(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

giggler, piggy tks for ur compliements. actually i prefer my oldself than now. long hair and slim.

but as u said - no regrets!!

frozen stuff: some mums gave their thumbs up but i still prefer it FRESH esp for bb.

qsg, that's my pre-preg figure!! look at me now!! water barrel!!

hey mummies, i've start the ball rolling, maybe when any of you got time - can also post wedding pixs to share?? Com'on, dun b pai say
hi lyn
u r very pretty!!!!! figure very slim!!!! yes, giggler is right, ur hubby looks cute, look like japanese!

i understand... i think ur caregiver is abit too extreme...

go and visit a few infant cares! then u can compare.

ok, going home liao

u look very gorgeous in your wedding pixs..

Mine was taken abt 5yrs ago.. hehe..cannot recognise already leh.

the bassinet point is attached to the wall infront of our seats.


Thks for the info on change of gathering date. Still gonna be at Jul's place?


my impression frm gathering at Shook's place was that u still looked as slim as in the photo leh....


u decided to be SAHM? U moved to Sengkang alredi?
QSG, Giggler
To b exact, my mum boils red dates wif ikan bilis (wash many many times till not salty) n soyabean then use the soup to soak rice grain for 1 hr then double boil for 1 hr

I oso wish I fire my mgr like Piggy
Now my nose doesn't run like water tap, no backache n headache. But I worried when I m back to office tml, nose runs agn

I use umbrella rice fragant rice. I use clay pot cook for 1+ hr. My mum double boil 1hr
I think rice cannot b overcook. More u cook, finer the texture

U r da mei ren. I m eating rite now, no puke no puke. U hv tong fang mei nu look in cheong sam. U carry cheong sam well. I v envy u
Agree wif Jo, your hubby looks like a Jap, handsome handsome
Hi 5, I ROM in 2002 n customary in 2003
OK I go ask my hubby to load ROM n wedding pic in PC then post here. Beautiful memories ....
Now u hv more meat but not the fat type lar, com'on. Wait till u c mine, vast diff

Yes Mar gathering @ Jul's plc
<font color="ff0000">Hi Jaz,</font>
U recovered? Drink lotsa of water n 'get even' with Aloy soon......

Kids are funny. Just when I wanted to disown Rae at one time, he behaves well again! It is common that tods are driving us up the walls at some phases. U can hear mums' remarks that they scream till the roof can tear down, they wanna kick their tods out of the hse, disown etc

Rae is actually not too bad a boy. Come to think of it, he obeys watever we ask him to do n follow instructions v well. His 'ok' is always valid n assuring. Just that when we dun approve his certain request, he will protest badly. It is like y cant u all let me do it, eat it? So much of explaining needed, patience testing.

Just had a gd wonderful evening with him......bundle of joy
. Just a fortnight ago, imagine I was weeping along, almost breaking down with his tantrum kicking n screaming!!

Cambridge diet is replacement diet meal. I used it as desperate last resort to lose weight for my foto shoot. They have battery operated blender to blend the shake. Now I use it for Elyse porridge

EYS brown rice, I cook it accordingly to the instruction on the can.

Want to see Aloy's foto.......PLEASE

<font color="ff0000">HI Giggler,</font>
How to drill ah.......dun know leh. Take it naturally lor. FOr me, I do it on daily basis, do it, teach it correctly right at the beginning. I dun believe in being too young to understand or teach, later grow older then teach. Just teach, they will get it one day.

On the very 2nd morning that the school announced ceased operation, I started to paint positively the new school scenerio to Rae liao. I think this help to curb his anxiety, if it exist. When we walked to school n spotted a school bus, I told him he will be taking one in near future too. He stared hard n said 'ok'. Today, I read book to him n he saw school bus n remarked 'Rae rae take school bus ah?'. I just hugged him with delight that he understand!!! Wouldnt u?

Please get ur PC up asap......Vane's foto is jammed for uploading liao!

<font color="ff0000">Hi pringle,</font>
Gd to have u back here too! Yes, Rae tends to mimic watever mei mei does too. He even want to go into the cot n play like elyse!
Look forwards to see more foto of alicia!

