(2002) Any 2002 babies?

hi mummy,

I read the thread you gals posted. It scares me leh. You gals started to do lots of preparation for your prince and princess and me, still struggling what to do? I hv a princess born in Jan 02, we stay in Jurong West area. Any recommendation for kindergarten near the area? she is now with PCF/PAP but academic progress very slow....

my boy in PAP kindergarten too.
i find it quite good leh. they been to eco-farm,
they do worksheets, no homework, and when i ask my boy what they do in school he say mostly do interactive group playing (table toys, floor toys) and have computer lessons once a week.

not good meh?
i dunno how to appreciate such plays, so didn't bring my boy to go watch.
i might be shifting from West Singapore to the East next year, so not able to do any parent volunteering for the Pri 1 intake. i do have some schools in mind for both locations....
My son is jun2003 born, Do I need to search for primary school and think for volunteer work now or will it be too early? I have no idea about the good schools here I stay in CCK and my Son is going to Bukit Batok Grace House. Can anyone get me suggestion on this.
maybe each PAP has different way of teaching? my girl's PAP has a lot of homework. she does a set in class and another set at home. sometimes she will bring 3 homework (for each subject) home in a day. not very creative in their teaching leh. she even watched the same cartoon every week during TV time, not educational dvd, gosh !
your boy's P1 intake is in 2010, so if you want to do volunteer work, you will need to apply next year before jun. 2002 babies going P1 in 2009, so need to start to do volunteer work by this jun.
ya...the centre manageress said they are not into giving too much homework and that they teach thru theme play and discussion. no spelling and ting xie also.
if u have 2 or 3 gals, would u prefer that they go 2 gals' sch? tink de gals' sch teach certain values which are really gd.

which schs r u lookin at?
i think if i have 2-3 girls, i will still go to mix school, then secondary school then go to girls school. else if they go girls primary school then go girls sec school, then they may have problem behaving in front of guys given that they don't have male siblings too.

if i am still residing at the West, i will try St Anthony or Bukit Panjang Pri. if i am going to shift to East, i will try Changkat Pri or Chong Zheng Pri.

jh, how about you?
there is a St Anthony in the East too, St Anthony doesn't need to ballot if within 1 km. but not near enough for me, my girls will need to take school bus

I don't mind girls school, in future can go all girls secondary school. as to mixing with boys, there are enrichment classes

just to share with all mommies the link for P1 registration
i dunno about st anthony whether have ca1 and 2, but i like their range of ccas which i think suits my boy.

st anthony in the east is not in tampines...i am looking at within tampines.
oic...i am ok with whether it have ca or not...i'm more concern with the cca choices cos i want my boy to be able to choose to do what he likes.
It seems many schools has CA1 & 2. It comprises of 10% each towards 100%. If there are CA on top of topical tests (for 3-4 subjects) and weekly 2 spellings, it is EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. If only one child, okay. If have 2 children, cannot cope unless elder child has the discipline & know how to study for exams.
my elder boy is borned in 2002, my younger boy is borned in 2006....so i not so siong.

CAs are....quarterly test???
CA1 in Feb (ie after CNY), CA2 in Aug.
SA1 in Beg May, SA2 in End Oct

You would know the workload when your younger child goes to P1.

PS. My daughter's school does not have CA1 & CA2. We already feel stressed.
Not reflected in MOE website. You have got to check the individual school's calendar, which is published on their web.
Hi mommies,
I am new to this thread, my elder daughter is born in April 2002, and I also have a younger daughter just born in Dec 06. Seems like a lot of us here have 02 and 06 kids, keke.

Had also been looking around for primary schools the past few months, very stressed, I must admit! However, we recently shifted to a place within 1km of a school - MGS, so I think I will enroll my 2 girls there. Anyone with feedback on MGS??
Relaxed pace. MGS has affiation to secondary school, unless Raffles.

I depends on you & your child. I was from Raffles, so my girl got into Raffles without hassle but she is not up to the school standard. It is very stressful for me. For my girl's character, she is more suitable for relaxed pace, like MGS.
MGS is it the one at Geylang ? If yes I have a fren working as teacher there. Need me to get more info for you.

Ha ha for me I from Nanyang, looking at my lazy gal, i think she oso cannot make it at Nanyang. Will let her try out a year or 2 to see how first. Maybe she will learn to be more Kiasu.

