(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Y shd I need to complain abt u? If u genuinely unfriendly, pple can tell, they have sharp eyes too...........

The gerfer container, any mum can take my share.

Hehe, I only taking basic theory test tommorrow. Dunno take how many times liao, never study again...hopefully tonight can burn midnight oil and study or else fail again......BJG huh? dunno leh, what do you think? dun think their gym very good but flash cards good lah.....but so tiring for us....haha..didn't u see me and my husband pointing at each other to go after Tristan...hehe..

Pigletz, I contact you again on Friday...
For me, every week i usually write on a piece of paper all the different household chores i want my PT helper to do - makes my communication simpler and if anything she's not sure, she just ask me. I have never left her alone at home until i know her better over the months. But she ever bbsit for a German family on regular basis. Only recently i left her alone at home for abt 1 hr whn i rushed out to run errand with my mum and Alicia.

You can find the "What to expect" series frm MPH bookstores.

Ya, agree with u, magic mop can't reach the corners, still have to use cloth to wipe:p

Congrats, Lionel turning 1 tmw!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance in case i don't come in

Me no plans of returning to workforce yet. Sole responsibility now is still bringing up Alicia by myself...no other choice for us. But i enjoy doing it.

Yes, i'm sure u are enjoying Kieran even rite now...coz they are cute in their ways at every stage! How much did u pay for trial class at kindermusik last time?

Gareth enjoyed alot in bintan?
Thks for the info on the container. I'll pick up frm you one of these days in SK when u are free. Just sms me pls.
Will try Aelwen for this contest cos couldn't enter her into the KK one. Am picking up the forms today, anyone keen? Just wear clothes with no cartoon characters....anyway she don't really have much with cartoon characters...i not one for cartoon characters
hello mummies...
feeling v tired n need a listening ear while i vent my frustrations abt my FIL.

Jana hasn't been sleeping well for the past 2 nites, she kept waking up crying badly. suspect she had a terrible fright on sunday and is hving nightmares. Went for dinner at suntec with my PILs on sunday and my FIL brought Jana for a walk after he's done with his dinner..we heard a bb crying terribly. initially i couldn't tell its Jana cos the bb is not just crying but screaming away ..after listening for awhile, i realised its my girl! quickly rushed out of the restaurant and saw my FIL was walking back with her. my FIL was laughing away n saying that she was scared cos an aunty played with her n squeezed her cheeks... i din really buy his story cos Jana is usually ok with strangers. occasionally she does hv stranger anxiety but she'll just start sniffing away, crying n screaming like dat is not her usualy reaction to strangers. her nightmares these 2 nites makes me even more doubtful and i feel v frustrated that my FIL has lied and i'm left wondering wat really happened to my girl. i am angry with myself too cos i know that my FIL cannot be trusted yet i let him n Jana out of my sight

nice decor, cant wait to see the rest of the birthday pics! how did the cake turn out?

yah..i also noticed that they r getting more affectionate. Jana also wants to be hug/sayang more now and she likes to sleep on my bouncy flabby tummy. the other day i rub my nose against hers and she pulled my head back for more

will go over to ur place to pick up the bottles, probably during the weekends.
Okay, we meet up for lunch lah. Wed to Fri, which day you can? Then I pass the containers to you.

Brenda and Viv, wanna join us for lunch?

Okay. Will pass your share of containers to other mummies.

ya, Gareth enjoy the swimming part, but he don't like soft sands. haha, think he feel insecure.
Okay, maybe this weekend. Might pop over to Rivervale Mall NTUC to buy things for my housewarming this sat.

okay, will wait for your call.
I think organiser of bb contest make use of the registration fee to pay for the expenses incurred. Thot the dr gift r sponsored, the organiser dun need to pay for dr gift
Next time Ryan can cook for daddy n mummy. So sweet. I wanna teach Chen Chen to cook so he can help me out @ the kitchen

U still wif the cosmetic co?
I m not over wt but I wish I m slimmer. I still hv 5kg to shed after delivery
Your MIL like under the spell of your SIL. Your SIL so nasty she still treats her so well
Guess your hubby feels as upset as u over your MIL's reaction for Lionel n yourself dat's y he doesn't wanna hv no 2. But dun hv to c your MIL's face to hv no 2 mah. U can get confinement lady n as u said send your child to infant care
Is your MIL going to cont to take care of Lionel now dat your SIL delivered?
I oso wanna c Lionel's pic

