(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Wow, you gals already planning next gathering? I want to attend this time! Must change my shift so that I can go! wahahaa...

Giggler, Pringles, at first I thought it was my player or the TV that was causing the interference.... then it happened on all 3 players and all 3 TV sets we tried on... and it's more than one of the VCDs... so I guess our set not that good. Luckily hubby already copied the VCDs.

Viv, I love Jana's photos! Hey, thought the ball thinggie is for older kids... that's why I haven't bought for Ian... looks like Jana enjoys it.... maybe I can buy now!

hahaha, no lah. Don't worry lah. just passing Gerber container that's all. hahahahaha

Alot of pple not in yet, so can't response. Give them so times okay?

Why you so blur. hahaha, it's PIGLETZ who got your puff. hahahaha...I sms you my number later.
Hahahahhah Pigletz
ah bish U!!! Let me think of a secret agenda if i am going to ur hse!

I happened to use <font color="aa00aa">purple</font> font n then ur post on <font color="aa00aa">RIBENA</font>....all the <font color="aa00aa">purple</font> shades in my mind now! hahahah

My face indeed very BIG!!!! how u know, everywhere frm top to toe all big lah!

Next gathering at QSG place, Jurong (I think). To celebrate Dana's birthday as well. Date will be 24 July.

Those going:


Who else?? Please state your name!!
Morning mummies,
so early in the morning and so many posting liao.
I'm quite quiet type..do too much talking at work already..nice to meet up with you and Nat..so when Nat free to go shopping etc?

Nice photos
Pigletz, cannot confirm my attendance yet... my roster won't be out till mid June for the 2nd half of June. I just say I want to go... hehehe... hubby will be in Sweden during that period... nobody to celebrate my b'day with me... sob sob!
then u try ur best to come okay. We will celebrate your bday with you.
I can buy cake to go your workplace for you too.
hahhaa, i sound like a man now. hahahhaha
trying to suan me i got nothing better to do so keep posting that why my post number hits are so high right!!! *arghhhh*
giggler, since day one after maternity leave ends...me bn toying it till now...jerald turn one liao leh!! if not for this back stabbing incident - i think it wont probe me into resignation...just duno how to pen the resignation ltr, waiting for my friends to send me a format.

hong, me one crazy nut....u can call out to me lah!!! the most i'll freeze in ur path for 10sec (wondering who's this woman?!?)

mon2nat, ur hubby dun like 72!!! like sahm said...v.charming!! he looks like a jap!!!

sahm, forum + 14 bbies + 14 mummies + spouses = peng san!!! he's not a crowd lover (nvr). tat's why the xian xian look.
i will come over with jerald lah..perhaps my mum. but not him (very shao xing). i prefer he's not dropping/picking me or even tag along...i rather leave when it's time to leave or when jerald's starts to get cranky...and not b'cos the big boy felt misfit or carpark coupon is up or he buay tahan the crowd...etc etc...

qsg/pigletz...so who is hosting the july gathering?? but i tot celebrating dana's b'day is more meaningful. qsg, not i not supportive of dana's party....i revert back to you later can?

ruffy, u were so close to me the other day but me bz with my cranky rascal....no chance for gd chat. honestly, i overheard u talking to ryan in canto!! well now i know i not the only mummy who will rattle off familiar dialects to Jerald!!
sometimes by speaking it in public...by passers will throw those funny look at you - hate it so much!!
Ur hubby 1972 one? He looks so young... Ehhhh, my ah lao oso 1972 one leh, u see the diff bet him n urs? :p hehehe...

Maybe elevating YH when he zzz will make him more comfortable since he has blocked nose?

Oh dear, ZL still coughing at nite? Dat time Kieran had cough, nanny would rub vicks on his chest.

Wow, Jana has dat exersaucer? It's very interesting but so ex!!! She has so many pooh bears

Chen chen only wears diapers to zzz at nite? No long pants? Kieran is so used to sleeping in air con rms. No air con he'll wake up so many times cos he so scared of heat.

Yar, having the ball pit will kill u if u're a cleanliness freak. Picking up the balls when they throw them out is 1 thing. Imagine gotta clean the balls! Sometimes when i'm cleaning the balls, i'll be 'gar gar chang chang' n blame my hubby for buying the darn thing.

