(2004/04) April Mummy

Joy_apr, cutecute,
Last time, my hb also like that, don like me to bring bb out alone. He's afraid that I cannot handle her alone (while outside). But I wanted to prove to myself that I can do it. So, one fine day, I "smuggled" her out, went shopping alone with her. Din tell hb until he came home at night. After that he never say anything anymore cos he knows that I can handle her ALONE.


Take cab loh or you meet maple at AMK then you 2 come down together? If really cannot then bring her pics out and show us loh.


Hope you can join us.


Last timemy hubby also like yours but now ok liao coz' I keep telling him that I need to get use to it as I am a SAHM and events have shown that I am ok. Only think is my stroller is abit heavy and bulky loh so I don't really want to bring him out alone also.


My hubby very funny..... asking me to dress Ryan up nicely to impress Cherish. Kekeke.

I want to get halloween costume for Ryan but my hubby don't let.

Btw, will hep B jab coz' fever? Coz' Ryan is due for his on 29th Oct.
Arghhhhh.....Today not my day.Cherish was having fever on and off yest,Friday so my MIL gave her panadol for children.Everything seems ok until middle of the nite.She just wouldn't go back to sleep after her feed at 2:30am!I pat and coax her until 5:30am then I buay tahan,ask my hubby to take over.Turns out that she managed to catch some sleep in her daddy's arms till 7:30am.She had been very irriated and whines throughout the whole day.Each time she fell asleep,only managed to sleep awhile before she jerk and woke up screaming.Aiyo,I'm going crazy......
Supposed to visit my parents at CCK but she was having fever,kept on whining and whining,drooling and drooling.....So messy.She displayed the symtoms of teething but I suspected UTI as well coz she's not really wetting her diapers.With her condition like that,I can't leave her alone for a sec.
Just ten minutes before 10pm,I found out that her milk powder cannot last beyond midnite feed.Gosh,I dashed to the nearest supermart to buy.Luckily I was still allow to make my purchase b4 they closes.Not my day ah....So exhausted.

Joy_apr,congrats on ur new job.Getting used to the new environment?Nevertheless,hope u still can make it for the gathering.

cutecute,come lah.Hope to see leh.

I sms Li_May,she can only confirm later as her hubby is working on that Sat.Let's hope she can make it with her girls too.

Maple,admired ur courage.I tried once by bringing my gal to join my friend for coffee.Can only enjoy my cake and coffee while she takes a nap.Luckily my friend wasn't complaining.Although a bit troublesome but that feeling was thrilling.

Maple,halloween costume very hot and stuffy leh.No need lah....Ryan so handsome,even naked...heehee....Cannot lah,will catch cold.

I dun think Hep B jab causes fever,at least I remembered my gal's 2nd jab at 1st mth doesn't.

You take care too ok? Now preggy need to rest more. Now you Queen. Thrown everything to your hubby lah. If Cherish still cranky better bring her to PD or you want to change your PD? Ryan's PD not bad. You wanna try? He's at TMC. I also think Ryan very cute. Kekeke. Thick-skinned hor.
My mom and cousin also always "bio" him when he is semi-naked. Kekeke.

Any mommies tried EQ diaper before? Feel like trying coz' heard got urine indicator. Can use it in the day.

Btw, I let Ryan try pumpkin ty and he seems to like it. So far he have tried carrot, brocoli, cauliflower, bananas, steamed pear, ikan bilis powder and pumpkin. Going to try maybe brown rice and potato soon.
Angel,thank u very much.I'll.Cherish throwing tramtrums in the middle of the nite again.This time she woke up almost once every hr,crying,even a pacifier cannot soothe her down.Daddy was complaining he's breaking down soon as he chose to sleep late at 3am.Moreover he has to go back camp this morning and have to wake up at 6am.Then it's mommy's turn to break down.Cherish just wouldn't go to sleep unless I carry her in my arms.She'll cry the moment I put her on the bed.End up,I woke up with a backache coz I carried her to sleep fo 2hrs in a sitting position.Chiam!A tooth can cause 2 sleepless nites,how abt a set of milk teeth?I'm dying.....

