(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Matthew likes to stand up and sit down repeatedly during his bath. So I came up with this brillant idea of bathing him in a big pail... Look at this sleepy head after the BG outing.


Just got a big gymball & A loves playing with it

Hi BBGrace,
Did u feed Josh with the gravy of the whipped potato? I gave A the whipped potato b4 but tried to avoid the gravy (wonder if it's too salty). A doesn't eat so much like Josh...but is so active..maybe that's y difficult to put on weight.
Happy working...it's gonna b a busy day for me also, after the long weekend.
Hi gals! GOOD MORNING! I start the first day of work in 2006 with a stupid stiff neck!!

Pax, Tat's a funny pic of M!

Qdee, N is so steady poon pee pee! :D Lovely lovely!!

I think I have not mentioned this yet (mebbe besides to fries), I gave YX macoroni on Sat and she simply loved it! I thot it would be too big and chunky for her, but sh managed to eat it. I cooked it with chicken and spinach. I boiled the macoroni and then dump it into the slow pot with the chicken soup. So in the end, it is still quite soupy, cos the water does not really evaporate that much as compared to boiling in a pot. Hee, I even managed to feed her that outside yesterday.

Yesterday, was also a fun day. We decided to hv lunch at Commonwealth Macs and YX had a fun time looking at the tortoise/turtles in the pond. We also did a quick walk around Far East Florist and she liked the colorful new year flowers/orchids there. She fell asleep in the car, so we started to wander in the car as usual and landed up at Kent Ridge Park. The light breeze there was nice and she continued to sleep for another 30 mins before she woke up. We took a short walk around the park and YX was thrilled with the sounds of crickets, the trees and the general scenary there (not to mention the tank
). She kept looking around cos she can hear the sounds of the crickets but can't see anything that makes the noise :D So that's another idea for mummies in the west

Here's some pics taken yesterday:

Sitting on daddy's shoulder and getting a good view


Giggling uncontrollably as she tried to struggle to a vertical position when Daddy tried to cradle her

Have a great week ahead!

heeey folic, I love that 2nd px of YX!! She's soo pretty and sweet!

Btw i used to jog to from scpk to kent ridge park 2x a wk. Where did i get that energy from? Now i dun think i could even walk from nuh to my office building!

Pax, haha Matthew is so cute. We used to bathe Q in a big pail as well becoz of the same reason. So far N is ok coz she love to be submerge in water - so she can drink it.

OMG, i never taught N how to climb up or down.. somehow she managed to do it herself. I remembered having to teach Q (abt 9-10 mths), on the way to climb down coz like Ashley she tend to dive head first.

Actually some tricks N learnt thru observation. Like, we take taxi alot, so when we are at the side of the road and say taxi she'll auto raise her arm - as if trying to flag down a cab. Or when she saw a taxi whizz pass, she'll also raise her arm.
qdee, cannot help not posting but ur post on the taxi.. is so sama to phoebe!!! she would also flag her arms!!!
guess,u r right, this is part of their observation...
happy 2006!
folic, can advise do u grind the macoroni? think got to start this now... cos cny cannot eat porridge... heehee

so u cook them first then put into slow cooker... will be soften right?
happy 2006!
Sigh.. I tried so many times but the fonts still too small :D

hoho, I jus boiled for a while and put into slow cooker. Actually, after about 1 hour in the slow cooker it is already very soft. I didnt grind. jus mash with spoon to make it smaller pieces.

hi!! i think for macaroni no need to grind or blend at this age. cook until very soft then before feeding you just mash-mash until very small pcs. i do that to ABC pasta also. btw, did you receive the clothes i posted to you? i mailed them out on 31 dec...
Folic, thls!

oh boil can liao.. pardon me,what ABC pasta?brand?

post already ah.. hmm.. later i go rob my office mail box..
btw, Happy 2006!!!
thks 4 coordinating!

cna advise which part to chicken can we start off with?
i tried egg white on the porrridge,my gal yucks it..
think got no taste... can start whole egg right?
Hi ladies,

can I join u all for the next gathering? Seem so fun from the pictures that was posted and also would like my son to mix ard with other babies. Thk he would be very happy.