If watery stools could mean dat vane is teething.
Not back at work till Sept/Oct

Have to speak cantonese to him so he will understand what FIL/MIL..talk to him when he meet up with them next mth. So far he can identify and name them from the photo and say a few words/ sentances in Cantonese - zhuo( sit), Pao pao (carry).. qi shuo( Toilet).. mm tak(cannot)..tak (can).
need to change the tires of my car..at the dealer/workshop quite expensive $300 per tire..not willing to spend so much ..do you gals know any good workshop to recommend?
Ruffy, tyres yi fen qian yi fen huo, if you ask me. There IS a difference between the $70 tyre and the $300 tyre. Your car so good, cannot buy cheap tyres lah =)

Pigletz, I'm so touched... hehehe... thanks! Really hope can meet you gals next gathering!
I agree with Jul.
My hb change his tyre after we got the new car cos he wanted a safer tyre and he paid $200 extra to trade in the new and get wat he wanted.

Ok i will tap ur shoulder next time. hee...
Hubby dun like to attend the gathering? Dun force him, but he still can ferry u to the gathering venue right??

When we dun own a car previously, my hb will follow me to almost all the gathering but he will sit one corner and look at the children playing and jagar ard.

Ever since we got a car, i allow him to be excuse from the event but must ferry us to and fro. Surprisingly, he still willing to come along and this time he is more sociable and will start talking to other daddies.

Maybe ur hb is shy??? it took abt a yr for my hb to start socialising with other daddies.
U noe what? Hb and i chose the name 'Janelle' for our future girl too leh! hahah, so that i can hv Jerome n Janelle..

Wahhaha... remind me to hugz u gals the next time we gather okay.. must show that i dun dislike/distaste..etc! I'm also a straight forward person leh... I outright show my laziness! yeah, me lazy to talk n smile..hahahah. Why u think i communicate w hb thru msn at home?

Yes YEs.. actually i see similarities in both of them.. tell u something that happened on Sat. Rae was playing w that yellow bike which dun noe y my jem was so obsessed w. Jem keep holding on to it to stand up. Rae keep telling him No! And try to undo Jem's grip. (All this while there's a guy relative telling ur Rae Rae cannot like that.) Hahaha, think he gets fed up w Jem's persistent, he looked at me machiam like telling me to carry jem away. I bang bang at a nearby toy, Jem happily let go. But i'm very proud of them both cos both noes what they wan n they dun just cry but manage the situation on their own. Hahha, but that's thinking positive.. negatively, yah lor.. why iour kids just can't share share n be more gentle. HAHHAHA!

Next gathering at QSG place, Jurong (I think). To celebrate Dana's birthday as well. Date will be 24 July.

Those going:


Really that bad at work arh?

Me also think Vane's teething n very uncomfortable... remember i pointed out to u her gums very swollen?
i'm here again
I can't really come in during office hours. But smtx i do scroll n look at pics... so how many gigi does jerald has now? Ryan only has 4! He's late teether unlike jerald :p

thanks for remembering me... too bad i missed elyse's bd bash, it looks really fun w so many bb n mummies!
Yeah.. I not so sure abt car stuff..anyway have got hubby to deal with changing tyres..car sent for servicing..only can take back 3 days later..have to change some part of the engine etc..dunno what..anyway still under warranty so don't need to pay for change of parts

I find your hubby quite sociable leh.. at previous gathering I do see him chating with other mummies
.. Mine more sociable then me..but if talk cantonese to him..will give him deeper impression.. he only can remember Apple/Stylobb
Hubby will bring The car to bridgestone shop to change the tyre are we get it back..his friend has discount card
ours is 17inch.. large car lah..everything also more $$$.
skyblue, ah ur hb also!!! seems like all of them can form the 72 hb club!!

ruffy, but u were rattling off so smoothly to him tot ryan can understand!!! most of the time i speak to him in dialect but in public plcs i'll REFRAIN myself from doing so after it attracts too many stares!! hubby totally cant speak his own dialect. he only know simple phrases to commute with his g.ma. father n son only commutes in 70% mandarin and 30% english and no other languages.

