(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi jo,
Didn't know Mamy Poko's cutting is smaller than Pampers Premium. Thot they're the same all along. Thks for telling me

you're right about the cot becoming a white elephant... ian's cot is a white elephant now, cos he likes to sleep with me on the king-sized bed. His Amby Baby Motion Bed is also becoming a white elephant though I must admit it helped him sleep for longer stretches at night when we first got it and he willingly slept in it. Now I'm trying to get him to sleep in it again, otherwise the $399 is really wasted! Ian also wakes up about 4 to 5 times every night... think for comfort sucking. If Alicia is in another room, isn't it very tough for you to keep running to the other room to check on her when she wakes up? Hmm... u have to learn to sleep in the day when she is sleeping lah... that's the only way I catch up on sleep; even half an hour or 20 minutes also good!
Take gd care of yourself n get totally well soon
Wow u go all the way fm the west to airport? Peifu. Wat do u do at the airport?

Wat spending $300 in 5mins @ 5different shops, avg u spent 1 min in 1 shop. Dat's super fast!!
Oh poor Jerald, the bao bao muz b then painful. Hope he is ok now. Agree 100% wif sahm, fall is inevitable throut a person's life. We grow stronger by pain. Dun dwell on the sadness ya

Chen Chen loves gripe water.
Gd dat u bot bumbo. 1 less headache
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QSG, Priviledged, Mom_Mom
Chen Chen oso sucks fingers n toes n anything within his reach
dirty dirty

Is your bb on breast milk? He is v v big. My Chen Chen 6mth tml he wz 6.64 kg 3 wks ago

Same same, I also sleep deprived. Chen Chen wakes up more often (2 or 3 times) since Mon after we made him sleeps at 10+pm. He used to wake up once when he slept @ 11+.

came back frm watching The Incredibles. It was enjoyable - the movie as well as being out with hubby alone for the first time without bb, tho i must say i was happy to have her back after we reached home. She was so happy to see us...she immediately rested her head against my chest when i carried her...nice warmth feeling. Anyway, she is learning to accept other people so i guess it was a good chance for her to interact today. Guess we will do this once in a while....


You mean Ian dislikes the cot? Any plans to make him sleep in it again? You are rite, i just have to make myself sleep in the day whenever possible...i'm taking chamomile tea to help....pathetic..


You are working in the day...so u better take gd care and rest lots....
Inevitably, some bb's stuffs will definitely become white elephant in time to come but at the v moment of their infant stage, those stuffs do come in useful. So there will b a stage of finding time to pack away cot, sarong sling, high chair.........or even bumbo soon! But all these stuffs will be 'dug' out once the arrival of the 2nd bb again.
..........think for purchases of bbs, sometimes just cant think too much.......

Didnt know that the bumbo is to help bbs sit upright!?? Watever for, this purpose? In time to come, bbs sure know how to sit upright wah. Think as SAHM, it acts like an extra-hand lor. I also enjoy looking at my girl sitting there, smiling while I talk n sing to her. Sometime carrying her is warm n restrictive to seeing her facial expression.

Ur hb is not entirely not right.....it is costly n bb may outgrow it soon. Tat's where I feel if 2 bbs can use it, it shd make the $ well spent liao. It is ex lah, if it is $29, we wouldnt justify so much to make the purchase. Agree? Hahhaha....my hb still 'haunt' me with '$75 best px, no further discount meh?'

Ash is always so smiley face.......v happy bb. This wk not only I bot the bumbo, I also bot the carrier frm KP just now. Hope I can loiter ard in shopping mall all by myself without lugging my stroller along. Time passes v slowly staying at home, n worse, when Elyse just simply refuses to nap whole day long till she knock out only at 7pm till next day!

Elyse so far able to sit in the bumbo for abt 20min. I get to boil water, fill up the flask, prepare her bath water. I get to eat my breakfast while she smiling away with me biting my sandwiches, sipping away my nescafe. Kor Kor always sit in the bumbo but v comical, buttock always get stuck when standing up!

Bring cc to more bb contest. They normally have gripe water in the goodies bag!
.....i got mine frm there...........

My friend just asked me to tag along but I didnt manage to go as girl was so cranky n I was alone with her over this wkends. If u keen, I can check the classes/demo on behalf...............

