(2004/04) April Mummy

Mummies,I got another bad news.The twins can't make it coz they have to atten enrichment class.Btw,the twins are boys.There goes the chances to meet prospective BFs for the girls.heehee...Nevertheless,hope they can join us next time.

So,confirm attendance-Angel,Aloe,Joy_Apr,Maple,Me n My fren Jessie.Cutecute,would u like to come join us?


Thats why I keep refusing to employ a maid or babysitter coz' I very "ngeow" one. Don't want pple to take over my place plus I very particular abt the way Ryan is being handled and taken care of. Always tell my mom off. Even my frds says I too "clean" and "protective". Ryan has been refusing his milk now. Only drink abt 60-100ml. Only way can con him to drink is to mix it with cereal.

Li May,

Sorry to hear abt the departure of your dad. You take care ok?

Mommies, can your baby flip? Ryan still can't.
Hubby says coz' both of us fat and can't flip so how to expect son to be able. :p

Where you balloting for?


Any of you delivered thru C-sectioned? My wound hurting more and more often and intense. Getting a bit swollen too...
Maple,I had received ur email on the nappy rash.I shall forward to my colleague.She has not update me whether her bb's condition improved aft changing to another PD.But I'm sure this article can help her understand more on rashes.Thks.

Angel,I would have consider taking care of Cherish myself if only my hubby's income is able to support.But then again,I'll kee siao lah.

Cherish can flip when she reaches 5th mth,now both sides.She's learning to crawl now.I asked my MIL if it's possible for babies that do not flip.She mentioned she even heard ppl saying that some babies cannot flip,what she can't understand is that if babies can't flip,how to learn to crawl?I remember u mention Ryan is scheduled to have his Hep B jab this week,I believe there'll be a six mth assessment,why dun u bring this up to the nurse to get assurance?

I'm very keen in this time's balloting excerise,interested in Bedok 4-rm.But chances are very slim as there are already 879 applications received for the 209 units and the applications gets more and more everyday.Frankly speaking I dun pin high hopes to avoid great disappointment.

Not trying to scare u,but by right,u shld have fully recovered after so long.It's time to make that Gynae appt.Better safe than be sorry.In the meantime,avoid seafood at all cost.
Li May, Sorry to hear abt the news... be strong & take care .

Angel, my c-section wound is healing well .. but sometime i do have the ant-bitting feeling there .. i check some of my colleauges, they do have the same feeling too, so i think it should be normal. But if it is swollen, i think u better see GP or Gynae to find out why..

ryan can flip too .. but he vy lazy one only flip once in a while.. Cherish is fast ... she is learning how to crawl now ... i think is possible for some baby to learn to crawl without flip. as baby can get to the crawl position from sitting position...

Raindrop, me too. do not like my maid to carry ryan.. currently my mil helping us to take care of Ryan, but sometime if she is busy, i think my maid will help to take care. but i do not wish to know she carry ryan, even if my mil tell me, the maid help to change his diaper, i will get vy angry... that's why during wkend or when i am on leave .. she can't touch him at all...

for this sat gathering, anyone's hubby is joining? where should we meet,outside or inside Breeks at 1pm ??
Angel, can't advise on C-section wound cos mine is natural delivery. Agree with Rain_drops and Aloe that if still swollen, best to see a gynae. Or u want to check with other mummies in another thread? Think there is a thread for c-section.

My gal can flip too... she's always so busy flipping, so difficult to change her diaper now. She's learning to crawl too, but can't yet. She has been using her head to push herself forward. Put her at one end of the ABC mat / mattress, she can move to the other end. Always have to keep an eye on her, in case she stupidly use her head to knock against the floor. Yesterday, she managed to 'stand' on all fours. Mil said very soon she should be able to crawl and sit up.

Joy_apr can only join us at ard 2 pm. My hb would probably not be joining us.
Aloe,same as u.I rather be kept in the dark than to know my maid actually carried my gal.If I dun see,I won't get so mad,but suay suay she carried my gal right in front of my eyes.Now I know,I wld rather stay in my room alone with my gal until someone either my hubby or my MIL comes along,rather than letting my maid taking a chance to tease my gal!I simply hate it!The thought of it makes my blood boils.I'll definitely employ a maid younger than me the next time,at least I can 'control' her.My current maid is 2yrs older than me and has a mind of her own.

