(2004/04) April Mummy

Hi all,

Just to make sure that we are talking abt the same thing, when u all said tablespoon, u r referring to the metal spoon that we use for our meals right? which is actually called dessert spoon?

There are 4 types of metal spoons,
- Teaspoon smallest;
- Soup spoon;
- Dessert spoon - medium, which is what we usually use for our meals;
- Tablespoon - largest.

1 tablespoon = 2 dessert spoon, and 1 dessert spoon = 2 teaspoon. Are u all referring to the dessert spoon or tablespoon? I am actually referring to dessert spoon in the above posting. Which means her solids intake is abt 2-3 dessert spoon or 1-1.5 tablespoon.


My pc kind of ok liao but still got a bit of problem so going to get it fixed again this Saturday. My hubby got us those cube pc. 1/2 the size of those normal pc but its not running at the optinum speed so he want to send it down for testing this Saturday.

I thought tablespoon is those we use for having our meals? Still got bigger one ah? If going by your description then Ryan is taking about 4 - 4 & 1/2 dessert spoon of cereal loh. If steam apple/pear he can finish 1/2- 3/4 of it. Making porridge for him to try again. Smell nice. Hope he will take it as the chicken stock I have been cooking since this morning.


Normally my Ryan takes about 10 mins to finish his fruits plus cereal unless he is in a playful mood or is distracted then take slightly longer but never exceed 20mins coz' I'll throw away the food and lethim go hungry. Hehehe. Bad mommy hor? I don't believe in letting him take his own sweet time to eat if he is not unwell. Alot of people say I very fierce and strict towards him.
Maple, my baby himself dun wan pacifier.
I refer to soup spoon, the one make in glass or plastic, can also be found in hawker centre for porridge, etc. I also quite confused abt the spoon. Tks for hightlighting. Btw, should the food be full round up on the spoon? I think should loh..
i think i do not have a high chair at home that why when i feed him he will turn left and right, up and down.

i try to gave him porridge this morning (oh i am on 1 wk leave, so i manage to cook porridge today) . i think he ate 2 tablespoon (chinese soup spoon) and then i gave him a bit of cereal too . but after 2 hr he hungry and drink milk .

Angel, how to steam apple/pear ? will this taste sour after steam ? as he doesnt like apple juice...

so good yr baby dun want pacifier, my mil and sil keep giving him pacifier even when he is not sleeping.. so sad .
Aloe, I cut the apple into half and then use his spoon to scoop & feed him. I did not put the apple in the refrigerator. I choose "gala" apple which is powderly type.
Angel, the apple must steam for how long? Will turn brown or not?
Aloe, cutecute,

Steamed apple will not turn brown and will not taste sour. In fact think it taste better coz' my frd's baby refuse to take apple or apple juice but after I taught her how to steam apple, her baby started taking it.
You got to peel, core and cut the apple/pear then put it into a bowl onto a pot of water to steam till its soft. Think about 20mins. Then you mash it and serve to the baby when it's cool.

Ryan also dun like apple juice but he likes steam apple. As for pear I use those big brown ones. Sweeter I think. He can eat alot but I try not to feed him the whole one though my MIL told us that he manage to finish the whole apple.

Fed him Kiwi today and he like it. Trying to experiment with more food/fruits.
Morning Mummies,

I hv been underfeeding my gal on weekends! I checked with my mil last night on how much porridge my gal is eating (on weekdays), and her reply was approx. half a bowl. Gosh! I better feed her more this weekend.
Maple, I usually feed until he reject, ie push the spoon away from him. He did not eat much, less than half a bowl.
I stupid lor. Last time she eat that amt, so continue to give that amt w/o increasing it.

Anyway I cooked half a bowl of porridge for her for the past 3 days and she managed to finish 2.5 to 3 tablespoons. (Realised that bowl = 3 tblsp). Today better, finish everything. Think she hungry bcos she missed 1 milk feed due to her morning nap.

FYI, this time I used both the metal spoon & the ch. tablespoon to measure the porridge and realised that 1 metal dessert spoon = 1 ch tbl spoon. So were talking abt the same thing afterall!

