(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

You can check on ppl that always go pantry, and toilet..hahaha

Alicia can be impatience at times. During the PTC, her teacher told me that she sometimes can get messy because she wants to finish fast and go teach her friend. She is a volunteer in class. Alicia also likes to color rainbow color.

I installed the CCTV already, after wife insist to have it since our maid will be taking care of both A, starting next year. Quite fun actually

My dad still keep one of those single seater wooden type at home.

Yes, you should get your hb involve now. There are more daddies in class nowsadays anyway, so het your hb knows.

Envy..envy...what job are you doing har?
or rather which industry?

Leather sofa has to condition occasionally, like moisturising, otherwise, will dry up and crack. My sofa is half leather, and half fabric, a nice compromise. Fabric, on the other hand is more prone to collect dust, so need to vaccum it more often, if not, when the kids jump, the dust will fly.
Helo mummies,
wah talking abt sofa now?

I prefer fabric althot I own a full leather sofa now. Sofa leather can be quite warm sometime.

My ger and I told hubby to change to a L-shape sofa next time.
tired... very tired...

A's daddy,
I'm a project engineer, electrical engineering in construction industry.

Currently "grounded" at office...
Does everything at office, BSBH,
from photocoping, QS, purchasing, tender to HR, project coordination, storeman...
In short EVERYTHING, except accounts...
I think you are a super FTWM. Brenda is super SAHM
. Every job nowsadays is BSBH, so you are not the only one. Aiya, should have consulted you on my CCTV wiring if I have known earlier

Switch on the air-con..hahahaha..
Thought of going wireless, but when we bought the system, we did not include wireless. Another point of contention is that wireless can be insecure too, as others may tap into the signal, although this may not be highly possible in a residential area. Aiya...we are getting too technical, later all the other mommies complaint
As' Daddy, one point to note about CCTV. Is it being recorded? Because it is useful only when u are watching it the whole time. But if something happened and you wanna know what happened and you didn't record it... Then..........&^%$*)((%$#@@
but I think cctv is useful even if not to monitor maid. I know a mummy who gives HW to her kids then goes to the hairsalon... and she checks her mobile to "view" whether her kiddo doing HW...

I think for those at work, gd way to update themselves on those at home.

We din get one though, HB objected- said wait he discovers some affair. *rolls my eyes* Even my (goat) milk delivery is an old woman leh... HB will say the most outrageous things to save his moolah, haha.

Anyone using this? Any feedback? Am considering getting one! Just switch on while I'm out and come back to clean floors except for unreachable corners, yah?

Silly me- I have my cabinets suspended 6inches above the floor... and the darn scooba is exactly 6 inches height, argh I should have suspended it half inch higher!

Anyone rec me an iron $100-$200? Not garment steamer cos I read it's hot and steamy (hahaha) and tiring with arms going up-down and not suited to work shirts.
My DVR comes with 250GB HDD for recording

I can set motion or force recording base on a 24hrs schedule. Initially, we are thinking of getting one with internet option, but in the office, it will be block by firewall. Furthermore, i will be working in mobile/remote mode, starting next month, so will have more time at home

You mean affair between the goat milk lady and who???
Pawprint, Wow! CCTV to monitor kids! I never thought of that!

It's just that my friend's girl injured her arm, and when she asked the maid, the maid claimed that the girl was sitting on a chair and dunno how she position the arm, then she suddenly cry out and the arm is hurt... Which we think is crap. But no one else is at home, and the young child still can't talk, so .... no evidence...

Pawprint, you hv to check whether the scooba can be used on parquet flooring. For the maidless, I think it's the greatest invention! But it might get stuck if the gap is the same height exactly. I thought I saw one for sale at the forum's marketplace...

As' Daddy, great that you can work remote.. go MacDonald's or Starbucks also can work then!
Hi all
I have a qn about maids and their home leave and increments.

Those of u who have renewed maid's contracts, when do the take home leave, for how long and is it paid or unpaid? Do we pay for the flight?

Then for increment what is market rate (esp for us with twins at home)...and does anyone give "year end bonus"???
LOL at your goat milk delivery lady comment

Did I mention to u gals (and guy) that I am a forced SAHM for a while..kena laid off on my first day back after maternity!
hmm HB prefers Roomba instead Scooba.
Competitor brands but R is cheaper and has only basic vacuum functions. S has low-end vacuum, right up to higher-end vaccuum and mop functions.