My hubby will drop us at Breeks and may leave for work after that.But he'll pick us up aft the gathering.My fren is bringing her hubby.

Maple,wow ur gal so clever,can stand on all fours.My gal uses her buttocks to push herself herself,like worm like that.Sometimes I find it very interesting but funny watching her actions.

Joy_apr working on sats?okie,she shall pick the tabs.heehee....just joking...
raindrop.. my maid is 25 yrs old. many years younger than me . do u joke with her normally.. maybe u talk to her vy often or treat her too friendly that's why she dare to talk to you in this way (i read yr posting from the other thread)

If my maid dare to tell me like this, i sure tell her off and ask her if she want to go back home. That time my maid complain me in front of my sil, i so angry and call the maid agency and ask the agent to tell her off in her language (Indonesian maid), since then she do dare to do funny thing.

maple, yr gal so clever ... must let ryan flig more and learn how to crawl, now my ryan like to stand .. he always want to stand...

btw, .... can i know other mummies's age group ?
a) younger than 25
b) 26-30
c) above 30

group C ....
Aloe,me no experience.This is my 1st maid.It's true that we treat her too well alady.But I'm not the fierce type at least not to her.Btw,she is 30yrs old,so I guess u shld hv know my age now.What's there to pai seh,anymore I'm joining ur age group in a couple of yrs time.Actually I dun really wish to employ maid to add on to our burden.But we are afraid that my MIL cannot cope with chores and taking care of 3 kids(incl my gal) at the same time.We paying for the maid and his BIL (not on auto gear)gets to take advantage without paying a single cent!

Looks like Ryan is practising to strengthen his legs.Cherish likes to stand too,but often concentrate her weight on the right leg.
Have any of u given baby biscuits to your bbs? Any comments on bb biscuits?

How often do u cut your bb's nails? My gal's nails seems to grow so fast. Yesterday, she disfigured herself again.

Understand that a lot of bbs like to stand cos can see things mah. Same for mine too. She also likes to jump, cannot stand still one.

Aloe, will let u know my age on Sat.
Seems like my Ryan the only one that doesn't know how to flip. He did try but only can stay at the side. My hubby and I think coz' his tummy too big so can't flip over. He very notti though. Like to scare me by leaning forward on the highchair and look at the floor when I am away from him. He get very happy and excited when he is sitting upright or when we swing him here and there. He refusing to drink milk again. Got to force feed.

My hubby joining us but if no guys there he might wander off... Raindrops how come your hubby need to work on Sat? So on ah?


Your girl very fast leh cant crawl. When I pu Ryan on his tummy on our bed he did try loh but can only move a bit. He is those impatient type. Want everything fast if cannot will get angry. I tried to give Ryan the heniz biscuits, dissolve very fast and he lazy to hold it, want me to hold for him and when I let go he try to hold it using his chest and "eat" it and when can't started crying. :p


I am in the b group.
Maple,I received a book of tips on weaning from Dumex yest.I browse thru and found that there's some recipes too.Brought it to off today,may photostat copies for all of u.It mentions abt baby biscuits maybe u can read up.I hardly be at home before Cherish turns in at night,so unless I've the time in the morning to trim for her,otherwise I'll trim once a week or when I noticed she accidentally scratched herself again.She also disfigured liao,become 'zhong wu yan',coz kena bitten and there's a very obivious red patch near the eye.Chiam,what if Ryan dun wan her?

Angel,Applause for Ryan for making an attempt to flip.U can encourage him to practise more.I'll tell u tmr.

My ang is doing video editing with tight deadlines.If can't complete tmr,have to go back office on Sun.Sun need to go camp,so only Sat available.No choice,his co very small,he's the only one that knows how to do this area.
Hi mummies,
Can bring along some of your darling's photos tmr?

You joining us tmr?

Theres a free talk on how to effectively stimulate your babys brain power.
Date (time) : 23 Nov (6.30 pm) & 27 Nov (11.00 am)
Venue : KIDZLOFT, 60 Robinson Road (Opp Lau Pa Sat)

Anyone interested? Need to call reserve seat.