Chen Chen n edi can join the gripe water clan.........both luv it

For the bumbo, think it is definitely useful but also believe it may become white elephant in time to come...as u say when they starts crawling....will they still want. So got to make the money more well spent by having it for 2 bbs lor. It is recommended to be used when bb can keep their head upright to 14mth.

I also bot 2pck of MP though I still have 3pkts of PP at home!gd deal Stylobb n me are mums that stock up diapers! hahahhahhah.........nepia still no stock!

I zoomed in n just bot the bumbo, nothing else. The Oku sales mostly rompers which i dun fancy. CHecked out the munchkin grinder, looks kind of filmsy.........think the U-mix food processor is gd.

Sanrio n mummies that asked abt the food grinding,
I have nvr grinded any food for my boy. I cook brown rice or normal grain in slow cooker which is soft n smooth enuff for my boy, in my opinion. Perhaps Ruffy can share in this aspect?

My girl also v shiong for me. Want to go gai gai.......Doesnt want to sleep during daytime n only knock out at 7pm. Sleep early n wake up early, ard 5~6am.........wow...me dog shagged. Like u, I cant sleep or rest too!
yah, not cheap abt $30+, but then it was v sweet and couldn't resist it. Brought it back to xchange and ended up paying more cos I xchange for 2 long sleeve Ts and need to top up. told my mum abt the TV, but then she said sometimes my girl v diff to feed ..she bo pian

u apply bm on chen chen head? how do u do it ? apply n leave it on ? isn't it sticky/oily?

v tempted to go "bundle of joy" to take a look. got excuse to buy, cos xmas and cny coming mah
I watched the incredibles too .. like the last part where the bb is snatched away by syndrome. mabbe I'm flooded by motherly instinct brought on by motherhood, I felt kinda emotional so when the scene when the bb is crying and reaching for mummy when syndrome snatch her/him n flew up the sky, but then when the bb starting morphing into devil, was laughing my head off ..

my bb only use the cot during the 1st mth, after that i put her with me on my king size bed when cos easier to look after her at nite, She keeps stirring and I'm lazy to walk to the cot to attend to her. Now I put her there when i need to prepare her milk or in the morning when I'm getting ready for work.

mon mon
my girl needs alot of distraction while feeding, sometimes i even hv to carry her, sing "hickery dickery dock", rock and feed her. her feeding times are my most stressful times

i also interested in the shichida sharing session, mind if u forward me the info as well ?

this weekend v siong for me also..my girl requires constant attention when she's awake. She also tekan me when she's sleeping in the day, she need constant rocking in the sarong, at nite keep stirring and then wake up at 5am yesterday n today
my back is breaking ... arms also aching like mad ..tomorrow still need to go back to work

poor jerald, hope he's ok now. Understand how panicky u must hv been, cos I drop my girl once also, she was lying on my thigh in the car and she fell sideways onto the back seat when hubby stop at traffic light. She hit her face on the seat and started crying. Couldn't pacify her at all, we even had to stop along the road cos she's crying really badly and she cried herself to sleep

ashrel must b a very happy baby ...can also smile when sleeping
Aelwen still quite OK at this point of time. She loves to eat....probably like mommy & daddy
hence, taking this chance to train her to eat at dining table on her hi-chair, without the TV. My friend's girl is almost 2 yrs old, very well-trained...can sit at the table and finish her food by herself. Whereas my nephew, same age, runs round the whole house and is chased after by the maid with the food in her hand, plus with the TV on. Think i'll go crazy if Aelwen turn out to be like that so I very kiasu....start training now. hb also agree, when he see our nephew, he also scare

You agree on my point about feeding? Your boy really very adorable....always doing things that make mummies laughing with happiness. I read your description and laughing out loud to myself.

Guess $25 is the market price for the bamboo baby chair. Aelwen is quite big so we didn't stuff any pillows in the bamboo chair...only do that for the hi-chair. When she sits in the bamboo chair, her butt takes out the front to back area...leaving no space for pillows
hb worry that she will be too big for the chair very soon.

Recently she likes us to carry her so she can "stand" on her legs. So we try out our nephew's walker last night to see her reaction. She got scare when she move her legs and the walker start moving. It was so funny!

