(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ayoh Shook,
BONG U LAH.....BONG BONG TILL U flat dead! Ok lah, dun talk abt it lah.....dun let this misunderstanding come between us, u still want to befriend me till lao kor kor rite? Giggler, rite??

Chen chen......hahahhha......at least if he ransacks ur wallet or stuffs, the most drop into papa's car rite? My case, it is on the public transport, very lao kui ah!!! hahahhaah.....

Shook, Lyn,I use the Roman mop, so dun need to squeeze. Of course it is really of utmost need then i mop carrying her lah, not literally doing hsework with her. ME no superwoman!

Lyn ah, wat to do? Marriage is a lifetime commitment rite? Cant suka suka walk out, so must have lots of patience to work things out, must see each other gd's pt n appreciate.....saying is easier lah, but still have to say n do....
u agree? shook, be middleman leh, say i say rite anot?? I wont bong u this time

Hi Skyblue,
I read with interest n heart pounding very fast for u regarding ur labour process. Ayoh, I freak out ah! I am a huge mama with mouse size gut.....read urs, i so panic ah!! Water bag bursting n then show, rite?

Bravo u........but hor I very 'thirteen aunty' one. I will probably waved at the restaurant crew, bade them bye bye n said 'I going to give birth liao, wish me luck!'....hahahaha

Kieran darling.......u gave mama n all aunties here shiver n fright!

Ayoh Brenda,
Ur post made me blur. TAlking abt Wendy carrying TWO kids only then the next statement the mag teach how to choose. I was like Wendy teach how to choose gender of bbs issit? Then later wat hard rock, gentle pressure etc!!!!!!! hahahhah........

Hi Viv,
Jana is very sweet n clever, luv her so much! She knows how to turn the pen opposite side to make attempt to see ink!!! very cute!!!

Yah, I believe can be taught one, bbs n kids. They are like sponge n full of surprises.

Tks very much for ur offer. Hazel also very nice, offer to pick up cake for me. Hmmmm.....U all my guest,shd just come n enjoy.....dun want to trouble u. Really appreciate!

Hi Mummies,
Hahahahha, I manage to transfer some of my stress to u all with the potluck toys? Exactly how i feel lor....wat to entertain the bbs ah?? Ok, if too much stress, then we let them interact lor, let them sing n dance, clap hands lor, no toys...how abt that??

sanrio, the cake indeed frm prima deli. 1.5kg, total i paid abt $49+ b'cos i topped up $$ for blueberry favour.

sahm, actually i just fed up the way he behave ard bb and any other issues on jerald...otherwise when we are alone...quite bearable lah.

toys ah...i coming frm wedding n probably will be a one man show ....will try on that day n c how. probably some mobile/small item - dun expect some FP hippo pusher hor.
Hi Sanrio,

So good to see ur postings! Wah..ur hubby very romantic hor...still plan such things for your anniversary! As for Ashrel, I think he is not that bad lah... Which baby will sit still and do whatever you wish? Even when they are sleeping, will still toss and turn lah.... Moreover, we all have little monkies!

Hey Brenda, tok abt cake...I am still searching.. But u remember what B2 posted? Cannot cut cake too many times... dunno the logi though...

Hey Lyn, why offend me? *scratching head"
hazey, u were saying u will disturb jana's sleep to go out and like giggler, not using bb as and excuse to change your outing plan. Well, in my case if i interrupped my rascal's sleep just to bring him out..ME SURE DIE!! later he'll get cranky lah, want to hug hug lah, refuse milk lah...

well, u/jana and giggler/vane is used to it liao...but i nvr dare to it on jerald...did it once/twice mths back...nvr dare to do it again. better guai guai wait for him to finish his milk/maken/wake up then i dare to bring him abt.

sahm...simple toy. k.
ALMAK, you blur lah... Our babies almost 1 yr old liao..some oredy 1 yr old..u still dun noe Jana is Viv's bb and Tyra is my Baby????
Lyn ah,
Hb is playing a not bad role as a hb rite, just that as a dad, he is still learning n struggling. Take heart n be patient, k? I see the way he play with Jerald, so wen xin.......time will prove!
Hahahhahahaha LYn,
U super blunder sotong! Tyra n Jana!!!! Hazel n viv mums, where the same!!!!!

Can die, so fun!

Me leaving to go learn slope today liao!
sahm....jerald one yr old liao leh??? he still learning n struggling...then me leh?? also 1st time parent...who i learn frm? i also struggling leh...

hazey....sorry...read so much abt viv/jana's posting till i blur blur again....
LYn ah,
We woman adjust n mature better mah.....got men here anot, later i kena bong ah.......so scared!

No matter wat, think men n women complement each other, our kids need complete papa/mama parenting.

PAtience, come here n let out ur frustration, then go to hb n bong him, then talk things out, then lovey dovey again!

