(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Only 6 kids got into GEP in dd's school. Surprisingly mostly girls leh. Confirmed 4 names so far, all girls. Not sure who are the other 2, boy or girl.


PM you
Just picked my DS from sch. He surprsied us with the offered letter for GEP as he didn't do well in SA1&SA2. The GEP 2nd round selection he was there to try out for we didn't send him for any tuition of class unlike his classmates.

April, can share with me ur DD sch info? PM me also can. Thanks

YawnYawn & Avrilf, congrats on ur kids into GEP program too.
congrats yawnyawn and justjazz.
my boy did not get through. :p 2 boys in his sch went through and we already expected it to be them 2.
one is very good in math and the other in English.

Congrats to the high marks in maths re-test. I'm also worried abt my son's sci, I feel that it is very important when it comes to upper primary, unlike languages, where it is 200 marks (thus can be divided by 2), maths and sci are 100 marks each so every single mark counts.
PM u already. Hope I got my setting in my account right?

Congrats that ur son score higher in math retest.
Avrilf/April/Jazz - congrats to yr kids for getting into GEP!! My cousin was in GEP and then get into NUS High via DSA..she is quite strong in her English and Maths. Heard from her, that it is very competitive at NUS High but she seems to deal quite well.

Geri - welcome onboard!! U are staying around TPY area?

Compo - I also never get to see the compo paper since P1..only knows the grades. Last year, I specifically requested to see, and they only allowed me to view it during PTM.

PTM - talking abt PTM, tomorrow I will be attending. I had attended PTM since P1 for my 2 gals..I think it is important to talk to the teachers as my gals behaved very differently in school. Also, a chance for me to KPO their classrooms..some of their work pieces will be displayed in school and I dun get to see them at home as well.
Congrats JustJazz and Yawn Yawn,
Will I be expecting more to join my girl in the same school just that she is not in GEP : P

Great that he scored better for maths.
Congrats Justjazz and Yawnyawn

Chicken Little: Ur gal's school is too far for me. Plus I heard it is very stressful. Thus I will be choosing 1 near to home.
Avril - I thought yr boy is already studying in a GEP school - the boy's sch @Bishan?

My gal told me only 1 gal in her class got into GEP..she was top 2 students in the cohort. But she decides not to change sch.

Just curious, any mummies here gave yr kids extra coaching/preparation for GEP? If yes, what kinda preparation work?
thanks, mummies. So far no news on any GEP for my ds sch yet. I was joking with him, maybe none get in therefore the sch has been quiet about it. :p
regarding GEP i do hear that there are some training outside to prepare a child. One of my colleague sent his boy who is P2 this year to such training. i was
Because i personally feel that if you trained to go into GEP then seems like it defit the MOE's purpose of having GEP leh. I even came across 1 website yesterday, set up by this ex-GEP teacher. He gives coaching for such training for P1/P2 kids and says that 100% of his students went through round 1 and abt 90% of that clear round 2. Afterwhich also provide coaching for GEP students. wow no cheap loh for GEP tuition.

Hi Geri, forgot to welcome you earlier.
Congratulations to all kids and mummies who got into GEP.

I did not let my son take the test , but I am as excited as all the mummies here.

Finally, exams are over and school holidays are round the corner.

TO all mummies,
any plans for the school holidays?

Does anyone recommend any good books for a 9 year old kid?
yen ling,
for boys, you can try Series of Unfortunate Events. it is a series of 13 books. my boy has finished the 10th book and he enjoys reading them.

he also likes the Spiderwicks chronicles.

i am starting him on Artemis Fowl this dec. so far, he has not reach the stage of 'cannot put down' type, unlike the Unfortunate Events series.

any one has other series of books to recommend? he is not into dungeons and dragons type, so no interest in harry potter....
Books - my p3 gal is not an avid reader, I gotta push her to finish a book. So far, she likes Charmseeker series, horrid Henry n the Amos Lee titles (local author). I also get her to read books on pre-teen behavioral book on issues such as inferior complexity, peer pressures etc. My younger gal likes reading n now she is hooked to boxcar children series.
Books - my p3 gal is not an avid reader, I gotta push her to finish a book. So far, she likes Charmseeker series, horrid Henry n the Amos Lee titles (local author). I also get her to read books on pre-teen behavioral book on issues such as inferior complexity, peer pressures etc. My younger gal likes reading n now she is hooked to boxcar children series.
yen ling, fz

try '39 clues'. it's a series of books by different authors. still on-going, now published till book 11.
GEP tuition - I think it is okay to hv GEP tuition for P4 onwards, that is after getting into GEP class. But not at P1-P3 level. Like what natellehcim has mentioned, if need to groom GEP at P1-P3 level..it really defeats the purpose of MOE's GEP liao. And if yr child happens to be late bloomer..there is another round of GEP towards the end of upper primary right?