Giggler & Shook
This morning was my very last pump session as I intend to wean Aelwen off bfg 2 weeks later when she reaches 6mths. Got enough stock in the freezer to last till then. Anyway, she don't fancy my breast anymore. After my pump this morning, I look at the pump with the milk in it and had this really funny feeling that I don't have to do this anymore. It's become so much of a routine that I felt really funny thinking that I am going to stop this routine now. Feel a little sad. THought I would be very happy to stop it but not really so when it is time. Still feeling weird even as I typed this.
Seems tat many of u actually sleep with ur bb instead putting him/her in cot hor. I use to do tat during Randall's 1st 2 mths when I was staying @ my mum place. When I shifted back to my own house, Randall sleeps in his cot with my mum and he no longer wake up so often for nite feed or rather sometimes he can sleep till next morning 7.30am. On few occassions I let him sleep with me and he wake up so often. So now, I dare not sleep with him liao. Hehe...

Alamak, tokking abt the bumbo. Randall now onli flipping and trying to lift his head. Haha...
sahm, i feed gripe water using the pacifier thing too. I find it less messy, n we can know the amount the baby has taken.
btw, i cannot feed rice cereal to my boy yet, PD advises me to wait till 6th mth, cos my boy is on the heavy side, 8.2kg at 4mths
Hi Mommies,
Just to share something with you with regards to one particular confinement lady. My SIL just delivered last week and she engaged a confinement lady who actually left her with a major crisis 3 days after she went home. After doing her confinement for 3 days, her CL told her that her father passed away and she needs to go back to Msia for the wake. And she recommended her friend, who she claimed has more than 30yrs of experience. When the friend came, she not only is naggy and also, from what she has done, has shown that she is not experience at all. The new CL actually thrown away the expensive fish that my MIL bought. And she seasoned the fish that she cooked for my SIL with salt until it is so salty and cant be eaten. Plus she didnt burp the baby probably after feeding resulting the baby kept having reflux. She also didnt clean her babys butt probably after baby poo, my SIL check and still got poo stuck to the babys butt. Thats not the worst, the new CL told us that the previous CLs father actually passed away quite sometime back. The real reason she had to leave is because she got another confinement which pays her more $$$. She actually lied about the father so as to get to the higher paying engagement. My SIL was really depressed with the new CL and she was so angry with the previous CL for lying. She chased away the new CL after half a day. For your info, the name of the CL who lied is Mei Yi, her msia number is 0207-4672582 and spore mobile is 96569258. Pls put her in your black book so as not to suffer that same fate.
why be so strict abt stopping bf-ing at 6 months? First year should give as much BM as possible, first 6 months exclusive bf-ing mah. If your supply is still good, why not give to your gal?
mon mon, really sympathise with your SIL. Confinement also not easy still have to be stressed by CL. Was thinking if i want a 2nd bb later on will get a CL (cause MIL suppose to help during my confinement 4 months back but end up she only do cooking most of the time and i end up over exerting since i basically do the rest with regard to taking care of bb)hopefully then will manage to get a good one.

Who is helping your SIL now?
Hi sweetpooh, some gal got the empty flash cards from the paper supplier here and we got a few mummies to share. As for the dots cards, there's no standard pattern. You can just paste anywhere you like.

Hi ChenChen, Vane usu laugh loudly when I flash cards to her. I only managed to flash once in the night, just for abt 5sec. Cos I only show her 5 cards. I'll show her 15times for each card before I change the card.

Hi sanrio, you feeling better? Seems like the flu virus is back again. Ashrel wearing M size now? Vane has been wearing L size since she 5mths old. Now, even L size seems tight liao. I bought those commercial brown rice from NTUC. Aiyo.Ashrel look so cute, can still smile while sleeping.

Hi lyn, so how's Jerald now? Can try applying Zambuk on his head leh, think it can help to remove the red spot. At first, I thot of buying the bumbo seat cos sahm kept recommending it. But I afraid that Vane's thigh will be too chubby to fit in the seat.

Hi sahm, how much did u spend on the bumbo seat? You made me feel like buying too leh. When will the sale end? Maybe I'll bring Vane there to try out the seat first. I started giving Vane brown rice too. But I not so hardworking as in grinding the brown rice myself lah.
How's the Shichida method?

