(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies


Thanks for your concern. RY is better since yesterday evening so now we're keeping fingers crossed that the fever will not flare up again. It's really very strange that he can have such big reaction to the vaccination, high fever for 6 days and rashes all over from his face to stomach to back. Even GP and PD cannot explain what has happened.

My turn to be sick. Viral fever / flu since Saturday. Sigh. MC for yesterday but this morning boss hint hint that I need to return to clear urgent work!

TBL, Yap,

Good to know that Nathan and Xiang are recovering well. It is really heartpain to read about your experiences. Seems that I should get a PD from RH as well?
Tks for the info :p

Take care. weather really haywire these few days.
4 out of 7 pple in my hse is sick.
Hope u 2 recover soon
Nathan is recovering, PD said must give him another 2wks for fully recovering. I also need to delay his 1st mth jab by 1wk for his body to rest more. And PD advise no full mth celebration for him too. As of now cant afford to let him caught another virus lei.

hahaha... u are the shopping expert here! thks for the advise. Actually me thinking to shop CNY clothes for natalie & nathan, a bit kiasu hor.. :p

i alr bought the bumper mat, place at living room now. just thinking may be can let nathan lying on it after CL left. but u are right hor, he is too young to place on the floor. I have the fisher price rocker, but nathan dont really like it lei.

IMO, no need to get PD fm RH lah. Just get one near your place. RH to me is one of the options if need to rush to hospital **touch wood**touch wood**touch wood**

hope all mummies who are sick will recover soon.
Glad to hear that alot of babies are on the road to recovery.
Do take care hoor...
Jia you!

haha, ya... think my site is more about the whole family than about Chloe only.

Tha auntie is not available anymore, She have found a household who will do once every 2 weeks.

Me gonna get some items from Jshopper soon too!
Will tell u all abt the quality... Should be quite good. But personally not much items to choose from leh.

That time u say there's a shampoo tht potato used, is it Fanxx or Kiethx?
hi seagal,
hmmm.. hushhush.. that's what lach say that too.. maybe lor.. i dont have hushhush items, she has it!!

hi daffy,
i saw u ordered the pink halter neck fruits dress fm gym is it? u received it? i got mine and it looks funny on my ger leh... kekeke... jshopper quality is good.. no worries.. target those 100% cotton stated.. but remember not to order too oversized hor... their sizes really big..

hi TBL,
ooi.. if u say me shopping expert again, i wont dare to adv more liao leh.. kekeke.. if my hubby see this, he will sure got more excuse to suan me liao..
hi TBL, no lah, I'm a cry baby type. Just pretend to be strong in front of kids.
Yes, still heart pain when I think of phelgm suction and Xiang's screaming.

For GE, 5days in 2-bedded ward, estimated $4.5k, medisave $2k, cash abt $2.5k.
U can claim fr insurance ?
Luckily, my company provide for children hospitalisation.
aiyo, the dresses are so nice and so sweet.

RY took the 18mths jab is it? Sounds scary leh he would have such a big reaction to the vaccination.

Hi ladies,
Any kid here oredi done the 18mths jab? Wilfred 18mths jab will be on this Thurs. Hopefully he wont have any side effect after the jab.

Im so happy to hear xiang is finally discharged. Wah, ur company so good leh! provided for children hospitalization some more!
Yuru, Evelyn,

No leh, not the 18mths jab, RY took the MMR. The GP / PD we went to think that the MMR vaccine has actually given him a mixed case of measles / german measles though not a full blown case. Actually we're still very confused what has happened. He actually develops rash for both measles and german measles all over his body + high fever above 39 degrees for 5 days.
The dress is abit big for chloe now, I thought she looks very sexy in it hahahaa... but no one else thinks so leh :p
Hey KC, is RY feeling better now? Red dots disappearing? Even the docs cannot tell why, ahyoh, You must have been worried. Do takr care.
didnt claim insurance. bought hospitalisation for natalie but have not arrange for nathan yet. yr company so good, cover yr kids insurance!! So do cover for your spouse too?

will bring natalie for her jab next wk. hmm... alr overdue 1mth. PD mentioned may have fever, but will only lasted for 1 or 2days.

hope RY is better now. u take care too.

shampoo? what shampoo? will help in hair growth huh? lach, quick quick tell us wat brand. Natalie needs it for sure!!

u know wat is comb cotton?? i wanted to order from vbaby but realised most matl are comb cotton instead of 100% cotton. natalie has mild enzyma, so worry comb cotton may caused allergy.
wish all unwell babies, toddlers, mummies, daddies get well soon.