The other day I asked my hubby if no 2 boi how? He said boi boi lor. Cannot choose 1 mah. Try for no 3 for a gal

Y u dun wanna hv no 3? U still young mah

Brenda, Viv, Giggler
I dunno Chen Chen affectinate or not. He doesnt' kiss me anymore but bite me ouch! Esp me
either when I carry him on on the bed wif him. On the other hand, he sticks to me, lies on my tummy, rolls over my body when we r on the bed
I envy your bb's way of showing affection

There r 3 rounds for the contest, prelim, semi final n final. So need to go 3 wk n ie miss 3 classes. Vane can join the fastest walking bb.
I dun intend to send Chen Chen for the contest. Dun want him to miss classes but I may consider the Disney 1
U loose a lot of wt mah. Dun need to get angry over ppl who binge n dun gain wt

I wz shocked n disappointed when I read the headline in ST tis morning. Not only he misused donor's funds, he deprived patients who need the $ n the medical help. Dat means life! Boi he is equivalent to a killer in a way

Welcome back
Thx for the extra container. I definitely love to hv it. Val's ma ma told me the container is gd
Out of curiosity, how many hse warming party u threw so far?

U mix up Avocado n Absolut

Can help me get the bb contest form. I consider tis 1
Chen Chen has 2 rompers - Pooh bear n Pigletz but too small for him liao. He oso has singlet n shorts wif Pooh bear but dunno whether will b too small in Aug. How much is the registration for the Disney contest?

Cool dwn dun get angry
BB hv anxiety for different strangers. Chen Chen is ok wif most strangers but he HATES my MIL. He screams n cries until v jia liat machiam being abused when my MIL wanna carry him. Chen Chen doesn't want my ah negh negh mgr too
<font color="0000ff">HI ALL</font>

I'm feeling much better thanks for all concern.. So sorry can't read all your posts!! I think will call hubby to print out so I can read up... LOL.

The cramps are quite bad.. but not as bad asthe dizziness and nausea after naps..

I'd rather be moving about more.. but moving about causes cramps... SIanz...

Oh well..I hope I do feel better in time for the Semi-finals of the KKH BB show. I also surprised that Matt got in.. but I take excuse to go shop a bit...on the other hand.. scared of crowds...

<font color="ff6000">Viv:</font>

I saw your post the latest...so adding my 2 cents.. :p


My MIL lied also..I was resting in the room on Sun.. and Matt crawling about.. KK went Istana for some garden party..

I heard Matt screaming and crying!! I rushed out from room holding my belly..MIL already holding him.. I asked her what happened and she said don't know.. he suddenly cry!!

Come on!! where got kids suddenly cry??
Auntie Bb sitter rang Ydae to say Matt why got "or cheh" under his chin and a red line on his forehead???? Now I know!!

Re: sticky

Matt has been quite sticky when in bed with me..I lie down most times esp evenings..he'll crawl and cuddle next to me with his book and look at pictures..

Feel rather sad can't carry him..
United Square BB contest form:
Shook x 1

Not too sure how much is the registration. Will get you the form nevertheless.
Thanks Ruffy! Thot its a waste to spend whole day there if nothing much.

u going MIA?

ur PT helper sounds good. can i hv her contact?

keep us in the loop for Aelwen's partipation k.. hahahah, mebbe we can go be her 'la la' group.

y hazel/soyb gets to choose the day for lunch, viv n I cannot.. play favourism arh. Can fill my container w chocs? hahahah

ur hb can... he so good w kids! Look at mine? No-no..
I wan even number.. can throw them badminton rackets then no one disturb me.. one more extra i wun hv peace..hahahah.
Dun envy dun envy... ur chen chen so guai!

Hi moms,
did u gals receive sms regarding MMR causing autism? I can't stand it!! argh.. dun noe whether issit due to preggie that's y i get so agitated over these ppl.
u rest rest n dun keep sneaking around!! hahaha... guess sitting in front of the pc every now n then is fine lah.

Congrats to Matt!!!
pigletz, soya, hazel, brenda
i'm ok with lunch tomorrow or thursday. Friday's out cos morning got meeting in am and dunno how long it will drag.
your containers is with Lyn. Wonder have Lyn pass it to you?
Btw, I have 6 housewarming liao. Another 2 more to go.

you rest well okay. Don't always sneak out okay.

haha, ok ok, the 4 of you discuss and get back to me okay.
Since Viv say Friday cannot, so it's either tomorrow or Thursday liao. I will try to get some yummy dark chocolate for you.