By the way, Carol , you enrol your son to Chinese class ? I got a native chinese teaching chinese at my house every sat 1 pm for a group of 2002/01 . You want to join ?
i was fr MGS but not the pri school (you r referring to the one at Blackmore dr right?).
i think MGS provides a wholesome well rounded education. Focuses a lot on good christian morales. I enjoyed my stay there.
Linette / Tinklebell
I am referring to the one near King Albert Park.

I didn't know there is MGS at Geylang. My daughter's P1 classmate, top in class, switched to MGS after P1. We were wondering why. Maybe due to affiation and due to P2 afternoon class (my girl P2 onwards morning session all the way).

Why do you have Chinese teaching at home? I am thinking only next year (ie K2). I haven't started drawing for my son. Very busy with my girl's school work.
Maybe I mixed up with Geylang Methodist.

I have to be in another AP forum, one mummy was asking to form a group for a native chinese to come to home for teaching. So I thot it might be good to have a headstart to encourage that interest in Chinese as my gal is now only expose to English classes.
chicken litte,
where do u stay? how much is she chargin 2 teach chinese?

tink there's another mgs at lorong ah soo

She will start off with a poem. Then she will teach to recognise the chinese words in the poem. Next it will be singing with actions. Then worksheets. 1.5 hours. The next lesson will start with revision of last week's poem.
hi 2002 mommies,

can i join in?
i hv a mar'02 gal.
staying at bukit batok.

she is now k1 at jurong calvary kindergarten. most likely will enroll her at st. anthony pri sch coz her sister is p4 gal there.
Hi Mamajay and Jas3angels

Good for you Jas3angels
St anthony is quite difficult to get in. My niece has to go Lian Hua.

By the way, Jas3angels I am staying at CCK, you interested to let your gal take chinese class ? Currently I have a Chinese class held at my house at CCK by a native Chinese every sat 1 pm. If you want more details can pm me
hi chicken little,

heard fm another mummy who is a teacher said St Anthony std drop loh...she said ard our area Lian Hua is the best leh.

wanted my gal to take chinese but prob is sat is fill up with 2 tuition liao. scare too stress for her.
Aiyo Jas3

You make me scare scare. What tuition are you giving your K1 gal ?

Realli St Anthony dropped ah ? Like De La Selle in CCK lor. I stay just beside the school but I think the intake too siong to get in so I will enrol in Nanyang

you heard fm another mummy who is a teacher said ard our area Lian Hua is the best leh? maybe she is a teacher at lian hua? :p

lian hua quite near my place too
chicken little,

she is in Kumon and the RC near our house for Phonics.

hi fz

haha...no leh, she used to be a teacher in St Anthony. she said last time she and others teachers would sit ard to survey which sch is the best ard our area. i was also surprise when she said Lian Hua the best. :p think she is now teaching JC.
just started abt a mth ago only. start fm the lowest level lor. i let her try english 1st.

so far quite good...now she can read even without looking at the picture. this week her teacher give her new worksheets liao
everynite i will let her read to me from the 1st worksheet b4 doing the daily worksheet. :p kiasu hor. scare she forget leh.
she can already read before starting on kumon?
she's doing 7A English?
Kumon also has phonics at level 5A

my girl with Kumon since 2 years 11 month
hehe, same here. I also checked her homework after she completes it, make her do correction
no lah...she cannot read b4 starting kumon.
maybe i oso too lazy to teach her when she was young lor. ya, she is doing 7A english. after 1st 2 lessons when e teacher went thru' with her the worksheets but realised she can only read when looking at e picture. then e teacher wants me to let her listen to e CD and refer to the book without picture lor.
Recruiting students to join our group lesson.

Currently I have a native Chinese who comes to my place at CCK to conduct Chinese lesson. We need 6-7 students, currently we have 4. Please pm me if you are interested. Lesson is every Sat 1-2.30, $20 per lesson.
Hi Carol,

Do you think there is any chance of getting into Nan Hua? I doubt so. Cos i live in Bukit Panjang and tried writing to them to volunteer but got rejected. My girl also born in 2002 Oct. sigh.... Unless there is other ways??? I also called to ask if they accept donation in kind and the answer is also no.
