(2004/02) February Babes

Hi Mummies,
PT.. gd to know that you enjoyed your b'day celebrations. Thanks for your compliment

Happy aniversary

Hi Van
So how did you spend time while avos is in school? Managed to shop abit? How did he find school? How does he go? By school bus to and fro?

Yes!!! I missed "pushing" the little one in. But tory is quite docile in me, never had vigourous movements, quite contary to the little monkey now... she never keep still.

Hi Pink
Glad to see u back.

I guess we are at a different stage of life now. The things we deemed impt are diff and priority also diff. Now the candles on our cake are all blown by the kids rather than ourselves...they look forward to our "party" instead.

I hope your dad gets well soon.

Hi ruffy #9543, wish
hahaha...guess what? I spent our anniversary with tory in the office (cos she is sick) and ta bao food back home. Daddy reservist, was back late. Till now, no sound no pic. A bit angry, must scold him at weekend. haha, but like what pink mentioned, life's at a diff stage now...
Hope u are well now. Take care!

Avos is adapting well in school. Yes, by 2-way school bus transport. On the 1st morning when we send him up the bus, he was a little teary. but quickly he dried his tears and waved to us b4 the bus left. I pity him tat he has to be in a primary school student routine at tis age, waking up 6.30am (thankfully he's able to wake up automatically), up the big bus with kids of different ages, reaching home 4pm... but in the meantime i'm proud of his progress

Avos was nagging daddy whole morning not to go sg... and when daddy locked his luggage and began to set off, he went teary, showed his "bittergourd face" and started rubbing his eyes. he refused to hug n kiss daddy goodbye at the lift lobby and when we back home, he burst into tears. i even explained to him tat we cant go along bcos we dont have airtix. he answered me "go buy tixs now!". its the 1st time Avos displayed such unhappiness when daddy needs to travel
Hope he wouldnt be like that when I send him up the schoolbus tmr morning *sigh*
Hi mummies,
some gd news.. Roy is finally crawling a bit..uploaded some videos to the blog..

How is Avos .. adjusting well to life in SHA?
I've managed to find a way to view blogs
Will take a look later!

Thanks for asking. Avos is adapting very well! *phew* Now he talks louder (hahaha due to the environment - follow the crowd). Once awhile he'll talk abt Swe but doesnt insist on returning like before. He definately understands more mandarin phrases but still unwilling to use it. Hb's friends who moved from Swe as well, asked what I did to him in SG cos they find him has changed, he wasnt so "noisy" then

Oh yar, he's still nagging abt going to SG find daddy... long-winded right???
hi mummies
How have everyone been? the thread getting slow...Just to check, does any of your kids grind their teeth when sound asleep? Tory's doing that quite often these days. Wonder what's the reason for it...

Hi Van
hahaha...avos prob have to speak louder to get himself heard? How is savie doing? How's the natal checks there?

Hi shimmrs
How's everything?

Hi Ruffy
Very fast, roy is crawling. How's the siblings now? Going HK anytime soon? We might be popping to HK in Oct via Shenzhen.

Hi Hippo
My girl cannot write most numbers yet. Only 1 cos it is a straight line. kekeke....she likes to draw straight lines and doddle. Alphabets none at all.
Morning mummies,
how are u gals?

been busy as the boys have been falling sick one after the other. Roy at present has phlegmy cough and runny nose. Just brought him to Ma Kuang on Monday. Give up on western medication coz they do not work and he hates taking them. Suprisingly he is not so resistant to bitter chinese medicine powder.. Weird kid

Anyway he is busy crawling.. pulling to stand.. exploring everywhere.. n not sleeping much..waking up 4-5 times at night due to his blocked nose..so super tired.

Hi Hippo,
My boy can write both words/numbers but not that nice .. just started writing in sch this year. He is better at reading though..can read and make up the words phonetically.
Hello mummies!


oh dear, must have been tiring for you. Hope you two boys recover speedily!

You can put something under roy's bedsheet to prop his head higher so that he will get some relief from blocked nose.


dun think my girls grind their teeth while asleep. Then again, we do not share the same room so I can't tell :p


can write some letters but not very nice and straight.


hmm... i guess it is because of the change in environment. I believe the pple there talk louder? the general environment also more noisy? Correct me if I am wrong...heee...

how are you feeling???

Mummies, here is a pic of the girls.