SLOPE, i going to playground liao! SLIDE, hahahha
U r a superwoman - handles 3 little ones who r in dunno know or dunno stage. Do u need to cook for all 3?
U need to take care of yourself too. Dun worn yourself out

hmm...Wif Jerald chasing after vaccum cleaner how u vaccum the flr? Vaccum cleaner v dusty leh. Does Jerald pull or bite the wire? We vaccum the flr once in a blue moon. My hubby sweep then magic clean. I can imagine Chen Chen chasing after vaccum cleaner, plays wif the wire, pulls the tubes out, put his hand into the fan portion of the vaccum cleaner....
Tell your hubby the trainer said it is more complete n healthier for the bb wif both parents participate in the classes. Daddy participating in gym n mummy in classrm. Both take turn to participate n rest (not idle)
Eureka is rite. Marriage is a life time commitment. Every1 of us is not perfect. We need to accept the gd n bad part of our better half. Recall the vows u made b4 u sign the dotted life? Like wat Eureka said saying is easier than doing. I admit I complain(ed) abt my hubby to my mum. My mum always tell me tis "Look @ the gd pt in him. Dun dig out his bad pts" I remember my hubby told me abt his friend who had n agreement wif his wife " no matter how bad we quarrel never never say divorce" Fu qi chuang tou chao jia chuang wei he
Agn agree wif Eureka, woman more adaptable than man. Bsides your hubby is the only child n u said he din hv a happy childhood rite. So he doesn't know how to handle Jerald. He lacks in the interacting wif human factor. Eureka agree? Ball back to your court.

Your hubby v romantic, plan for wedding anniversary. Is he n engineer?
Ash a great fan of Elmo. Wow protest when u dun let him watch Elmo n SS

It takes a pong pong to knows a pong pong muahahaha....Till death do us part....
Chen Chen pulled out my $ when I wz paying for stuff, so $ dropped on the flr. I gotta fight wif him for my other $ dat were in his hands n picked up $ on the flr. How messy it is
I v sua ku. Roman mop dun need to rinse @ all?
Brenda, didn't have this thot of you not replying me lah. Thanks for sharing your plans.

Shook, lyn will help me pay you my share of 4.75 for jaz's gift this sat.
Shook ah...Pigletz $4.75 with me hor....

Roman Magic Mop is very good...saves the vacuuming process.... Oh dear...will it sell out again? Kekeekekekekeke
sahm, u got ur point there - tot i opt for older man they will be mature...but this guy of mine - young at heart...gana cheated!!

show me ur mop this sat - so magicsl mah??

shook, u n sahm take turns to pong me??
correction, hubby is the eldest, got a younger sister (1973) and a younger bro (nov 1979)...all elder than me...they nvr put me this da shao in their eyes!! mil take hubby as amoney plant...the other 2, one a divorcee, but laster got married after shotgun n the youngest a gd for nothing who duno how to earn but spend $ like water

jerald..he chase after the machine, like to press the buttons on them. He saw me doing it...then learn lor. But he's afraid of the sound - so sit afar n shout. sometx but rarely he chase the nozzle. sometx play skipping rope with wire.

qsg, i know lah. u keep me inform on the nuby straw.
oic..yes, there are 2 Clarences in pathology. My hubby has worked with him b4

That makes Ashrel, Jerald and Alicia, 3 of them in the SS fan club:p hahaaa!!All 3 watch the same vcd..

btw, when are u returning back to work? Do u bring Ashrel out alot these days? Sometimes i feel so lazy to bring Alicia out myself, but stay at home too long also sian facing bb all day. I'm still hoping for more time off to be out alone away frm bb for a change. Such chances come by rarely tho.

So Eureka and me predicted right frm Jerald's photo huh....heheh...bbs expressions can be read like a book hor?

Where did u get the other 2 kids to look after frm??

Gd idea on the potluck toy thingy. Will bring something along this sat. But who knows....our 1 yr olds may be more interested in your furniture :p
share the same sentiments as u. quite 'lazy' to brg him out alone, cos he's so heavy. i cant cari the pram, bag n him (no lift landing). i wish to hav more 'off days' too but hubby v busy w work n u noe my mum sick, cant help. my mil dun even hav strength to cari him n he jus 'dun really like' her.. anyway, quite used to being a sahm liao but do 'miss' work. my leave ending jan 06 but may extend another half yr (if boss approves) or may resign??? c how lah..
u leh, gg bk to work?
oh, any other nice ss vcd, got lots of elmo n singing?

hi hi
in fact my hubby a v practical person, haha.. he dun noe wat to 'buy' for 3rd wedding anniversary liao so go hotel stay. he said need not drive ard n avoid ley chay parking in orchard yet can laze ard n go shop shop, c lah...
but he said will buy me a hp wen my contract reach 21mths, yeah!
how do u plan to celebrate tyra's b'day? u shortlisted the cake? me still dun noe wan to order fr which bakery..