I have solve the puzzel of why Ryan is refusing milk! He is sick if drinking similac. Switched to mamil gold and he drank without fussing. Sigh... I still got a few tins.... He very notti! Tears up magazine etc... Btw, ydy put him on potty and he poo on the potty. So happy!


Cherish so cute, Ryan sure like one. But hor must warn you. He see one girl smile at one girl. Regardless of age and race one. :p


I also keen but can only go if got pple relieve me of looking after Ryan. Btw, how long is the talk? I try to bring pics but hor tm is also my younger SIL ROM so might just bring a few pics if not must bring alot of things.
Hi Apr Mommies

I won't be joining the gathering tomorrow.
I told my husband that I'm going to bring baby to orchard tomorrow but he said not advisable cos this baby can't tahan long hours outside and he will cried. We bring him out b4 but he end up crying so no choice but to go home

Have a fun gathering tomorrow.

I cut his fingernails once a week, growing quite fast also. He also like to swing/jump up & down, left & right. I feed him with mash potatoe & he got eat, he dun like to drink pear juice fm bottle cos it is sour. Strangely, he learn to crawl back-ward instead of front-ward.
hi angel,

dun bother to bring the swimming diaper for me la since u need to go ROM .. i will buy one tmr from taka ...

Aloe, Maple, Paindrops,

Had a nice time with your girls and your precious.

Aloe, your Ryan have cute and active. Always smiling. Think he is the only one that never fuss or whine. Such a good boy.


Your girl very smiley. Like sunshine baby.
So much easier to carry compared to my Ryan. SHe also very active and vocal hor?


No chance to play with your Cherish. She like very "dao" hor? Never smile one. But still look very girlish. She look a bit fierce when she never smile leh. Maybe that's why Ryan dun dare to play with her. Hee.
Thanks for your present and treat too.. Paiseh never buy anything for your girl. Wanted to but in a hurry so never. Paiseh.

Cutecute, Joy_apr, Li May,

Hope to be able to meet up with you girls another day.

Maybe we should hold our next gathering somewhere else coz' very hard to get cab after that. Had to call for cab and still gotta wait very long for it.
Hi Raindrop, Maple & Angel,

nice meeting all of you and all the babies ... i think Ryan enjoy this gathering vy much as he can talk and play with so many ppl at one time ...

sorry that i got to leave earlier as after our meeting, we still have another dinner appt. that's why must bring him home to let him have some sleep ... he is too playful that why he will just skip his sleep & meal for play time... this is my boy.. haha .

raindrop, thanks for the gift and ryan enjoy "eatintg" it .. me too paiseh la .. u got the toy for the babies and got notes for mummies ...

agree with angel, .. next time we shall meet somewhere else, as i think i queued for than 30 min for taxi ... from awake till he fall a sleep ..
Angel, Aloe, Rain_drops,
It's nice meeting you and your babies. I think my gal had a fun time meeting with all the babies.

Ryan is really a 'big' boy. It must be very tiring carrying him. Saw that Ryan drinks water without fussing, how i hope that my gal drinks water like him too.

Ryan is such a good boy, so guai during the gathering, never fuss at all. I think my gal likes him a lot, keep waving at him. (Note : she was waving at him, not hitting him hor)

Think Cherish missed out so much fun by sleeping during the gathering. Thanks for your help during the gathering, you're so helpful. And thanks for your gift and treat. Me so paiseh.

Agreed that we should meet somewhere else for the next gathering. Maybe somebody's home?

Sorry... my gal fussing now... will come back later.
It is a fun gathering from the posting but I missed the fun.
Is raining at Orchard in Sat afternoon? My house there rain quite heavily. Sunday bring baby out with in-laws. Baby make noise cos no wind or fan or air-con. Looks like he is high class people. kekeke.
He refused to drink water and end up blood in his stool. I explain & tell him must drink water but he looks & smile a me. Me *fainted*
Cutecute,hope you can make it for the gathering next time.Hope to see u n ur boy leh.