<font color="ff0000">Hi shook,</font>
Are u melting these days, so HOT!! Sweat just rolls n drop frm me anywhere anytime!!!!
Those foto, I suggested n 'urged' hb to take while I busy packing n dolling up.

U v funny, '1st day not ah soh, 2nd days yes'. Me ah soh all days now............shabby sloppy
Agree with Jaz, nice family foto of yours....i have not found a nice family shot of mine yet too! I always remarked 'nice leh but cut me out lah, so fat!'......

<font color="ff0000">SHook/Viv/Lyn,</font>
<font color="ff0000">Lyn</font>, u look simply gorgeous! SWEE mann....wow, those sensuous curves, sexy.........
Actually I also dun find u v different now leh!
I was still a plump bride. I went on cambridge diet n lost 7kg within 2 wks. <font color="ff0000">Shook</font>, white link gonna alter my gown 2days b4 my collection.

<font color="ff0000">Viv</font>, ur photographer Eng Howe? He hid me behind my hb for 90% of the pose. How pathetic right? No choice, I am huge n hb tiny weeny!

<font color="ff0000">HI Piggy</font>
Ur cleaner so cute n direct! LOL! Really so contrasting? Actually hor, I v scared of those big wedding portrait, i find them eyesore?! Me eccentric hor?

Process of decision making is always so painful n difficult hor? Once decided, heaved sigh of relief! Think hb's suggestion is gd. I agree that if I am in your position, i will be a sahm too. I support ur decision.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Jo,</font>
DUn need to envy me. I have double bundle of joy, also, when I am stressed out, it is also doubled too. But firmly, I have no regret. I am contented to see them growing so well n happily .........
<font color="ff0000">Jaz/Piggy,</font>
Sorry, I replied to wrong person. It is <font color="ff0000">Piggy</font> that asked how's Rae now, still throw tantrum at nite? ..............no wonder <font color="ff0000">Jaz</font> dozing off reading my post
I am keeping my fingers crossed. Alot of parents anticipate usual jealousy n rivalry between my kids but touchwood, it does not surface very significantly yet.
Rae dotes n loves Elyse alot. He is ok when Elyse innocently snatching his toys away. He gives 2 of his 4 barneys book to elyse
...Maybe they have 'yuan'.....heng suay again?

During CNY, my aunty warned me that they will snatch things in future n I have to cane BOTH, DISCIPLINE BOTH. No such thing as discipling the wrong party only. Do u buy that? I am still pondering!

Not easy hor, parenthood. DIe lah, so leh chey!
I melt like cho nowadays

V gd way to keep your hubby busy while u pack n get ready hahaha

Com'on b confident. U dun appear ah soh in the bb gathering @ b2b3m4's plc. I associate fat ma ma wif motherly, caring, gentle, kids loving.
Well perhaps my mum is 1

Ai say man, loss 7 kg in 2 wks! Dat's v successful. White Link staff muz hv WOW at u

My bro dotes on me v much, even now. During the young days, he made me cry when my parents r ard. I asked him y when we were older. He said coz I wz v teh, he buay tar han n provoke me but when my parents not ard, I look so ke lian. So he saiyang of me.
Mummies who freeze homemade baby food, can i check if we need to let the food cool down completely before freezing or can freeze immediately? Some websites i went to say freeze immediately some say cannot..dunno who to listen.
Hi piggy, I admire for your courage. I've been having the thot to quit my job and be sahm since I started after my maternity leave. But I just dont have the courage to do it for fear that our financial support is not strong enough.

Hi lyn, I dont have wedding pix in soft copies leh so cant post here. Sorry huh. My PC still cant work so haven download Vane's pix too.

Hi jo, I think I'll visit DEL-care and Learning Vision as they are near my office. Maybe I'll visit Cosy Corner too since it's so cheap.