EQ dry is the sister brand of sealy(xu xu le).It's soft,absorbent and not as thick as Dryers.Very econimcal esp if you buy at Sheng Siong.Only $14.80 for a pack of 72 'M' size.Cherish is wearing for daytime.Can tahan 5hrs without changing.But the only minus pt is that the tape is of plastic quality,means if u din stick well enuf,it's going to be hard to stick and paste.U want I bring one pc for you to try b4 u buy a big pack.

Ryan has been adventurous,trying so many new flavours.Cherish refuses to take her cereal,really have to wait till her lit tooth is out before giving her brown rice n porridge

Must take care leh. How abt giving her the gripe water or ba bao powder. Suppose to help relieve the discomfort during teething. Teether she wants anot? Poor thing. If I am you, I'll also break down.

Thanks for your offer but Ryan need to wear 'L' Size leh coz' he big size like mommy and daddy. Kekeke. He is ok to try out new food as long as I am the one feeding. Anyone else try he will hesistate or fuss. I like his maid-in-waiting like that.

You take care ok?
I fully agree with Angel. You must take care, and rest more, ok? Get your hb to help out whenever possible. What abt your maid? Can she help in taking care of Cherish at night? Did you apply any teething gel for Cherish? I've got 'Dentinox Teething Gel' for my gal, not bad, she likes it a lot. Does Cherish still have fever? If yes, better bring her see doc tmr.

After reading your posting, I a bit worried leh. I'll just hope that my gal would not be so cranky when she's teething. (keeping my fingers crossed)

Ya lor, stroller so heavy and bulky. If I bring my gal out alone, I won't bring the stroller. My gal's PD told us that hep B jab would not cause fever.

I just change to EQ dry for day time use recently. Qualty not bad, price cheap. I bought it from John Little, $15.80 less 10%. I've only got M-size, so can't offer to Ryan. L-size jumbo pack cost $15.80 for 64 pcs. They also have small pack, $4.00 for 16 pcs. BTW, EQ is only available at JL specialist centre, other branches don't have.

Ryan is really advanturous in food, thanks to his mommy! I'm just wondering, if we steam fruits such as apples and pears, will the nutrients be lost in the steaming process? How do u give brocoli and cauliflower to Ryan? Do u just give the 'flowery' parts only?

Steaming won't cost the vitamins to be lost. Excessive boiling will. So what I do is peel and core the pear. Place it in a bowl and steam it till soft then I mash it up and serve it to Ryan. Prepare it just before you serve so vitamins won't be lost. That's what I was told. Must test it to make sure its not too hot so won't burn your baby's tongue. Did the same for brocoli and cauliflower. When you steam it till its really soft, you can even mash up the stem. I used a sieve and mash and sieve it so those that drains through are really fine and soft and mixed it with his cereal. About 2-3 teaspoonful is enough for a bowl of cereal.

Ryan seems to be eating alot. Dunno is it good or bad. He eats 4 tablespoonful of cereal with either fruits or vege but still want somemore at 3 hours interval. Just now worst. 4 & 1/2 spoonful plus 120ml of milk.

My hubby helped me make Ikan bilis powder for Ryan ty. He finally realise that its not as easy as it look to grind the ikan bilis to powder form.

Maybe I'll go get the EQ diaper as he runs out of drypers liao.

So have you mommies started on the flashcards? I haven't complete them coz' got so many things to do around the house.


Today is Sunday. Your hubby go back to what camp? Church or is he a regular? Sunday need to work meh?

Other mommies what other food have you intro to your baby?
Just wanna check with you girls, how much is your baby drinking and eating now and at how many hours interval?
Mine is basically,

8pm - 180ml milk
11am - fruits and 4 tablespoon of cereal with vege or ikan bilis powder and water/juice
2pm - 180ml milk
5pm - 4 tablespoon of cereal with water/juice
830pm - 180ml milk

Do you think it is too much? Should I have another milk feed at 11 plus?
Maple,ur gal is 6mths old today.Congrats!Soon,she'll be celebrating her 1st yr soon.After reading ur post at the offer on EQ dry at JL.I quickly ask my sis to get for me since yest was the last day of sale but coz she's at PS JL,she couldn't find.Looks like I have to get from Sheng Siong alady.
Thank you for ur concern.Cherish's fever is gone.I took one day mc to rest at home.noticed that she seems to behave quite ok.Scali,wait until at nite then make noise.Now that u mentioned,I went to pharmacy to get the gel,haven use yet.Thks for the recommendation.

