(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Anyone can order via the Scholastic Bookclub? We've just left the cc and am seeing if I can tonpang anyone on this. tx.


You may be interested to know about the following Toys Universe “Meet and Greet” events at Takashimaya Square.

Ironman Meet & Greet
From now until (Thursday) 5 June 2008
Show Time: 2:30pm and 5:30pm

Winx Club Meet & Greet
From (Monday) 2 June to (Sunday) 8 June 2008
Show Time: 1pm, 4pm and 7pm

These famous comic book and cartoon characters will perform dances and songs where children are invited to participate. It will end with a free photo session where children and get up close and personal with their favourite superstars! Remember to bring along your camera!

You may bring your children or little nieces and nephews along as entrance is free. Entrance is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

For further details, please visit http://www.takashimaya-sin.com/events.html and check out Takashimaya events at Talking Hall (Basement 1) and Takashimaya Square (Basement 2).
Alcovelet, my dd is 5 this year. I guess MPM works for some children, showing improvements. Similarly for kumon, it works for some children too. It really depends.
Since my kid knows most maths concept required, I dun think there will be that much improvement if attended. Wonder if there's more challenging classes around, you know??
Dear Ladies

Will be missing in action as we are packing, sourcing for accommodation etc before our relocating in July. Probably will be here after we are more settle down.

Moshi, Perwinkle and Sherlyn, we too enjoyed ourselves that day. Nice meeting you, moshi and perwinkle.
Hey Pris!

I need your packing advice.. before I even embark on this huge task, you're relocating twice! You're definitely an expert here.
When I think of the move, my blood pressure will shoot up, my head will start throbbing, my breath becomes shorter and I can feel my house spinning!

Wonder if I could have some little elves for the next 6 months, who will work as my mind instruct and while my kids and I are fast asleep at night!

Bet you're all excited moving away from the hot tropic climate.
Hi sherlyn, the kids go for weekend art classes at the nafa campus at middle road, not the nafa kindy at east coast. Way too far, no way!

oops, my kids are trying to catch up with jmc. Playing with both hands are tough and they don't practice enough at home. sigh..
Hi moo, my gal just started abacus too at the cc, for third lesson. korkor started last year and learning multiplication now. yah, it's more the mental part which helps in speed calculation.
Hi Jan,

art lessons with nafa, how nice. Too bad my boy not into art.

keyboard practice not enough ? same here lah. he just like to listen to the pre recorded music inside. hahaha

hv a nice weekend.
Hi Ky, how is the farm visit coming along? Do u have the requisite numbers yet?

Hi Joyful, sorry I've been coming to this thread infrequently. No, don't know any interesting classes. But I'm the last to ask, to be honest. My son dislikes them, so we don't have group classes except aikido. He dislikes that intensely too, but it's my stand against lack of discipline :).
Hi KY!, I've been told yesterday that Bel's term break has been changed to 22nd June instead of 28th. It was a last minute change by the school and I'm quite upset because I have made plans for the break. It seems that I may have problem with the farm tour. I'll talk to the school tomorrow and update you. I'm hoping to be able to go for the farm tour and get a replacement class. Will see how's my discussion with the school tomorrow.
K's mum, busy with sourcing for apartment, school and courses for Kai in Sydney.

You can actually start doing some packing now, find out how much the company is shipping back for you and then you do your packing for items that you hardly used now.

For us, we have friends who came back for break helping us bringing back some stuff as early as 6 months since they do not bring much things back but shop in Singapore so they have volunteer to bring back things for us.

We do garage sale for furniture, applicanes and give away alot of books(Kai outgrown) and also alot of toys, bicycles etc.

We did not ship back alot just a couple of boxes since shipping is super expensive.

In fact, now I am busy with homeschooling, packing and also my PV. Going for medical checkup and once we get the visa, we will be getting airticket and ready to go. We have a list of area where we are planning to look at the apartments there and also we do a draft of all the furniture, electric appliances, etc we need in Sydney and have found the places to get them before we go.

Not really an expert even though I have relocated twice and this is the third time. In fact, we can see that Kai is missing his friends in Canada & Japan, those from his school, his playgroup which we used to attended and church friends. He has been telling dh that please do not relocate again after Sydney, return to Singapore for good.
Hi Alcovelet ... still looking for the numbers. Just got a few replies on their keenness, but knowing how things are, people may not turn up even if they say they will, so will be good to get more than 20pax in. I shall see how also as hubby could be travelling at the end of the month ... am reading postings but not much time to write.

