(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hope En gets well soon!

There's a public training of CPR in 5th July (Sat). PM me for details if you're interested!

pax, watched all the seasons but missed the last 6 episodes of the last season. Was hooked on it when i went to Syd (in 1998) when i caught the late nite show.
Came back to sg managed to get hold of the dvds -watched it when i was preg wif Q and N :D
U should watch it wif girlfriends, I did and we love it!
hehe pax, you are not alone.. my first reaction was.. SATC in 1998?! :p

I watched kungfu panda on Sunday tho,it's funny and I liked it...YX loved it. anyone else watched this?

sorry ... wrong year .. i always thot i was in syd in 1998 .. it was 2000 haha but yes first season of SATC started in 1998.

Confession of TV addict :p
folic, watching kungfu next wkend, wait so long coz wait for subsidize tix from company.
The gals watched Narnia - but damn long!
so nice, YX can sit thru the movie. me gg to watch kungfu panda next week cos got complimentary tickets (me not a movie goer). wanna bring cherylin along but she said don't want. ask me go with daddy then come and pick her home. my SIL watched it and she said she laughed till peng. gonna pyscho cherylin to go this weekend..
stephie, initially, yx also donwan to watch. i showed her the trailer on the web and she says she donwan to fight. Then i told her panda fight bad people so she sort of ok to go and watch. She is quite a movie/tv addict, so will sit and watch.. her max attn span is about 1.5 hours.. any longer, will not work either
wow, attn span of 1.5hrs is good leh. cherylin dun like to watch movie/tv (like mummy). the only cartoon she will sit and watch is tom and jerry. other than that, she's not interested in the rest. even her favourite doraemon cartoon can't make her sit down. the other time brought her to watch imax show. for the 40 mins, she either keep talking to me or say 'pa pa' when the sound gets really loud.
u gave me an idea! i've been trying to get M to watch Panda..

hey tupperware got exclusive sandwich keeper and tumblers for Panda
pax! now u got me tempted again. haha!

Hubby brought J to watch kungfu panda y'day.
Our conclusion is that we shall not waste money on cinema tix for him anymore. He's a tv addict at home and can sit thru' a dvd movie but i think the darkness and sound effects in the cinema overwhelms him and he sat and cling on to daddy.
pax, i still hvnt dig out the swim stuff .. sorry .. been rather caught up at home and inoffice. will try to do so tonite.
np. thks a lot for going thru ur stuff jus for me! i'm taking out M's old one. wondering if she can wear, but she would look totally boy wearing that!
FINALLY!!!!!! i dun have to stress over en's hair cut anymore!!!! he sat at the hairdresser's chair by himself just now and went thru the cut in less than 10 mins!!!! only some complaints when the hairdresser accidentally tugged his hair abit hard (in which he will reply "nevermind" when she apologised). my kid has grown up already... to think that i was so stressed for the past week when i decided that i should bring him for a proper haircut after being cut by his unprofessional mother for the last 3 mths.
sigh.. i got hot babe at home again... 38.9 when she woke up from nap.. put suppository 30 mins ago but still quite high.. 38.5 why huh?

jannie, see? en will surprise you one! I am sure the plane ride will not be as tough as u imagine
however, i am sure bbgrace is hoping and praying that J will become like en in the area of haircut soon. hahahaha

folic, yah, he finally agreed to go on a plane with me. agreed only lah.. must see his behavior when the time comes.... getting more and more stressed as the time gets near. but maybe like what u said - he may surprise me. but the "may" does not lower my stress level...

sponge the little girl....
well done En, well done jannie. i also hesitated but was so surprised a few weeks back.
dun worry abt the plane ride. take things as they come. dun stress.

oh dear, hope YX's fever is down now.
hopefully, her fever is finally gone.. last nite.. jumped to 38.9 again at 3am.. inserted bullet and sponge and sponge. sigh! Now fever gone but runny nose. hopefully nothing too serious after this!