Apparently HB feels reviews for R is better. Whereas I think might as well dual function if it's gonna run around anyway.
ava, I renewed maid's contract but only for a yr so she didnt go back home. I incr'd anotehr $50 for her for new contract. We need to pay for the flight and think it's consider as no-pay leave. Aiyo, what happened??? Kenna laid off on 1st day fo sch.

hazey, that's the prob having maid taking care of young kid alone. Sigh....
wat happened?? so u now a SAHM?? This is terrible, how can your company sent u off once u are back??? Is there 1 month notification??? U are under the 4 month maternity scheme?? So u took all 4 months???
Actually i am kind of worried abt my job too. Not that i will be sent off after my maternity, but worried abt my progression.

Roomba is pretty useful to us. I will mop up the house after Roomba has done is job and at the same time clean up the areas that Roomba misses out.

I am using those hi pressure steam iron. Ironing is much faster and better. U can check out Tefal or philips.

Hi all,
I am on maternity leave now. Yep delivery quite easy n fast. Baby has to delivered by midwife bcos my gynae cannot make it in time.
However i still ended up having going into the operating theatre and have epidural. My placenta somehow remains stuck inside me. So have to go into the OT to have the placenta manually removed. So much for 3rd delivery.
Pawprint, they should be the same brand, i-Robot right? There was the Roomba first, then the Scooba. For me, the Roomba is just an automatic vacuum cleaner, but the Scooba can do the moping, which is good! Because usually mopping is more tedious than vacuuming.

Ava, how could they do that??? Can go MOM to complain or not?

B2, wow, so eventful! What's #3's name?
not too bad lah,
hope they gave you retrenchment benefits,
I was retrench when I was pregnant with Athena,
no maternity benefit...

On the brighter side,
you can breastfeed your newborn for a longer period.

I do everything except accounts at work.

This is what you should get;
1. You current maternity leave full benefit
When's BB born? if b4 17/08 - 12 weeks, on or after 17/08 16 weeks
2. Retrenchment benefit
3. Payment in lieu for notification
4. Your balance annual leave pay

Did I miss out anything?
#3 is stacey.. Kind of rhymes.. Ashley, chloe and stacey..

Sigh... that was the worst i have wished. Got charge for both, delivery suite charges PLUS OT charges PLUS anaethesia fee PLUS dunno wat else.
That's why feel kind of dumb. Baby out in less than 15 min and ended up stuck with the placenta. Actually endure more pain from the contraction when the body tries to expel the placenta out. Was using gas for on and off for a good 3 hrs when my gynae finaly decides nothing is going to happen.. off to OT.
Then, my gynae can still ask want to do ligation or not. Since already in OT. *faintz*
A's dad, koala,
so far ash reacted 'most badly' to nuts. yes we informed d school. tat incidnet was in sunday school, d teacher felt bad n apologised for overlooked but we said it wa sok. d following week, d teacher specially prepared sandwiches for him.

Koala, Giggler,
so happy that ash's new kindy has many interesting enrichment classes. at least i dun hv to go n source elsewhere. oso d kindy wld provide lunch for d kids who attend d enrichment classes n d school bus wld send him home with no additional charges..
did not ligate lah..
such a short time to think... Imagine hb busy wif signing the operation consent form blah, blah, blah.. And its kind of a twist to everything. 3 hr b4, hubby was busy informing everyone i have delivered and suddenly he was told that i need to go OT.. Now i can laugh lah.. But apparently, according to my gynae, after 3 hrs my placenta didn't expel out. i ended up wif bleeding instead. Seems to have the same problem in OT. Ended up i came out of OT looking like ghost i.e. super pale.
I told my gynae no blood tranfusion!!!!
Tks for all your votes... *muak muak* from Elliot! Hee...


Yup, I kept the paperbags and worksheets/artwork. Actually, I put all into a bigger bag and stuff into the cupboard. Hoho... I realise this yr a lot of worksheets liao, hardly much art work. And prob no more toys like in pre nursary class.

A's daddy
How much you paid for the CCTV? My hb wants to get one leh. I told my maid dun force me to get CCTV to monitor her, she reply me "it's ok mom". I was like "huh, not ok to me, it is compromising my privacy"!!! Imagine I sitting here typing and my hb calls home and ask how come i am surfing all day instead of playing with my kids! Fainted.