Hi shook, your mom really put in effort to cook for Chen Chen leh.I understand how you feel cos I also feel like fire my boss and stay at home with Vanessa. I feel that there's so many things to do with her but no time. Sigh.. I stopped flashing cards to her for quite some time liao. I think time mgt is one of the reasons that I cant have No. 2

Hi eureka, Rae is so sweet and understanding hor? Ok, thanks for advice. It's always good to have someone experienced in the forum leh. I tried to teach Vane as &amp; when lah but she always know how to get her way thru. Sigh I really headache handling Vane too leh. That's why I really cant imagine having more than one kid. I pei fu you. You also engaged White Link? Me too leh... I thot of asking some of my photos from them leh. Do u think they still keep them? I had my wedding on 2001.
<font color="ff0000">Mummies...........esp Giggler, Jo, Ruffy, brenda?</font>
Be prepared for minor hiccups here n there, now n then with our kids at the care center. BUT, making good progress is the key words. I always 'shoot' constructively n lavish compliments towards the teachers n director. Uttering all these cos my heart still break when I have the thought that Rae is departing all those teachers that see him grow up, loving n taking gd care of him.

Today, my tears welled up at the c/c gate when I see 1 of Rae's classmate hugging him happily, after a 2wks break frm school. The 2yrs old gal went back to mal for her cny break. HOW, they are going to be separated....sad rite?

I sent a short sms to the supervisior n she returned with this :

'U r the seed tat will bloom into a beautiful flower tomorrow. Thk u for letting me be part of ur childhood path. No words to describe nw myself n the other teachers r going to miss u but our blessings r always with u n pray for ur well being. May each n everyday of ur childhood be a magical one. Tks u.'

Touched n crying now.........

<font color="ff0000">Shook</font>
Ur sharing of ur bro n u make me more emotional again! SO sweet. Ur bro v sensible n really 'impartial', still know how to compensate! Kids, we can never under-estimate them..........

Thanks for ur pacifying
......no issue lah. I am also a sweating melting chocolate, till my hair all wet.....to this extent!

<font color="ff0000">Giggler,</font>
Not easy to be working mum.......but watever cuddle n time u spend with Vane, she will cherish n appreciate.
WE are sharing, i still got alot, infinity to learn too. Looking out for short cut.....

I had my gown n make up by white link but foto shoot by Montage. NO idea if they keep the soft copy. Heheheheh, scully they said they keep those outstanding couples only
eureka, the childcare centre Rae is at is run by christians is it? How long has Rae been at the centre? Did Rae cry?
Rae always sayang elyse when we are ard. Wonder if he will wallop elyse when we are out of sight? He will mimic our gesture but wonder if he genuinely luv mei mei when most parents told me he sure v jealous, will hit, will snatch etc.....

Kids follow by eg........but do they do it out frm their heart....ponder?
Mummy cries, not Rae. He still a happy angel, innocent, naive.

Not run by christian. April will be 1 year. Truly, the teachers love Rae alot. I trust it is not superficial thingy. Feeling so bad now, that I 'bombarded' them with my upsetness when there were hiccups
. Afterall, it is not easy to take care of 1 tod, wat's more a number of them?

Freezing food, remember my mum did let the food cool dn 1st, then freeze it.
Hi eureka, Rae's current teacher so good? I also touched reading the sms. Hopefully they still got the negatives with them lah. Guess as FTWM, time with our bb is really precious lor. I feel that there's so much I want to do with Vane but dont have the time.
Giggler, i felt the same way too. It is quite sad that they are only bbs once...in a few more months they will be toddlers but can't spend much time with them when they are bbs.
Hi mummies,

I recalled someone was looking for PT maid / Cleaner? I can recommend mine if anyone still interested. She's not bad and charges $10/hr...will do anything u ask her to. Just let me know.

More pics to share:

ashrel intake of solids depend on whether he likes the food. his usual intake is 4 milk scoops of cereal plus vege. but yesdy, i tried 6 scoops plus avocado, he fin all. i tried add mash banana to his cereal, mash potato w milk, both he eat a bit wan to puke liao so i threw away. he loves avocado, carrot ok, brocolli dun really like, fruits all dislike. so far i havnt given him meat/fish.
the organic brown rice cereal is 'healthy times organic bb brown rice cereal' fr US (oops i threw away the box, cant remb whether the brand is correct), bought in a organic shop near my hse.

wah, u look gorgeous.. ur hubby like a jap in the 1st foto. i alwy wan to try wear cheong sam but tink i too skinny. keke...actually i really wish to put on some wt (tink the mummies here wan to strangle me).