Viv, soya and Hazey, don't be jealous okay, this is for 2nd time mummy only. hahahah

okay, will check with hazey and soya and also brenda which day they can make it.
Hey Viv, the decor ok only lah... I still like what you did for Jana. The cake turned out very "HDB"...can see my smile sizzle off the moment I saw it.... so ugly I can't even post it here.....

Ay, give Jana lots of comfort and hopefully she gets over this rough period... Since it has already happened, boh bian oredy.....

Pigletz, tomolo should be ok... U ok to carry so many containers to work or not?
The containers very small only lah. hahha, and anyway, they are all in my office now. I bring them back home little by little everyday since I need to fetch Gareth home everyday.

Tomorrow is more or less confirm. What time can you meet?
can u pick up 1 contest form 4 me/ashrel, but how do i collect fr u ah??

my 'advice' is dun go shenzhen. sori 2 say tat but i really cant std d pple there. at d checkpoint pushing their way tru (u hav 2 b v careful). food oso not nice, quite salty n oily n they will brg u to 1 or 2 medicine halls n 'force' u to buy chinese medicine n will say how sickly n how in bad shape u are etc. i'll nvr go bk to d place agn.

dear mummies,
pls b CAREFUL if u do brg ur bb n dine at Swensen. brought ashrel to swensen on sun. their high chair is extremely low (considered tat ashrel is oreadi quite big n tall). wen seated, his chin is almost same level or only slightly higher than d table top. on tat day, wen ashrel sat on d high chair, i told hubby ai yo..so low..ashrel may hit his mouth. within few mins, i heard him screaming! oh no! blood ooze out fr his mouth, his bib n shirt got blood. both hubby n i were shocked. he was crying v badly. restaurant mgr gave me ice n i wrap w handkerchief, applied on hsi wound to stop d bleeding. he was screaming n wont let me examine his wound. we cancel our order n wen out to calm him down. wen he stop crying, i saw 2 'cracks' on his upper lip. poor boy.. i felt so bad.. heng..his wound recovered quite fast n by nite tx he was able to drk milk agn. he gotten a shock but af tat as usual back to his bo si tiam so i noe he is ok.

ashrel is now ok w strangers too but he jus dun like my mil even thou he sees her almost evyday. jus cant explain why...
hope jana quickie gets over it. she will b fine, dun feel bad. perhaps read her some stories b4 bedtx n tell her nice nice thgs she likes n she sure 4get abt wat had happened.
shook, giggler, kris...wont eat up ur containers lah, they are with me...suppose to pass them to shook last sunday....sorry...suppose to make it convenient to all of you.. pai say. will arrange time with shook to hand over lah.
<font color="ff0000">Shook</font>

Ya.. you did have more faith in Matt than me.. LOL.. Next time I ask you send forms for me lo!!

Anyway Matt joining this Kampong Glam CC one cos my bro's MIL recommended.. and the one at Telok Blangah CC cos my neighbour recommended.

I think I'll give Channel 8 n the United Sq a miss.. very stress la..like join beauty contest!! Also got alot of Make -up class to do.

The rounds all weekends and with me this big tummy and fainting condition how to bring Matt for make up classes durng weekdays.. sigh..

Chen going for disney?? Sunshine BB??

<font color="ff6000">Brenda</font><font color="0077aa">pigletz</font>

Sneak?? me?? heh heh.. you caught me!! Today I tried sitting for a few mins..LOL. Dare not go out yet...always kena spot checked by hubby!! Machaim house arrest!!

<font color="0000ff">BRENDA</font>
EH CONGRATS!!! Ermm my gal can be your God daughter then?? Any EDD yet for you??

<font color="119911">SANRIO</font>

Ash so handsome!!!! Adorable!! Must join contest lo!!

Swensens?? Which swensens??
Hazey ask for ur share of container, and I will pass it to her ur share since you don't want it. Is it okay with you?
Ally was good on the plane. Expected her to insist on walking around the whole plane but managed to keep her walking around in our row and a little at the side.

She seems to take well to different surroundings. Had no prob with the diff service apts that we stayed in. Just happily walk around and played all the time. Think she enjoyed exploring the new places.

Agree with you that our little ones are more fun and responsive after 1 year. Ally has also started kissing and hugging. When she's in an agreeable mood and I ask her to kiss, she pucker up her lips and wait for you to kiss her. She's also started going around hugging her cousins but one of them is so scared of her that she freaked out the first time coz she's scared of Ally biting her. Anyway, it's really sweet to see the little ones hugging each other.