Angel,so sad that Cherish missed out on getting closer and personal with her friends coz of her napping.Ryan has been very guai leh,even allows me to carry him.Actually expected her to sleep more after her shower before coming out.She wakes up blur blur so hardly smile.She so naughty,I din expect her to poo poo outside,but she did while we're at Mothercare Centrepoint.(I had an expired $20 voucher to use up quickly)Luckily the nursery room is just within Mothercare.Agree that Orchard is too crowded to be at esp during weekends.

Aloe,Ryan has been very good-mannered,sociable and smiling constantly.I wonder if it's because
he's breastfed.My SIL's son also like that.That makes me more than ever to try TBF the next time round.

Maple,ur gal is so easy-going.I enjoyed carrying her around.She's got nice girlish features.U not working today?
We had great fun on Sat. Hope that u can join us the next round.

My gal girlish? But 99.9% of the time, pp thought shes a boy leh. Yesterday, although she wore pink, one parent referred her as di di to his daughter. Yes, I on leave.

Angel, Rain_drops,
Ya, my gal very easy to carry hor? Next gathering both of u can carry her more lor, can relieve me.

Mummies who are interested in the talk, need to call 63336002 / 63544055 to reserve. Limited to 8 persons per session. The lady said approx. 45 min.

Must depends on his mood. When he not in good mood, the moment he sees the bottle he will scream his head off. But most of the time he give me a bit of face. Hehehe. You can try to dilute juice for your girl? If I help to carry your girl you help carry mine ah? Kekeke.


Do try to join us next time. If your baby dun wan to drink water, try feeding fruits? Will relieve him of constipation.


Ryan usually more "tame" outside. Think he want to uphold his image.


So upset ty. Sent Ryan to my ILs place ydy coz ty I got appt with gynea and when I got him home ty, his voice was hoarse!!! Think he no longer wants to go there as he is too attached to me. Die lah, like that got noone to relieve me and ive me a break.
Hi mummies,been busy like hell these few days.My job requires me to answer calls but the volume of calls for these few days are alarming until I have not much time to check postings.How are all the babies?

Cherish's little tooth is finally spourting.Brought her to have her Hep B jab this morning,so mad with the people at Polyclinic.Cherish was waiting for her turn until she got impatient coz she's suppose to have a nap.The nurse allows the baby behind us to go first because her file went merry go round (apprently the amah who holds her file must be chit-chatting so arrive at the immunisation room late.).Everyone waiting must be thinking that I'm torturing for not letting her sleep.Surprisingly,her weight is only 6.82kg and height 65cm.I thot she should be 7kg.

Maple,have u registered?Which session are u interested?I'm keen in the weekday one.Unless anyone of u is interested,otherwise I'll give it a miss.No kakis,no fun leh.

Angel,is Ryan heading for the swim trial this sat?I think I might go later this mth.But if he does,hope he enjoys himself.Maybe Ryan same as my gal,can familiarise with places and people.He might sense a different environment,and start to fuss.Brought Cherish to visit my girlfren and her baby.The moment she step in,cries until I'm so paiseh.End up have to 'shut' her up by giving her milk way before schedule and allowing to watch TV.Cannot bring her out alone ah,carrying her in her pram up fleets of stairs can kill.Luckily I overcome this challenge a step at a time slowly,but after that panting all the way.Where are those helpful souls?All die alady,I think.
Maple,I registered liao.Maybe I can meet u around Maybank on 23/11,then you take me there hor.

Mummies,Metro is having -20% storewide sale starting today till sun,7/11.This is the best time to do X'mas shopping if you know what you need to get.I intend to buy the Fisher Price Peek-A-Blocks Train set for Cherish for X'mas.She seems to enjoy licking the blocks,so want to buy for her.As for me,heehee...I'm going to buy SKII products.Looks like I'm going to spend a bomb today.
Hi Mummies

Thanks for all your concern. I am gettin on fine rite now. After my dad's departure, I have got lots of things to settle for him.

The gathering sounds so much fun. Hope to join in the next time.
Hi Li May,

Glad that you are doing well now. Hope to meet you at the next gathering.


Brought Ryan for his haircut just now. He was ok till the last part. Was crying like mad. Hehehe. Now he look like a coconut head. Kekeke. Went safra mt faber this morning. They have the swimming course for babies too. Its also by aquaducks. Anyone interested to join Ryan? The fees is the same as Suntec one but think they will only commence when they have enough enrollment. The swimming pool look very nice.