u right...he meaty but still super active.

tks..rebond hair v easy to manage n alwy look neat hoh. tat tx af i saw u, wan to rebond liao but tong until ashrel 6mths, finallly..

ashrel 2 bottom teeth erupting liao. yesdy he crawl 2wards me n bite me, ouch! so sharp n painful.

i agree w u. i really enjoy my tx w ashrel now thou v chuan n xiong lah. i alwy remind myself dun complain n mus treasure tis tx more. he's now v smily, playful n evyday doing funny n surprise thgs tat make me 'you hao qi, you hao xiao'.. oso i witness many of his 'first tx' n milestone
can i hav the contact of the part tx help? tks. af seeing ur fotos... i longgggggg for a holiday. planning to go australia wen ashrel turns 1 yr old
all sentimental abt the c/c closure... I'm sure that Rae will be able to adapt in any environment he is in. no problem at all.. Actually I don't dread looking after 2 kids..just that must have enough financial support.
QSG, ya lor I feel that Vane is deprived of lots of things cos I cant take care of her full-time leh.

Pringles, your gal looks different liao leh.

sanrio, really envy you that you got to witness his 'first time' yourself. For my case, I got to hear narrations from my mom.
Vane also likes to do funny things now. She esp likes to imitate us.

ruffy, so you trying for No. 2 liao?

Hi all mummies, any one sending your bb to enrichment class like Mygym, Tumbletots, etc?
u all reali look like u had a good time...
i oso yearn for a holiday nw... sigh...

dun wori so much... usu when young, they can adapt easily to new envt...

wah seh.... sexy and slim mummy leh...
even b4 gv birth i oso dun hv dat kind of figure.

hehe... my mum has started porridge for edi tis week. he's now on 2 meals a day... so far, he has tried carrots, scallops, sweet potato... he loves them!
hi eureka

i understand ur feeling... hard to find such teachers with commitment and personal feeling.

i think u r lucky to find such a childcare for rae but unfortunately it has to cease its operation. now u have to start all over again.

just now my younger brother bombard me many questions about sending bb to infant care, e.g. since i worry about my step sis, then infant care will not be better due to ratio 1:3, how i know other kids will not beat my bb. My brother also question about how bb can learn during such young stage (this one cannot blame him, he still very young).

i hope to borrow his mouth to tell my mum about my firm decision to send bb to infant care.

today i m on leave cos my sis childcare closed...

yes, visit a few more infant cares if u can afford the time. so i far i visited 5 infant cares centre and can really feel the differences. it is better to visit them during weekdays instead of weekends cos weekends most bbs not in.

I heard Tumbletots cheaper than Mygym. Btw, those gym stuff useful meh? bb can learn to crawl, cruising and walk by themselves right? maybe i am more interested to enrol my bb in music programs but think now is too early lah...
Sanrio and Soyabean

we did have a great time..its a social cum relaxed sightsee visit. Its a gd break frm me being at home all day facing bb alone all these mths....but after this experience, i won't recommend bringing an 8 mth old on a 10hr flight like that....its very hectic and after the to and fro flight, i always look like crap! Its true. Coz our bbs ard this age so alert and don't sleep as soundly on the plane as newborns. A shorter flight is better.

But i won't forget some memorable incidents during this trip...we brought Alicia with us in the Polynesian spa in Rotorua...haha....so of course she was the smallest customer that day and its FOC for infants anyway
She was kicking and squealing with excitement and then shortly after, she collapsed to dreamland
Apart frm that, she didn't really understand the dogs chasing the sheep around but she sure did enjoy the cool weather there...if u hv the chance, do go for a trip too with your bbs...

pls don't look at it this way....altho i do agree SAHM can spend so much time with bb, but working moms like u can also spend quality time whn u are off with bb.....so it doesn't make Vane deprived frm anything as long as u spend quality time with her....
Have tried out tumbletots with ryan and find it is a waste of money.. coz it is true that bb can learn to walk/cruise without all those fancy equipment.. they are also more confident to cruise around in familiar surroundings.. this is from experience. Ryan has been in a music program since he as 5mths.. I tried out the kindermusik trial with him.. but didn't sign up with them coz v.costly..also the place (tanglin mall) is quite costly for carpark etc.. so what I did is to replicate a similar program for his friends and him at a friend's condo which has a music room that is easily booked..this way dun need to ensure the house is spotless with guest comming in every week and Ryan can go swimming afterh his music lesson..hehe..
jo, you mean the 7 year old sis you mentioned is your step sister? Then your mum is your mum or stepmum or you have a stepdad?Abit confused here.