Hi QSG, Vane has been sucking her toes recently too. And my mom kept saying that me going to get pregnant soon. Hahahah.. Those old myths very funny hor?

Hi jo, huh? Your son considered overweight? Vane will only got for her 6th mth assessment this Thu. Hope she's not over-weight too.

Hi ruffy, the bumbo seat can only last till 9mths? Then I better have 2nd thoughts cos Vane has quite chubby thighs.

Hi mon, seems like most of our bb likes to suck on things hor? Where did you get the bamboo seat huh? My mom wants to buy for my gal also. I can understand your feeling abt weaning off leh. I feel sad even when I just think of it.

Hi Viv, my sil told my mil abt watching TV is bad for bb. Now, my mil tries placing Vane on the floor instead of carrying her on her lap.
The bumbo seat yeah..should be able to last till 9mths.. coz have let Ryan try it last mth at my friends house.. he is able to sit in it for a while..but like after 10 min he will shift till it turn over to one side then he can crawl out.. his other friends who were 10 mths..and dun have chubby thighs.. just stand up and crawl away after 5min of sitting in it..If they have chubby thighs will be harder for bb to come out of it.. anway can let Vane try it first..before you decide whether to buy it for her.
Ryan now progressing to walking.. can walk with aid from one side of the sofa to another..also know how to climb up to the sofa.. still dunno how to descend from it properly.. always try to go head first down..so much continue to teach him the proper way to do so.. he has 5 teeth now..so will try to give him more coasre food.

I only grinded brown rice for him once lah.. that time after buying the small packet of brown rice -1kg.. washed it /dry it out then grinded it with my blender and store in the container..so each time just scoop out 2/3 tablespoon to make 1 feed.. so easier to cook.. just add it to hot water and boil for a few minutes then it is cooked.. if cooked traditional methods will take at least 15min-1hr??? If use the microwave will take about 3min..but seldom do so coz hard to estimate the heat level etc.
Jo, i recently bought a britax safe n sound at $299, find it quite ok though its abit big for our small car. It has 5 positions, from lying down to sitting upright and I was told we can use it till bb is 5yrs old.
If you are looking for cheaper car seat they have those for newborn to 5yrs old at Kaki bukit Baby Kingdom going at $119 incld free booster seat for use for bb from 5-12yrs old.

I enjoyed The Incredibles too
Very diff type of cartoon....Dash is soo cute running ard with those short lil legs....LOL....same thing, at first sight of the bb, i think of mine too....thank God she was quite ok under the care of my aunt...phew! Go go....check out the Bundle of Joy....let me know if u also got something for ur gal....wats her name btw? See u next gathering.


now that i don't bfeed Alicia to sleep in day time, she naps in the day with her thumb stuck in her mouth....haiz....guess its better than can't sleep at all...
Hi Mommies,
Just to share something with you with regards to one particular confinement lady. My SIL just delivered last week and she engaged a confinement lady who actually left her with a major crisis 3 days after she went home. After doing her confinement for 3 days, her CL told her that her father passed away and she needs to go back to Msia for the wake. And she recommended her friend, who she claimed has more than 30yrs of experience. When the friend came, she not only is naggy and also, from what she has done, has shown that she is not experience at all. The new CL actually thrown away the expensive fish that my MIL bought. And she seasoned the fish that she cooked for my SIL with salt until it is so salty and cant be eaten. Plus she didnt burp the baby probably after feeding resulting the baby kept having reflux. She also didnt clean her babys butt probably after baby poo, my SIL check and still got poo stuck to the babys butt. Thats not the worst, the new CL told us that the previous CLs father actually passed away quite sometime back. The real reason she had to leave is because she got another confinement which pays her more $$$. She actually lied about the father so as to get to the higher paying engagement. My SIL was really depressed with the new CL and she was so angry with the previous CL for lying. She chased away the new CL after half a day. For your info, the name of the CL who lied is Mei Yi, her msia number is 0207-4672582 and spore mobile is 96569258. Pls put her in your black book so as not to suffer that same fate.
Hi ruffy, sounds like Ryan 'grows' a lot liao leh. Vane is only trying to 'crawl' recently.

Hi pringles, I intro pacifier to Vane cos she likes to suck her thumb too.