I also want to go to the sale but this weekend fully pack. Sigh...

Think I'll pass on the talk on how to stimulate babies as noone to take care of Ryan leh.
Hi Mommies,

Bought Ryan for his 1st dip in the pool ty. He was a bit apprehensive at first but after a while started to enjoy. Btw, the swim course at Safra is not by aquaducks. My mistake. The instructor at the aquaducks at Suntec is very frdly and helpful. Raindrops, If you wanna bring Cherish there better get a wet suit coz' the water kinda cold.
Hi mummies,
I need some advice. This morning, my mil told me that can start bb on eggs soon. How can I tell her nicely not to give bb eggs yet? I recalled reading somewhere that egg whites can take ard 8 mth? or 10 mth? and should delay egg yolk till 1 year. (Plse correct me if I am wrong) I can more or less anticipate her reaction if I ask her to delay. Shell surely reassure me that it is okay and ask me not to worry. What should I do?

Hi Li May,
Glad that u r coping fine. If u need to talk to someone, feel free to call me or sms me. Ive also went through this.
Li_May,glad to know u're coping well.

Angel,thanks for the reminder.Went to shop for her swim wear yest but she wasn't in a good mood to try.Din buy coz the size for the colour we liked is out of stock.Too bad.All metros are crowded with people,very difficult to shop.Went Metro Paragon on Fri aft work and Metro Woodlands on Sat.Jialut,I'll sure get a shock at the end of the mth when my credit bill comes.

Maple,even polyclinic nurses advised to let baby try egg yolk aft 9mths,egg white aft 12mths for fear that allergies might develop.Check if ur polyclinic conducts any weaning demo,enrol ur MIL.Ask ur hubby to speak to ur MIL to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.By the way,I bought a pack of Wan zhai xiao man toh for Cherish to eat coz it's small and dissolves in the mouth.I read that the ingriedents contain eggs,but I guess it shouldn't be too much a prob.But should ur MIL really gives ur gal eggs to ur disapproval,do watch out for signs of allergy that includes rashes around her mouth and body and sees if she got diarohea.
Hi Maple,

Think the best is get your hubby to talk to your MIL or get some brochure on it and leave it lying around the house as a subtle hint for her. Yah polyclinic nurses ask us to only feed cooked egg yolk at 9 month and egg white at 1 yrs old due to allergy. We are encourage to try the egg yolk at 9 months coz' the MMR jab got eg substance so they need to know if our baby is allergic to it.


You not the only one. These few months I have been overspending too coz' need to buy things to vent my frustrations. Kekeke. Think really have to cut down liao if not must eat air liao.

Ryan lost his voice again! Think he cried and screamed alot at my MIL's place.

So where and when should we have the next gathering? Just developed the pics. Will try to get hubby to scan and upload them asap. How abt the rest of you?
Rain_drops, Angel,
Thanks for your advice. Think Ive mixed up egg yolk with egg white. *blur mummy*
Have spoken to hb. His 1st reaction is *sigh* *headache*. And he feels that it is better that I speak to mil on this. Now I headache. He suggested that we use the Doctor says strategy and explain the allergy issue to mil. Dont know whether it will work or not, Im keeping my fingers crossed.

If anybody has any other suggestions, plse let me know.

This morning, Ive got another surprise. Mil told me that ytd, she has given some Bai He to bb and bb likes it very much. Anybody knows whether bb can take Bai He?

Gathering How abt having one next mth?

Photos Paiseh, hb has not uploaded the photos yet. Will nag at him again.
May I know how many times u feed baby per day?
My mil feed him once a day cos she said that feeding baby needs to take a lot of time. She feed him with porriage There's nothing that I can do.
Hi Maple,

what is "Bai He" ?? what is that for ... u might want to tell her yr friend's real life story (this happened on Ryan) regarding eating these kind of 'good' food..

this happen when Ryan was 1+ mth old, My MIL told us that Ryan can't sleep well and happen to have a little of cough.. so she said he shd take 'Pearl Powder' as this is good for him.. so we went ahead to buy the most expensive type that we can find in the Chinese medical hall and let Ryan eat that night. I fed him the pearl powder that night and within a hour, Ryan's face turn red and his ear swollen .. so we have to bring him to A&E immediately ... he was allergy to that powder.