Based on my MIL's experience,not every child experiences that 'misery' during teething.Some is a breeze,so dun worry too much.My MIL kept on saying my gal too thin-skinned,so little discomfort can 'teh' until like that.

Angel,my colleague was saying,if u buy from those chinese medical hall,they can grind to powdery form for u.

I brought the pic flashcard and Kids II's black,white and red cards.Tried it on Cherish,she seems to stare at the pic,dunno can understand or not.Wanted to do Glenn Doman's but no energy.U can say I'm just lazy.heehee...

So paiseh,he failed IPPT,so kena RT lor.heehee...If he attends our gathering,dun breathe a word abt this,he'll angry.My hubby very 'xiao qi'.

Ryan's feeding schedule seems fine with me since u replace his milk feed with cereals.He's getting the vitamins too from the fruits.By the way,does Ryan still wakes up in the middle of the nite for feed?Cherish is taking 150ml btw 3-4hrs interval.Her last feed will be ard 7pm or if she wakes up at 10+pm,and require a nite feed at 4+ or 6+am.My MIL feels that wait till her tooth popped out then let her try porridge,coz she dun like cereals.Sigh.....
oic... Thanks for the explanation.

Ryan's feeding seems fine to me too. Don't think it is too much. From the schedule, his last feed at night can last till next morning and he doesn't wake up for milk in the middle of the night. That's good.

My gal's intake of milk is quite irregular. She will usually take between 3 - 5 oz of milk per feeding, 4 - 5 feedings per day. She has a very bad habit of not finishing her milk, usually have some leftover, so wasteful. Sometimes she even decides to go on diet, refusing milk totally until a few hours later. Her milk intake per day is around 500+ ml (estimate).

For lunch, she'll have porridge. So far she has tried fish, ikan bilis powder, carrot, pumpkin, cai xin, spinach, marrow (don noe whether this is the correct word in english, it's called 'mao gua' in mandarin).

For milk feed around dinner time, either brown rice or cereals will be added to it. For other milk feeds, sometimes (not everytime) cereals will be added to it too.

What abt the feeding patterns of other babies? Care to share what food they have taken?

Thanks for remembering my gal's birthday. Great to hear that Cherish's fever is gone. EQ is only available at JL specialist centre, not available at other branches. It'll be cheap if there is sales. Is Cherish taking only milk now? with no solids or semi-solids in between?

Re nightmares. I spoke too soon. My gal has several nightmares during the weekends, but luckily last night was okay.

You back from holidays? How was it? Enjoyed yourself? Want to join us for our gathering?
Hi all.

me back from HK. Weather there was cooling, need to wear a jacket for little Ryan.

Mai dong xi, chi dong xi, mai dong xi, chi dong xi. HAHA ... actually i "chi dong xi" more than mai dong xi.

Ryan was quite good on plane, he did not make lots of noise ... Haha .. he sleep, eat and play with others for the whole journey .

Wow so many posting .. me still trying vy hard to read through all, when is the gathering should be no problem where ?? what time ??
My baby drinks diff amt at diff times. Sometimes he drinks 100ml, 120ml or 140ml at 2-2.5 hr interval. Feed him cereal and plain porriage but he doesn't like it.
My mil put lean meat and carrot into the poriage, but feed him without the meat. She also put spinach sometimes. She also gave him brown rice with ikan bilis mixed with milk or warm water. He got eat loh but after eating abt 3rd time he dun want liao. I bought apple sauce and carrot in bottle in NTUC. Can't remember to spell the name, something like "Gerder" with baby face logo. I feed him apple and prune juice but he dun want leh. I'm think of giving him boil/mash potato next weekend.
He can't take the same food for few days and he can't take much too, I'm running out of idea soon...
Oh yes, I feed him once a day.
drinking pattern :
6:00+am (drink about 10-15mins, dunno how much he drinks as he drink direct from me)
9:30am after bathing, 180 ml
1:30pm 180ml
4:00+pm 140 to 160ml
7:00pm 180ml
10:00+pm (drink about 15-25mins, dunno how much he drinks as he drink direct from me)
4:00+am (drink about 15-20mins, dunno how much he drinks as he drink direct from me)

my mil do not want to feed him solid yet. she said can only feed abt 8mths. But i will normally feed Ryan cereal on wkend ... i also feed him peach once, think he likes it ..will try apple this weekend. same as cutecute's baby, ryan do not lik apple juice ...