one tyre change cost $300!!! v.expensive leh. wow, full set will cost more than $1K

hong, u another patient mum!! me throw in white flag after 5 or 6 tries! ferry to gathering ok, but i dun like him to pick up...like the incident at BJG, sms sms sms..."done already", "finish yet"....etc....delay are unforseen mah...u think i purposely linger ard meh!! plus he's not there REALLY TO PICK UP - he's there b'cos he wanted us to go to dowager's plc!! k, said more than enuff..anyway it's over....otherwise mummies mistaken me as a yuan fu hor....skyblue

brenda, ur co gd enuff to review ur job scope...i'm would be lucky if they grant me early release. YES it is quite bad! now pratcially sitting on leng ban teng, duno why even boss also ignore me most of the time??? ask him if he got any appts for me to update, any tasks...etc...he all said dun hv - but actually he either DIY or gave it to other staff?!?!?

piggy, glad u still remember that my rascal has the most gigis here!! (i'm not trying to show off hor)!!! but i always use this point to shut my dowager's gap when she try to compare jerald to sil's boy (he's 6mths older than jerald only)
he now got 12 fully erupted gigis!!! 4 (8) front lower n upper rows the 2 (4) giant molars rite a the back.

tot u are a sahm??? so infact u r a FTWM?? see lah....u seldom post...now i blur blur liao. next gathering u must come hor!!! otherwise sit side by side in mrt also didnt know.
can go out with him on public transport lor..we took the bus back from the airport.. quite okay.. if u ignore the screaming/fussing monkey who was trying to walking around in the bus
even though the bus ride was only 10 min..
This week hubby can find his own lunch

he does understand what we talk to him in cantonese..if you give him instructions..like close the door/get your shoe - English/cantonese..he can follow and do what you say . Hubby speak English/Cantonese/Jap to him.. I speak English/Cantonese(Hubby's dialect- I'm teochew)/ Mandarin to him.
I feel that should expose him to Cantonese.. dun need to both abt other people.. when u son can answer back in dialect + English + Mandarin..he is at and advantage
If my 2nd child is a son i called him "Jerome" ok, pronoun as Jeremy right? hahaha..
My sister will name her coming son "Jovan". Then my hb said, will all "J"??

I am not a patient mum, wife or person at all.
Must go to PIL's place every week? Nvm, next time as him to ferry to and u go back on ur own.

ohhh Large car!! lol.. 17 inch.. yah need more rubber*(raw material) lo!! maybe you wanna get a quote from these that I have been too.

family biz.. Very very long in biz since 1960s....

They are on pasir panjang road... going towards clemnti/west coast highway...

just after Manhill restaurant..

addy: Long Fa tyres n batteries
103, Pasir Panjang Road
Tel: 64712301

call them and ask for Boon Eng then ask him to quote say teacher from depot road recommended. The pregnant one.The one with corrola black car.
Ruffy, Lyn..

I too agree with this cantonese thing... I speak cantonese..so does my MIL..Hubbby cantonese...BUTTTT I don't know why my MIL still insist on speaking to him in broken eng!!

I do speak in cantonese to Matt at times.. like bring something here -lor2 lei3 take something there-lor2 hui2 and give yeye/mama-lor2 hui2 pei2 yeye/mama.

I call him a worm-chong3

then move here n there- yoke4 lei3 yoke4 hui2..

kids' these days learning so fast.
<font color="ff0000">SAHM</font>

yah!!! notice your toenails like you notice my hubby's ermm nipples?? kekeke

Yes iron!! I'm slightly anemic..the last test results came back liao... so I'm on OBIMIN 2x a day!!

also ate steak from western food stall alt days...
ur hse can definitely accomodate the ballpit cos ur hse quite big leh, that's y i din get to talk to some mums last Sat cos they sitting far far away, cannot chat.

