(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

More of Nat

Watched hi-5 a few times when I was on mc or back from gynae visit early.

I went to hospital at abt 4am when contractions were 5 mins apart but somehow contractions slowed down after abt 2 hours and dilation remained at 2cm. Had breakfast at 6am. Gynae came in and checked at 8.30am and inserted something into my drip and broke waterbag. Pain started at 9am and Ally was out at 11.30am. Actually she prob would be born slightly earlier but silly me forgot how to push the right way. haha!

Just concentrate on getting you and Vanessa well. Dun think abt the rest ok?

Now I understand why you're not too happy abt pregnancy. Didn't intend to have another. Never mind... since no choice now... let no. 2 be the final bb and must count properly in future ok? EDD April 06. Think Jana will really love another sibling and be old enough to help out a little. Ally seems to get lonely sometimes and gets really happy to see other kids.

Nat really looks like daddy in the middle pic (purple and white). Wish I could tie ally's hair like that!
Yes, i'll be at Pigletz's place. Ok, will dress Aelwen in pants. Actually the last time I went to Pigletz's place also dressed Aelwen in pants but I think u were not there.

No wonder I didn't see u at the Disney photo shoot. Is Vane better already?

I think at some angle, nat and Aelwen looks quite alike. Maybe should let them take a picture together when we meet at Pigletz's place.
Mon mon
Aelwan is much chubbier than Nat I think... I oso find tat sometimes some bb look alike.
YOu confirm gg?

Nat dun let me tie, whine and whine... I had to distract her for sometime so she doesn't think abt it. Or else she will pull it off.
I am glad her hair is getting longer. Took a long time, since I shaved off her hair, as it was dropping a lot. Did you shave Ally's?

Chen chen goes for the BJG at Pasir Ris drive 6 or something?? I was thinking of bringing Nat for a trial leh. Should be somewhere near my house... dunno where only. Dunno good or not.

I can't sleep... chia lat.
The lao hong puff still lao hong when put in freezer but it harden it 4 the moment when it is cold. Once it is cool, it will b back to the lao hong texture agn

Your labor wz short. some1 in tis thread said 2nd delivery will b 1/2 the time taken for the 1st delivery. I scared hearing dat

Nat is pretty in purple n white. Agree wif Absolut Nat is like moulded fm daddy in the 2nd pic
Chen Chen attends BJG @ Pasir Ris Dr 6. The lesson comprises of flash cards, play (for motor development), singing n dancing(parents do dat wif kids) n gym. I find it gd but skyblue think otherwise. U go for trial n c for yourself. When u going for trial?
Morning mommies...

u noe which forums ur hb frequents? i'm not into his pc rendevous unless he shows me bb pics from his forum..hahahha, so not sure what forums r those.

aye, think u betta stop asking me abt my hb's stuff.. hahhaha, later all the mommies starts to scratch head why i fail the qns so miserably.

Skyblue, Shook, Pig,
You gals not intending to let ur tods eat on his own soon?

Yeah... i agree Nat looks good in white n purple

the last time i see Aelwen at pig's place she also very siwen leh.. hhhmmmm, u mean she was in pants too?

any comment/recommendations for a carseat suitable for jerome?
Mom2Nat, I like Nat's little white skirt.

skyblue, I getting better liao but Vane still got fever last nite.

sanrio, ya think too many things happened at the same time that's why feel so down.

mon_mon, how's the Disney photoshoot? Did Aelwen smile?
Shook, i got 1/3 of gerber puffs left in original container also, never check but since yours lao hong even in freezer mine should be also..wasted.

Brenda, think asia one motoring forum there should be a thread just on honda cars. What's your budget for jerome's car seat? i remembered Val selling hers, not sure if she sold already, check with her if you dun mind buying second hand.
Good Morning Mummies!!!!

I let Gareth eat on his own. But limited to biscuit and bread. As for other stuff, haha, I will let my auntie handle it. She's training him on everything that I lazy to do one. Like using the potty. hahaha
Morning mummies,
Nat so sexy wearing the skirt. BJG u must go yourself to see if it is useful for Nat. I went for a trial before but didn't really like it coz Ryan is more on a gym person and they didn't really have nice gym there to play on- not enought equipment etc. And he can't sit still for flashcards etc..so no point for him.
You could consider Maxi Cosi car seat..suppose to be the most comfortable etc. For us we got him 2 cheap functional car seat (saftey 1st etc) to put in both cars. both $100++.
not too sure about the budget leh.. we aren't too sure which kind we r supposed to get too. hahahah. Val one? hahaha, hb sneaked in to see w/o my knowledge n told me it seems quite big. Our little pica not that roomy leh.

hi-5 leh.. i saw the AH CC doing potty training, i was very wow by them. hahahah, that's y thinking of sending jem there.