Ryan doesn't wake up in the middle of the night for feed. His last feed ard 8 plus or 9pm can last till 7 plus or 8am.

Saw EQ diaper at Seiyu Bugis but decided to get the sealer one to try instead.


Got buy any 'jian mian li' for us anot? kekeke. Kidding.


Think most baby don't liek the apple juice coz' its a bit sour. My frd's baby also. You can try pear or white grape. Ryan like it alot and I think its not so sour also. Prune juice also abit sour. Maybe thats why your girl don't like.


Gathering is at Takashimaya, Breeks, level 5 at 1pm on 30th Oct 2004.

I in very bad mood ty..... tired plus unexpected things that happened. Sigh.... Hope tm will be a better day.

I'm feeling very stress, tired and frustrated now.If anyone of you hear of bloodbath or fire breaking out around central area don't tell police its me ok?
Maple,same here.My gal also have the bad habit of not finishing her milk,leaving behind a little or sometimes can be as much as 60ml!I always 'scold' her for wasting money.Frankly speaking,she's still go a milk diet.My friend was constantly reminding me to give her solids otherwise she'll be undernorished.It's not that I dun want,but I can't 'supervise' my MIL to feed her when I'm not ard,despite the fact that I kept on 'remind' her to give,she din give,there's nothing I can do.I bought alot of canned baby food-carrots,apple sauce,apple & prune juice,but she din let my gal try.Sigh...

cutecute,have u try to increase his milk intake so as to prolong the feeding interval?Is ur boy having the same prob as ours-wasting milk?

Aloe,welcome back.Glad to know you're enjoyed ur trip.Actually,dun have to wait till he's 8mths old.Some babies resist solids at the beginning.If started early,bb can more or less get used to when they reach 6mths old.

Angel,I remember the news din report any bloodbath nor attempted fire,but there's a report on a woman staying at Telok Blangah screaming her head off to vent frustation.Could it be u?
It's not easy being a SAHM,can understand.Share with us lah.We may not be able to help but a little understanding and consolation can actually make one feel better.

That's gd wat,no need to wake up in the middle of the nite.Actually both are of same quality but I must agree Sealy's packaging nicer,price only a little difference.But dun rely on the indicator too much,no use.
Rain_drops, I tried to increase his milk but sometimes he drinks more or little. He also sometimes likes to leave 20ml and even 60ml! Beat his backside liao.

May I know those bottle juice buy from NTUC, B4 feeling to baby, must I warm it?

Angel, I know how u feel cos I SAHM for 3 mths b4. Pour your misery out and we are willing to be your listening ear...
At least now I know that my gal is not the only one who waste food. Sometimes she'll finish everything, but most of the time she'll leave behind 20ml - 60ml. Occasionally I tried to reduce wastage by giving her less, but she'll protest that it is not enough. And if I give her normal amt, she can't finish. *headache*

Anyone has any idea how to solve this milk wastage problem?

My mil opp. from yours. She very keen to feed my gal solids. Wanted to started at a very early stage. Agreed that it is beyond us if our mil insisted on doing things their way, especially when we're working.

U still TBF Ryan? Or have u introduced FM? Ryan okay with bottle now? Good that u still bfg Ryan. Think most of us April Mummies have stopped liao.

You very funny leh... bloodbath & attempted fire...
Share with us your frustration lor. You'll feel better after letting it out.

No need to warm it.
Hi all!

If got attempted fire will be at my blk coz' we told our neighbour upstairs ALOT of time liao their laundry keep dripping water and wet our clothes. Will stop for a few days then start again so I thinking of lighting a stick and torch their clothing from my service balcony.

Bloodbath coz' of my in-laws again. Making my blood boil again coz' call us at almost8pm to ask us to bring Ryan back coz' she TOOTHACHE cannot take care of him! When we bought him home he was crying from hunger etc... think he had a bad day there. There's actually alot other stuff but if I were to put all those down, I can write a novel on UNGRATEFUL and BIASED INLAWS from HELL!