U blur blur... congrat me for Lionel turning a year old leh.

Ashrel has really grown into a big boy already. Looks more mature.
nice pics of Ash.. how is he now.. scary incident at Swenson

I bought the "Mother of all Toddler book"..still reading haven't really got around to finishing the book

Maybe that the reason for registration..anway I take part in those just need to e-mail your bb photo..less hastle.
Yeah..next time Ryan should be able to cook/clean the house also.
i wonder whether got 'super climber' contest cos he loves to climb. do u noe he wen up my single bed at guestrm, tip toe n hold unto the window grills n wan to climb up. oh no! evyday up down sofa, wan to go up tv rack, boxes, chairs etc etc etc. i v chuan like marathon evyday w him!
Ruffy, the Disney criteria very ma fan leh. You mean that book is very thick or you dun have time to read?

hazey, I saw the news on NFK CEO too. Actually I dont donate to them cos I heard that the staff got big big bonus every year.

pigletz, no prob. Both you and Lyn deserve it. Thanks for organising the purchase of Gerber puff for us. You still having housewarming???

skyblue, GUG is 1.5hrs each week and they cover lots more activities compared to Kindermusik. Also, there maybe things for them to eat as snack. For eg, Vane got to eat watermelon &amp; drink watermelon juice, when the teachers taught them "W" that day.

cFaith, I also only like their flash cards and the teacher. Now considering if I want to join them next term.

pringles, thanks I'll drop by the nearest MPH stores to take a look. Maybe I'll buy one for my friend too. You got intention to have No 2 then?

mon, think Vane has one with Tweety bird is that considered Disney cartoon? How much do we have to pay? Where can we get the form? Maybe I'll get it myself on Sun when I bring Vane for GUG class.

viv, actually my dad also like that leh, cant really trust him to take care of Vane. Think you got to forget abt the event unless you want to confront your FIL. How abt giving Jana 'jing feng san' to calm her down? Aiyo, so sweet to pull your head back to ask for more.

shook, guess every bb displays their affection in their own way? You mean the Channel 8 ones got to go for 3 weekends? But Vane may not even went thru the prelim? You joining the Disney one? Maybe we can join together hor?

Nat, great to see you here. Did u have such bad cramps when you have Matt? Matt is handsome that's why he managed to get into semi-finals. How abt my idol, Jade?

brenda, no I didnt rec any email on MMR leh.

sanrio, ai yo. Didnt realise that Swenson high chair is so low leh. It seems ok for Vane. So Ashrel is ok now? Luckily, Vane just walk round the whole house and not climb up &amp; down.

lyn, no prob with the containers lah. We can try to get them this Sat? How's your work recently?

absolut, same thing happened to Vane too. She's so "re qing" when she saw one of her cousins that the boi freaked out and cried for help. That scene is really funny.
super climber or twisting body around to get in and out of safety railing..Ryan also suitable to take part

today he was climbing in and out of the railing to see the aeroplanes at the airport.
i kind of 'xian mu' leh. my frds' bbs oso not like him, super climber. need tonnes of energy to b w him evyday! take whole bottle of multi vit oso no use man..
well... my mil at 1st wasnt dat happy... but we told her it was fair... cos we had to celebrate the lunar bdae at her place, so ang mo bdae do at my mum's lor... dat quite shut her up.
and no... me nt preggy... sori to disappoint u... haha... my AF has visited me yest. nw super crampy.

aiyoh... sori to hear abt swensens... aiyoh! hubby jus redeem 2 swensens voucher! anyway, did u ask for free meal or nt? :p

u all arrange for lunch cos seems like no good dates for me... i arrange and take from u again.

why u doubt ur fil? i think if smethg reali happened to jana, he wldnt come back to u laffing away rite? he wld hv seemed nervous... prob the woman reali pinch jana too hard on the cheeks leh? or the woman is damn scary looking? :p
sanrio, come to think of it, it shows that Ashrel is someone who is very curious abt his environment. That also means he'll learn things very fast mah.

Ruffy, me only got time to read in the train. Managed to finish one storybook within a week.

soya, hahaha that's a valid reason.
My menses also coming so keep feeling hungry and mouth very itchy all day long. I've stock up choc just in case I get moody again. I understand what Viv means lah, cos my dad also like that one.

eureka, how are you? Didnt hear from you for so long. Miss you leh. My fridge is filled with choc now cos I scared I got into depression since yi-ma coming to visit soon. Has your flight arrive?
poor ashrel...hmm..next time beta chk the high chair.I notice some high chairs r unstable &amp; dirty.So i normally put lionel on stroller.

ash really very cuteeee...he looks like a cheerful baby! can he walk steadily yet?

hi giggler,
ya,we can make arrangement to meet up to buy the mop.I am not sure if my mil can still tak care of lionel,despite she has reassure me.His sil is sahm so she shld tak care of her own baby.But again,she is well known of playing "tai chi".

sending vana to cc? do u mean the whole day?