Iggy really not on pacifier? congrats fries!

I read best time to change their habit is 15-18 mths. So Folic, if u still treasure your sleep, wait for 15 mths then take away the pacifier
whao girls.. it was raining cats and dogs and u all still managed to meet up... kudos to all of you!!!! looks like the bbies had fun meeting up with one another.... we should have more bb girls coming to gatherings as there aren't enuff to go around!!!!

folic, u just used chicken to boil the soup before throwing in the macaroni issit? CE refused bread, oats and cheese the other day for BF, so my maid cooked ABC pasta till really soft, before throwing in the cheese to cook till it melts. CE liked it... but took really long to "chew" and swallow... and i think maybe too rich so he din managed to eat too much. oh.. loved the photos that u posted.... me and hubby not much of a photographer (hubby is worse, that's why there's no nice pixs of me and CE together

fries, we did bring CE to underwater world last sat.. it was crowded to the max!!!! at first, CE was stunned at the crowd.. then he really enjoyed looking at the fishes.. he was waving hello and bye bye througout

qdee, where did u read that the best time to wean off pacifier is 15-18 mths? i m trying to convince my sis to start weaning my nephew off.. but she kept insisting that he cannot sleep without it.. sigh.... i am so glad that CE refused the pacifier himself at 4 mths
.. save me trouble of thinking the weaning part.. but now i m thinking of how to toilet train him thru the night....my aunt told me to wake him up every other hour to bring to toilet to pee.... should be able to wake up to pee himself after 6 mths or so.. pengz....
hoho, jus realised i forgot something- u shd not give egg whites now. Wait till after 1 yr. Now can only give egg yolk.

Folic!!! ah.. i m sala!!! haha
omg, luckily P is not allergy..
yolk first then white...
okie will try again...but yolk nicer taste?

yah, now can only give egg yolk. egg white wait until past 1 yr, cause of risk of allergy.

abc pasta is those alphabet-shaped pasta. you know when you buy campbell's minestrone soup there are those small ABC pasta in it? that's the one lah. they are very small, so they are perfect for our babies. you can find at the pasta section of NTUC supermarket. quite cheap - 1 big packet about $1.80 only.

and the best part of chicken to start off with is the breast or inner fillet (can easily find at supermarkets). i usually buy fresh minced chicken (also at supermarket), so once i cook not much blending/pureeing to do. if you buy the inner fillet or breast then you will need to chop-chop/mince on your own 1st before cooking, quite leceh.

sarah also not on pacifier at all. we never gave it to her since birth, altho we did buy before she was born, just in case we needed it. now when we give the pacifier to her she doesn't know what to do with it! end up she will knock-knock the pacifier on the floor or against her cot railings...she thinks it's a toy...haha!
hi there girls....

Cayden enjoyed himself thoughly for his first day in the infant care......so much so that he din want to go home at the end of the day!!!

When we first reached the infantcare, he saw the bars and the training stairs...he was so excited. I was carrying him then...and when i walked away (still carrying him), he was screaming for me to go back into the room....
wow! great for cayden! it must be a very nice place for him to love it so much. btw, which infantcare is this? do they have playgroups?
Glad that Cayden enjoys it at the infantcare. I knew that he would

hi gals,
So many pictures of the cute kiddos on a boring start of the work week.