sori i miss many posts. can tell me who is April? where/what is the class n wat do they do? gd ah?

my hubby not engineer. he's in sales.
i plan my day w ashrel as priority too. bo pian.. like wat u said, disturb his nap or makan, he cranky, i suffer.
pringles....all his mood written all over his face!! can read v.easily!! but at times, gd actor also...one min cry, another min ha ha ha...laugh until c gig cant c eye!!

sanrio, April is a teacher at BGJ, her flash cards skill really an eye opener for me!! She teaches the class every sat at 4.15. Think shook and skyblue already grab the last 2 seats in the class.

oooo, love those chubby thighs on ash!!! sexy pose!!

pringles, sanrio can ask both of u a v.stupid qns?? both of u used to work, so i presume that the flat was being pay off using u and ur hubby's cpf, rite? now that u r on no-pay leave and (sanrio) consider resignation. So how ah?? I mean abt the flat payment? must go HDB to arrange someting??
Hey Mummies,

The puff will be at my place by Wed.

I need to do some arrangement on how to pass them to you all. Here are some options:

1) Those going to Eureka's place can collect it from there. But must tell me who going, so that I can prepare them properly.
2) Alexandra and raffles mummies who want to get it earlier, can meet on thursday to collect it earlier.
3) SengKang mummies can collect it on Wed on Thursday night
4) I will need suggestion on how to pass to Jurong mummies.
5) Any other suggestion??
hazey, must top up with cash!! but already down to single income liao leh...can all deduct frm the breadwinner??

pigletz, thursday fine with me. but paisay leh everytx must let u come down all the way frm alexandra. but friday i can go to meet u at WTC. or i pick it up frm ur plc on wed nite??

jurong mummies? any volunteers to help out?? think nat too bz liao, better not bother her.

i hv no prob covering NE line/central or raffles mummies.
can't meet u on Friday. Got team building event for my dept leh. That's why only Thursday.

I have send out a mail to you all. Please take a look and reply me hor.
pigletz, trying to install msn but duno what they did to my pc...still trying.

wed nite or thurs lunch both ok. any raffles/ne line/central mummies wan to tong bang??
hi mummies
sorry, no time to read past posts.

so busy during weekends. yesterday i was at my holding company for meeting whole day.

saturday after shopping, zl breathing was laboured, we tot we will monitor... middle of the night... his breathing was not getting better... could see he was breathing hard... sunday morning searched PD opened on sunday and went to TMC, he saw zl and wanted to ward him for a couple of days on nebuliser. my hubby and i were scared but i learnt my lesson well, coz 7 day old zl was warded to icu for 10 days, until now i still think it was not necessary. so i told the counter nurse that i will pay the consultation fees and think about it. when we left, i told my hubby to go KKH A&E.

since zl's wheezing was so bad, he was immediately attended by the KKH doc. they gave zl nebuliser and after that prescribed the usual medicine for wheezing.

now zl is getting better, will monitor him for a few days, may visit my PD to follow up coz in KKH, the A&E doc told me that my PD used to be a lung specialist in KKH.

deer, brenda, eureka
thanks so much for your concern.

huh, u don't need the manual liao!?

as usual, me enjoyed seeing your kids photos posted here. heard GUo Yu very famous, and the queue at least 1 hour! may visit and "chat" with them first... heehee

wow... agree with eureka, alicia looks so different!!!! very very pretty liao!!! maybe she gained weight?

I love your birthday decor and cake for jana. so sweet!!! i am impressed!!! which line r u in? graphic or art? u have done it tastefully!

thanks for sharing, papaya is very rich in vit. C???? will it cause phlemg?

me also very "fan" with childcare... after zl's wheezing, i will go for childcare without aircon. as for the ratio, i think most childcare, generally will accept 1:6 leh...

hope i didn't miss any posts... please excuse me if i did... oh, in case i did not log in, please email me. thanks!
Jo... oh dear...how come must hospitalised for neubiliser? Can just rent the machine home rite? Anyway, stick to your PD since he is so famous... Take care of yourself oso!
Hi Hi...

Finally just got home... time to read n post.. after all can't zzz...waiting for wash to complete cycle...

<font color="ff0000">PRINGLES , PIGLETZ</font>

Happy belated birthday!!!!!

<font color="0077aa">VAL</font>

with the new company Matt did the same this morning!! Woke up 4am like randall asked for milk and refused to ZZ. So I got up and made pancakes!!
Matt played with Gregory (17mths) and napped together...the little gal Angela played with jigsaw...

KK doing his morning toilet n read papers..