Thinking of that brand too. Can i ask u, we r still supposed to let them use those w its own belts? cos went KP n saw mostly supposed to use w carseat belts.
I think you saw booster seat not carseat. Coz at that age they should be using those with its own belt..till about 3yrs old. Have tried the booster seat with ryan once but the seatbelt will be put at an awkward angle also they can squirm out too easily. he is still too young for it.
You will have to put the carseat either left or right at the back.. would be safer in the back left so you can still view bb if you are driving. also best to put the saftey childlock on. Ryan knows how to open the door even though u central lock it so his seat is in the centre.
Money making opportunity

Hi mummy,

I have a focus group looking for mummies with children age 1-3 years old for a playset discussion. It will be held on 19 and 20 Sep. Interested mummies please send the below information to [email protected]

Name of mummy:
Age of mummy: (required 25-45 years old)
Age of youngest baby: (required 1-3 years old)
Gender of youngest baby:
Contact Number:
Brand of Playset own:
Monthly household income: (required S$3,000 and above)
Education of mummy: (required A Levels and above)
All to be English-speaking
Main or joint decision maker & buyer if children's toys.

Participant will be paid $70 after a 2-hours discussion. Light refreshment will be provided.

Anyone interested can reply to the person's e-mail above. The place is at Novena.
no leh.. I also have no playset at home..I think it is to test new toys. Anway what is playset.. I also dunno what it means.hahaah
pigletz, gareth v.daring n brave boy!!! dun faint, at least he's at all smile after the lift door open.
the gathering anytime is fine with me. potluck??

qsg, better get ur back treated asap, chinese or western way. dun delay. the bb sunblk is pink in packing. i got it at toy r us tampines.
better try taking dana's pix now. tod at this age, fidget a lot!! if u apply thru internet, it's v.fast. even u going to bintan, u need dana's passport no when booking for ferry online.
why going for marriage enrichment course?? may i ask??? my hubby will die die not go for such courses!! so when ever prob arises, just take a step back i 4get abt the whole issue....which may be v.unhealthy to the relationship in the long run.

brenda, how's hk?? any gd buy??
full pledged mum?? coming to almost a mth liao leh. in between jerald still goes back to my mum to stay overnite for 1 - 2 days.....all of us still adjusting.
HEY....when u just dun feel like attending some time-wasting courses...better to pontang lor!

WOW!!! ur HK trip seems fun leh...me still battling whether shd i bring pram for jerald to bintan??? in case he falls asleep outside?? really no strenght to carry him like b4.
HOW U KNOW I SURE GOING FOR THE GATHERING??? yah, so near, got direct bus, still not go...later gana pong pong by pigletz....
i know my driving no good...dun rub it in...my pratical still long way in Nov.

sanrio, jerald lose his 'wolff' long time back!!! poor guy was v.sad for a few wks b4 he comes to accept new husky and other dogs which we got for him!!! other than those dogs, he doesnt quite like soft toys like ash!! they way he saiyang pooh bear...really wen xin.
me also fan of raffles's mooncake....how come u got news of them offering dist to citibank customers?? i hvnt received any phamlet??

giggler, no trouble then, i better go get them myself. every yr waiting for them only.

mummies, brought jerald to JB with my parents y'day... cant resist getting him a pair of bubblegummers shoe!!! it squeak when he walks!! stupid boy just stand there n keep stomping on his feet to hear them squeak.

haha, brenda knows you well that you will sure come one.
You won't miss the chance to meet up with all of us especially now that you are a sahm.

Not sure all of us got time to eat with our boys and girls running abt. hahaha, but think potluck will be good.

And I also know that you will request for my potato salad right? hahaha, let me try to make it okay.

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz
2) brenda
3) priviledged
4) Val
5) Emily
6) Giggler (maybe)
7) Sanrio
8) Ruffybear
9) Viv
10) Mom2nat
11) Mon Mon
12) Lyn

One more thing, timing, if set it from 1pm onward, is it okay with you all?

You come at 12plus lah, then I cook porridge for Chen Chen. At least you can meet up with some mummies. How??

Where is your course leh? Can come for a while and let us see the pretty Dana anot?
Forgot to tell you. You can bring pram to bintan if you want to lah. Not too troublesome as most of the time, the free shuttle bus is not fully seated. So will have space for it.