Hi mon, your sil really suay to get such a CL leh.
I'm not to sure but I think should be able to keep at least a few month.. for me.. Ks type..keep most of the food incl rice in the fridge..dried food normally can last 6mths but best check with the provision shop/seller.
wah great, alicia can sit liao. wat did u put on the floor, is it comforter or mattress?

giggler, viv n sahm,
yup ashrel quite playful, loves to smile n laugh a lot, but become a loud crying bb wen goes to friend's hse, headache!! wonder how he recognise?? go to shopping ctr and church ok leh..

the m size mamy poko going to burst liao! trying to quickie fin using it. pampers m still ok. how's the cute cute vane? u said she lost a little wt? can post a pic of her..
i try to let ashrel takes pacifier but he prefers his thumb. his saliva all over the face cos somtx he put all the fingers in then rub face, eyes, n rashes appear, ai ya!!
my frd's son pri 1 still sucking thumb..ai yo..he wont do tat in school but once reach hm or b4 sleep, will 'auto' suck thumb.

gd u got the carrier. ashrel oso dun like to stay at hm n v boring. so i put him on carrier n gp downstr or nearby walk walk. i face him forward n we 'chase' after the birds, he likes it so much. my neighbour said ashrel goes kai kai so often in 1 day..
agree bumbo gd for sahm, i put him in it can prepare bath water, pack his thgs, at least i noe he is 'safe' in it.
haha.. your ah boi sits in it, u took pic?

we bo liao, go airport eat swensen n walk ard.

Alicia doesn't like pacifier when i tried giving her a few times. A speech therapist told me that it affects speech devt because it pushes back the tongue. So i did away with the pacifier.


Alicia is sitting on 2 comforters...actually i have mattress in her room. But hassle to drag it all over the house. So made do with 2 comforters in the living rm temporarily. Might get another big mattress for her to crawl around.

Bbs are very smart. That's why Ashrel can recognise people, places and his toys!
Giggler, QSG
My girl luv everything..frm fingers to toes, hanky, milk powder cover, kor kor's milk, toys etc....all into her mouth! LOST HER TEMPER when I grab the things away. Chilli padi! Vane seems to be a gd sweet mild girl?!

Bumbo, bot at $75.52. My girl for a stretch of 3 days, slept less than 2hrs during the day n woke up at 5+am. Want to go gai gai n frustrated me 'dumped' her in the bumbo n she seems ok in it for quite awhile while I gathered my cool again. She is just like a winded up battery operated doll sitting there!

If u gonna use this bumbo for 2 bbs, buy it then. Money shd be well spent. But u have MIL n mum looking after her n old pple do not mind carrying bbs? so may count it out? When u r home in the evening, nothing beats the warm cuddling of mama...........

I have a braun appliance....dun know wat;s it called...............juice extractor or food processor. U know those type for making bubble tea...can I use it to puree or grind rice?

Mon MOn,
I fully empathize ur SIL! Yes, blacklist the CL, mummies. It is indeed v upsetting n disturbing to kena such unpleasant things during CONFINEMENT period. BB n mummy needs her help....daddy entrusting his both loved ones to CL's care n yet like that. Mummy easily sink into post natal blues.......

No matter wat, a CL, a gd referral is of importance n better off then MIL. Otherwise, mummy do not get enuf rest, hb have to help out in hsework, all because paisay mil over tired etc. QSG's case is a typical MIL being the CL.

Bf'g has become so much a part of your daily life, wat's more it is for ur little darling. Now stopping soon, sure takes awhile to get over this transitional period. Well, u have more time to focus on ur girl soon.......adoring her!
....Congrats....U last n made it for 6mths!

Ur girl, like my boy, will have alot of amusing n entertaining moments in time to come, for u n hb.......apart frm those nerve wrecking blood boiling moments too

Happy 6mth to chen chen today...........U on leave, where did u bring him to jalan n how is his maiden solid meal? Got take foto?

Now I know, when my girl is awake at 5+am...i know across the island, VIV mama maybe awake too!

Mummies on shichida,
My frenz mentioned tat it is an ongoing periodical demo/sharing of idea thing.....free! I hr session...........