B2, hazey,
Yes I prefer Scooba but HB insists Roomba more basic, less likely to screw up than dual function.
Hmm, I must check out hi pressure steam irons...
Congrats on baby and glad everything is OK! Pics pics!

Job situation
I get 2 months paid maternity as non-singaporean. I got that in full and I'm working off my one month notice on a part time basis till mid dec. Also clearing my leave so I end earlier. I don't get retrenchment benefits (I overlooked that in my contract)... I just wish he'd told me when I was on my unpaid third month, so I could serve out notice then, and start looking for a job earlier! But anyway, as Leng Leng said, yes, I can feed longer (was intending to continue while working anyway) and treat it as extended unpaid maternity...:p
hi all,
busy busy with jem at home during the school hols.. will join in the chat once i'm free..

But need help w 1 thing :

Those with maids, can advise what present to get for a maid with budget around $20? erm.. something that will be useful for the maid and not incur the wrath of the owner...hahahha. My sis-in-law gotten a maid to help my mil with housekeeping so I thought of getting her a present for Christmas cos she really kept the place clean
Thanks for all the well wishes...

Reason for retained placenta. no reason. The placenta just refused to be detached. My gyane was surprised i never heard of retained placenta b4.

Gift for a maid... Hmm,, how old is the maid?? Married wif kids??? Usually maids like to dress up. So u can get them some costume jewellery. Those wif kids will appreciate toys or clothings for their children. Those without children, u may oso get them some nice tops from Giodarno or Hang ten.
that's right, can work anywhere as long as there is internet connection
I am so used to coming into the office, so may need a while to get use to the new way of working remotely.

congrats. I thought they can inject some drugs for the placenta to come out?

That is unfortunate, but ethically not right, IMHO. Hope they give you a reasonable compensation.

I guess the teacher must feel really guilty.

The whole set include installation is $940. 4 mini-dome camera with motion sensor, 1 DVR with 250GB HDD. Comes with 1 year on-site warranty. I bought them in Sim Lim Tower. If you choose with internet access, it should be around $1400-$1500. I think your maid may not know what is CCTV?

I think the best present is $20 ang pow
They can use it to buy their personal stuffs, or even phone card to call home.
A's daddy
Wat she dunno!! I scolded her one day and told her dun force me to install CCTV at home, she replied something like "it's ok, mom. You can install". I was like "It's NOT ok!! It is intruding into my own privacy for your sake!!!"

$$ very practical, but too direct. And next time they expect monetary rewards. Maybe just buy the phone card, or a casio watch like $35 kind.
Leng Leng
How much is the 3m screen protector?
Agree wif Alicia's daddy. U r a super FTWM
Do u still organise spree?

Your boys jumped till sofa leather cracked?

Alicia's daddy
Where got time to check on ppl that always go pantry, and toilet? There r 100+ ppl in my office
Last wk we were invited to cc to c the water prj done by the kids (actually it's pic n write up by teacher n the children doing the experiment) Teacher complained to me Chen Chen not attentive nowadays. He color pic v fast juz to get over it quickly Gd thing to hear fm teacher is Chen Chen's chinese hand writing is neat n nice.
Alicia is a borned leader
I find those wooden "sofa" better support for the back
Vaccum easier than condition sofa. We din wax our sofa since i got pregnant wif Chen Chen

Oh dear. Wat a news after u returned to work

Congrats! Lucky u make it in time to arrive at hospital
Wow wat n experience
U take more red dates n black dates during your confinement. They pu your blood
Poly v short handed leh. Got retrenchment mah?

"Imagine I sitting here typing and my hb calls home and ask how come i am surfing all day instead of playing with my kids! Fainted. "
k... really no time to read the past posts.. i'll just pick up from here...

yeap... spend more time w the kids... it will be more rewarding than having a job in long term view.

But all the best too if u r looking out for one.

CONGRATS!! U r coping on your own right? Everything's going smooth?? must chat w us more to vent alas can get very pek chek..hahahha

She's 23 I think, without kids. And not those dressy kind. Very quiet... I thot of getting her comfy shoes but worry cos the "Mam" is pantang. Hmmm... mebbe clothes will be good since she same size as me.