<font color="0000ff">SAHM</font>

Eh... wanted to tell you sooooo many times but never got down to it.. so sorry can't come on the 25th..hubby's cousin's wedding...MIL been in a frenzy as all her relatives are coming down!!
Whole day affair..tea ceremony etc etc and then dinner..

Don't worry about planning..you'll be a great host... sad I'll miss it though!! Make sure hubby takes nice nice photos ah!!!

GUILTY?? Can I join the club now? I played so much with my friend 3.5 gal I neglected Matt....on the other hand he wasbusy dragging toys out from his box for his guest to play!!

<font color="ff6000">JO</font>

How's zl?? missed the post..have you tried the delrosa yet?? my students' mum all swear by it... been asking me to take also!! Truthfully I don't like the taste.. Ribena anytime!!!

<font color="ff0000">Guilty Mums</font>

sigh... I think I'm quite guilty of throwing Matt in his playpen and let him cry his eyes out.

Don't know what he wants sometimes.. eyes like wanna close but yet du wanna zz.. still take books from bookshelf behind the bed...take away from him...he'll cry... "so" him also struggle... throw the paci down...and then cry... esp with my expanding tummy.... more and more difficult to pick things from floor paci..smelly bolster etc etc....so I throw him in his bed... walk away..

Now he will worm and collapse on the pillows on our bed..he's like falling here there until suddenly stationary. He's finally zzz.. then hubby transfer to Matt's bed. takes 1/2 to 45mins sometimes..

Anyone got the same problem? BB don't zz as easy as they used too??

<font color="119911">PVL</font>

nice picts of Sarah... so grown up from the wee little thing crying in the car seat at B2's house...so long ago!!!

<font color="119911">VIV</font>

so sweet Jana!!! The hairclip!!! The dress!!! I hope my lao er is a gal...aiks just remembered I got appt this thurs for a scan!! Nice simple decor!! The play area looks very complete!! Her toys???

<font color="0077aa">Faith</font>

Family is ok...she's the only child...hubby only son..hubby is also childhood friend of hubby's.
She has a gal 3.5yrs and a boy 17mths.

We are still hoping for a miracle. Insurance does help quite a bit...she's in last stage as the cancer spread to lungs..if she does pass on.. her kids insurance is all paid up for.. something like that.

I've also taken a few policies for Matt...

<font color="ff0000">SHOOK</font>

hope for that miracle....Brenda? I thought Jaz...?

<font color="0000ff">DEER</font>

thanks for the concern.. FIL is ok..still a bit of MS for me...hope your grandpa is ok!! Old people tendency to have falls.. scary...and their bones so brittle!!

yah helping to look after the kids...just for weekends n the nights.. days are the childcare centre. 6.30pm is the pick up time. They like in Hougang so too far for hubby to travel back n forth...so we put up his little family...The hubby has been spending nights at the hospital with my friend..

Tonight I'll take the kids to have dinner with their mother...she's out of CCU but dependant on an oxygen tank for now..

<font color="0077aa">Skyblue</font>

Wow you really happening!!! I had to wait about 24hrs before my waterbag burst!! The cervix no dilation and for 24 hours I had diff docs trying to gauge the cervix opening!! always the same story!! .5cm .5cm .5cm!!!! The MO dam idiot also!! hand so big of course .5cm la!! and the finally a lady doc came by and she said 1.5cm!!!

I hate the cervix measurement the most!! I hope this my lao er will be fast fast like yours and not some 36hrs!!!

<font color="ff0000">Lyn</font>
thanks.. I'll try to take care too!! but seeing the kids angelic faces...relly cheers you up! Especially the gal...very "dong shi" .. always tells me "auntie..can't bend" "auntie can listen to the baby??" "the baby inside ah??" (patting tummy)She also very fond of feeling Matt's face!! like stroke his cheek..

I asked her if she loves her di di she said "mummy says must love!! didi is my didi!"
my eyes watered..

<font color="119911">SHOOK</font>

yah cook only breakfast... tomorrow is quaker oats, this morning pancakes..

The 3 ok la... hubby handles the boys..I take care of the gal!!

Lucky he got training at the chalet!! anyway.. usually my friend's hubby will come back for a shower after work... bring kids to see their mummy and then tuck them back in bed and then "sneak" out again to stay overnight with my friend at the hospital.

The kids stayed from fri night..luckily no problems.. all played until "chuan"..:p

<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>

the 2 kids are my cancer friend's kids..They are little darlings...(so far) very well behaved..

<font color="ff0000">Hope I didn't miss anyone!! so sorry if I did!! read n type for one hour liao!! head also penning</font>
I think no problem with deducting fr one person's CPF acct, provided his acct has enuff money to cover the mthly installments. If not enuff, then top up with cash. If u find topping up with cash too shiong, then extend ur period of payment, max 30 yrs.

So heartpain to hear what ZL is going thru, hope he will get well real soon. U and ur hb take care too.

