in public, in fact he finds it *uber cool* :D

Tiny, I used MIM sling to BF too. I can only do it on one side coz the other side has to do a football hold and Nayli doesnt like it.

By the way, for those still confused abt 5in1 and 6in1, I went to my GP today and asked. For 6in1, if bb hasnt been given Hep B in hospital, the 6in1 start at 1.5 mths, then 3,4,5 mths
If bb is given Hep B in hospital, then first jab of 6in1 is at 2,4,6 mths.

So if u hv jab your bb for 2nd dose of Hep B at one mth, then subsequently will take the 5in1 already. Also, the GP said, very high chance of bb getting fever for 6in1.

For 5in1, it's 3,4,5 mths - 3 jabs only excluding HEP B doses.

Price for 5in1 is ard 90 while 6in1 is ard 110.

Hi hi Joyce, last time i used Diane 35 pills, ard 28 bucks per tab lasting a mth. It's supposed to give a better complexion coz after my first pregnancy i had a major breakout. It actually does wonder for the skin. But side effect is that increase in appetite once u stop, fortunately for me, i did not put on weight.

I heard Jasmine is better as there's no side effect and good for skin.

This time ard i think i will try the patch coz need less discipline, one patch one wk
jannie, you can try to let him suck on the pacifier at night (if he's hungry) for a while before you try to feed him more FM.
I guess it's a matter of time that he will be able to sleep through the night. Slowly lor. When u going back to work?

But sometimes my gal also very energetic at night, won't sleep till 2+ am (maybe twice per wk). However, she will still sleep at least 6 hrs which means she won't get up until 8-9 am.

Today she woke up at 6.40 am. Just nice for me to wash up and go to work after i have fed her.
Hi Qdee,
Actually i have no problem nursing in public..have done it in taxi, polyclinic, PD clinic b4 she's 1 mth old. Those times accompanied by MIL (she also never say anything or pop her eyes)..it's my HB who's uneasy.

In fact yday Ashley was hungry at Causeway point, so we went to the nursing room..the 2 BF cubicles were taken &amp; Ashley already starting to cry LOUDLY. So i just BF her in the nursing room, outside the BF cubicle lor (only a couple of parents bottle-feeding their babies)..HB looked quite shocked
Bey tahan!

The contraceptive pills..will it cause changes in menses? Eg heavier flow, cramps etc? Weight gain?
Will the patch cause side effects? Get from gynae only? Or also available at GP?
Heheh..i'm quite clueless abt these..maybe shd ask my gynae!
qdee, omg, i have only tried to nurse once in "public" - that was in the car after bb's 2nd hep b jab. and hubby was already not very comfortable. 2nd time was in the restaurant's toilet. i find it unhygenic but sis said toilet is very clean, got fan somemore... so bo bian loh... just for a little while to relieve the engorgement.

omg, diff pple got diff reaction to diff brands of contraceptive pills. so u gotta try out and see which one is best for you. but definately lighter menses flow, and maybe zero cramps too. weight gain or headaches are also common side effects. some pple even say they have increased bust size!
yups agree on contraceptive pills side effects. i tried 3 different brands before finding one that didn't give me itch, hot flashes, headaches. but it gave me horrific mood swings! now i a bit scared to go on them...
Hi Ladies,

Any of u had this prob? 3 days ago, my boy din poo at all, just once then the next day &amp; it was terribly smelly! Then din poo again yest'day but pass lotsa wind &amp; it's extremely smelly agn! I'm on total breastfeeding...shldn't constipate rite?
My diet's per normal leh!

My boy's 2 mths old 2day...is this supposed to be a transition for him?

Oso, Kaden doesn't reali cry when he's hungry so very difficult for me to tell if he's hvg enuf to drink. So i hv to observe his mouth &amp; the time to feed him.


I cun seem to be able to get a hold of the loose ends too. Ended up pulling everywhere. Do i just fold the ends into half, to begin with? Tried to put Kaden in but tink he's not used to it &amp; i din get it rite, started crying.

My boy's abt 6+kg now &amp; it's reali qte tiring w/o using the sling. Where r u stay'g? Perhaps i can meet up to learn from ya? Can PM me @[email protected]? Thks!

Hi Folic,

Dun wori abt the jaundice lvl. My boy's still little jaundiced...tis is due to total bfd'g. When i brought him to the polyclinic for his 2nd dose Hep B jab tt time, the Doc din allow the jab &amp; referred us to KK to chk as his SB was still 206 after a mth.

Regretted going to KK 'cos they just ask those medical doctors to attend to us &amp; Kaden had to undergo urine test to see if thr's any urine infection &amp; drew blood to test the thyroid level as these may cause prolong jaundice too. In the end, it was ok but they said his thyroid blood lvl's still abit low &amp; asked us to go bk to do a blood test agn next mth. I decided not to go agn 'cos it's so heartwrench'g to see my boy cry'g in pain &amp; hvg to draw so mch blood agn.

He's not as yellow now...slwly subsiding alrdy. My gf's daughter was on total bfd'g &amp; she told me tt her gal's yellowness oni subsided in the 3rd mth.

Hello Litebreeze,

Kaden doesn't wana slp in the cot in the day &amp; loves to be cuddled or rocked. I'm so exhausted &amp; my hubby went to get the automatic rocker but he had to sit in it so not so gd for the posture. In the end, he bought the mobile sarong &amp; so i rocked him thr in the day or else he jus wun slp. It's so tiring!

Nw my plc's in a mess 'cos all invaded by his stuff. Haha!

hello joyce/friesbandit,

me also not yet tried making out since delivery. Dunno why somehow got phobia that the c-sec wound may hurt.

Anyone experience that, does it hurt? Cos even at times i feel stretching pain around the wound area so dun really dare to try out now. Furthermore i still have slight brown dischrg.

Agree with Joyce, after a hard day of looking after BB really no mood liao..

Joyce, i also notice my boy's in betw fingers got strings of dust,gotta scrub then it'll go off one..dunn how come will hv..