How do u add ikan bilis powder to cereals? Just add to cereals and add hot water will do, izzit? The ikan bilis powder no need to cook one hor?
Maple, dun said u stupid. Me.. also under feed him liao. Mil said she feed him abt 1 bowl of porridge, after 1 hr, he feels hungry liao.
I usually feed him twice every weekend, but last week tried to feed him 3x cos I "hardworking" keke
Last Sat, I feed him
breakfast - 2 tablespoons of rice cereal
Lunch - 3 tablespoons of brown rice ikan bilis & 3/4 small banana
Dinner - abt 1/2 steam pear
Last Sun, I feed him
1-2 tablespoons of rice cereal
Late Lunch - abt 1/2 egg size boil potato
Dinner - 1 steam green pear
Suprisingly, after 1 hr of each meal, he cried for milk.
I going to stop feeding him brown rice cos his stool is hard on sunday.

The ikan bilis has been fried before I grind them into powder so no need to cook again. I just add the powder to the cereal, stir and feed him.

Ryan still don't seem to like porridge even though it smell really nice and I cook and meshed it till really fine. Think he just not use to it. He takes to other food quite well.


Brown rice are heaty so I cut down on the amount liao. Think maybe you giving your baby too small an amount of solid at each feed liao thats why he hungry so soon. Coz' my boy takes at least twice that amount at each feed. Sometime even more.
Angel, I tried to feed him but when he was eating half-way, he made noise & crying. That's why I have to stop loh. He only drink 80ml of milk 2hr interval. Dun know is it due to his teething. He start to grow 3 front upper teeth liao. When I feed him the steam pear, took me almost 1 hr to finish almost the whole pear.
Hi everyone,
been MIA for a week.Many of my colleagues incl me as well are clearing leave now.I have to cover for my colleague and vice-versa when the other is not ard.Hardly have the time to log on.

Despite my eagerness to wean Cherish by giving her solids whenever possible,the solids that she take,cannot even totally replace a milk feed.She is like 'addicted' to milk,eventually will scream for milk after some cereal or porridge.

Any mummies weigh their bbs recently?I took Cherish to a GP last week coz her nose is running again,besides she's got huge ugly red spots after being bitten by mosquitos.She weighed 7.5kg.I dunno shld trust that scale or not coz it's not those electrical ones.

Nowadays,she very man zhang.Little things,she'll eehh aahh....

Aloe,thks for the email.For once I thot the 'victim' is ur relative until I received the same mail from my colleague.heehee...

cutecute,I've checked the place that offers gym facilities for bbs near CCK will be tumbletots.Someone from another thread mentions abt the fees,you may like to check it out

Can anyone here recommend me a good gynae in KKH? My gynae in KKH will not be around during my EDD, so thought of changing to a new gynae soon.

Hi,butterscotch,I'm currently seeing Dr John Tee of KKH.He's a smiley chap,professional but not those 'gentle' type but I trusted him.The girls at other threads recommend Dr Christopher Chong too.Mayb u like to visit 'Apr/May/Jun MTBS' as I know some mummies are visiting KKH too.Cheers

Angel,Mothercare is having -50% sale for selected items.You may like to go see see look look.
Hi April Mummies
I have changed my avent bottle to pigeon bottle. My baby drink only 50% of milk from avent teat since he started to have front teeth. I tried to give him avent no. 4 teat but no use. After switching, he's back to normal. I'm giving him size L for pigeon teat. I think the avent teat is too hard for him.

Rain_drops, thanks. Have called tumbletots. I think the price r quite expensive.

Thanks for the info. Ryan got alot of clothes liao leh. Plus went to the one at Suntec. Nothing nice. I'm looking for a highchair for him now actually as the current one seems a bit cramp for him and we want to get something that is of suitable height for him to sit and eat with us at the dinning table.


How's your Christmas shopping and how's everyone's baby? Mine seems to be rejecting milk and not feeding very well again. Seems to have lost weight. But he is able to stand holding on to something for a while now. And now that he discovered that he can stand pretty well, he always want to stand and refuse to sit. :p

butterscotch,ur most welcome.Din help though.

cutecute,how much is ur boy drinking now?My girl is currently taking abt 180ml to 200ml.If I use Pigeon bottle,by the time I add the milk powder,the level almost up to the brink alady,cannot shake effectively for the lumps to dissolve completely.U encounter any such prob?