yes, i'm still waiting for the day for J to sit quietly for his haircut. Few weeks back, we cut his hair while he was asleep (again) and he woke up suddenly but stayed quietly for daddy to finish it. So that's a step ahead

at least Em's ok with her 1st haircut at JL. We are not taking any chances with her now, got to expose her to hair salons early.

hope YX is better now.

i forgot about that. hehe... it's $12.20. Thanks
bbgrace.. hehe.. blame the lousy courier.. i only found it while clearing my car boot. :p

just took YX to T3 to see doc. right ear is infected due to the blocked nose. hoping not to start anti biotic until Tues.. hope no more recurrance of fever..

oh folic, the doc asked u to hold the antibiotics till tues issit?

tell u all something funny - i got a TTT pillow case for en some time back, and a pooh one for wen. i dun rmber wen using it in her playpen (it's usually on my bed). so 2 nights ago, she was finally using it. and the funny thing is that she got frightened by the big pooh print on the pillow when she awaken to see it in the middle of the night - she was screaming for maid and me when she saw it in the dark. same thing happened just now during her nap. i found it so funny, but mum quickly got another plain pillow case to change. i think she must be thinking that this mummy abit psycho....
haha jannie, fries would agree with you that pooh is scary. ahaha!

yes, doc ask me to observe a few days b4 start anti biotics. i look at the type of anti biotic he gave me i already xian halfway.. one bottle of powder then must mix into liquid ourselves. havent even check out the dosage but seems the cup given is quite big. pray hard don need.
folic, all kiddo antibiotic is like that one leh... mix water in ourselves... and dosage is quite high.. just that if to start right away, the nurse will usually mix water for u on the spot.

last night, AFTER wen fell asleep, she suddenly rmber abt the pillow case and check. after she realised no more scary pooh, she promptly went back to sleep. sigh.... think i traumatised her with pooh....
ok back to being single mom again.
AND Q has a problem wif her teeth!!! ARRRGGG.. of all the days and weeks, it has to be this wk!

folic hopefully YX gets better soon.. with antibio sure will get better faster.
i wan to ask abt sex and the city. u got the dvds? is the movie a conclusion to the tv series?we din watch today in the end, bcos nvr book tix. long q man. luckily got visa signature express q. we watched Narnia and we loved it! gg to get the book fr borders and try to get the lion, witch and wardrobe dvd.
me happy again.
pax, she started teething again for her new set of teeth, problem is her milk teeth have not dropped off yet. As the new teeth got bigger, they pushed off her milk teeth and they are starting to hurt.

SATC - dvds, had them, now they are with dunno who and yes movie is the finale to the entire series. BUt at the start of the movie, it did a summary of the series, so for those who did not watch wont feel that they miss anything.
qdee.... should bring qis to visit the dentist? i rmber last time mine also like that.. then dentist pulled off abt 3-4 teeth at the same time.
yeah appt is for tmrw. so hard to get dental appt ... actually last wk i already booked one but the earliest available is 3 july thot can tahan till then. Now no choice gotta go to the one PD recommended at MT E hope doesnt burn a hole in my pocket.

one more thing i want to declare I HATE ONE PARTICULAR FREAKING IRRITATING SPREE ORGANIZER!!!! nvr read my mail and kept chasing me for my mobile number when i have already given her YESTERDAY and today write to me said i am tiring her out. Go F**K off!

ok feel better!
hmmm actually, i nvr knew the final set will come out b4 milk teeth drop until I see my nieces. Two of them all have this 'prob' of having 2 sets of teeth concurrently. However, no see dentist..the milk teeth jus dropped out.

qdee, what's the dentist's name at mt e? my gynae also recommended a pd dentist called dr elisabeth tan at mt e....
Dr Ja something ... quite unpronounceable.
From Mt E Dental Clinic. She's a pedodontist.