Cried the whole of last night and this morning. Think I am breaking down soon.
Hi Maple
Can I ask u, what if I refrgerator the unused portion of juice, do I still need to warm it since it cold? My mil won't allow give cold drink to baby. I think I warm it should be ok lah loh..
Angel, sometimes got to close one eye on mil cos they are the one taking care of the baby.
My mil takes care of him cos I need to work or else got to eat air liao. I do understand that sometimes can't help feeling angry! My husband also can't help me much.
You take care!
Cutecute,at least we know who are the naughty ones,ur boy,Maple's and my gal!Billboard's charts top 3!heehee...I think u can warm till it reaches room temp,not too hot though.But try not to repeat the warming up process too many times,not good to reheat everytime.

Maple,I dun think there's a solution on the wastage coz we're not advised to reuse the unfinished portion.

Angel,u hor funny leh.That's the problem for not living on the top floor.heehee.My mum used to face this problem too.Know what she did?She will wake up 7 early 8 early (so long earlier than upstair neighbour)to wash clothes.So by the time,upstair hang their laundry,our clothes are almost not dripping water,will bring in the clothes.You're lucky,if clothes wet already,mayb u need to re-wash or waste time to dry again.Unlike my idiot neighbour,threw cigarrette butts and burnt my mattress pad,towels and my MIL's clothes!My poor bathtowel kena 3 holes already!Now I dare not put my laundry out,prefer to dry it at the balcony.What has toothache do with taking care of ur boy?Funny leh.Agree with cutecute,open one eye,close one eye lah.

I've a problem again.My newphew is down with fever and running nose again yet my BIL still brings him to my house for my MIL to take care.I had enuf and spent enuf on medical expenses on my gal already,and I dun want her to be sick again.I asked my MIL not to let the kid get any closer with my gal,but most of the time he dun listen.How?Most sickening is that my elder newphew(his elder brother-a spoilt brat) is also here coz his school takes A WEEK to mark TESTPAPERS!Not only my house is in a mess,noise levels went up,my bloodpressure will also go up!My BIL will sit there and watch TV eventhough his sons are screaming and fighting with each other while my gal is trying to sleep.And when I screamed at them twice,he then took action by caning on the sofa and scolding,waking up my gal in the process.I hate to go home early this week,but I can't.Otherwise my MIL have no chance to have dinner!
Rain_drops, u know.. sometimes my boy will smile at me when he done somthing wrong. Dun know want to laugh or angry. When he learn how to walk that time, then my head big liao! Must keep my things in the house properly.
Oh, u asking what if put in refrigerator. What I did was to dilute the juice with lukewarm water b4 giving to bb. After adding lukewarm water, it's not cold anymore.

BTW, do u girls dilute the juice or give direct?

I used to give apple prune juice when she had problems with her bowels. After her bowels system improved, I had since stopped giving it to her. Should I / Can I continue to give her the juice?

I usually take out the juice and leave it out for awhile then mixed it with water before giving it to Ryan. Eg. 50ml juice + 50ml water. Can only keep in the fridge up to 3 days.

Ryan also driving me crazy! When he make me angry, and I scold or frown at him, he will start grinning at me etc... how to remain angry? Now he start to fake cough to attract our attention also.


My neighbour washes clothes from early morning till late at night and EVERYDAY!!! Only time they don't hang dripping wet clothes outside is when it is raining cats and dogs! But then again, when its raining, I wldn't want to hang my clothes outside too. :p


Chase your BIL out lah if not get ear plus for yourself and Cherish. Hee. If not can always move to my hse for the time being. I got spare room. Kekeke.

Btw, the sealer diaper not bad. Think I will switch to it instead of using drypers.
cutecute,ya lor ya lor dun know shld angry leh or juz smile and forget it,agree with u.Even when he starts crawling,u're going to have a hard time chasing him around.But most importantly must cover up sharp edges.By the way,will u be joining us for the gathering?

Maple,I think u can still continue to give her the apple prune juice since she's willing to take.I realised most bbs dun like this flavour so be glad ur gal likes it.But do monitor her stools.If it's too watery or diarrohea-like,stop for awhile.

Angel,I think ur neighbour is sick,cannot be washing laundry all day long what!Thank u for suggesting ur spare room,I wld pop over if I need a short getaway.I will definitely chase their family out if it's my flat,but rite now I'm staying with my in-laws,bo bian!

Mummies,may I know how many of us are attending the gathering?Do u all mind if I ask two of my frens along?Their babies are around the same age,slightly older by a few weeks.One of my frens is bringing her twins.Can I invite them to join us,plssssssss?