Angel,I saw some 'baby seats' where u can fix to a corner of ur dining table but I must say the space is rather crampy.I always wanted to go Ikea one day to see their highchairs.aiyah...u shld go Kids Mall at Suntec as well,-20% storewide.My sis was telling me the PJs are going $1 per piece.
Ryan could be teething,as bb will display 'unusual' behaviour during teething.Maybe u can check with Aloe.I wonder if her Ryan overcome this problem.

Maple,making any progress to help ur girl kick the pacificer habit?all the best.

Mummies,anyone started potty-training or drinking from a training cup?Any experience to share?I bought a Nuby non-spill 'tumbler' for Cherish but my MIL commented that one very hard to sip.I've 2 plastic ones but again she mentioned Cherish dunno how to swallow well ah...,and the cups are breakable if she throw on the floor ah...So negative!Looking forward to hearing something more constructive and positive.I saw one very cute potty,used to be $20+,going at $9 at Mothercare but my friend said no need to buy ex ones...

I've been a very careless mum.At times I accidentally 'cause' Cherish to fall backwards and hit her head.She'll cry very loud.So guilty.

I bought one potty for Ryan at Mothercare a couple of months back but I very lazy. Only let him use about 2-3 times. The potty seems a bit small for him now. Sigh....

I did buy training cup for him. But once again. Too lazy to let him try coz' afraid of the mess that he might create. Been so tired and busy lately.

As for highchair, the ones at Ikea don't seem very nice and comfy to me. And also a bit small. But Cherish shoule be able to fit in coz' she so petite. My frd's girl also using the Ikea one. Or you can check out yahoo auction. Got quite a few to let go.
He drinks abt 140ml 2hrs interval. Tried to give him more but he can't. So far I have not encounter this prob yet.
I have not start potty-training yet.
I bought avent handles & soft spouts. I used with avent bottle together with these 2 to my baby. He end up front boby wet cos it's spilled.
Next I gave him tolly joy training cup, he end up play with it by removing the cup cover & get himself wet. sigh!
Dun feel bad about yourself. Baby tends to fall easily. Like mine, dun know how many times he knocked his head. He knocked himself one ok... :p

I also intend to buy a high chair for me. Spotted one at kiddie palace, can convert into chair & table. Must wait for my bonus then can buy.

i send that mail to one of my colleague and she even thought that 'victim' is my boy ... Oh My God .. how could it be ...haha ....

is the mothercare sales good ??? plan to go down this weekend to buy something for Ryan ... (again .. each time we went shopping and end up with clothes, toys & books for for him and nothing for myself)

Angel, same here. my boy prefer to stand then sitting down ... and i think he is the lazy one here .. he still dunno how to crawl...

for highchair, you can get those chair & table combine as the front table of the chair can be adjustable .. so it should have more space but the height of this type of highchair can not be adjust...

Oh it could be due to teething ... hope he will start eating well soon

I am so happy that i manage to feed him with BOTTLE last weekend .. he manage to drink abt 150ml FM (think he start to reject breast.. he will stop drinking after latch on for less time 5 mins)

Do yr baby hold milk bottle when they drink milk ??? Ryan is so lazy that he dun want learn how to hold his own bottle. He drink so slow, sometime i hold his bottle until my hand numb.

i also buy 2 training cup for Ryan, one Avent & one Pigeon. he seldom drink from the cup as he think both cup is his toys ... He got to suck hard enough to get the water out from the Avent cup.. i think he do not really know how to do that yet so he will just bit the spout.. I read from somewhere saying Pigeon is good so i bought him this to try .. he manage to drink water from this easily but i guess he prefer to PLAY it rather to drink from it ....

his teeth stop growing ... we manage to see the white patch and that is ... anyone's teeth is out ???
aloe, may i know which one u take for pigeon training cup? Is it soft spout?
My baby also prefer to stand than sit or lie down. He also likes to jump some more!
My baby did not hold the milk bottle.
If your baby drinks slow, I think u should consider change the teat to a bigger hole.
My baby now got 3 front upper teeth & 2 front lower teeth.
Hi Mummies,
My gal is not drinking well too. She has been rejecting milk or drinks only a little. Last sun, she broke the record of going w/o milk and food for 8 hrs! In the end, gave her some cereal, which she happily ate. Initially I thought she teething, feel uncomfortable so dun wan milk. Now that cutecute mention, maybe Avent teat is the culprit. Will monitor her for 1 more night b4 deciding whether to change teat for her.