I did engaged a confinement lady for help last tx.Anyway,my confinement was a disaster, coz my confinement lady wasn't very cooperative &amp; his sil came to our hme &amp; stayed until very late.Purposely horn so loud when she reached &amp; woke up my baby...
You want to meet us for lunch on thursday? Then can collect the containers too.

ya, still having housewarming. 2 more round and it will be over. hehe..

House arrest is for your own good.
So you be good girl okay.
Since you are suppose to rest, means you can't give tution at all liao lor.
Protest! U support Aelwen in the contest only

Your hubby no gd wif kids mah? I remember the shot of him changing for Jem n both eyed on the TV
U got 3, your hubby join in then 4 liao lor. Did u c BabyBlue comic on Sun Life on 10.07.2005?
No din received sms on MMR. Who sent to u?

I haven't collect fm Lyn. Wanna bring Giggler n Vane to tear dwn Lyn's hse

8 hse warming. Wow u hv many gp of friends!

Oh poor Ash.
fm aunty Shook on his wound. Thx for sharing
Did u tai jiao Ash to stay clear your MIL?

Ash looks like a toddler not a bb anymore

Dun b mistaken. I din say u eat up my container (r they edible?)

Now u hv faith in Matt. Send him to so many bb contests. Do u need to pay registration fee for the bb contest organised by CC?
Won't send Chen Chen to channel 8 contest. I dun want him to miss his lesson. May consider Disney. Need to look @ the timing.
Y u say channel 8 n Disney v stressful like beauty contest?

Pong u. I dun deserve the xtra container is it?

Aiyo, u won't know whether Vane can get into the final fm the start rite mah. If she really gets into final then u gotta skip 3 classes. Bear in mind. GUG no make up lesson
I wanna read Disney contest in detail. If timing OK, I will join. Hey u pick the form for me can then dun need to trouble Mom_Mom liao. If I m joining, we join tog. Wonder if they need a pic of our bb

U dun need to pick the Disney bb contest form for me. Giggler will (I bet she will
get a copy for me. Thx anyway

Share share wif us if there is bb contest where photo is sent by email. I dun hv hard copy of Chen Chen's photo. All store in camera n PC

Your evil SIL bu her
Did u get confinement lady fm friends who hv experience wif the confinement lady b4?
i really dun understand y must they lie, we needed to know so that we can monitor the kids and make sure they r ok after the fall or watever incident...

hmmm...if ur doc order bedrest then better guai guai follow leh. during my 1st pregnancy i was suppose to be bedresting at home after going into premature labour at 23 weeks but i got bored after 2 weeks and went out twice. i started having cramps n had to bedrest for another 2 mths.

thurs on! where r we going for lunch? i can meet at abt 1215 to 1230.

understand ... u go n pacify the preggie 1 lah ... her hormones shooting sky high...that's y so sensitive ! hehehehe

but at least it tasted gd? as long as tyra enjoy herself then gd enof lor!

oh no... u must hv a terrible shock seeing blood ozooing out from his mouth! he bumped into the table or kena scratch by it? okie ...banned swensens! can try going to cafe cartel instead...they hv free flow of freshly baked breads, its real yummy when its just out from the oven and Jana loves bread.

yalor...i also find the disney bb contest so leh chey ...anyway Jana doesn't like mickey/minnie mouse. FIL bought a minnie mouse soft toy from disneyland for her, everytime i show her minnie, she'll quickly push it away! haha ...

dun intend to confront my FIL cos dun wanna put hubby in tight spot. anyway being the way he is, he'll never admit to anything even if i confront him. if i buy 'jing feng san' then my mum will start questioning...i din dare to tell her, she dotes on Jana ALOT ...din wanna cause friction between my parents n in-laws ...

mabbe chen chen shows affection by biting ...heheh

i doubt my FIL's words cos he hasn't been v honest abt things...
giggler, work still go on for me...trying to act very "normally" dun wan my boss or anybody to suspect that i'm planning my resignation...hao lai hao san.