No mood to chat today, painful throat, slight flu and heavy head.
<font color="0077aa">deer</font>

drink Luo Han guo?? good for sore throat... or chamomile tea.. for the blockd nose... lemon peppermin tea also good..

Try get more rest ok?? weather very unkind these days!!

<font color="119911">LYN</font>
Can always go down to hdb and then sign to withdraw from your CPF if you have or top up with cash... else extend the period like deer said. I top up with my CPF..
Ur post so long, i really cant concentrate in reading it ... i didnt sleep well for the past 4 nites, head very heavy now. Just read what u addr to me. I must really salute u, taking care of Matt alone is already a handful, esp now u r preggie, with all the discomforts, u still help out ur friend with her 2 kids, u r really something! Too bad i cant meet u in person this Sat, hope i will get to meet up with u someday

I wish for a miracle for ur friend too. U take care too. Dun over exert urself.

Thanks for ur tips for sore throat and flu, think i give up on grandma's remedies liao, nothing seems to work for me, virus too strong?? If i hv a full blown flu tomo, i will go and see doc, take medicine, take MC and rest at home. I guess sleep is the best remedy!

Not coming in anymore, need a good rest for my eyes and head.
Mummies and Eureka,
Hope i can recover in time for Elyse's bday party. Dun worry, if i m still sick, i will make myself scarce.

I will keep u posted. So sorry abt it.
Lyn, Hazey
Pls let me know who u paying for on Sat can. I will thick off the name list

Eureka n me where got pong pong u. We can't bear too. We juz trying to talk u out. Ask u to look @ the bright side of things. Sure there r gd pts in your hubby dat u signed the dotted line n said I do rite.
Oh I got it wrong. It is Nat's hubby who is a single child. My memory getting poorer n poorer sigh....
Chen Chen not scared of noise. Once there wz a v loud thuder when he wz a NB, he din even make a slight complain. Last Sun brot him to a clan dinner. Boi the speaker wz so loud dat even adult cannot stand it. Chen Chen still happily shook his body n dance wif the music. In the n, I went home b4 the dinner start. So Jerald doesn't really disturb u while u vaccum the flr
April is a FTWM. Her Sun is wif family so no classes on Sun. I think she teaches on other days. Sat 2 sessions for cralwers class. Cfaith n I registered for 4:15 class. I sweapt out the last 2 vacancies 1 for my friend 1 for myself. Skyblue wanna go for trial 1st
Can always top up wif cash if CPF is insufficient to service housing loan

Your hubby in sales, I m quite surprised. He is v quiet doesn't appear to b in sales to me. Thot he is n engineer but so far haven't come across a romantic engineer
Ash like laughing buddha lying on the flr. Cute!

Hope ZL recovers soon. A big big kiss n hug fm Aunty Shook

Miracle is on Brenda. Her Dr told her her days r numbered yrs back. She survived n in pink health today
Matt is v generous to share his toys. A gd host
Poor Matt give him more attention lar b4 the arrival of no 2. Dun deprive him of attention so soon. He v ke lian leh
THis is to answer last wed posts!!

<font color="ff0000">Faith</font>

re:aquaducks n david lim..

Er david is some national swimmer.. nothing to look at...

At suntec pool.. the pool is one level... no deep end.. so we can throw toy and walk with baby till end of the pool. errmm the songs are "wheels of bus..." (go round n round w baby and then hip hooray outta water) "wipers of the bus..(swish bb side to side and the round and hip hooray outta water) "humpty dumpty.." (BB sits on edge of pool..carried in and swims a loop and returns to wall..

Then some going under water prep skills..like push bb forward n forward and finaly a small lift otta water and then swoop just below the chin..

errm..can't remember the rest.. I know there's a let B lie on shoulder n walk backwards..

The sundays trial is usually the least babies..sat the most.. but can always come up to look see look see. The pool is at 4th level.. take lift (T5) from outside cafe cartel oop bustop)

<font color="0000ff">skyblue</font>

Yah he has his unique look.. In fact he look like my Dad!! Will find time next week to scan some photos in...

Kieren also looks soooo happy in his float!!! Daddy looks even happier!! LOL! maiden dip indeed!!! You'll bring him swimming more often then??

<font color="0077aa">B2B</font>

I opp of you no pain killer etc etc..ngey ngey dun want until the nurse mentioned that since I labour 27 plus hours... I won't have NRG to push then =BB distress=C-section.. so I "guai guai" took for the last 9hours... My legs felt like elephant.. I have to use two hands to move!! super numb!!!