Pigeon has teats for wide neck bottles and I understand that these can fit into Avent bottles.
Your boy so clever, know how to open the cover of the cup.

Cherish is drinking a lot now. My gal is still drinking 4 5 oz, and sometimes (most of the times, rather) cant finish. Occasionally, I still use the small bottle. Find that Similac can dissolve quite easily, no problem of lumps for me.

No progress with the pacifier habit. Tried ignoring her and not giving her the pacifier when she fuss in the middle of the night, hoping that she would get back to sleep. No use shell wake up and stand there calling for me.

Potty I bought the cheap ones for her, $1+

Wat is PJ? Pyjamas??

Your email is cute!
My gal still no teeth yet.

Can I check with you abt your bbs sleeping habit? And whats their bedtime?

Highchair - if any mummy sees any good and cheap highchair, can let me know?

I saw that mail you sent in another forum. Did you get it there? I intend to get those highchair that can convert into a toddler table and chair but the one I saw is almost $200. Still considering. But its quite good loh as in can adjust to a few reclining position too and look comfy.

The mothercare in Suntec don't have much stuff. Think you have better luck in the Ctr pt one.

My Ryan also refuse to hold his bottle though he is able to. Ever hold a couple of time. He also refuse to crawl. He don't really like to be place tummy down. Prefer to do his butt shuffle.


My Ryan sleeps around 7 plus or 8 plus pm till 7am or 7.30am. No feed in between. Pj = pajamas.
hi maple,

for weekdays, Ryan sleeps around 7 but will wakes at 8plus (when i bring him home from mil's place) and by 930 he needs to sleep again. He normally wake at 2 plus for his milk. then 5plus or 6plus for another feed ...

he wakes up around 7+am everyday
hi angel,

i got my highchair @ kakit bukit for $99, you can find the similar chair at kidsmall ... but at a higher price, abt 139 to 199

mail i send in another forum ?!?!?! ammmm i can't remember which one .. but if u refering to the warehouse sales, they do sell high chair but is the wooden type look hard so i dunno if it is comfortable or not ... price abt $60 (most of this was display items)

I mean the pictures about the molester lah. Did you get it from another forum?

Wah the price different so much ah? Is it brand new? Which model did you get?
Fussy-eater prevention plan

Get ready! At eight or nine months, many babies start getting extra choosy about what they eat. But short of altering your baby's taste buds, what can you do? One answer is to keep up the variety in your baby's diet. He may not feel like carrots this week but he might eat cauliflower, peas or broccoli. He may not fancy an apple but he will have banana, pear or some avocado. Aim to offer him different foods so that over the course of a week (not every day) he has all the nutrients he needs to go on growing. And remember that it's easy to overestimate the amounts a baby this age can eat -- when he starts squeezing his fingers through the mashed potato or turning his face away, accept that he has had enough. Keep mealtimes relaxed: knowing that if he doesn't like the taste of something he won't be forced to eat it all, can help his confidence in trying new foods.
<font color="#780088">Angel,</font>

Oh i see, you can take a look at this http://kidzloft.com/index.cfm?GPID=154

i bought 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 bicycle, 1 storage box from them ... all display item, just need to clean it up. but the price is reall low compare to the original price ... can go there to have a look as during their warehouse sales i saw some dress selling only $3..
My baby sleep around 11pm and wakes up around 7.30am
thanks for that. Will consider buying one. If he can't use this cup, must stop of a while liao.
<font color="#7800880">cutecute</font>

wow yr baby sleeps so late, how long he sleeps during day time ???
My baby now can clap hands liao, but no sound. When he is happy, he will clap his hands.
Funny is, when he is angry crying, he will also claps his hands :p
Angel,thks for the info.I'm familiar with yahoo auction,but I shall get my sis to help me.Cherish also enjoyed standing very much,so instead of putting her on sofa to watch TV with me,I let her stand to watch.haha.....

cutecute,thks for the feedback.I was caught in btw whether to buy the Avent or Pigeon.I almost wanted to buy the tollyjoy one coz it's small and I dun mind Cherish playing with it to let her learn.I thot the cover very hard to open.