Been away for soooooo long.. How's everyone?? Been busy.. Matt n I are fine. He just went for a doc's checkup...he's not gaining weight but getting taller. I've gone full time on a baby sitter now. She's very good. Fattened him up bef the CNY. Thanks to us and the weather.. he lost the weight. At 8.5mths he's only 7.7kg...
but 72cm tall.


Since when you askin for ptx help???!! I'm using a lady from Myanmar... she helps with Matthew when babysitter has to go for doc's checkup. ives near me soooo if I do need her help at night she can come over fast fast.
jo, eureka, giggler...

I hv been thinking abt being sahm cos I don't like the way ryan's caregiver handles him, not up to my standard. I think she's doing her best but I can't close one eye, maybe i'm too yim chim. My unpaid leave hasn't been approved, last resort I hv to quit. Finances wise will be a bit tight but we'll get by. I tell myself, when ryan is older i can work or start saving $ again. So my priority now is my ds
Having said all that if I can find a good infant care I may try him out.
i only have one step sis age 7 and step dad.

once, i also thought of being SAHM until zl reaches 18mths but frankly speaking, i still prefer working than full time housewife. moreover i don really know how to play with bbs

maybe u should go joyhouse. u know after comparing a few infant care centres, joyhouse offers the most personal care which i can't feel from the other infant care centres. that's why joyhouse so far from my place, i m still willing to go. anyway according to the teacher, they only accept maximum 10 babies (if i am not wrong). anyway i think they can play with my bb better than me.
i will definitely visit joyhouse! how may bb hv they got now? n how many caregivers?

i hv previously visited a couple at sengkang/ punggol, dun like e places. mayb i'm a hygiene freak? for eg caregiver use hanky clean e boy's face then stuff hanky into his backside! then they rock bb so hard on e rocker after his milk feed! i thk those ctr i visited engage aunties as caregivers. i wonder if these aunties cant even speak english how they read or show flashcards?

my boy's caregiver... she likes to scratch toes scratch head scratch here n there, then stroke my boy's face n hug him etc... tis kind of small thing i cant stand it.
My mum a hsewife. So can afford the time to cook every meal for Chen Chen. Afterall, it is 2 meals the most. Bsides Chen Chen is her xin gan bao pei
Y u stop flashing flash cards to Vane? U work ET?
Wish our dream of firing our boss comes true soon

The words the supervisor said v touching
My bro dotes on me v much. I still remember the scence of him helping to search for my wedding shoes when I wz abt to leave the hse
I dun sweat easily (xcept during my confinement)but it is sticky (melt like cho sticky yucks) under such weather. Chen Chen same same aunty Eureka. Hair wet then he goes scratch n scratch till railway track
Kids innocent, dun think Rae's love 4 mei mei is not real

Alicia can walk on her own already?
U sent her for a competition?
Bet u your hubby n Alicia had a gd time in NZ. envy u so so much

Envy u get to c all the 1st move of Ash. Oso envy u can afford to eat n eat yet dun gain wt.

Gd dat Edi likes veg.
Your mum gives Edi porridge for the 2 solid meals? Chen Chen is 1 meal porridge another meal 2 kinds of veg or cereal. In b/w meals fruits or bb bites as snack

Wat tumbletots teach bb? My hubby's colleague's wife said tumbletots gd but I dun get the chance to ask further

Y u need to bring Matt for checkup?
Chen Chen wz 7.33kg last mth. Think abt the same wt as Matt now or may b + a bit. any pic of sum seng to share?