from then onwards, i DO NOT allow him to take any 'special' or 'good' things ...

just tell her, BB will be sensitive and it might cause allergy to her even it is suppose to be good for her... and she can try again when she is much older . at least 1 yr old
Angel,poor Ryan,all the screaming and crying is not good to him.Try giving him more water or juices.I think Cherish may not like Dumex cereal that much leh,coz each time my MIL feeds her,she doesn't want to swallow.All the other brands do not have small packs,I very scare of wastage.

Maple,check out this link
Print this out in poster size and paste it in front of ur MIL,heehee...

cutecute,my MIL hardly feed Cherish semi-solids,needless to say porridge.She says have to suit my gal's timing.sigh.....

Aloe,gosh,I know Pearl powder is good for adults for flawless complexion,but for bb????Poor Ryan,going thru this at such a young age.Guess both u n ur hubby must be worrying like mad.
Poor Ryan luckily u rushed him to the A&E immediately and hes okay. Agreed that weve to be careful on what we feed bb.

Err I don noe how to explain Bai3 He2. (Bai3 as in hundred; and He2 as in he2 ping2 peace) Its small and white in colour, and sometimes Cantonese put that in together with gou zi, huai shan etc etc, when boiling soup. According to mil, Bai3 He2 is supposed to be good for the kidney.

U asking abt solids? once a day.

Thanks for the link. I will read up on that. No point pasting it in front of her... she can't read English. If only they have a Chinese version...
Maple, no idea what bai he is. So sorry.

Aloe, I was told pearl powder for girls are ok but if boys take, their "ball ball" will swell and become quite big. Dunno how true.

cutecute, my baby takes 2 solid per day. Unless we are out the whole day and not convenient for him to take solid then I'll reduce to once. Not that hard to prepare solid and some stuff you can prepare in advance and leave in the pot to keep warm what. And if your baby don't fuss think whole process of eating takes at most 10-15 mins.

raindrops, how come your MIL don't feed Cherish solid that often? Not that hard to prepare what especially those cereal. Why don't you tell her by now if Cherish don't take in solid she might not be full enough? If not you try the nestle cereal? Seems interesting... Dumex also got those with flavours one for 6 months and above one. Bought 1 today. Thinking of trying out.

Gathering next month is fine as this month is quite pack for me too.

Btw raindrops, if Cherish wanna go aquaducks can go with us? Coz we entitles to another trial as we were late so they postpone it plus its kinda hard to bath a baby alone in the toilet so thinking some companion might make things easier.
oh ya..for pearl powder, when my baby was less than I month old, my husband malaysia relative told us to gave him pearl powder. He said gave more to girls & gave less to boys. My mil bought from chinese medical shop. When I see the content, the medicine mixed with some other things (can't remember) which I think my baby not suit, when first we feed the baby, he cried very loud. I rejected it. Not cheap leh... abt $12 per small bottle.
Cherish dont like Dumex cereals? U want to let her try Nestle cereals? I can pass it to u.

I personally think that can let Cherish try some solids / semi-solids. Anyway she 7 mth tmr liao. How abt feeding her some rice cereals yourself tmr? Initially bb might not be used to spoon feeding. Go slowing lor, dun force her. Once she got used to it, will be easier. BTW, does Cherish look interested when she sees u all eating? If yes, it is an indication that she is ready for solids.
Hi Raindrop/Maple,

I think Nestle cereals should taste good .. i believe as Ryan like to eat that too ...

Ya you can start feed Cherish during wkend and tell yr mil on monday that Cherish enjoy eating vy much ... buy the cereal and put in her place as porridge need to cook and she might find it troublesome ...
cutecute,$12 for a small bottle,very ex leh.These are too good stuff already,maybe babies cannot take .

Maple,thank u for offering the samples.I've been mixing Nestle Brown Rice into Cherish's milk,and she can take leh.Guess she have no complaints.I realise it smells good.I'm going to NTUC this evening to buy a tin of Nestle Rice cereal.By the way,I know what chinese herb u r refering alady.