Aloe,the sale applies to selected items only.But I noticed most of the items displayed are catered for cold weather.Finds it not very practical to buy and wear for Sin's hot weather. Nevertheless,no harm go see see look look.Cherish has 2 front teeth at the bottom.It started off with a white patch before growing longer.I guess cutecute's boy is the earliest to have teeth.
Cherish holds her bottle while drinking milk.Mayb u want to try this.Let Ryan lie on ur arm(closest to elbow),press ur same hand(near wrist) onto Ryan's hand to touch the bottle.If his fingers remained closed,open up his fingers one by one to let him grab the bottle.Do hold on to the bottle with the other hand just in case the bottle drops.Repeat this as much as possible and see if it helps.I always tell Cherish to open up (fingers) and hold tight tight coz mummy's not holding and if it drops,no milk for you.She will do so.

Maple,tell ur girl dun diet alady.8hrs without milk,and not fussing?Cherish's milk is lumpy b'coz the brown rice cereal I added to the milk.I'm still giving Cherish pacificer but I hope I can achieve to make her drop this habit by the time she turns 18mths.She will normally turn in at ard 8+ to 9pm,and wakes up at 7am in the morning.Although I do not nid to give her night feed but she'll fuss coz cannot find pacificer,so I just pop pacificer into her mouth and pat her until I myself fall asleep.heehee....

Mummies,just to share with you something interesting.Every morning I'll wake up ard 6:30am,prepare her milk a lot warmer and put beside my hubby's specs so that he can feed her immediately he wakes up before I go for my shower.Cherish will automatically wakes up at 7am,crawl to her daddy and pulls her daddy's t-shirt or hand while crying to infm him she's awake.My hubby sleeps like a dead log so that's the only way to wake him up.heehee...

Good news....I got shortlisted for the balloting of Bedok flats and I can select a unit in Jan.yipee!
Your boy is another notti bb, dun wan to sleep early, same as my gal.

My gal used to sleep ard 9 plus. But recently dun noe why, 9+ dun wan to sleep, sleep ard 10 plus to 11pm. Last night kena scolding from me. Spent almost an hr (10pm to 10.50 pm) to get her to sleep, but she refused to, flip here flip there, wriggle here wriggle there, crawl here crawl there and even stand up. After the scolding at 10.50pm, she fell asleep in less than 5 mins!

Ya lor, 8 hrs w/o milk and din fuss for milk (although she fuss abt other things). Tried giving her milk in between but she refused. That day, wasted 3 full bottles of milk.

Cherish also fuss in the middle of the night looking for pacifier? So tiring for mummy, hor? Always have to get up to put the pacifier into her mouth. You co-sleeping with Cherish? I hope to wean her off by 1, dont know achievable or not.

Haha your hb now has an auto alarm clock. Shutting off this alarm clock is not as easy as pressing down the button, hv to get up and feed her. Heehee.

Congrats on being shortlisted for the balloting.
Rain_drops, congrats.. Bedok got lots of nice food to eat.

Maple, ya loh. notti baby, even I beat his backside also no use. kekeke.
My baby sometimes dun drink milk too. Dun know how many bottles wasted liao.

My baby having fever, flu &amp; cough yesterday. Maybe mil passed it to him cos she also having fever last weekend. Brough him to PD last night. PD said that now he must eat 3 meals per day. Any mummies feeding baby 3 meals per day? Me only twice per day. He is now 7.5kg 68.5cm.
raindrop, hope u can get the unit that you want ...

cutecute, wow 3 meal per day ?? my mil only feeding 1 meal only... she keep saying can't feed too much ... think i better ask her to try 2 meals

i think i waste at least 2 tin of FM .. haha . just imagine, when i put the bottle in his mouth, he will turn left and right to avoid that .. but once i latch him on, he will drink non-stop ..

think my ryan also similar height and weight as yr boy..