Ask your friend along loh. Their babies chio anot? Kekeke. Can Ryan take in concubine? Kekeke.

I dilute the apple prune juice for ryan and he still takes it though I think he still prefer the white grapes and pear.

Calling for Li_may..... how are you and your girls?

Ryan very manja these few days.... dunno why also... maybe my cousin from indonesia have been popping by and keep carrying and playing with him then he think he KING liao. :p


The heated pool at KKH have been shifted to Jurong East and classes available on SUNDAY 9.30am. Too far and early for us so I might be enrolling him in the one at Suntec. Anyone keen to join us? Raindrops & Cherish? Hee hee. Then they can yuan yang xi shui. Kekeke.

The site is www.aquaducks.com.sg I think.....
Angel,I can help u to collect the free gift first since I've extra seal.Can u pls email me ur full add and ur choice of storybook so that I can fill up the form there?I shall dropby Nepia next week to collect ur gift.
hi Maple, dun worry abt the baby size ... My little Ryan is also small size, as long as she eat and sleep well, sure she will grow bigger .. ...

Ya, Ryan is still on TBF. and now my mil help to give him formula and cereal during his lunch feed. i think i know why he refuse to drink the formula milk. i think is the taste as fm got one "iron taste" my colleague said if i want to introduce fm to him, i must mix the little bit of fm with bf to feed him, so he can slowly adapt to the fm taste. Actually me thinking of stopping too, but he only take bf, so still have to continue for a little while... Tired man ...

wow i saw from the other thread, one baby went for photo shooting and it cost S$200 for 4 pixs only . so expensive but the photos are very nice taken.

Raindrops, yr friend's twins boy or gal ??? Gal then good la ... my Ryan also want to know girl friendSSSS ...

Angel, my ryan also know how to fake cough to attract our attention. so funny ...
Just saw your posting to Angel above. I thinking of going next week too. Want to go together? sms me.

Of course can ask your friends along, they are most welcome to join.

How u know Rain_drops's friends' bbs are gals? Maybe they are boys leh? Your Ryan still want or not? kekeke

Ryan can sit up on his own? U joining us for the gathering right?

I don't know what titles to chose from leh. You decide for me lah. See which one more interesting. Will email you my addy later. Thanks hor.


Everytime my Ryan fake cough we will scold him. That time he fake choking sound and gave me such a fright. Your Ryan's hair very long and funky leh. Kekeke.


Girls can be frd frd. Boys can be buddy. Kekeke.

Ryan super manja these few days when my mom and relative ard coz' he knows he whine a bit they sure carry him. Notti boy! Once they leave he kena from me and hubby. Kekeke.

Anyone interested to join Ryan for the swimming course at Suntec? They got free trial. Most prolly will go on the 1st week of Nov.
Angel,did u say free trial?Me interested but I've yet to get swimwear for Cherish.Wait for us leh.....

Maple,Yes I wld luv to go together with u.Wat time is ur lunchtime?I shall sms u.U know I went to the Nepia fair at Toa Payoh and bought alot.I not only bought a box of 4 packs of NB size,I also bought EQ dry(M) at $14.50.Those promoters were very kind to give me alot of samples.EQ gave me 6 when I bought a pack and Nepia gave me 10 when I bought 4.Greedy me,bought so many until must call my hubby to come help me carry home.heehee...

Aloe,admire ur preserverance on BF.I think it'll take a while b4 Ryan gets used to FM.Start on Step 2 already?Ryan has got funky hair,cannot comb down hor?Cherish's hair also like that.'Flying' above.U hor,so greedy,u want Ryan to hug one on the left and one on the right har?

Mummies,in order to keep the suspense.....
,I'm not going to tell whether the twins are girls or boys.Bribe me lah,maybe I tell lor.Frankly speaking I dunno if they are twin girls or boys coz it's my fren's fren.I'm interested to know too.I'll ask her.But her's a sunshine girl(a little on the tan side).So who else is coming?Angel,Aloe,Cutecute?,Li_May?,Me of course,My fren and the twins.