Your boss doesn't wanna let u try being a sahm. He then mean
piggy, i also can't stand this kind of thingee. Certain things my mum do i also dun like, told her she will get angry say nobody will dare to look after my bb. For MIL, can't really say anything at all
hi mummies,
hv been MIA for quite some tx.My mum &amp; my bro whole family went for holidays,they left their maid wf me...wah..i can sense..so much different wf extra help.Now we r planning to get a full time maid to help out so we dun hv to bother to rush hme to boil water,doing laundry &amp; wash milk bottles...etc...

Anyone is engaging a maid?I am not sure if I shld engage a Filipino or Indonesian...

Hi Jo,
So u decide to leave ur bb at infant care? Tough decision,isn't it? Where is joyhse located?

If I decide to hv 2nd bb,i'll hv to put him/her at infant care coz my mil &amp; mum can't tak care of my 2nd bb liao...

Those infant care that u mentioned located at bt timah,r they private infant care?how come so expensive?will govt subsidise if we leave our bbs at private infant care?

what abt getting a nanny for ur bb?

hi Nat,
Can I hv the contact for ur part tx maid?

Hi Eureka,
I've finally tried Comfyhme for their cleaning service.My comment:worse! The lady takes almost 45min to iron 5shirts.Their services r suck too!Forgot to come for the first appt!

I will switch to another part tx maid or agency after the one mth trial.

hi Pringles,
I feel u r very energetic! Me &amp; my hubby don't even bother to bring our 7mth old to makan or shopping...Too cumbersome to bring so many things.
Few wks ago,me &amp; my hubby quarreled after came bk fr. my mum hme.All the unpacking,tidy up &amp; cleaning,bathing my boy when we reached hme...n my hubby constant complained abt how sickening he feels to do all these hseworks.
After trying for 7mths, i finally confirm tat i nid a maid coz my hubby can't help me.

hi Sanrio,
how heavy is Ashrel? He's really very cuteee...
Lionel is only 8kg.Ya,he slim down a lot.Still driking 150ml.Don;t know he lose appetite recently.
We just brought him to c PD.He has terrible insects bites on both of his legs.Don't know what insect bites until got blister &amp; poor lionel keep on scratching by rubbing his legs until the blisters broke &amp; got infected.
We used to put on him play &amp; sleep on the mattress,on the floor.Now we put him in the playpen,think much cleaner.
Hi jo, how old is your bro? Think he also concern abt your boi lah. I'll try my best to visit as many as possible ard my area. I not sure those gym stuff useful or not but my col kept complimenting it.

Hi pringles, I just feel that I dun even time to spend "quality" time with her lor. Cos my weekends always busy with programs.

Hi piggy, hope that your unpaid leave is approved and you dont need to quit. At least, you can still be secured with a job mah.

Hi shook, no time to flash last 2-3weeks. Now, getting lazy liao. Sigh. Aiya, we missed out the chance to be boss yday hor?

Hi avocado, my col suggested that I get a maid rather than send my gal to infant care centre. But I dont like the idea of having maid leh.
mummies, many tks for all ur compliments!! dun make my face red like angbao leh!! that was so many donkey years ago when we hv the pixs taken!!

prev me look sexy?? now is delicious!! got 3-tier fats tummy, drumstick arm and pig trotters thighs!! YUMMY!!

sanrio, i wont strangle u lah - i'll be most willing to donate a bit of my fat to you!!

pringles, ur pixs really speed up my plans all the more to visit NZ with jerald soon!!

giggler, u intend to send vane for enrichment prog?? i ever tot of sending jerald to a wkend playgroup by tumbletots but hubby deem unnecessary so we gave up the idea.

sahm, u lose 7kgs in 2wks by cambridge?? i find their milk shake as horrible as um's milk powder their soup got a weird medicine taste!!! u still taking them?

sorry i mia for the whole morning!! me applied leave today and monday - really dun feel like working and wanted to just spend my afternoon playing with jerald.
hahaha, u r so funny to say that now u r delicious... u very exaggerating...although i have never seen ur latest look but according to other mummies, u still thin. cannot be all mummies are wrong right?