shook, no lah...jus kidding abt the containers. But learning frm brenda...me too try to plan out the month's activites (only sat/sun mah)....but most of the time, spoilt by hb's working schedule, got ot lah, last min must stand by lah...all sort of nonsenses.

me not mia lah, i'm reading the thread without reply UNTIL BOSS GONE FOR THE DAY. otherwise got too many pple walking past me to go into boss's room. v.dangerous after what happened previously.

sanrio, bought jerald to swensens at toa payoh once, no chance to put him in highchair since i carried him all the way to share my sunade. the other time when i bought him to Sakae, (i remember skyblue posted a type of bb chair that"clip" to the table) i straight away said NO NEED!! dun want to take risk since i'm alone with him.

bb contest: very keen to let jerald join the CH8 bb contest (even hb agrees) but dun think jerald can accept so many eyes looking at him...stranger anxiety...

giggler,viv...since the whole story is a total vague...then take it as a lesson learnt lor...next time die die also must nvr leave jana with him.

qsg, how's ur new jazz?? got check everything frm switches/lights......spare tyre/tools...everything???
go for it, the CH8 contest. Just treated it as an experience for the family.
I would like to see Jerald on the TV.
pigletz, I cant imagine having so many rounds of house-warming.

shook, no prob, sure pick up the forms for you. But I only go GUG on Sun and can only pass to you the next Sat leh. Still got time or not. Sorry, I forgot that you &amp; hubby carried the whole box of Gerber to eureka's place. Heehee. You didnt develop any photos for Chen Chen? I thot I'm bad enough cos I develop Vane's pix by batch.

mon, ok I'll check with the info counter this Sun. Thanks.

Viv, you can feed Jana the jing feng san yourself w/o your mom knowing? Then you got to learn to forget abt the incident liao.
Vane has a minnie mouse which she likes to hug and kiss.

lyn, so good to see you here. Kinda miss your language lah. LOL
I oso miss lyn's language leh.

I miss u!!! Yar, i was the one who posted dat clip on bb chair pic. Very dangerous chair...

Poor ashrel...
He looks so mature in the 2 pics.

I tink it was abt $28.

Take care okie...
<font color="ff0000">Dun feed jin feng shan</font>. Sometime back news reported dat jin feng shan contains poison, cannot feed bb. My mum asked medical hall ppl n he claimed dat dat is in Taiwan. But better b safe than sorry
So sorry to hear dat u had a premature labor @ 23wks in your 1st pregnancy. Now u hv a lovely Jana
Next time dun leave Jana alone wif your FIL
BTW wanna ask u did u go to Eureka's hse wif Jana only?
I dun like the biting affection leh. V painful

May b u plan activities wif alternative whereby u can go out wif Jerald if your hubby can't make it

Intend to pull your legs. Thot u juz missed me out on the agreement of the xtra container. U really forgot my hubby's effort. So sad.... Pong pong pong....
Disney contest form 2 b submitted by 10 Aug but limit to 100 contestants only.
Avocado and Absolut
oops...sori,heheh got u both mixed up for a moment

Thks for bringing up to me, otherwise i don't even realise i mixed them up.

Here's my birthday greetings to Lionel once again - HAPPY 1 YEAR OLD!!

Ally knows how to pucker her lips and kiss too? Wow, seems like quite a no. of bbs here likes doing that, Jerome,Ally,Vane and Chen Chen..etc Must feel really nice...Alicia only likes to cuddle up to me but so far, i'm the one that kisses Alicia all day long...haha....think i overwhelm her wif my kisses, wonder whn will she reciprocate.

I gave u my PT helper's contact b4. She's the one QSG is using now. moe - 90072651

aiyo...i guess something that ur FIL did or the stranger who played with Jana must have scared her. Now u know, still never too late...next time can't leave her alone with him. She will gradually forget about it, just continue to sayang her

the incident at swenson's sounds so scary. Hope Ash is happy and well again. He sure has grown up so much frm the photos u posted.

Noted, thks for the info

Why u asked me if i'm planning for no. 2? U really stop at 1 ah? Sure or not?

If you are going to Rivervale mall this sat, just sms me again to confirm wat time so that i will go and meet u. Thks.

Jerald's cough any better?

Hong, you going to sign Jan up for the Ch8 contest?

Viv, so sorry to hear abt your premature labour. At least you have your sweet sweet Jana with you now.

shook, then I better not feed Vane with jing feng shan too. Aiya, pai seh leh.... By the time, I go down to collect the form this sun, think not eligible to enter liao.