A's dad,
ay... not all 'Sir' likes to hv their maids receive angbao one leh.. I've seen some who on the spot confiscate

hmm... that watch seems good idea hor... let me think about it n I get back to you okay?
brenda, usu maid will like nice t-shirts? Watch also gd idea, we just got one for our maid's bday.

Mom2Nat, you really funny leh... LOL!!!

Koala, Vane's teacher also complained tat she inattentive in class.
I can sense your anger

Mom2nat, Brenda,
Maid present...Okie...
.Maybe I am too lenient. Next time regarding maid's question, my wife will answer...hahahaha...

Your office so many ppl? Alicia sometimes rush through her work as well

I think I saw you, and your family in JP on Sunday morning outside OCBC/Home-fix. Not very sure so din call you
When i mentioned costume jewellery. I meant those cute, adorable stuff. Yah.. i noe its really not pracitcal but really maids at such age likes non practical stuff. Things like money n phone cards maybe mistaken as "payment" and taken for granted. my previous maid hugged on to her dear life a teddy bear bag when she is with me. She not some innocent kampong girl (in fact she gave me the most trouble). But some how they just loved these hello kitty, heart shaped trinkets... u get what i mean?
If u get clothes, must be careful. Dun get something figure hugging or low cut. Ya, Mdm won't like it. May think u are trying to create more trouble

A's dad,
Yep, my gynae gave the same injection which will make the womb contract and force out the placenta. That's why it gave me so pain, but placenta never even detach. In the end, the injection force out lots of bllod clots and ended up bleeding.

I am one of those employers who do not like maids to receive ang pows from other pple. Its was bad experience that i learnt from my lessons. My 2nd maid was with me for less than 3 mths when CNY came. She received lots of ang pows which i allowed her to keep. bcos i have lots of relatives, she received a substantial amt of $$. With the $$, she planned her escape and left within that month.

I know exactly how u feel, which is why i have totally gave up on maids after 2 years. I have tried the, "i treat u like family, king or President method", "harsh method - sent u back to agency", "bribery method", "rewards and withdrawal of benefits method", "diplomatic method", "treat and guide like my own dd method". All doesn;t work. All of them just treat me like a radish i.e cai tou.
Hubby's method. Sounds very harsh but it works on the maid but i can't bring myself to do it. Treat them with no feelings. Tell them their mistakes with a straight face. No feelings, nothing. But to me how treat somebody who is 24 hrs in the house with no interactions and feelings???!!!

Ya lah.. poly for sure won't have retrenchment esp SK. Every since Hougang closed for renovation. The whole poly is like a mad house.
OIC. When I delivered Adrian, and saw the injection that the ambulance crew gave to my wife, I saw how easily the placenta came out. How do you reject the ang pows from relatives to the maid? My wife said whatever ang pows she receives, we will account it for her and back into her back account.

Your hubby method known as "regiment method"
Suddenly I have an image of all our firstborns gathering plus no. 2 and no. 3 in the midst...hahahha, super chaotic

how's png png doing?

A's dad,
have u gotten ur swimming coach? wanna check on the cost

I just bought a book on coaching toddler to swim from Bookfest... hahahha, and realise it takes more courage for the parent to plunge their kids into the water than the kids to do it themselves.

hahahah... i just saw a maid that fits the one u described in the lift!! She got permed hair and yes, more accessories than me. It took me quite a while during the chat to realise she is a maid. No wonder everyone advising me against getting one... cos end up i'll look more 'maidie' instead.

To all,
Anyone starts to experience bad bouts of sibling rivalry? It took me quite a while to get Jem tto understand that we are capable of loving more than 1 of them.. but when bad fights occur, he still felt that Jay is bad and don't want to love him or that we love Jay and not him.

RE : Sofa
Mine is gone... as in really got to throw. Scary kids we have nowadays.

RE : Unattentive kids in class
Jem got complained for disturbing other students during class.. Apparently, he still not keen to speak more has gotten more sociable. So he express himself physically by patting the back, elbowing etc.
sibling rivary,
talk about it.. scream/shouting matches.. running and chasing after each other, pinching and hitting each other. the younger elder one gets bullied by the younger one more often.

Fighting in school,
now is for Roy.. u disturb him.. he go up to you scream in your face and pinch/slap you.. faintz*
Received time out/ warning from teacher..