<font color="ff0000">JUL</font>


Windy?? No ah.. HOT yes!!! the sun blazing but some parts are blocked away!! Ian likes only Ang mos??? so cute n funny!!!! lucky u n hubby can get into the pool.. I can't I have to drag out my bikini which is the only thing that can fit!!! Besides I think I'll displace too much water!!! and "chor tang" (take up space)

Not every week.. only from July.. next week is a miss cos of a wedding on Sat.. whole day and then BB contest on Sun 2pm!!
jo, hope Zl get well soon. u do take care too.

deer, nat...thanks for ur adv on the hdb thingy...me just doing some sums....

shook, will go for another trial (nvr mind if i nd to pay this time round) but will die die drag him along to idle there...and think if we want to enrol Jerald or not...after all he's the payer, i'm the proposer...so i make sure he knows what's he paying for!

no, he dun disturb me during vacumm, he harrass the machine only. u try lah...c how's chen chen's reaction. can be fun you know.
there's once i suck up his smelly doggie...that's why he sometx but rarely disturb the nozzle ...haiz...that smelly doggie...
<font color="ff0000">shook</font>

not that I dun wanna give matt attention lo...he more interested in playing with his new friends cum house guests!!

I tried carry him to sayang... his hand can push me away and shake head somemore.. I tell him "no more play" ok?? he still can shake his head and then do the "no more" shakes with his hands!!

If i carry him he'll turn his body downwards to be let onto the floor to crawl..or take toys to entertain.. NOTTI right??

Feeding is quite a chore now...when he's eaten HALF his food. he'll push my hand.. shake his head and shake his hands for "no more"..
I have no idea where he learns this "no more" thing..

I gave a biscuit to him and when he finished he told me "no more"!! Like he wants more...

He's started to call his friends to come by saying "aey".. all this in one weekend???!
the acquadeck pool no block fm the sun ah. Won't the bb get burnt?
Matt entered into the final list for KKH bb contest?
Matt enjoys the company of the 2 tods. Guess he won't b jealous of no 2. Gd for u
Matt said no more to u? He is talking already! Yeah!

Alrite man, yes! Get your hubby to participate in a real trial
Vaccum really fun wif bb ah OK I try 1 day but my hubby seldom vaccum mostly sweep then magic clean.
They were 85 years old, and had been married for sixty years. Though
>they were far from rich, they managed to get by because they watched
>their pennies.
>Though not young, they were both in very good health, largely due to
>the wife's insistence on healthy foods and exercise for the last 2
>One day, their good health didn't help when they went on a rare
>vacation and their plane unfortunately crashed, sending them off to
>They reached the pearly gates, and St. Peter escorted them inside.
>He took them to a beautiful mansion, furnished in gold and fine silks,
>with a fully stocked kitchen and a waterfall in the master bath.
>A maid could be seen hanging their favorite clothes in the closet.
>They gasped in astonishment when he said, "Welcome to Heaven. This
>will be your home now."
>The old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost.
> "Why, nothing," Peter replied; "remember, this is your reward in Heaven."
>The old man looked out the window and right there he saw a
>championship golf course, finer and more beautiful than any ever-built
>on Earth.
>"What are the greens fees?" grumbled the old man.
>"This is heaven," St. Peter replied. "You can play for free, every
>day, any time of day that you want."
>Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch, with
>every imaginable cuisine laid out before them, from seafood to steaks
>to exotic deserts, free flowing beverages.
>"Don't even ask," said St. Peter to the man.
>"This is Heaven, it is all free for you to enjoy."
>The old man looked around and glanced nervously at his wife.
>"Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol foods, and the
>decaffeinated tea?" he asked.
>"That's the best part," St. Peter replied.
>"You can eat and drink as much as you like of whatever you like, and
>you will never get fat or sick. This is Heaven!"
>The old man inquired, "No gym to work out at?"
>"Not unless you want to," was the answer.
>"No testing my sugar or blood pressure or..."
>"Never again. All you do here is enjo y yourself."
>The old man glared at his wife and said,
>"You and your damn bran muffins! We could have been here twenty years ago!"
Lately i've heard a number of bbs down with wheezing or bronchitis. I hope ZL will recover totally. U take gd care too. Can imagine how much u are going thru.

After i resigned to be sahm, we went to HDB to transfer all deductions to be made from my hubby's account only.

Ashrel looks very chubby and sexy in that post..haha....he always seem to like to position himself that way hor? Hahaa..so cute and funny!!Hubby strongly prefers me to remain sahm for some time, or if we plan for no#2. Sometimes i do feel like going back to work part time, but just can't find the best solution on whom to leave Alicia with. And i remind myself that whether working or sahm both also can get sian sometime or other one.....so just stick on with sahm lor
Alicia also not too comfy with my PILs...dunno why.