But you are the expert on online shopping :p
you energy amazes me.hehe

its fancl, khiel (forget spelling) baby range is good too
anyway, i have already given up hope on potato's hair growth.

used the Fancl shampoo on potato long ago, it seems to 'aid' her pathetic hair growth. but its always out of stock n once opened, must used within a month. so i stocked several bottles :p now finishing the last bottle so looking for other brands
to try.
anyway, i am happy tat now potato has 5 strands of hair to stabilise a hair clip.

your nat has nice hair la.. no need 'special' shampoo....

daffy, elmobbger,
do show a pic of chloe n ger in the sexy halter dress.

seagal, tbl,
follow elmobbger advice on sizing, you cant go wrong...hehe
hey all
Just to let u all know, I will not be celebrating Xanthia full months also coz HB say wait till her 1st b'day den celebrate it. By the time will invite u all to my new house... 2 in 1 . B'day + house warming!!
Any mummies have any good / interesting parenting book to recommend? especially those on
- managing/understanding our tods tantrums/behaviour
- learning models/theories
- inculcating values, empathy etc

oh lach oh lach
I need these books too!
Chloe have been really naughty, she will cry and snatch, throw things and even deliberately hit me.

I don't feel like hitting her back straight away, cause I really feels like it will confuse her lor. u know, u hit me, I hit u loor...

And she will cry and cry to get things she wants, I'm starting to be confused by line to be drawn......
hope u & RY recover speedily. Same to Yuru too
. Am down with cold too- bad weather, lotsa viruses around.

sorry I think this is the 1st time I chat with u. Can I ask more abt the jshoppers- u got me interested in the items, LOL. They accept overseas cc w/o special verification? How to go about postage- vpost or they mail direct to u? The page on How to Order is under construction. TIA.
evelyn au,
I cant post comment on your blog (You need a password? or i too gong?) so I'll do it here.
still LOL on Wesley response to superman kisses and the 'volume'...i am laughing still.
Kids do say the darnest things.
it also goes to show what a well-mannered boy he is!

Hi Medusa

you are one pretty, energetic mother.

thanks for the recommendation
Hi mommies....watzup? Had not log in for quite a while...is there a new member - Medusa...welcome..welcome...

Lac...u the can...me so lazy to read, won't even bother to look for one..

Duffy...guess itz pretty norm...my Stef oso sama sama...she woke up @4am on Monday morning & insist I on the TV...took about an hr b4 she finally gave up & went back to sleep...Her lastest phrase "I BEAT" if she don't get wat she wants...

KC...howz RY? Stef hv not take MMR jab yet lei...waiting for the rite time wen me not bizi, hv to prepared to stay home in case u kno wat lah....

Hei....any comments on MMI @Kee Sun Ave? They r planning a playgroup session every Sat, $240 for 10 weeks...
Hi mummies
wee hour in the morning, I can't sleep again....

Here's a interesting blog, by a pretty mummy.
Won quite a few awards so far:

How's the unwell babies coming so far?
I do hope they are already better.

Here's Chloe in a bath "tub"
Pcs, Medusa,

Nice to see you here!
Thanks for your concern! I'm still recovering from the fever / flu and RY should be ok by today. His fever was "officially" gone since yesterday morning.


Hope you get better soon! For the piles problem, do try the suppositories and cream for at least 10days to 1 week first. Hubby had very bad piles too, those that keep dripping blood kind, he saw a specialist who gave him oral medication, suppositories and cream and he managed to avoid the more invasive treatment, ie cut them away. I think a GP should be able to treat them, else do get referral to a specialist. Good luck!


Yah should wait till less busy. RY took his MMR on 1st July cos hubby thought by 14th July which is our BKK trip all his fever should be cleared. Even the nurse told us fever not more than 1 day and gave us 1 day only fever medication. Sigh. We never expected fever to last 1 week!