bbgrace, but 6 yr old no crying, no fever nothing suddenly just realised eh grew so big!

folic, i was told by experienced mummies, the milk teeth will drop off after a couple of wks, but Q's milk teeth did not drop off, now almost 3 wks, in fact even after being pushed the teeth are still rock solid!
jan the one i wanted to go initially is at Camden, Kids dentist. The clinic look so nice and kid-friendly. But the booking is super solid - no free slot available for saturdy until Aug.
beta c dentist. my 2 canines did not come up and kena push sideways and above my inscisors buried in the gum. my 2 milk canines were solid. we din no abt my 2 adult canines till a xray for my braces...
finally managed to get en to drink milk from a cup... although it's just 2 oz.. it's a good start. he used to refuse milk from any other mode, other than bottle.

recently, he is into those super hero stuff.... like ben 10, ultraman, power ranger, etc. i try not to let him watch... but only play with the figurines when he is at the cousin's place. then i will use these characters to coax him into doing things...... so drinking milk from a cup is one of them. oh, and hair cutting too
Yesterday was the D-day - dentist day.

I gotta say the Dentist was really really GOOD with children!!!!!!!!!
And Q, in the dentist own words, is a STAR patient.
qdee, did the dentist pull out any tooth?

i just happen to read an article on bringing kids to dentist.. apparantly should start bringing at 2 yrs old... sigh.. but i guess most of us dun visit unless necessary.
jan, no need to pull coz after the panoramic x-ray, doc said enuff space to grow and the new teeth will push the old teeth out anyway. She doesnt want to unnecessarily traumatised her.
But Q did get her teeth polished :D

oh btw the price is exhorbitant! hahaa.
Dental visit - 280, the great experience Q had - priceless!
qdee, at 280, the dentist better be nice! hahaha
Thinking of bringing yx to dentist also but i am so lazy myself re dental. :p Did N also try??


can pm me your dentist contact? I wanna try to bring my kids to dental checkup too... S dun like to let us brush his teeth and he only suck his toothpaste only... I can see plague forming on this teeth
poohy, try this to see if it works.. i read it from mag and tried on yx and it worked.

I will let YX hold the toothbrush and then let her brush. After that I will tell her to let me have the brush so I can check. Then as I check, I will either say she did a good job or pretend to suddenly see something in her teeth and asked ' did u eat spaghetti jus now? I can see that!' she gets quite tickled by that and would then let me brush without much trouble.

Have not seen u in school recently.. YX was off for most of this week due to fever and last week, she was crying her eyes out cos liu laoshi not there. today, refused to get out of car and only calmed down when liu laoshi talked to her. sigh!



no wonder I seldom see YX ard. same plight as u! Last week, S was not in school for a few days because he was down with fever. I din bring J also as she was down with fever too.

This week, when I bring him to school, he keep saying he dun wanna go to school. And cry like nobody's biz. Till today still crying even though yesterday he promised me he wont cry. I think today is slightly better (cry only when I leave) maybe he like Liu Laoshi and she's back.

J went to school on Monday and cried for sometime cos both her class teachers not around and she not familiar with the relief teachers. I am keeping her at home whole of this week cos dun wanna traumatise her since her teachers are not ard.

U seldom see me cos I am always late recently... sigh gotta try to be earlier.

Next Monday, both kids not going to school again. Cos J is going to see an educational psychologist. We got her refered by Dr Terence Tan (PD) cos find that her communication and speech got significant delays but not sure what's the problem. Felt her eye contact not as good as it should be ... in a sense that she seemed bochap abt others. When we call her, she rarely lookup but her hearing is ok leh. She still dun really wave bye or say bye. And only these 2 days, she will call me mummy looking at my direction... last time, she just said the word like its any other words. Never really started a conversation with any of us at all... only know how to pull our hands to get us to help her with things. The PD agreed and so refer lor. Really hope she is going to be alright.

We wont be ard most 3 days next week cos going genting.