You are really active to bring out 3 kids at one time urself! Good practice for ur coming lao er

Brought Alicia out with my mom today to botanical gdns. Here are some pictures:




haha ..our mums same pattern one! she's v worried that i cant manage Jana alone...she even bu fang xin everytime i wanna take a lift from brother-in-law to bring Jana home on my own in the evening....

i'm gonna try again this thursday, its Jana's actual birthday and i'm thinking of taking half day leave to bring her out ..probably to gymboree.

okie ...will give the kiwis a second chance
u show jem how to draw wif the crayons? bb all v smart one ..just need to teach n they'll learn v fast.

we can shake hands ...my water bag burst too ...but it was at midnight when i was sleeping...mine burst with a piak! some more and it woke me up from my sleep. the water flow like tap n din stop at all ...

u manage to get shoes n dress for elyse yet?

aiyah ....u really v comical ah!

i also dun hv lift landing! so frustrating! only realise the importance of lift landing when bb came along .... always tell hubby i wanna shift house. ashrel looking v sexy leh ...

i will collect the puff from you on 25th at eureka's place.

tks 4 the compliments. I'm not in graphics or arts, i'm in a rather boring line ... IT!

poor zl, hope he'll recover soon.

i rented those toys. gd luck on the scanning...keep ur fingers cross. we'll hv fun guessing the sex of ur bb the next time we meet.

hahaha...while looking at pics..i was wondering y alicia's sticking out her tongue ??? and then found the answer immediately ! u can read our minds!

alicia's so adorable! she's starting to look more like a small little girl rather than a bb... i'm looking forward to the day when Jana can walk too.
Hi viv/Pringles,
I view Alicia's foto with greatest envy! Elyse can walk very steadily but somehow she rejects shoes very very badly!! Dun know how.........

Viv, dresses for ELyse. I have some sweet but casual dress for her but may not be 'up for the occasion'
. Have been shopping ard but ended up buying apparel for Rae! Haiz...when u want to get something for #1, nothing appealing, then want to get for #2, then #1's things tempts me more!!

C how......the most wear the simple dress lor!

Pringles, potluck toys brilliant idea rite?? Tot for any gathering in future, we will all bring a simple toy (not game tho) n exchange/rotate..........keeping the bbs entertained n they have so called 'new' toy to play!

Hi Lyn,
Wanted to pen this down but keep forgetting. I luv the foto of u n jerald cutting cake together! Very wen xin n ur smile so contented!

Hmmm...pertaining to hb's issue, really got2b positive n patient! Wat shook mentioned are all very valid, I seconded!

Roman Mop, u all sure see b4 lah. Mine is standing unsightly in my kitchen's toilet, u just help urself on sat...hahahahah.....better still, help me to mop floor with it after the party!

Hi SHook,
Chen chen really a very typical boy! very active n fast in movement! Let see if he will fall asleep at elyse's party!

Hey u, i very sensitive now. U saying elyse n rae not gd host lah, nvr share their toys, asking for potluck here?? hahahahah........

Hi Jo/Deer,
Am i not likely to see u n bbs in the coming sat? Disappointed leh.........

jo, u heard frm who Yu guo got2 wait long long now? heard who say famous?? I always say this to hb 'I say 1000words, u dun accept. Ur friend say 2 words, u nodding away!'...same goes to u!! ah bish!

Do take care anyway........

Hi Nat,
Take my hat off u, can manage 3 at 1 go.....u n kk can go ahead with lao san , lao si, lao wu liao!
<font color="ff0000">Dear Mummies,</font>
By tomorrow, I have to confirm the headcount for my catering on sat.

<font color="aa00aa">Confirmed attendee are -
- Absolut/hb/ally
- Brenda/jem
- B2/ashley/hb?
- Giggler/vane
- Hazey/hb/tyra
- Lyn/jerald/ah ma?
- Mon Mon/aelwen
- Pringles/hb/alicia
- Ruffy/hb/ryan
- sanrio/hb/ash
- Shook/hb/chen chen
- Skyblue/kieran/hb?
- Val/randall/ah ma?
- Viv/jana</font>

<font color="119911">KIV
- Deer/yh
- Jo/hb/zl
- Emily/ethan/hb?</font>

<font color="ff0000">Did I miss out any1?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Activities -
- Elyse's bd celebration
- bbs n mums get together
- magic pot/tupperware catalog (brenda?)
- Shook's collection of $ for Jaz's gift (exact amt)
- collection of Gerber Puffs
- checking of #2's gender

<font color="ff0000">Did I miss out anything?</font>
oops, sorry, wrong person...;)

haha..just told my hubby what u said and he said,"you want to court him? interested to know the dad?...

Forever friends,
Yes I think it is on top of the 10%. I can call them again if you want but need your name leh...yah, we both like April, so wanted to sign up her class and there were only 2 time slots left so we take 415.

Lyn tan,
Popular sell a few kind and got colours too...I bought one too but think bought the wrong kind cos the paper a bit soft...already spoil by Tristan....dunno what is the difference leh...especially with that Glenn method or something....