Now looking at the pic, hmm... a bit regret chopping off their hair :p
Hi PT,
Nice pics of your gals..they look so grown up liao
National Day party clothes?
Roy co-sleep with me..share my pillow so he is prop up when he sleeps. Getting to be a zombie liao..now want to OUTSOURCE him for 1 day so I can rest..but no takers leh..haiz!!!

Hey hey! i understand. on some days, we ourselves are so tired but still have to grit our teeth to go through the day. got to rest when child is napping. And then must train the child to sleep through the night. Having a good night's sleep makes a lot of difference TRY!Take care

Thanks for the comments. ya, national day attire. :p
hi mommies!
Thanks for asking, i'm ok, except getting more n more breathless with the little growing "swaying backside"
unfortunately when i asked the gynae if we'll have an ultrasound scan, she said not until week 38/39. so shld Savea chooses to pop earlier than tat, we'll see the real her. my last scan was in sg when she's like 20+ weeks... well, cant expect much when we're not being pampered in sg. believe would be worse if we're still in swe :p

daddy is planning n looking forward to a trip to beijing next weekend. i'm still considering cos i'm feeling like a clumpsy humpty dumpty yet still have to go thru the nite train (tho with sleeping cabins), alots of walking and outdoor polluted air

update on Avos, he's finally said or rather sing his longest mandarin phrase "yi shan yi shan liang jing jing" then goes "jing jing jing jing...." hahahahah but still refuse to use mandarin. knowing our ayi speaks only mandarin, instead of learning from her, he corrects her in english
oh yar he has been nagging tat he wants to go in my tummy like Savea

everytime seeing your gals pix makes me envy
any pix of them in short hair?

take care of yourself too!

no idea abt nite time teeth grinding at tis age too. like PT, Avos sleeps in a different room so not sure if he has tat problem.
Hi Van,
Sabie going to make her apperance soon.. can't wait to see her photos

Van PT,
yeah..need to take gd care of myself or else no one to take care of the boys. Been destressing by baking cookies n cakes keke

Bought a new roaster wok..y'day we made baked potatos n grilled fish
Dear mOmmies..

Its been really long since I last posted! Haha.. How's everyone and kiddos?

Kyla has been settling well in her school now. She has also started taking schoolbus and certainly enjoyed it! She even told me to stay at home while she go downstairs alone to take the schoolbus! She also can be bossy nowadays ~ she will question me " why you take so long? " whenever I went downstairs late when she came back from school! She is getting more vocal these days and emotional at times too. I felt she has grown so much!

Yes! Kyla used to grind her teeth everynight back in SG for a long period of time! Well, we dun sleep with her in the same room here so I dun notice her grinding. Is that a serious problem with this sleeping habit?

Your lovely gals never fail to put a smile on my face! I just showed this to my hb next to me now. I told him if we planned for #2 2yrs back, we will have a picture like this by now! How envious!

YOu made me LOL!!! What a way to describe yourself as a clumPsy HumPty DumPty! Hows your baby Savea's preparation coming along? Did you do up a nursery room for her? Isnt it exciting to have a girlie room for your baby girl this time round?

Avos is so so cute to even think of going into your tummy to meet his little baby sister! LOL!

I can sense that you are enjoying your new SAHM lifestyle. Ahaha.. me too, baking cookies.. exploring more recipes for fun!


Pls go to my album to view latest updates of us in HongKong.. when you have the time ok?

Hi Hippo2002

Welcome to our chat.. do join us when you have the time. How many kids do you have?

My cheeky girl can hardly write alphabets or numbers free-handedly. She can only trace over dotted lines for alphabets and numbers. Sometimes she will try to write the 1st intial capital letters freehandedly. She has improved very much on colouring though..
shimmrs, Linda, Ruffybear, pink tulip

thanks for the replies

I'm a SAHM with 2 girls Jan 2002 & Feb 2004. Currently dd2 is homeschooled. I supplement her with enrichment classes. She will attend kindergarten next year

pink tulip

your girls looked very alike! Did anyone mistaken them as twins?
Dear mommies
This is the first time I stayed at home after Kyla goes to school! Having an unwell stomach today thus stayed at home.

Wow! You homeschooled your dd2? How did you do that? I admired you for being so consistent and patient!

Any chance to share pixs of both your little girls with us here sometime?