How old is ur bb? U Mix, think u shd have seem anywhere but nvr registered. It is rather small n seems useful frm the demo. It is abt $69+??....last seen it at a demo outside OG Albert.

Sanrio, here is Ruffy's sharing, replying to me,
I only grinded brown rice for him once lah.. that time after buying the small packet of brown rice -1kg.. washed it /dry it out then grinded it with my blender and store in the container..so each time just scoop out 2/3 tablespoon to make 1 feed.. so easier to cook.. just add it to hot water and boil for a few minutes then it is cooked.. if cooked traditional methods will take at least 15min-1hr??? If use the microwave will take about 3min..but seldom do so coz hard to estimate the heat level etc
hi mon_mon,
Ur SIL CL very bad hor...I've very bad experience wf my CL oso..

Hi Shook,
look like most mummies feed their babies wf gripe water...Will it really help to get rid of stomach wind??

how often does Chen Chen wake up at nite? My boy normally sleeps ard 8pm plus & wake up ard 5am for breakfast.Occasionally,he wakes up ard 2pm for feed if the last feed is ard 7pm...We've started to feed him rice cereal today...My MIL said he loves it...

Brought my boy to Pizza Hut last wkend...Guess what happened?? He pooed...a lot somemore.The waitress was laughing.But i didn't care.Luckily,not very smelly.hee..

hi Ruffy_happy,
how did u grind the brown rice? With blender??

hi Pringles,
Agree wf u..Ashrel always looks very happy & cheerful...

Hi sahm,
buttock always get stuck?? u mean the bumbo too small for her??

hi Skyblue,
ya,Mamy poko cutting is smaller.My boy(4 & half months) is wearing L size for mamy poko,while M size for Pampers Premium.
hi <font color="ff6000">shook</font>, no leh, he is taking similac excellence... but he very bandan... on saturday, my friends were playing and laughing at his chubbiness. on sunday, he suddenly refused milk... drank very little!

<font color="ff6000">giggler</font>, pls update me about your girl's weight. anyway cannot compare one hor...

oh <font color="ff6000">pringles</font>... ur alicia is sitting so well!!!! my bb, just reach 6th month, still like Humpty Dumpty, cannot balance when seated.

hi <font color="ff6000">amie</font> and <font color="ff6000">ruffy</font>, thanks... yesterday i bought a maxi cosi sps (i think XP is the more expensive than SPS) for 9kg to 18kg car seat $199 at kids mall. i remember JL selling it about S$260++ at expo sales (UP S$325), kaki bukit also selling at S$325 well i think they are willing to cut price if i bargain. guess $199 is very good buy already.
hi sahm,
I finally received job offer.But they're offering me lower pay(lower by $350 from my current pay).Not sure if I shld tak up the offer as I'm actually waiting for reply from another company...*dilemma*
hi avocado

my bb is wearing M size for premium pampers (old one, not the new one) but wearing L size for mamy poko leh... strange
hi Shook,
aqueous cream is good enough for dry skin.Chen chen pooed in the country club restaurant? hee..Actually,there's nothing to embarass abt.Babies poo anywhere coz they're ignocent..my boy even fart when my gf carried him.My frd laughed her heart out..hee...
Check out upon confirmation, any pay adjustment...how's their benefit......how's their prospect for working mums.........

Most important of all, U must be HAPPY to take up the offer. If not, when u start work, it will haunt u 'with lower pay offer, I am doing all this blah blah blha...' U get wat I mean? Sometime, when we feel like getting out of present job, we quit but the next offer may not be any better.....go with ur feeling, women's intuition is gd n accurate!
hi Viv,
same here,my 4mth plus boy oso nid lots of attn.He can't be left alone...Nowadays,he even more noti,he hates to stay in the bedroom.We've to go to other room or bring him kai kai..

Hv u tried giving ur girl pacifier? I gave my boy pacifier since he's one month old.I seldom carry &amp; rock him to sleep.I just give him the pacifier &amp; bolster,then pat him to sleep...

He is quite ok at nite.After the feed,he falls asleep when i burp him.

Nowadays,we enjoy bringing him out coz he's very awake when he outside...He'll then sleep in the car while we're on the way home &amp; sleep for 2~3hours...

I think most babies r naturally become very active when they turn 3 to 4month old....
Back to swimming topic....went to check out the float for bb...didn't know float also got so many varieties. Is it must get those with the "cross" at the hole of float so bb can sit on it.