Thanks for the puff, I probably drop by your place to collect it...I email you or something separately....

hey, the songs like the same leh....then london brige is falling down (walk through a circle) this is the way to blow bubbles?

Then ur whole bed all wet? Btw, got smell or not huh the liquid?

So far after dat maiden swim haven got the chance to go swimming again. Hope ur No 2 will be fast fast
I hated the cervix checks too. SO PAINFUL!!! Dats y i asked for epidural when the midwives told me got many more of such checks :p

How do they burst ur waterbag for u? Pain?

U got tell ur hubby b4 wats bothering u n y is he like dat?

Yar, waterbag burst followed by show.
Actually no nid to potluck toys lah. The parents can entertain the kids themselves. Walk ard ur hse, play wif one another etc.
The magic mop is theone where u put a white pc of 'cloth-like thingy' on the base? Picks up hair n dust?
Hey, i got an idea. Since got so many kids here like SS, maybe u play dat on sat?

I'll collect mine when i go to sahm's pl tis sat. Thks for coordinating

U dun like soft mattresses? I like leh
Ashrel showing off his thunder thighs again :p

Poor zl
Hope he'll recover quickly.

U take car hor. Recover quickly so i can meet u on sat oso leh. If not, i'll be the only newbie at the gathering :p

Wah, 2day is such a gloomy day u bring Alicia go Botanic Gardens? Did she like it there?

HAiz...last nite was a very eventful nite for me n hubby. Actually it started on sun nite. Kieran cried until very cham for a while (happened a few times thru out the nite). Carry him up, pat pat him, talk to him awhile then he'll be okie. We thot maybe he's having nitemares. Mon whole day okie. Eat, play, sleep all as per normal. Then last nite, come 3 am, he started crying inconsolably n loudly. Carried him up, he struggled. Walked ard the house he oso dun wan. Cried until no sound came out wif lips trembling somemore. Whole face all red. Hubby quickly applied ru yi oil as well as teething gel. Still not any betta. COntinued for abt 20 mins. Called nanny up for help. She said betta send to KKH. So we quickly packed up. By then, Kieran sort of calmed down slightly but we thot maybe go KKH n see wats wrong. The moment stepped out of hse, Kieran started bawling again. I tink whole blk oso can hear. Quickly brought him to hubby's car. Once reached car, he fell asleep. Halfway, we thot go KKH might be pointless oso. Doc sure say monitor. Called up nanny again. She said send Kieran to her place since her pl downstrairs got 24 hr clinic shd it happen again. Sent Kieran there n my poor bb slept so soundly n could even smile in his sleep. Today whole day he was his usual self. Hopefully 2nite, it won't happen again. Do u tink teething can cause such pain?

Most of us if not all prefer our own parents to PIL to look after our kids. Well we hv been wif our parents for so many yrs. We r comfortable or used to their style. We can voice out to them wat we dislike of wat they do to our kids n easily forgive or rather accept the things they do which we dun really agree
Alicia is a big gal now. She doesn't look like bb @ all. Out of curiosity, y do u put bib on her when going out?
She's so cute, likes to stick out her tongue. I realise she does dat in most of her pic. She can say cheese? Chen Chen pronounce it as sheese n apple as app poo. I dunno y. There is no way to correct him

I collect puff @ Eureka's plc tis sat

Chen Chen SAME! Refuse to put on shoes. He curls his foot n bends his toes. N pulls or kicks out his shoes. We lost 1 of his socks while shopping.
Elyse looks pretty in any dress
Hey u, dun put words into my mouth. Pong u. Wait Rae n Elyse dislike me. Whether Rae n Elyse share their toys or not. I dunno u never mention so far. We wait n c on Sat

Ya my mum worse than my hubby. She doesn't let me step out of the hse wif Chen Chen alone.
Gd thot to bring Jana to gymboree alone. But r u able to carry her or even push her in stroller all the way there n guide her wif the gym equipment. Sorry I dun mean to dampen your spirit. U mentioned dat your hand ache after carrying Jana for a while. Bringing her to a far away plc + guide her exercise for the 1st try may b taxing. May b u try somewhere nearer. No offence ya
Boi, your bed n rm muz b v wet since your waterbag burst while u were sleeping

If not troublesome. Can u pls help me check wif BJG. My child's name Lee Yan Chen. Thx

How r u today?

Wat u described is magic clean. Not roman mop
It happened once or twice when Chen Chen woke up middle of the 9 cried n cried non stop. He wz teething. I washed my fingers n rubbed my fingers on his gum. So it cld b teething. Is Kieran teething?

Other than Natallie n Emily, those not going to Eureka's plc n din c/o any1 for contribution of gift to Jaz. Pls email me [email protected]. I give u Jul's bank details to transfer $4.75 to her