Yah they have a free trial. You just need to call them and arrange for it. You hurry go buy a wet suit for Cherish lah. Coz' Think we going to arrange for the 1st week of NOv that Saturday. I wash his wet suit liao but yet got 1 for myself. Dunno got my size one anot coz' I still look very pregnant. :p

Got something very embarassing to confess abt Ryan. I can't find clothes for him in the baby section anymore!
Always end up buying pajamas and clothes in the toddler section? Is it the size difference for different brand or is my Ryan getting abit too big? Do you girls have this problem? He seems to out grow his clothes very fast also. Dunno am I over-feeding him.
You left me out!! I going also!!

EQ also available at Nepia fair? If later got time, will probably drop by, if not, will hv to give it a miss.

Me opp leh. The clothes are always too big 4 my gal. She can still wear those 3 - 6 mths ones.

Yesterday, I put her is a carrier and go marketing with her. One aunty saw her and ask me how old she is. She commented that bb too small should not put in carrier. She was surprised when I replied that bb 6 mths already.

Hee... your girl must be really petite then. Pple always mistake Ryan to be much older. Can't wait to see your girl.
Maple,paiseh paiseh.Me blur blur liao.My gal is still wearing 0-6,now starting to wear 3-6mths dresses only.So,I think the clothes that she have can last a long time.I'm quite worried abt my gal's behaviour during our gathering,coz yest when we brought her to 2 bb full mth celebration,she became centre of attention.Not because she's cute and lovable,it's because she's the noisiest!She cried,fuss and made plenty of noises,so afraid that her cries will wake the newborn up.My hubby dun bring the pram,saying very heavy,end up we took turns to carry her.My arms were so sore this morning.I have been 'reminding' her to behave yet she still showed her temper.Now she can recongise ppl and place,so dunno wat to do this sat.

Angel,wat size of the wet suit u buy.I think the smallest size I can find is Size 2.Still I feel it's quite big.Now that u remind me,dunno if I can still squeeze into my suitwear.Some brands have different cuttings even they are meant for the same age group of bbs.It's nothing wrong that Ryan is a little big-sized unless doc said otherwise.If u 'purposely' feed Ryan a little lesser,he'll definitely feel hungry and require more feeds.
hi raindrop & maple,

my son also small size and he is now wearing 3-6mths clothes for going out clothes, but for home & sleeping, he is wearing 6-12 mths clothes. most of the time ppl will think that he is 4 mths old only ... sian ...

dun worry how she behave during this gathering ... she will be OK when she see 2 Ryan there playing with her .. heeeheee ....

my son needs warm up too, he scares when too many ppl talk to him at the same time.. haha .... but he will be fine once he settle down ..

i went kids mall yesterday and the smallest swim suit they sell is size 1.. i think abt 35.90 each .. my hubby want to bring him to swim so we buy him some floats too .. the salesgirl said must buy the diaper for swimming ... but the shop dun have M size ..
aloe,I sure hope Cherish will behave and not 'influencing' both Ryans.heehee...Talking about swim diapers,I compare the price of the same brand at Taka Children's dept and The supermarket at Paragon's basement.Noticed that Taka is selling slightly cheaper than the other.$11+ for a pack of 10,if I'm not wrong.I thot only ang mohs emphasise on swim diapers,din know have to get also in Sin.

Angel,I'm afraid I'm not able to join the trial with Cherish together with u n Ryan coz I've forgotten that Cherish is scheduled to have her Hep B jab this sat.Sorry...

Anyone started babies on walkers?I read about some articles that walkers can hinder babies' development.I dun intend to use but my MIL insists that she can put Cherish on the walker and feed her.She still haven start ahhhhhhh......I was so fed up!
my mil also want us to get him a walker.. me and my hubby strongly against this .. when i see a walker at my mil's house, i nearly fainted ... then i reminded his son to tell his mother that NO walker for him..

Maybe u can consider those stationary walkers that have no wheels, but have seats that rotate and bounce while keeping baby in one spot

My boss told me that stationary walker will be much better as it did not allow them to move around and when we let them sit in this type of walker, we have to ensure his feet is touching the floor .. not tiptoes..
My hb and I were against walker too. But mil wanted to put her in walker, keep saying that it's okay one, no need to worry, last time bbs also grew up using walker, blah blah blah. In the end, she has started on the walker for a few days liao.

The only consolation I can find is she does not allow her to sit there for too long and does not allow her to wander far away. We also adjust the height of the walker so that she is not standing on tiptoes.

You joining us for gathering after Cherish's jab, hor?