Aloe,according to my MIL,she's willing to take but not good at swallowing.So how,she'll make the funny face like wanting to vomit like tat.I ever feed her a little bread (tinsy-witsy size) and she take leh.Maybe I let her try Nestle tmr and see if she can take it.I was also recommended to buy Frisocrem,but very ex,dunno wat to take risk to buy or not.

Angel,I notice Dumex has got a lot of interesting flavours like banana,apple and mixed.But so sad,Cherish dun like leh.
Mummies,I've good news to share.During the long weekend,I tried feeding Cherish porridge.She give me face and managed to eat 2 tablespoons,the most.The results are so rewarding to me although she made a mess of herself and her toys as well.Just realise her 2nd tooth is spourting too.

But I'm also mad at my maid.I noticed the Piyo Piyo teats that I bought for Cherish's Avent bottle is torn after she almost choked and cried out loud.When my MIL questioned the maid abt how she cleaned the teats,she answered back that she thought Mdm(that's me) go and cut a bigger hole to the already big holed teat.I was hopping mad!I won't be this mad if she just replied dunno.As if she is putting the blame on me!

Angel.We finally bought Cherish a decent swimwear,though not wetsuit.Have Ryan started to learn crawling?

Anyone interested to bring ur babies to attend playgym classes?So far,I know there's a LittleJumperGym at Parkway Parade offering a free trial lesson.My SIL brought her son to attend the trial,and realised if babies dunno how to crawl,very hard to catch up with the class.I'm keen to bring Cherish to either the Gymboree Gym or Growing Up Gifted at Novena Square (recommended by my SIL).

Congrats on your success on feeding Cherish porridge. I also managed to feed Ryan some porridge during the long weekend but he seems to prefer cereal to porridge. Think he is not use to the taste and texture.
You never go and scold the maid? Ryan can't really crawl that well. Only managed to move a bit then he gets angry. He is better at the butt shuffle. (Using his butt to move himself towards object.) Thinking of bringing him for another swimming trial. You interested? I think there are a few places that offer free trial for those music and movement program but didn't really call up and try coz' quite busy lately.

Saw some very nice baby dresses at Robinson yesterday. Mommies with girls might wanna check it out coz' quite cheap also. Bought Ryan his x'mas present liao. Dunno he will like it anot.
something to share .. i got this from a mass mailing

Kidzloft Pre-Christmas Warehouse Sales start on 4 December till 12 December 2004 (9 days only)

Kidzloft Pre-Christmas Warehouse sales is the ideal choice to bring the whole family to grab the best bargain of Christmas gifts.....

Discount up to 70% for Toys, Safety 1st, Anakku, Goldbug, Lollipop..bargains start from $1.00...

Mark down your calendar and make sure you and your family come for the sales. See You at Tagore Lane.Hurry, get your Christmas gift now ..

Even : Kidzloft Pre-Christmas Warehouse Sales
Date : 4 Dec 2004 (Sat) - 12 Dec 2004 (Sun)
Time : 11:00am - 6:00pm
Venue : 154 Tagore Lane, Singapore 787591.

Tel : 63544055
Congrats to u too..

I feed my baby with threadfin porridge for three times over the long weekend, he managed to eat some.
As for the class, is it fix time once a week? May I know how do u get the list of the playgym school? Hope to see see look look near my home.
My baby also can't crawl very well, he likes to touch & put things on his mouth. I gave him rusk to bit. He bit few minutes and hit & throw on the table,so rough...
I have not bought him x'mas present yet, dunno what to buy leh..
Hi mummies,
How was your holidays and the long weekends with your darlings? Enjoyed yourselves?

Raindrops, good that Cherish is eating well. My gal is also eating abt 2 tablespoons of porridge everyday.
How much are all the other babies eating?

Aloe, Angel, Raindrops,
Have email the photos to you.

Angel, your mailbox is full.

Hi Maple
I enjoyed it very much but very tried cos need to do take care of him & do housework.
My baby likes to try new things but if I feed him the same food cont for 3 days, he will eat lesser & lesser... Mostly he ate 1-2 tbsp.

Duno Li May got received my particulars or not...