Nat loves cheerios too? yup got the boat float, eh..its actually a ballpit, on sale mah, cannot resist buying.

same same, i also like bb with fair complexion..i love tyra's procelain-like skin

shook, skyblue
no no ...the pooh bears not mine, it belongs to Takashimaya
Jana saw the pooh bears n got v excited, so i put her on the shelf together with them

yes, Jana was up all the way till 930pm last sat. we tot she was tired already and wanted to bring her home to sleep but she refuse to sleep on the car so we detour to the little tikes distributor at upper thomson to get her birthday present then after that still do downtown some more ...i was telling jo that she's a little energizer rabbit..she just goes on n on n on n on... hehehe

hong, skublue
i rented the bouncer, too ex to buy leh. it keeps her entertain while my mum cooks n wash.

u can still paint nails ? u must be quite flexible then. my mum cut my toe nails when i preggie i couldn't reach them at all!

yah ...ballpit is for older kids... but its on sale...v v cheap so i buy lor then after that cant resist pumping it up ...mummy here v eager to play with her daughter's new toy
Not me not me. I din say u mop flr everyday till I heard the gals said dat
Yeah I remembered u said whenever your kids drop foodstuffs on the flr, u quickly pick up the mop/cloth to clean that surface n I said I do dat too.
U better than me I need 4 hrs or more to mop/wipe shelves/wash toilet/change bedsheet etc....
Hello r u saying me? pity the hubbies that do the cleaning up after gathering?? 2nd gathering wz held @ my plc. Pass the baton to someone else

No lar, won't say u cheapo. My memory fails me many many times after delivery. We same same. Next time when we meet then pass the bags to me lor
Hold b'dy party for Randall since u like it. Hse small never mind. Guests won't mind 1. Can put the food at the corridor

Vane's buttock red red, muz b v painful. Last time when Chen Chen had diarrohea his buttock red red, v v cranky. PD advised us to use cotton n water to clean his buttock n air his buttock often. Use nappy cloth instead of diaper. Of coz PD oso gave cream to apply
Give Vane apple, banana or carrot. They r constipated food. Can harden stools

I gave Chen Chen plain spaghetti w/o adding anything. Actually I cooked the spaghetti for my hubby n myself. So took out a few strength for Chen Chen b4 adding sauce. He love it n asked for more. But the rest I added sauce liao so din give him more.

Perhaps your hubby wanna join bb gathering but u din ask so he din join. Tis time he took the courage to ask u. Man has dat ego
I speak to Chen chen in Hockkien bsdies Eng n Mandarin

Welcome. My hubby packed the puff
U stay dr 4? My parents stay v v near MRT station

Jem really easy to handle. Leave food, milk n drinks near playmat. He helps himself. I gotta put Chen Chen in highchair for his food. Drinks he either doesn't bother or plays wif it. Then gotta clean up the mess

Pausini aka Hong
For a moment I wz shocked! "Rbr we must exchange the children next time.. " Now I digest wat u meant. N the pretty princess Alyssa.

no long pants for Chen chen. Juz diaper. Sometimes his little tummy even exposed

U missed me ah?
Wonder what Eureka let the mummies eat at her hse, all become hyeractive liao, the postings here r running SUPER fast!!!

I will only see pic and reply to those who talk to me

Can get use to the S'pore weather or not? Day time hot and nite time cold ... i also cant tahan ...
I m not the one hving hse-warming, think it's Pigletz. I got flu and cough last week, hvnt recovered fully yet during then, afraid i might pass the virus to the preggie and bbs, so didnt join in lor. How much diff is the starhub and singtel? If not much diff, then forget it lor.

Dun envy my place lah, when i did confinement tt time, i really got a lot of problems, it was yr end, my place was cold n windy thru out the day, i almost shut the windows in my bedrm, n my father scolded me siao. I agree with u, i dont want YH to get used to sleeping with air-con only. My MIL's hse is warm, they hv to turn on 2 fans in the living rm also. When YH was much younger, he fussed a lot at my PIL's hse, and there was once my MIL asked me to bring YH to my hb's bedrm and turned on the air-con. Indeed YH became less cranky. But in order not to let YH get used to air-con and fussed when there isnt one, i hv to be hard-hearted, and stay in the living rm. I dun wish to be isolated in the bedrm with YH everytime i go to PIL's hse.

Shook, Jo,
Actually YH also sweat alot even my place is cooling, esp nite time. Every morn, i can feel tt his back and hair is wet with sweat. But i really got no choice, i hv to make him wear an extra shirt and long pants, otherwsie i will hear the blocked nose noise fr him.