Hi periwinkle, no prob, just that I would prob not move forward the date to the weekend before coz timing just too tight.

hi jan!

yep, the shoemaker and the elves... that's my wish!
sadly, we'll be coming back soon... sob!
hope to stay here longer now that the children are less home-bound.

hi pris!
we've got a whole container load back to ship. so i don't worry much about the bulky items... I'm worried about the little ones... and to decide to keep or throw stuff is major headache for me, since i like collecting junk... think it's a sign of old age, haha!
hi KY! Bel's term break is confirm revised. Will not be able to make it for the farm tour.

Sorry for the inconveniences. I was looking forward to it
Hi periwinkle ... no choice then. Is that ballet she's on?

Hi alcovelet, I've got the numbers already ... got a few old frens that are coming with their families ... see ya then!

K's mum, for items you will be using pack them if not then do a garage sale or give away.

Just found out that for this relocating, we will be reimbursed.

I hardly have time to come in here since being very busy, meeting up with some friends, packing, sourcing for info etc.

KY, hope all of you have fun, we enjoyed ourselves at the farm some weeks back with another farm.
Hi mummies!

My eldest son was born in August 24 2003. Keen to know more mummies here with kids the same age so we can know more on each other's kids progress.

Would like to know whose kids can read well and write well?? Cos my son can write, not very well though, but he can't read. Is there any ways that i can help him improve his reading skill?? Pls share
hi isabella

you know the game Boggle Junior, it's quite good to learn to spell with. my gal liked to take each card and write the words down on a notebook.
think the best way to learn to read is do more reading. seeing the words repeatedly helps. or try learning by phonics.
Hi Isabella, welcome!

My son, Oct'03 handwriting is very big and slanted in all directions. Noted he picked up some words after I sent him to a neighbourhood phonics. 1hr/sessios/wk. 4wks @ $30.

I'm trying to encourage him to read. Found a way to motivate him after some google. Gave him a star after he read a book. He needs to collect 20 stars from me. Told him that he can choose his reward within our agreement. eg favorite ice-cream or buy a toy or buy a pen of his own. Now he is into his 3rd stars. Noted he will pick up a book on his own after his 2nd star.
Hi moo87,
A can write quite well but tends to take easy way out on strokes. His recent mid year reviews from teachers is he is lack of logical thinking skills and problem solving skills. We are thinking of games to help him to improve. Upfront, I thot of Rush Hour Car and Sudoku..and anymore games anyone can recommend ?
Hi Isabella

Some phonics books from Sunshine Series are very good to reinforce learning of phonics. My boy can read some simple books as he has been doing GD methods and now I am working on him with phonics as I read somewhere that beside sightword, the child needs to master phonics so that they will not have a mental blocks in reading later on. So working hard with him on phonics.

Hi Moo

Kai could write but he loves to write really big. He is not very good with chinese character though.

I am trying to do all my packing.
Hi Pris!

Really admire your diligence in packing and watch me procrastinate until the eleventh hour!
Besides, I really would like to enjoy the good weather now and my less than 6 months left here than to be thinking about packing all the time or doing the packing instead of say, picking strawberries now.
Hi Apricot,

Remember the 小天才 set we've bought? The miniluk series are also good for the logical. Reminded myself that I must make full use of them..

Hi Pris,

V is also not good with Chinese character. Btw, he is asking for a pen to write. Been thinking to myself, should I motivate him to practise his Chinese or Alpa characters with pen... And do take a break from packing..

Hi K's moms, give yourself a break.. Pack more strawberries. They are wonderful especially fresh and ripe. so sweet and good for ladies with antioxidant.
Priscillia neo & Moo87 & joyful2

Thanks for the recommendations. As for the sunshine Series & the Boggle Junior, where can i get them?
Hi Moo87

Have been taking break to meet up with friends and also bringing Kai around Singapore.

Hi K's mum

In fact, we did not spend too much time in packing except on Kai's stuff which we got him to decide what he wanted to give away and what he wanted to bring back.

Go out and enjoy the good weather and have fun!!

Hi Isabella

Sunshine Series can get from EdVenture Books Pte Ltd and Boggle Junior from any major departmental store, Popular bookstore.

I used them to supplement the daily phonics reading lesson we have. So far, it is very good and Kai was could read Peter and Jane up to book 3b, going into book 3c for exercise. He also suprised me by reading some of the other Sunshine series under friends and also able to read out the title of books in the library while we were browsing and picking out books.
Pris, the day you leave for Lucky country let me know, will miss you. Have fun moving!!

Hi mummies!Had been busy for the past 2 weeks getting ready to go back to my studies. My course will be starting next week and won't pop in as often. If there are mails or questions that I missed out just sms me. I won't have time to back track the thread.
hi hi ...

last call, anyone keen to join us for the hydroponic farm tour pm me; I've got enough to have a guided tour anyway. Am reading forum but am too busy to post.