i dunno why Ryan need to wake up at least 2 times during night ...

he sleep @ 930pm and normally i will feed him about 1130pm . and he sure make noise @ 2am &amp; 4am &amp; sometimes @ 6am too (he wakes abt 7+am)

i give me pacifier but he will just keep making noise until i feed him and he after drinking for few mins, he will refuse to drink milk and insist to go back to sleep ..

any suggestion on what should i do ...
Good news for bbs on Similac Follow-on.I just saw ad on newspaper that 2 tins of Similac 2 is selling at $54 with a free CD at all Shop and Save supermarket.I'm going to grab tonite.

maple,very qi si ren hor!Cherish also refused to sleep early last nite.I scolded her again for tat.Every Wed ka jiao,esp weds are Amazing Race nite.Luckily I managed to coax her to sleep by 9:30pm,and watch AR6 while having dinner.Last wed,she refused to sleep and I tortured her by making her watch AR6 together with me until she buay tahan.I missed the last 10mins of the show last wk.

She sleeps in between us,so when she fussed in the middle of the nite,I just popped the pacifier (within reach) into her mouth and I sleep liao.

cutecute,ur boy is growing well.I hope he gets well soon.Poor boy!I think 3 meals a day is a little too much.

Aloe,have u tried expressing and feed Ryan using bottle?Mayb it's not because he's not used to the FM,he might not be getting used to bottle-feeding.

Mummies,I was proud of Cherish last nite.She crawled from one corner of the living to another without any support and not falling.As I was afraid that she'll fall again,this mummy actually crawled with her.End up,her pants got so dirty.My maid shld actually thank her for cleaning the floor for her.heehee...
Hope your bb get well soon.

I still hv to wait 1 more mth for her 9 mth assessment, then I will know heavy and how tall she is.

You posted i give me pacifier Ha ha I trying to imagine Aloe with the pacifier
(Know its typo lah, but cant help laughing. kekeke)
aloe &amp; rain_drops,
I agreed... 3 meals a day is too much liao.
Pls note that fruit alone cannot consider as 1 meal as per PD.
Last sunday dinner, I feed him 1 egg size mash potato &amp; gala apple. He ate until he scared..
There are times I tried to feed him as much as possible so that he can tahan for longer time. The longest time he can tahan is 2hrs only.
When I told PD that baby everytime eat the same old foods very boring. He replied that its like that one.. cos baby food not much choices.
My baby very bad, can beat &amp; scratch people.

Congrats on the balloting thingy. Hope you get your choice unit. Then must invite us to your new place. Kekeke. Wah your Cherish can crawl so far. My Ryan still refuse to crawl. Always doing the butt shuffle or making us get his things for him by grabbing our hand towards it. Sigh... my lazy boy. He keep wanting to stand now and sometimes tried to remove my hand that is supporting him.

Dunno why he seems to be hyperactive these few days. Refusing to sleep till about 9pm and always wanting to play etc...


3 solid meals alot leh. If I give 3 solid then he only have 2 milk feed a day. Dunno how much he weigh. Last weigh him he was about 10kg but seems to have lost weight now. Will be bringing him to pd this Saturday as he got rashed on his back.

Seems like my boy is the only one that refuse to crawl and have not teeth yet. These few days he has been going on and on saying 'papa bao bao'. My hubby who seldom carry him when he heard this, quickly went to hug and carry him. Kekeke. He still refuse to call me!
Angel, Although my husband dun see my baby often, I think my baby stick to him liao. When he goes to work, he will cry. I think the reason is when they are together, my baby can be a "super-boy". He will big smile when he's swinging.
My baby dun ready stick to me cos I force him to drink water &amp; scold him ma.. He will cry for "ma!!!......" for help

Hi Mummies,
Was chit chatting with my colleague just now, asked her abt the 3 meals thingy. She said that when she brought her bb for 9 mth assessment, the nurse told her that can start bb on 3 meals per day. So her bb started having 3 meals after 9 mth assessment, cereals for breakfast and porridge for lunch &amp; dinner. But I personally think that 3 meals a day is a lot leh.

When u go to PD tis sat, can check with him on the solid meals? Get more opinion from different PD for reference lor. My gal also no teeth.