U mean nite time alone Vane pooed 2-3 times? Is it a lot each time? Hv u brought her to see doc? Poor Vane, buttock red means quite painful
Did u apply diaper rash cream on her buttock? think it might help. Hope she get better soon.
YH get cranky when he is sick. Actually Sat n Sun nite he cried until very jielat, dunno is it becoz of blocked nose, or becoz he is teething, his gum quite red. In fact, when he was very cranky on Sun nite, i was really worried, coz i gave him fish porridge in the afternoon, he was crying when taking the porridge, and he cried and made a lot of noise fr the throat in the evening. I was worried tt there might be fish bone stuck in his throat. I was already very careful with the fish in the porridge, made sure there was no bone in the porridge, but there was once i discovered a fish bone at the end of the feed, almost gave me a heart attack. Think it really gave me pobiah feeding fish porridge. And when he fussed so much on Sun nite, i was really scared. But my mum said no need to worry, she think i m too imaginative ... so i try not to think too much. Last nite YH puked a little after each time i bf him, maybe he doesnt feel too well??? But besides the blocked nose and the puking, he is ok, i really wish he can get over it soon.

How is Kieran now? Has he passed the phase of crying at nite? Sorrie i didnt read the past posts, maybe u can update me here.
I bought a playpen for YH to sleep at nite. And i put the bb cot mattress inside for him to sleep. The mattress is slightly longer, when the mattress is put inside the playpen, the 2 ends r slightly elevated. So YH is already sleeping in an elevated position. I noticed YH get blocked nose quite easily, esp when it rains at nite/early morn, i m already very careful with him, try not to let the wind blow directly on him, wonder how i can avoid it.

U quitting soon? U want any part-time job? U know there is an UOB branch near Boon Keng MRT? I just saw a notice on Sun tt they r looking for full-time/part-time customer service assistant. Not sure whether u r interested in the job, but it is so near ur mum's place, u can see Jerald every evening after work!!!

Thanks for sending me the link, i just got back to office, will go in to look see look see once i clear my work
nat, ruffy, shook...glad my jerald is not the only tu bao that got to speak dialect!!! Ruffy, me also teochew!! i find myself more comfy rattling in my own language.

shook, i ask him to come along whenever there's a gathering!! ask until i dun ask liao...just tell him i not free that particular day n would be bringing jearld out.

hong, i dun go to dowager's plc every wk lah!! can die, shorten my live if go there everywk!!!

deer....U REALLY DEER AH?!?!? i think this's the longest post u ever posted!!! CS??? issit bank teller??? i dun mind...can meet pple but i v.poor with my figures leh!!! will go c c. tks for informing.
Ryan has 4 teeth... can i ask which ones? cos jem has 4 too.. but its 2 lower ones n the 2 dracula teeth.. i find it weird. Now he's teething too but its the inside ones.. His two front teeth like MIA leh.

What's 'can i go this time?' u mean the QSG's open house har? I add ur name in can?

Wah!! k, that's really bad.. if financially can survive for a few months.. then throw lor. Try try sahm for a month or so, while looking arnd for a new ideal job. Market not that bad now. Hahha phrasing eureka's words,"just adjust and accomodate accordingly"

Hahha Hong,
Jerome pronounce as Jer-Rome. Hmmm, Jovan sounds nice too but i wan a girl!!

Huh, steak from Western shop stall.. well done one then can eat hor :p

U gals do all the hsework at one go? why dun split?

Jem only eat proper meals and fruits in high chair. Even then with a toy... mebbe he snacks in between meals frequently so he's used to it. I think Chen Chen likes biscuits too rite.. saw him playing w the biscuits boxes on saturday.
so u were anaemic oso when preggie wif ryan? I thot i was anaemic cos i felt giddy quite often but blood test showed i wasn't...

Thks for the link.

Luckily Kieran passed dat phase. So i tink either teething or tummy pain dat nite. YH has sinus? How abt giving him vit c? I give Kieran vit c from GNC.

I wanted to ask if u teochew cos u look like a true blue teochew.
btw, my intention is just to take a LONG LONG break frm work, will still go back to work (any area)/freelance or p/t...me not 100% sahm as i dun think i will subject myself to "BEG" for $$ every mth/wk frm hb.

u have dat typical teochew look. N the way u speak... :p Eh, u very courageous leh, to even tink of becoming a sahm. I dun even dare to toy wif the idea.