Hi Jul,
Actually it's quite an achievement for me already. I only intend to bfg for 2 months but I ended up buying so many bfg stuff so to make $$$ worth i target at 6mths. As I have to get out of the office for meetings so quite inconvenience. Sometimes I have to bring my cooler bag along for meetings cos I leave for home after meeting. Then client ask me "how come you carry so many bags, handbag, document bag and what's this bag?" Sometimes not so close clients...don't know what to tell them
Plus, due to all the pumping, not enough sleep - sleep at 12midnight after the last pump and then wake up at 5am to pump and prepare for work.

Giggler, Sahm &amp; Avocado,
Yeah lor...she quite suay one. Already got a lot of problem in her early preg then now still got this. Think she has sank into post natal blues already....always crying. We r very worried. She's not enthusiatic about her baby at all. Any adv?

Alicia is very fast hor? U put comforter on the floor or is it some kind of mat for bb?
hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>
btw, ur hubby took pics of your son right? i think his photography skill is quite pro.
Hi sanrio, my bro sucked his thumb till he's teenager leh. That's why, I very scared that Vane sucks her thumb. I've just posted a recent photo that we took last Sat at Sentosa.

Hi pringles, huh? Pacifier will affect speech devt? But I afraid that Vane will get addict to her thumb leh.

Hi sahm, no lah Vane screams if I took away what she's going to put into her mouth too. My fren just told me that her gal (7mths now) very guai, can look at books. I told her, Vane only know how to 'eat' books. Sigh. Come to think of it, I don't really need the bumbo seat hor? So how's the shichida session?

Hi avocado, your boi's poo not smelly? Vane's poisonous gas very smelly leh.

Hi jo, when Vane was 4mths old, PD told us that she belonged to 95 percentile lah. But recently, I think she lost some weight liao. No problem, I'll definitely let u know her weight on Fri.

Hi shook, help me to say "Happy 6th Mth" to chen chen hor?
Vane is v you siew look! Oh mine, look at her sweet baju...so sweet n nice. Her lotus arm still exist. Wat's vane wearing huh? Got front full view pix....like v nice leh...wherre u get it frm. But must be bak bak wear then nice hor?

If u ask me, i dun think u need the bumbo. Ur mum or mil may say wat for, 'tin teh'...hahahahhhaahhaahh...........if u stay at home, alone with vane, then it's another story.

My girl, boy is exactly like Vane...eats books too. But ah boy now ok liao.....better liao....at least he will finish the whole book, got all the words digested, reading aloud n then crumble them n throw aside! hahahahahahahahahahahha..................

Tks, My hb does take foto for co/bridal function....bbs foto too........except no prop lor

He is considering to go into photography after he retires. Giggler, during Vane's wedding then, u wanna consider my hb's service? He always says Vane v cute but $250 for 4 shot is 'kill pple put fire'..........

My son's shoe....hb just target on anything and shoot....his passion!
Mon Mon,
Just a suggestion.....try to relieve ur SIL as much as possible during this period of time. Her Hb, ur bro (?) must give her fullest TLC. Her bb now maybe a 'load' to her, attachment yet to be bonded. Poor her.......

Soon, maternal instinct sure seeps in.......
hi <font color="ff6000">sahm</font>

no wonder lah.... can tell from his photos
he use digital camera to take those pics?
Ayoh Jo,
Ur bb's foto also so pro! So clean n fresh looking....i like the shot.....just 2 colours, white n blue!

He sure have v nice features put together....so smiley n candid!
Ya...digital cam. but he ever remarked that for pro foto, shd use traditional camera instead? He talking to 'ox' me lah....heheheheheh...know nuts..........
Hi sahm, Vane was wearing bikini that day. Let me check if I got her front-view pix or not. My hubby bot the bikini from those neighbourhood shops. True leh, I think my mil will think that I waste money to buy the bumbo seat. At least, your ah boi digested the words first before he throws it away leh. hahaha........Maybe we shd invite your hubby to our X'mas gathering and take pix of the bb hor?

Hi jo, your boi looks like Sanrio's leh. He also very smiling face hor? How did you manage to arrange his photo in this way?