Inspired by pax who mentioned to me that i can boil apple and chicken soup, i improvised and cooked porridge with apple and pork over the weekend. J loves it. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone, he eats his main course and dessert at the same time.
Cooking Ideas
Shredded or grated carrot or pumpkin add a sweet aroma n taste to porridge. but must add right at the beginning when u r gg to put the porridge to cook. it's a "rule" for root veges that u shld cook them in cold water, so that the flavours of the vege are immensed in the porridge / soup. it's so good that even without salt, my hubby said yum yum!

yummy. good idea to do a porridge, instead of a soup. must go n try with M. glad that J loved it. i tried vv soft rice with M y'day. i cooked rice with minced meat over the stove. actually meant to cook porridge, but it dried up bcos i was bz with M. i thot why not let M try rice. so i added chopped up chye sim n mixed them up. he liked it.
Phantomz, so happy to hear that C is doing well in infant care. I told u he would be fine!

bbgrace, apple with chix? reminds me of papaya and fish soup for confinement. haha!

Pax, interesting rule. I always put hot water into the slow cooker to start cooking cos it will shorten the time... :p

I met up with a fren last nite. You gals seen those pigeon seasoning sachets? I think it has seaweed and bonito flakes or something like that.. nvr see properly but I know what my fren was talking about. She said she used to put that into tofu and steam it and then feed her sons. Sounds nice.. I will go check it out.

hahah hoho3 so u also take taxi alot huh? next time u can ask Phoebe to flag a taxi down for u

Lani, sama2 with Q n N. Suck suck - maybe they were hoping for milk to come out - after sucking for awhile, they will spit it out. N more extreme, she will gag and make the 'buuueeek' sound. I just think they are practical little pple. Suck must hv milk, no milk no suck
i usually grate some carrot when i cook J's porridge but got to be a bit careful cos the betacarotene will cause bb to look yellow. just like folic, i usually use hot water in the slow cooker to hasten the process.

yes, i saw the satchets of seasoning flakes at isetan supermarket. i'm quite attracted by all the pigeon bb food there, quite tempted to buy them.
qdee,heehee.. no choice, my plc there only LRT... so taxi more convient loh, BUT hor,when Phoebe is haapy or excited she also flag her arms...

1 strange thing, we bought her to imm on sunday,there are damm lots of people,then she also shout shout shout... this shows she like or don't like crowded plcs, ah?

folic,i tried the pigeon porridge on phoebe, she don't like leh...
hoho3 i find that ah, if the food is too tasty, baby tend to not like it initially. Coz i think they are too used to bland food. So u hv to keep trying.

As for shouting in crowded places - she crying too? If not i guess she is just joining in the fun la .. coz i bet that place was noisy?
phantom, good to hear the cayden loves his infant care.... hope he does not go around terrorising his playmates!!! :D

pax, i also use hot water in slow cooker.... aiya.. din know that it's not good...

bbgrace, my maid just throw in the carrots sometimes just for the sweet taste, she doesn't feed CE with the actual carrot itself... u think it will lessen the consumption of betacarotene?
qdee, hmmm, ok will try again..
no she is not crying.. so i also guess, she is joining in the fun

going there again, will c how her reaction...

qdee...wow N is really agile. and she seems really responsive, know how to learn through copying. haha this means u really hafta set example for her...else she'll go "but mommy, u also like dat!" *grin*
hahaha no milk no suck! how i wish iggy was like dat!

jannie, i'm glad CE enjoyed visiting the Underwater World! haha i think it was probably packed coz it was a saturday. his hands must hv been v tired after dat. haha

omg, Ashley looks so happy in her oversized PJ! i love the way her eyes crinkle into upside down cresents. ignatius had dat as a wee infant, but now no more liao. makes me wanna cuddle her. =)

bonnygal, i tried to PM u, but u dun accept PM.

phantom, hahahaha i can just imagine playful Cayden. i'm so glad he loves the infantcare centre. gd decision for u! hey pass u the giraffe shirt when we meet next saturday.

anyway, if u gals are worried abt betacarotene, have you tried parsnip? can find in cold storage/marketplace/jasons. i'm also substituting the carrot with corn lately. makes the macaroni v sweet and nice. and also asparagus. but dat has a tangy smell. so have any of u tried the soba i suggested?
hey gals. the "rule" was fr some website or book i came across last time. i don't use hot water, bcos the uncle who sold me the slow cooker said it would spoil the cooker... i dunno leh, maybe my one not so good lah.

good idea on corn. i think i go try over the long weekend. the soba too! my mom's not too keen to try new stuff with M. looks like Iggy has been trying a lot of variety!
Hi Pax,
Ahhh? Hot water will spoil the cooker? I must change my cooking method..thanks for informing!!!