Well, I am currently based in HongKong while Van is in Shanghai.

my homeschooling is the relaxed type. Typically involved reading to her, practicing her abacus, or revise her Chinese flash cards. She will have many breaks in between for milk, water, lie down on bed to rest, tickling session, hugging session, cooking session (watch me cook) & her personal time to play puzzles

Yours is a boy or girl? only child? who's looking after your child while you are at work?
hi hippo2002

oh i see! but you are still very consistent on homeschooling which is good! did you also homeschool your #1 when she was 3?

i dun work. SAHM to a 3.5yo monsteress based in HK.

what is your typical day with your girl? do you teach her personally too?

I homeschooled #1 till 2 years old & sent her to a montessori childcare when I delivered #2. Didn't want her to idle at home since I couldn't spend much time teaching her with a new born baby. I withdrew her from childcare when #2 was around 20 months old. #1 has been attending Kumon since 2 years 11 months old so I spent minimum effort to teach her. My daily chore is to nag her to complete her worksheets
hi Mummies,
super busy with the trying to learn how to walk #2. Also busy trying out baking cookies and cakes

Homeschooling.. doing partical with my boys. #1 attends fully day CC but do take him out of school early 1-2 days a week to conduct ECA- Swimming, bring him for Piano lessons... do other stuff with him on weekends also.
#2- will be starting kindermusik type of lessons in an informal group with him/ flashcards and also introduce him to other languages- Japanese ( coz want to do Jap lessons with Ryan now that he is quite proficcient with Eng/ chiense/ Cantonese)
Dear mommies
Typhoon here in HKG! haha..

Me? I do not actively coach Kyla at home. However, will encourage her to do some worksheets at home whenever she is in good mood to learn and impress me! haha..

Oh, is Kumon very advanced in teaching? Kumon schools in HKG are very advanced though!

Cool.. baby Roy is cruising liao? haha.. so is my niece! She is starting to hold the edge of the bed standing up. So cute! And time really flies so quickly!

How impressive of Ryan to be able to learn Japanese! How is his piano lessons so far? Has he been enjoying this ECA?

wow, Ryan is very clever! my girl can hardly speak a full sentence in Mandarin. Do you know how to speak Japanese to coach him or both of you are learning together?

Where is Ryan taking his piano? I am slowly teaching my girl just 3 notes C, D, E & the fingering.....based on my very limited music knowledge


yeah, Kumon is very advanced. #1 is doing P3 equivalent Maths & P2 equivalent English at Kumon even though she's only 5.
I feel that she became quite competitive. I think it's the Kumon way of learning, must aim for speed & perfect accurary because her test result will be grouped into band 1, 2, 3. I don't intend to send #2 to Kumon. Imagine having to nag both of them to complete worksheets

My ex-boss's 10 years old daughter is also doing Kumon in Hong Kong. She highly recommends it
Hi mummies,
both the boys are sick so quite busy with both of them

we learn basic japanese before ( HB and I) so just doing some simple flash cards n songs for him to follow. He already knows the katakana pronouncations coz we have been teaching him since birth. Intend to teach Roy the same way to so that he can pronounce and articulate well.
Ryan's piano lessons are at Katong Mall... actually want to teach him myself but he is not as patient( me too with him) so we got him a 1 to 1 teacher.. he learn's better that way. So far can play a few songs unassisted- mary had a little lamb etc.. learning basic theory also at the same time.
dear mommies

How's everyone? HB went back to SG since last wednesday. He will be back to HK only next monday, 20th. Wat a perfect time to leave us here! Kyla is having school break from tomorrow, for a week!

Yes, Gisele is expecting. She told me the good news in the email. She feels very tired as compared to her 1st preg. I believe she will pop in when she feels better!

To be frank, I am rather stressed with Kyla's development. She is still unable to recognise simple words! The words just do not register into her tiny brain! She is struggling with writing her name -- K-y-l-a.

She is given holiday worksheets to complete next week. I know I am going to vomit blood..
hi mommies

Sorry have not written for a long time. How is everyone?

Yes I'm now preggie, in my 15 weeks now. This pregnancy is really tough. I've been feeling very tired and having blocked and runny nose everyday. Have not been sleeping well too. Tend to wake up at 3am due to block nose and watch TV till 4am before I could get back to sleep again. Sorry so much complaint from me :p

Oh ya, I'm expecting another boy...sigh..

Are you expecting too much from Kyla? Jay only learnt to read and write his name this year. Relax lah!

Ryan is such a intelligent boy. Wow can play piano and read Japs already

Hello Tulip
How are you and your princess?
Hi shimmrs

My family and i took turns to have stomach flu. Last week, hb, ying and I were down. Dorcas is the last to have it. She had diarrhoea and stomachache whole of last night. However, she is feeling better today.