Hi Ky, i've wanted to join in but its a clash with Z's keyboard class.

Hi Moshi & Densar, where hv u been? Its been a long time since I've hear from u?
moo87, if you come in here again, please help me with the address for the food product at Boon Lay industrial, getting them for a gathering. My brother cannot recall the address

1) Cod fish / Salmon / Fillet
2) Yogurts
3) Frozen seafood

Thank you. You can pm me.
Hi mummies! I wanted to try make some soon kueh and it been yonks since I make anything. So over the weekend, I make 39pieces of it. Can you believe it? I receive quite good reviews and I shamelessly thinks it taste scrumptious too. Unfortunately my hubby and Bel doesn't soon kueh. Can you imagine what was I to do with 39 pieces of soon kueh? Anyway here goes.... Ta Da!!
Hi Mummies @ West,

You may try QB Food Trading @ 8 Chin Bee Crescent S619893 Tel:62616120.

I usually get Johnsonville sausage at lower price as compared with Cold Storage.
hi mummies

just curious, do you know where to buy the CD that contains the school test papers? read about it in the newspaper some time ago.
oooh, school test papers... sounds scary.

HI serenade and alcovelet!
Pretty quiet from you two these days? No blog updates too

Hi sarah, lena!
No news from you ladies too. Everything's fine?

have you been to Provence before? Any recommendations? Have you visited Pont du Gard? Read about the old Roman city in Nimes. Wondering if Nimes and Avignon would be fun for both adults and kids. Plus it's my last chance to visit a lavender field.
Hi Cindy, Just happened to check in on the forum ahead of the farm outing on Saturday when I spotted this. The forum's been rather quiet, huh?

About my blog - yah lah! Sure I want to update it but I realize, if I don't write about my son, I don't have much to say, gulp. What happened to my life??? Anyway, he becomes a whinging, unhappy mess when I post about him. Notice there aren't any pics of him or his stuff? Those, he can spot a mile away. Sometimes I feel like he's going through puberty now, but at age 5.

Periwinkle, wow! I just had din, but can always make room for that!
Hi! Mummies, Just wondering, have ur kids' school started them on spelling test yet? If yes, would like to know hw many words? And hw long sre the words?? Thank you!

Priscillia Neo
I've take a look at the books from Sunshine Series in the internet yesterday. But it seems like the book are quite costly.. Gotta consider.. Tight Budget.. =(

I'm looking for the following Kites books :

1. Take a Ride
2. Full of Air
3. The Storm

The vendor is only willing to sell a set of 10 books but I've got some and am looking for the above 3. If you've any to sell or lend me, it'll be greatly appreciated!

Hi Isabella

Mine just started a new school and he came back with 2 spelling list, one english and one chinese on day 1. 3 words per week per lang ... related to the theme that he's doing.

For the Sunshine series, look at the 2nd-hand shops in Bras Basah ... a fraction of the price there. I've got more of my reading series there rather than the original vendor ... hm, maybe I should go dig for the Kites books there.


Thanks for the advice. Would like to know the name of the shop.. Not familier with Bras Basah.. Can u advice me on the exact location as well?? Sorry for the trouble.. Thank you!
k's mom

ya, scary ... but jus wondering if it's good to keep to understand what's the standard of school like now? looks so much tougher than our time. there's no clear curriculum on what's taught at kindergarten leh ... different school teach different things. so dunno adequate or not ... sigh ...
Isabella, you can look for them in 2nd hand bookstore, for sunshine books, I am more fortunate as they are been passed down from dh's ex-colleague and some from friends. Think from 2nd hand bookstore it is like $1.90 per copy.

KY, it is scary right, the reality of Singapore System. In fact, I know that at K2, they will have full sentence spelling and then the need to write composition (short story).

Just to let all of you know that I will be relocating in the 4th week of July.
Hi Mummies with Kids @ PCF,

Have you attended any meet-the-parent session for K1? We received a note from pcf yesterday informing the session is on 27thJun. Wonder what is expected. Any stuff to share?

And the first thing I'm going to ask is what is the curriculum, aside of the handwriting handouts.
Hi Pris,

Thanks for sharing, I'm going to check out the books at Bras Basah. We've been to Borders and picked up some books Learn to read level 1. Signed up for the discount card. I cant seem to pick up books at Popular. Think it's layout is messy.

Hi Moo,
We had it on the last day of school in May. It's the usual sharing of how your child is doing in school.

The PFC that C is attending is going to collaborate with the syllabus from NTUC childcare next yr. Not sure if it's good move though.