Hee! Maybe you can start an expert corner on how to order clothings from overseas and the sizes to order. I might need to ask you some questions too after all the fever episode is over.


Chloe in a "bathtub" is so cute! Very creative! Dun think my boy can even be left in a pail for 1 sec.

If you managed to find good books on how to how to managed toddlers tantrum, how to discipline toddlers etc, do share with us here. My mum just commented yesterday that RY is definitely naughtier than me and my sis combined when we were young.

Keeping fingers toes etc crossed that everyone recovers by Thursday then we can go ahead with our BKK trip.

Need help from mummies here.

1)Where to find nice baby / toddler clothings, especially those branded overrun ones?

2)Any tailors to recommend? Hubby need to make some shirts and a suit. He outgrew all his existing suits liao.

3)What are the baby stuffs to buy back to Singapore? Baby wipes? Diapers? Any cheaper?

4)Floating market - worth a trip there?

Sorry ah, me suaku but it's our 1st time in BKK.
i tied the string across 2 door frames... hehe.

chloe seems to have a good time in her "tub"!

what on earth were u doing up at 4am?

talking about toddler behaviour ... u are not the only one kena "beaten" by your kid... me too!

well.... we (hope) that we had gone through the worst of shermyn's crying tantrums....

just a few weeks ago, we almost couldn't cope and nearly tore our hair apart!

She started this habit of wanting me to carry her even when she reaches home. Will keep crying and crying till I carry her and want me to walk around (cannot even sit or stand still).

It got into her daddy's head quite a bit as this has been happening for a few days. So one fine day, daddy decides to "snatch" her away from my arms when she's at it again and sit her on the sofa (hoping to make her realised that crying will not get what she wants).

Then, as expected .... she cried till she vomitted and refused to stop for at least 30 mins even though I carried her while sitting down. This stubborn gal insisted that I carry her and walk around. I relented in the end as I was afraid our neighbours will start knocking our door to complain!

What a "nightmare" ! Seems like this "pulling away" tactic doesn't work on her.

Luckily, we tried different ways of distracting her with new things and other activities and she is much more manageable now.

We found out that the key is in engaging her in other areas so that she doesn't have the chance to think of or even start throwing tantrums. We are keeping our fingers crossed.
Shermyn had her 2 FIRSTS over the weekend ......

FIRST Time "Officially" Attending Class



FIRST Trip to the Beach


Those mummies staying in the East. Pasir Ris Park is a nice place to visit and a quiter alternative to East Coast Park ... can take walks with the family, cycle, build sandcastles, bring the kids to the playground ... and the most important ... it's not crowded and packed like ECP!

There's also a pony riding/feeding place which we have yet to check out.
Lach, thanks

LL, I jumped over from the neighbouring thread :p .

KC, thanks for the info, will try for 10 days and hope it resolves.
Can get branded overruns from Factory Outlet Shop (F.O.S.) @ Holland Village.
Small outlet that sells only bb/ todswear is @ Holland Village Shopping Centre (above Cold Storage).
Big outlet that sells all agegroup is across the rd from Holland V Shopping Centre (above Singpost and POSB).

hey just went to ponyriding ($5- tods above 2yrs)/feeding ($1) place at Gallop Stables, Pasir Ris Park Carpark C, last wkend!
Chloe wanna go into the pail herself one. She saw the pail while I was cleaning her. Brought it infront of her and tried to get in herself.So I helped her, haha. She so happy and amazed, she even stand and squat, stand and squat to feel the water on her batok! heheee, quite funnie

Hey medusa, I sometimes do visit your neighbourhood, haha. Your girl very pretty leh, u pretty mummy too!
Hi Medusa,
I remember u from the year end mummies thread. =)I read that thread sxs too ... u just delivered not long ago right ? CONGRATS !!!

Wah .... u super ONZ! go pony riding with 2 kids on tow !

Haha! Not bringing RY. Too stressed to bring him + we not so daring yet! Me and hubby have long decided that RY's first trip shall be when he is 2 years and above and we will go Adelaide's Kangeroo Island! Very lazy place with lots of wildlife. Should sound simple enough? Haha!