hey, i am facing the same problem as u. my hubby and i are also struggling with taking care of bb and housework. currently i got a part time cleaner to do housework for me alternate week, another alternate week suppose to be helped by mum but most of the time she does not come. so paisei for me to ask her. anyway our daily chores are very tiring too. my hubby always want me to get a maid cos he also cannot tahan the housework, well... let me see, he only help me to wash milk bottles at night... maybe he also cannot tahan the messiness of our house.

for me, we are planning to send bb to infant care, then nobody at home. so no point getting a maid.

my brother is 26 year old, he will be back for good end of this year.

many also suggest to get a maid as it is cheaper and someone to do housework but i never accept this idea.
giggler, jo
ya maid is cheaper but i dun trust them to look after babies...

i scared a maid will give me more problems... muz select, train, no good still muz change... sounds too much work. n my place no room for her to stay leh. i scared i too yim chim she poison or spit into our food or abuse my boi
Hi Jo,
I agree TOTALLY with u. I am more interested in any music/art lesson for my kids rather than anything for motor development. My friends went gymboree n mentioned that it is gd for the bbs to socialise but who needs those crawling, cruising lessons. Her hb said he can set up 1 gym at home too!! Hahhahaha, tks gdness only trial lessons.

Think 2 sides to a coin again. Rae has personal gd attention cos the center has only few kids. So in business prospect, cant substain but for my boy, it is to his advantage.....short term.

Now I freak out thinking of the 50 to 70 kids my boy will be with in future.

Think dun borrow ur bro's mouth to tell ur mum, she will be hurt n angry!

The last shot was such a relaxed, full of serenity pix. Is that u? U look different! Just ask, in case u said that is ur.....cousin or sis or????

I am keeping ur px help contact.

Ur sibling n mum are ur blessing. U read abt piggy's headache, u will realise how blessed we r to have extended gd help.

I am not taking CD anymore. I also find their soup horrible n i always opt out that. I ordered online n exchange everything for their shakes, n chose only certain flavour that i can accept. Not healthy diet at all....imagine replacing 3meals per day for 2 wks!

Hahahhaha, how amusing. Not bad to be delicious also mah.........

After 1 particular guy frm Comfyhome left, their service sucks to the core. No reply, late reply, screw up. I experience that too. As for the cleaner they assigned to me, I find her efficient n gd. I pre-warned them I am v yim chim n will ask for 2nd 1 immediately if i am not pleased. So according to them, they gave me the best cleaner they have. I have 1 last session coming up.

I am as 'yim chim' as u. I take notice of little things n cant tolerate those disgusting gesture too.......
I hv a bag to put Chen Chen's stuff when go kai kai like diaper, hanky, wipes... we dun take things out reimburse when we use n item. So dun need to pack n unpack

Lyn is a big joker when she talks abt how fat she is.
Jo, Piggy, Giggler
My hubby then scared of getting a maid having seen news abt maid abusing bb

I m indeed v blessed to hv such family members. I 1 them to b my family members agn shld there b next life.

Bingo, u got it tis time, the last pic is Pringles
How? We need help but we r turned off by having a maid in the house?!!!
Many pple try to coax me into having 1, saying it is really 'useful'..........cant buy the idea leh.

Ya, I always read that u seem pretty senang looking after Ryan leh. No wonder u dun mind looking after 2. My verdict is I am a better housekeeper than looking after 2 kids at one go. Think I will turn insane without my hb ard to manage the kids. Dun dare think my days ahead........

How u manage to be so take it easy n relaxed ah? Share leh
My mum said I hv gui ren thru out my life. I believe my family members r the gui ren. Sometimes I think if they leave tis world, I will b v ke lian n lonely sob sob ....

I can't even manage 1 Chen Chen w/o my hubby's help

tks for spanking aloy for me.

but he dun reject my mum who do the feeding &amp; taking care of him while we r at work leh.

wow, u really look very sexy in your EG.

now beta liao, tks. bet i will 'get even' with Aloy after i recover.

oh, me really read until gong gong. rae is such a nice &amp; good boy , y u want to disown him, wat happen?
wait till i hv time to download aloy's photo, then i will post here ok.

anyone heard of Mordern Montessori International? is it gd? is a centre tat provides playgroup &amp; nursery.

juz discovered today tat the above is opening soon in psa building, 3rd level, hv u seen it?