Hi all,
Thanks for all the cooking tips!!! Sounds so yummy! Have bought a pack of organic cheese macaroni...will try this weekend
morning mommies!
as our babies are nearing the 1yr mark...i'm sure mommies are starting to think of "To Celebrate...? Or Not?"

i'm really keen on it, since some of my frens have yet to see iggy since his TMC days...but how do we fit family, frenz, and baby's frens all in one celebration? surely one group will be bored? any ideas mommies?
fries, u may wan to have separate days for different grps... if not iggy might get too edgy leh. jus some cakes, refreshments.. full course lunches quite troublesome.
Good morning gals!

hoho, I hope YX will like the porridge! I bought the 7 mths version, cos I think that is less lumpy for her to try first. Hopefully it works.

pax, i didnt know it will spoil the pot :p.. hv been doing it since donno when. Anyway, I guess the pot is quite old already.. and if it spoils.. prob replace liao.

omg, was that the sleepsuit from Dublin?
If yes, then I can see that YX and Ash about the same size, based on the number of folds in the sleeves :D

Ok.. gotta work.. talk later!

hi folic,

i think i bought the one with carrots?! cannot remember... think cos i did not heat up long enough..
but quite ex leh... a meal about $7+.. my mom nearly fainted when i told her on xmas..

what to do, no where to cook porridge..

now got to plan my timing for cny... kiasu hor .. heehee

just wanna say hi to ... fries, bonnygal, hoho, phantom, bbgrace, omg, lani, pax, folic & jannie.. hope no one is left out
If left out, not on purpose, dun take out on me
Hi Qdee,
hi hi hi! Apa ini?

Hi Folic,
YES! That's the sleepsuit from Dublin!
It's still very long at the sleeves & legs! But can't find an in-between size for now (it's either too small..or this size, which is too big)...so just make do lah

Hi Fries,
So u getting a Poohbear cake? Or Erneee? Or Elmoooo?
I dread thinking abt 1 yr old celebration...still cannot get over the nightmares after housewarming & 1st mth celeb---the mess & cleanup after that!
hi gals...pax told me something today that really sparked my interest...coupled with what folic wants...!

a combined party for the babies! then this solves my headache of having a tonne of babies, family members and friends tog!

ok ... here goes.

Location : My Gym
Price : $350 for 16 babies
Time : Saturday afternoon, 1.5 hours
Provide : 20 invitation cards, balloon for each baby, the place & equipment, 1hr program for the babies, the remainder of the 0.5 hrs is for cutting cake (which i think is BYO), and can also BYO finger food.

if u wanna have cater food, u find yr own caterer, but they recommend stretching to 2hrs, and add $50 more.

i'm thinking of 4 mar....

any1 interested?
U interested in Fries' recommendation?
Or still wanna do a separate one?

OMG, I just wanna say hi and welcome everyone to this forum

Fries, we are only inviting ourselves right? No one is inviting any other relatives? For finger food can buy OCK just across the street from My Gym. Then cake must get big big and wordings has to be neutral - something like, "U are ONE, little babies" ?
So this means u wont invite us for Iggy's party?
cant taste his elmo cake

Btw girls, will be gg to Playworkz this Sun @4pm with a friend and her baby gal. If u gals interested call the place yourself and book, k? Coz i also dunno their contact, all done by my friend. I'll let u all know how the place is after that.

fries, qdee, i m fine with my gym celebration, just that my hubby will not be around on 4 march, and i would very much like him to attend.... if the date can be changed to 18 Feb.. will be very good loh... cos i also cannot be sure when he can be back in singapore in march....