I let Gareth sleep on 2 chairs when we were out. haha, but don't think Jerald will want to sleep like that, really not comfortable.
while in HK I let Ryan sleep Koala bear style as he tends to fall asleep while we are having dinner. So will get hubby to "feed' me dinner.hehe

Pram..it depends. I think it is only usual for bb to sleep in it other then that not much use if bb doesn't like to sit in it.
lyn, I also used the same method as you leh. Take a step back and forget the issue but never solved it. It's not gd for long-run r'ship but at least we wont need to have arguments now. Not bad leh, Jerald knows how to stamp his feet.

pigletz, your potato salad very nice? Think Sep gathering will more or less come true leh.
Thanks! think we'll just go kaki bukit to see see.

u going for marriage enrichment course? share w me the details of the course leh... i realise i very poor in being a wife..hahahha

HK best buy was roasted pig! hahaha.. other than that nothing liao
when u going for ur bintan trip? hahhaha, so i can hound u for pics! haven't seen ur little rascal's pics for some time.
haha, my potato salad okay lah. But think Lyn like it alot. haha, she has already requested for me to do it for the next gathering no matter where's the place dunno how long ago liao. hahaha

Ya, should be coming true since the response seems good.
so did you buy any roasted pig back??

Where's your pic??? I want to see yours before you hound other pple for pics. hahahhaha
Chen Chen self feed for finger food n food dat can poke wif fork but I poke for him n pass the fork to him to self feed.

Vane's fever back agn oh no. Wat is her temp? Did PD do urine test on Vane?

QSG, Skblue
I put the lao hong puff in the freezer then take out to let Chen Chen eat. Din throw away. He finished them. Juz opened a new container last wk

Jerald fasinated by the squeaky sound made by the shoes. He can stemp feet! Another step of motor development!

U hv a lot of lobang. So sweet of u to share the money making opportunity
I dunno wat is play set too but the list of requirements u posted requested for brand of play set owned. So no play set disqualified rite?

I c how. If Chen Chen guai guai cooperate hv his morning nap long long, I can prepare lunch for hubby n the pot luck to bring to your hse then I go your hse. So if I m there I m there
shook, her fever was at abt 39degrees last nite. Think she getting better liao, this morning came down to 36degrees. Really miss her being active and cheerful leh. No, PD didnt do any urine test on Vane.

QSG/skyblue/shook, did u gals remove the aluminium foil too? I find that with the foil still on the puffs wont lao hong so fast.
ok ok, if you pop over, it will be a bonus to us. don't need to prepare things to come lah. Just appear if you got the time.
bring the roasted pig back? impossible! we buy already, starts eating while walking liao

I agree.. i leave the foil on, dun seems to have that prob too.

hope to see chen chen k..
pigletz, I called PD but she finds that it's norm cos the infection really bad. I also at a loss, have been seeing so many doc since last week.

brenda, you also leave the foil on? Think the foil helps in a way hor?
hmmm, then you monitor and decide what to do lor. Sorry that I can't advise you much as I usually listen to my PD as all of us, hubby, me and Gareth like this PD alot.
Oei ! feed Jem w the roasted pig? of cos not lah! u bo liao ask such qn, later shook shake head too much neck pain arh!
hahahaha, I would have let Gareth try it. I want to let Gareth try all the food that we eat now liao.

Oh ya, we might wanna let him try stinko tao fu in taiwan if we can find it. hahahha

Shook will always ignore my post on food. hahaha, cannot meet up to her standard. hahahaha
pigletz, where's your PD? Actually I quite ok with my PD too lah. Just that, Vane's fever was there for too many days till we start to doubt her profession. I also let Vane try whatever we eat. Just let her eat cos she doesnt really like to take milk nowadays.

brenda, why cant let Jem try the roasted pig? Just a bit of the meat shd be ok mah.
My PD too far from your place liao lah. It's at Hougang.

So Vane and Gareth can go out together and eat joyfully. hahaha, *imaging the scene now* hahahah
39 degree quite high leh. Cld it b the fm? Last time Jem had fever due to change in fm
The time Chen Chen had high fever, PD did urine test. PD said it is worrying since fever still up n dwn after on antibiotic for 3 days n throat already no sign of infection. He said he wanna do urine test to assure dat there is nothing wrong
Oh yes, I remove the foil. The 2nd container, I din remove the foil. Heng!
U another one feed roasted pig to tod

Pigletz, Brenda
Tink * suddenly my eyes bright up. Wz thinking if Chen Chen guai guai cooperate n nap in Piglet'z hse (he
in all bb gathering except the 1 which we celebrated his b'dy) I can stay longer n meet more mummies

Everybody pot luck I empty handed pai sey leh
I dun bother to comment on the food u give Gareth liao. Close my 2 eyes tight tight, no eyes to c
No offence hor
Thot u brot Gareth to a PD in Tiong Bahru?