Thanks for the info on BKK. *quickly note down* We are staying at Novotel Siam Square, not sure if it is near WTC, but will definitely check this place out. Is it a night or day market?
Hi evelyn,
Yuppe.. ger took the 18mths jap liao.. she shouted blood blood when she sees blood coming out of the needle poke..

Hi daffy,
The sizing bery funny hor, the dress is so long but yet is so short to tie around the neck.. funny hey, yr chloe in the tub is so cute! Nice shots!

Good question leh I don't know what is comb cotton.. but I went ahead to order.. initially posted 5 items in ferns thread, then I force myself to cancel 1, so sent her an amended one with 4, now seeing she backing out the spree, me joined hsees spree, and forced myself to cancel another 2.. now end up with 2 only.. bery proud of myself that I manage to ren-ren-ren.

Hi Lach,
Fm the vbaby spree, u can see that I am making efforts to control liao hor by the way, me getting the sleeping habits no know what title book fm 1 mummy leh.. u have that? Is it good ah? A lot of ppl say read liao can help bb sleep.. but I doubt it works on my ger, but going to read see how lar

Hi Medusa,
Ya, I use UOB credit card, and use their direct intl shipping.. easier lar..

Hi KC,
Ooi.. not again leh.. making me next time don't dare to say anything liao lar..

Hi Shermyn,
Yr gal looks so happy going for her firsts ...
Hi Mummies, sorry for the late announcement... Evelyn (Leo) delivered on Monday morning...

I've been sick sick sick for 3 days straight... sianz... I think it's viral fever... seems to be having fake measles now...
That small shop at HV shopping centre... is it the one operate by a guy who share the same credit card machine as his FIL?

Thanks for all the BKK tips!

September should be very nice weather in BJ, if you dun bring Cindy there in September may have to wait till next February / March liao!

Maybe your parents will take over Cindy once you reach there then you and hubby can enjoy!
u going bkk on friday? happy shopping
i like pratunam .. but things a bit ex for tourist. tourist - kena chop. ha
oh yea... novotel siam - i stayed 2 years ago. thumbs up for that hotel though Pathuwan princess is better.
i'm not sure abt the cc machine but it is operated by a rather friendly guy.

oh dear i dinno adults can get fake measles too! i'm down with flu (was just a cold then got slight fever)- my postnatal masseuse told me to stop my massages til I recover cos I was sniffling away, hehe.
oh i think i know who. tats the shop i frequent weekly (weekly shopping affair)

Oh i have not stayed in amari before.. but the location at armari is near to the pratunam
enjoy yr trip!

yr 2nd one oso ceasearen right? can massage now meh? though need to wait for at least a month? u have gone thru how many session? good or not huh?
no kuai zhang leh, she treat the family like that, but when there's stranger she act blur, u know hahahaa...
But really, she does alot of that recently, so me kiasu must start reading up to see if I can do at least some prevention

Sand trip still on hold, hahaa. Why refuse ah? But I remember the sand pool almost at our waist length right?

I'll join you on your second spree, cause i need to use up my gym$ under lengleng first

Good excuse for me to buy more hahahaaa
Hi lach,
thx for your comments on Wesley. Sometimes I feel he is a joker cos always bring laughs to the family!

aiyo, actually Im the gong one cos dunno need to change the setting of the comment. Now the comment moderation has been enabled. If you are not a blogger, can choose as other and add your name at the required field, then preview or publish ur comment.
quick! u should start a blog for rae as well!

Nice blog!
Chloe is really looks cute in the bath "tub.


Oh no, hope u will get well soon. Take care!

Hi Seagal,
Shermyn looks so happy for her 2 FIRSTS.....must be enjoyed very much!
Hi Medusa,
Welcome! I long time didnt visit your neighbourhood liow! But I think I saw ur gal and ur pics before..very pretty!

Enjoy your FIRST trip in BKK!

so cute, ur gal can even shouted blood blood.i think my Wilfred will just cry aloud..let see how his react tomolo

for the moment I will not try for a girl, unless accident, hehee!
Oh no, hope my darling will not develop fever after the 18mths jab. Keep my fingers crossed.

Eve Au,
try giving pao shen water the night earlier and the morning before Wilfred's jab. Supposed to prevent fever.