You are probably stressed because of the expectations of kyla's school? I think the background, pace and curriculum is different? I also do not expect dorcas to recognise words at age 3. If she can do it, I will be happy. If she cannot, I am not upset. I think the system there is different. In sg, pre-sch do not give holiday hw. So don't be too hard on yourself and kyla. Try splitting the holiday work into smaller portions. A little bit each time.


Hi! Wow... so happy for you.

Can imagine the tiredness... interrupted sleep, stuffy and running nose... hope it is a phase and as you proceed on, these will lessen and you can enjoy the pregnancy more.

At 15 weeks, you know the gender? He must have been very guai and cooperative at the gynae's! How's Jay?
hi mummies!

I'm still here waiting...
last week had cervix check at the gynae's and was 1 fingertip dilated. Hope she'll remain happy there for awhile more cos I'm not ready yet! With the travelling n moving, this pregnancy is too quick for me to enjoy.

how are your 2 Rs?

think positively, with all the tireness and discomfort shows the hormones r kicking well

i can understand those 1 week vacation can be torturing... we juz had one early tis mth. tis friday A's school closes, so another long weekend. daddy also not in town at the moment, and hopefully S will give some signal b4 she decides to pop so daddy can be back in time to settle gor-gor at the hospital
Hello Van!

Dorcas is ok liao, as predicted by the GP. Since yday afternoon, no more diarrhoea and complaints of tummyache.

When is your EDD? Sorry I forgot. So your baby girl is due any time?! Take care!
Hi Van/ PT/ Gisele/ Mrsshims,

2nd tri will be better.. dun worry :0 Gd to know that Jay's having a younger bro to play with. Roy is turning 1 in 2mths.. very fast!!.. now busy cruising around

Till date I haven't really seen Ryan writing anything.. he can read n spell though
I'm sure she will be able to do so in her own time

Hope Dorcas get's well soon Ryan still has phelghmy cough. Just brought him to see EYS doc coz western 3wks ago didn't work.

will wait for your gd news
Hello mommies

Thanks all for your well wishes


I went thru CVS test (similar to amnio) to check on chromosomes at 11 weeks. The result is I'm having a normal and healthy BOY. So there goes my dream of wanting a girl..sigh...sigh...

Hubby and Jay are happy to have another boy though. Jay has few names for his brother already, all his good frens' name in school - Aden, James, Ryan..haha.

Glad to hear that Dorcas is getting better. How is Ying? Have you decided on her primary school. Her registration is next year right. I have just submitted PV for Henry Park and Nan Hua recently. Hopefully he could get in one of these sch.

Do you practise piano with Ryan at home? I want to sign up 1:1 piano lesson for Jay as well but we've no piano at home for him to practise. Still thinking is it worthwhile to invest one and learn piano at the same time or get it later when he shows more interest.

Jay was also coughing for the past 1 month just recovered not long ago. How do you find EYS? Is the medi good?

Hi Van
Wow, so you're going to deliver anytime
Did you engage any confinement lady to help?
glad to hear tat all of u r well now. take care yar!

my EDD 5-9Nov... but with A popped at W37/38 and my cervix started dilating, gynae says S would probably pop early too. looking forward to my appt later in the am

nope, i was thinking since i want to TBF nobody can really help me. hb will be taking 3-4weeks of leave helping us with the new routine n A to settle down with the new baby. and with our part time maid helping us with cleaning n cooking dinner we shld be able to manage.

good tat Jay is happy to have a brother and even started to think of names for him

unfortunately i didnt sleep well last nite
awoken by irregular contractions since 2.30am and until now... was praying hard tat things will not happen until A goes to school. thank God tat i still managed to doze off time to time. started to wonder if its gonna lead to a real contraction cos A started off with one too
Hi Gisele

Don't be disappointed. I am very sure baby #2 will bring you and family lots of joy.

Dorcas has recovered. Phew... all of us have recovered!
ying will probably be going to st. nicholas as i studied there. she is fine.. enjoying school.. still very chatty and 'excitable'.. she tends to bully sister (sigh!)... I am glad she has learnt to read. Really a load off my shoulders... :p

Hi Van

I wonder how you were feeling when you typed your last posting! If I were you, I would probably not be in the mood to on the PC!!! Hey... you are so cool.