@ least u more acceptable than Pigletz n Giggler in terms of food for tod (Pigletz, Giggler dun pong me hor)
can give it a try, maybe chen chen will sleep at my place.

hahaha, that's why i told you to ignore my post on food mah. hahahaha, know that it's not acceptable to you.

I only bring Gareth to Tiong Bahru one if the hougang one is not open. Still prefer the Hougang one. Everytime I got Tiong Bahru one, I will tell the PD what the hougang one give, hahaha, think the Tiong Bahru PD quite pissed off with me. hahahah
congrats to u !!! rest more and take care of yourself.

can you tell me the exact location of the hougang pd? y did you bring gareth all the way to tiong bahru to c pd?
Welcome back!!! How are you? Can join us for the gathering on 10 Sept???

Sure, the clinic name :
Anthony's Baby & Child Clinic
Blk 327 Hougang Ave 5
Tel: 6280 2122

My auntie who takes care of Gareth is staying at queenstown, so Tiong Bahru is very accessible. But they are only the 2nd choice if ABCC is not open.
do u wan to brg vane to dr ngiam fr s'pore bb n child clinic at gleneagles? he's v experienced. tat tx we oso worried n he was d 3rd pd we wen to (1st was a neighbourhood pd, 2nd was kkh a&e). he was quite assuring. so 'qiao', our relatives n frds recommended tis same pd too. queue can b quite long but if u go early morning, d wait is not 2 bad.

wen there n saw citibank promo for raffles d plaza mooncake. raffles hotel promo is uob.
ai ya...why u call him 'stupid', shd b clever boy, stomping his feet to repeatedly hear d sound mah..
ar bb stuff in m'sia cheaper? tot of getting a safety gate. my kitchen door width is so wide n if get gate plus 2 ext, cost $100++. din wan to pay so much but internet dun hav suitable 2ndhand one leh.

i like nat w the purple top n 'sexy' whit mini skirt, v v nice. c girls can b dreesed up so nicely.. my frd told me her daughter is like her doll, so fun to 'play' w, haha..

i like ur potato salad too

wonder wat tx is d focus gp discussion?

giggler, mon_mon n foreverfrd,
din c u all 4 d disney bb foto shoot. came to realise mine was on sat n all of u on sun right? ashrel din wan to smile, heng din cry, but eyes big big stare at d cam. did u all buy d $10 foto? me bougth but d effect not too gd, ashrel looks pale agst d disney bkground. on pc screen looks nice but print out, so so only..
Congrats! U only want one ah? Why???

U want more than one but ur hb doesn't???

Vane still has fever? Wow, cause for concern man... beta monitor.
When is ur op? Take care...

Old comment: hb kept reminding me of weird ppl who go open forums/websites to view kids' pics so we usu dun post pics lah...he just passed me an article that day about this.

Didn't read all the posts, and busy at work.. ta-ta!
pigletz, quite difficult lei..just got informed by hb he got organisation events on that sat morning also..too rush esp the gathering starts at 1 pm and our course starts at 2pm. Its at adam road.

Lyn, we attended a pre-marital course before getting married, this is like a refresher course...u know lah after getting marrried alot of things forgot liao esp with kids.

Brenda, too much details lah dunno how to share....it not just about being a good wife but how to build a long lasting marriage. A marriage goes through different seasons so it really takes 2 to work at it.

Giggler, i think i didn't tear off the foil completely from the container, go home and check tonite hopefully not lao hong.
hahaha, by that time hor, all the toddlers can walk liao, and will be jumping with excitement to get christmas present. hahhhahaa

yeah shook,
can let chen chen try sleeping at pigletz's place.. her bed nice nice..try to subconciously forget abt the diaper too okie?

Wahahah Pigletz,
Shook paiseh dun dare to answer u! why u so direct??? tsk tsk

U become phantom reader too arh? ahhaha, one of the weird ppl stylobb mentioned?

u went for the course already? no lah, me asking where's the course held only. Yeah, noe it takes two to work it out.. hahhaha, happens to be me that's not cooperating in my marriage leh.