Ryan these few days also fuss on and off when we were out. Dunno why. The wet suit I bought for him seems a bit big but with the swim diaper shld be ok i think. Havent let him try. I bought the one with thermal protector so a bit ex. Abt $50+. :p


I bought the M size one from COld STorage. Dun remember how much coz' my hubby paid for it. You wanna share 1/2 of it? Can pass to you during the gathering.

Maple, Raindrops, Aloe,

We also agst the idea od walker but my MIL keep placing Ryan on it. Told her no she say last time kids also like that and my niece also used it. That day went over and saw somany pictures of Ryan on walker. I so angry!


Cherish going for Jab this Sat or next? We going for the trial on next week leh. The 1st week of Nov. Think its on the 6th. Aloe and maple you interested to join us? We haven't call yet.
Aloe,I saw the kind of stationery walker u're talking about,if I remember correctly the brand is Graco.I saw one at Toys R Us,selling at $259!With this money,I can buy 5 walkers liao!Yet to find a cheaper one,may go Robinsons Centrepoint one day to check price.I noticed Cherish has the habit of concentrating her strength on her right leg only,now trying to correct her.I wouldn't mind so much if my MIL let her sit in the walker while it's in rocker style.(My walker is those 2-in-1,can change to rocker)

Maple,see me blur again.Her Hep B jab is scheduled next sat,6/11.I hope my 'lao er' won't take over my blurness.heehee...

Angel,Ryan's wet suit very ex,must be good.I thot of buying two pc suit for Cherish.Sexy mah.(can't find bikini style leh)
Can I check with u?Do u need to call up Breeks to make reservations this Sat?I haven cfm if I want my hubby along.
Angel,I 've got the book for u.It's Miffy visits the Zoo.Heard fm May that this title is very popular,stocks are running low.Do u have more seals?U like to exchange for more titles?Another two titles that's not bad are Miffy at Seaside and Miffy at Playground.Maple n I went to see May at lunchtime,she got the zoo book as well.

Heehee...I even took a glimpse of Maple's girl.Bribe me lah,I'll secretly describe to you.

I saw a couple of girls' bikinis on sale near my office,but I've yet to check on the sizes.I'll check it out this evening.

I saw saw bikini style one at Seiyu leh. My hubby wanted to buy for Cherish that time on Ryan's behalf. Kekeke. Ask your hubby along lah then he and my hubby can go kia kia together while we gossip. Think no need to make reservation lah. Shld have table. Thanks for getting the book for me. I onlyhave 1 seal leh. What you want me to bribe you with? Hmmnnn..... let Cherish give Ryan a kiss? Kekeke.
Angel,I bought one set of bikini for her yest.i was surprised that the same design also have adult size.I rejected the salesgirl's kind intention of mother-daughter set coz I'm very conscious of seeing myself wearing one.No figure,somemore my tummy is showing,how to wear.Even Maple commented my tummy is obivious alady.I'm not upset coz sooner or later it'll still show.I let my gal tried on with her PJs on,it seems big on her,so might buy her another decent one.I even let my 3-yr old nephew tried it on,surprising it fits him.You shld see how funny he looks.

I'm so pissed off by my maid this morning.Happen that I took my own sweet time to prepare to go work,I stayed a little while longer to be with my gal.Fancy my maid got the cheek to ask if I'm going to work any sooner.I was offended!I loudly said to my gal-'auntie(the maid) chased me to work liao,so cannot play with u liao.'My hubby overheard her questioning me and ask me.I said yah lor,she chasing me to go work.So I left and forgot to fill up her milk containers.I've been mixing infant and Step 2 milk powder,and I stopped my maid from helping.Today no choice,have to let her do my job.Dunno if she'll anyhow do.What to do?I'm not the main caregiver.Can't expect my MIL to do,otherwise my maid will take the wonderful chance to carry Cherish.(which both my hubby and I dun like).If I managed to get a new flat thru this time's balloting,I'll sure fired her!
Sorry mummies,I just received Li_May's reply.I'm afraid something unfortunate happened,(her father passed away last week) and she still had many things to attend to.She wen be joining us this time,but she's still keen to join our next gathering.

Hi Mummies,
Joy_apr will probably be joining us this sat.

Li May,
Sorry to hear the bad news. Loosing a parent is always a very sad occasion and I wanted to pass on my condolences. Try not to take it too hard, and BE STRONG.