EDD is just a guide. And if A arrived earlier, very likely S will too, esp since she is #2. I think you will manage fine with hb taking 3-4 weeks of leave. He is the best help lah. And you have PT maid to handle the cooking and cleaning.

so is A at sch already? HB accompanying you to the gynae's later?

Take care!
ni3 hai2 bu4 liao2 jie2 wo3??? everything can be removed from the house but not the pc n internet connection! hahahaha...

actually i tot of going for a swim to relax myself but not sure if i shld since cervix already started dilating. Will check with gynae later if its safe to do so. after the birth of A, i learnt tat i have to be active during the signs of labour until i'm too "weak" to move abt. resting will only makes me concentrate on the pain more than relaxing.

yup, A is in school now, probably having his am snack. he's very used to the routine now and is enjoying learning both eng n chinese concurrently, tho still refuses to "jiang3 hua2 yu3" at home

unfortunately due to work, hb has only accompanied me to the gynae for the 1st appt here. and now he's not in SHA loh... left for some ulu kampong on tues aftn, shld reach home tmr evening. sent him an sms telling him abt the BH i've been having so will update him again aft the gynae.
hello Van!

COrrect...correct... cannot do without PC and internet connection... that's one of the reasons why God bless you with a hb who is IT savvy.

No lah...better not swim.

Update us again after gynae appt. How are you getting there? Is the clinic/hospital nearby?
Hi ladies,

yes..try to practice piano with Ryan at home but not very sucessful as he is extremely lazy. However he is able to follow the tch's instructions so still okay. Can get a cheap keyboard if you don't want to invest in a piano 1st. PT's gals are using keyboards.

looks like S can come anytime liao..so happening
I too don't think u shd go swimming now..coz suppose to induce labour right?

been busy with baking
can see my 1st attempts at
so far i'm on cab wherever i go... unless weekends or we have a planned journey then take train. the hospital is only 10-15mins drive from our place

the dr ask me to stay active leh... she said its ok to swim as long water bag not leaking or burst. and finally today had an ultrasound here! bb's head is engaged, 1cm dilated and is ard 2.8kgs. she estimates would be anyday within a week... we'll see
don't worry, i'm still here
and slept very well... more than 12 hours :p

will drop a note b4 i leave for the hospital!
St Nicholas is a good school. Tot you mentioned before it's a distance from your place. Do you intend to move house?

I'm sure I will enjoy another boy, but it will be more excited to have a girl loh.

Your cakes looks yummy

Jay's cough is back again...two weeks after his recovery. GP said no need for medi since he has inherited my sensitive nose while PD said it could be mild asthma. Dont know who to believe. Will be bringing him to EYS doctor later.

Pls take care
Hello Gisele

I think from SK to AMK is quite OK? Moving house - maybe when both are in pri sch?

My girls, esp Dorcas, has sensitive nose like mine. Both have sensitive airways. So they are prone to getting cough -actually, more like the backdripping of mucus from the nose that triggers the cough. But usu, medication from the GP and the abstaining from certain foods do help to get them to recover faster. I hope Jay gets well soon!
Hi Pink
What medi did your GP subscribe? Jay was given nasal spray and Zytrec but once he stopped. The cough comes back

We'll be going for Cruise in early Nov. Wonder can he swim when he is still coughing? Again some PD said OK but some said NO.
hi Gisele,
For Ryan will not let him swim if he has any cough/runny nose as it may worsen his condition depending on the pool water temperature etc etc.
After taking EYS medication his phelgm is much lesser but will take some time before the cough fully goes away.
Enjoy your cruise. I haven't been on one for ages

Today tried my hand at Fondant cake.will post cake pic on the blog later

Aim- make a 3D either bed or Guy related item for Hb's b'day..so practicing now
I really 'pei fu' you. Taking care of 2 kids alone and still have the energy to bake cakes
Must post the 3D cakes to show us ya.

I only know how to use the ready premix cake. The betty crocker blueberry muffin is pretty good. Did you bake the cake from scratch?

Jay refused to take the EYS powdered medicine. So brought him to see GP today and he said the same thing as PD. Will continue to give him medi for 1 month and if didnt work, Jay would have to be treated for mild asthma

Surprisingly his cough stopped today after 2 doses of english medi only. But I know it would come back when I stopped the medi again. Headache!

Hi mummies,
today Ryan went for his trial lesson for inline skating. He is very excited about it and is able to walk quite confidently in his skates. will upload pic to blog later.

I make the cake from scratch..not premix. Used to use premix when I first started baking 2 mths ago