BTW - popclub mag is out..so can go down and get the 20% voucher to stock up stationery/books for next year!!
yawn yawn...
but this series very difficult to locate in the library! haha..
will try to book the first book to let my boy try. :D

for late bloomer, i think the next round of 'gep' is in secondary sch via PSLE results ba.
Chicken Little, your gal sch too competitive environment I heard, my DS cannot cope with that I think. He is more of those relax, happy lucky going type.

bebe75, nope we didn't prepare him at all..$$ is 1 thing plus too stressful i think for the kid. My DS go for the 2nd round of test with minimum expectation and we were surprised he make it. His grades are far behind than his peers who are in the 90s, hence not that strong in english and math also as compared to his classmates.

YenLing, just curious how come u didn't let ur boy try the GEP test?

Fz, my DS reads Hardy Boy series and loves it alot.

maybe your ds did very well in GA? 1 of dd's classmates is very strong in maths, always scored highest since P1. But he didn't clear round 2 so we were guessing must be due to GA

I managed to borrow first 10 in the series from library. Not in sequence though, borrowed whatever I could find. So jump around the series. My dd complained about the mixed up sequence but she still read lah, haha!
Bebe75: No he isnt in GEP school. He is studying in AMK neighbourhood sch.My son said his classmate heard his school has 5 students offered GEP. Not sure which class is the 5th student from. He has decided which school he wants to go. He chose based on the CCA *faint*

I did not prepare him for the GEP exam plus busy preparing him for sch exam. Was surprised he got in as he could not finish his Math papers.My hubby suspects mb he scored well in English and 2 General Ability papers.

The next round should be PSLE I think.
Wondering what GA is all about.. asked my DS before he said dunno also..just guess lor. Then proudly claims that his guess is very good that's what got offered. *faint*
my ds remain the same position as last term..5th in place...this is what he told me over the phone. I have not seen his report book yet.
Your son must do very well in GA. I think GA1 & GA2 hv more weightage than eng n Maths. Had seem many cases where top students from top schs didn't got into gep. I remember when one of my dd's P3 school mate was selected, everybody including teachers were surprised. This boy went to the same gep school as my dd. Although he didn't get fantastic results, he is really a computer genius. He changed the password from the school system and the computer teacher didnt even hv any idea how to recover it, the teacher commented that he should enrol in the uni computer course. I find out from the boy's mother that he is only interested in studying computer related books which his father studys.     

I hv PM you, pls check your email.
My ds just told me that he will be transferred to another class. I dunno if this is good or bad. Meaning that it will be more competitive next year?
Hi JustJazz,
Reason why I did not let my son take the GEP
1)He said he don't want to do it.
2)I don't want to add stress to him.
3)If he is really selected(chances are slim), chances are we will give up the offer.

Congrats for yous ds good results. Changing class is good as I always think the school will focus mainly on the top classes. That means your ds will get to learn more in school. You need out outsource.

fz, bebe75, yawnyawn,
Thank you for all your recommendations. I will ask my son to read up those books.
FZ - I thought there will be another round of selection at P6..nope?

BP - agree with April..it is not easy to maintain std..esp in P3, where it is a big jump from P1/P2..so yr boy did a good job

Changing to a competitive class has its pro, kids can spur each other to do better and improve..of course must educate them to have the right mindset..not to be too overly concerned of outbeating each other all the time..

My gal just realise that her maths result is just 3 marks away from the top gal in her class..and now she is very motivated to her maths assessment..I hope that momentum can continue till next yr when she goes P4..dunwan to burn her out too early..
changing to a competitive class has its benefits. my boy was streamed end of last year. academic aside, this year, he learned a lot of stuff (outside academic) from peers who are much smarter than him just by standing around to listen to their conversation (stuff he does not understand, he came home to ask his dad). what books that others read, he also asked me to borrow for him to try. one boy (GEP next yr) even taught him stuff outside academic and offered to loan him books! haha...

but also have mean classmates who jeer those who slipped in results, could not finish papers etc.

congrats on your girl's good performance!
My dd slides 4 positions down from previous year. Every year been sliding down.

Blame it on her Chinese result. But can't be helped leh, that potato girl. Maybe I should send her for tuition. Higher Chinese is really tough, some words she said never seen before
report book out tomorrow, but already know that my ds manage to maintain his class position and moves up 1 position in cohort this year. heehee... compare to SA1, i believe he maintained his EL and CL, but dropped in his Math and his overall marks got pulled up by his science paper.

agree that higher chinese is tough. although my boy does not do higher chinese in sch, he does it in his chinese enrichment class and some of the words i never seen before too! haha...
Chuayl, i c.

Today my DS is collecting his report book. Keeping fingers cross.. hope it does not drop too much as compared to last year esp in his languages which is in the low 80s in SA1.

All the best to the other kids who are collecting their report book.
Just collected DS report book. Overall, improved by 3%.

He is third in class. Will be attending Prize Presentation Ceremony this Friday.

Not sure whether to be happy or not. Mixed feelings... cos he is in the fourth class. If compared to his cohort, his results is just average.
Hope that he can work harder next year.
Mummytiffany, congrats ur DS improved by 3%. Mine is opposite dropped by 4%. sigh... Overall in standard also dropped too.

Natellehcim, ya beginning of sch holiday. But hor I am still waking up at 6am in the morning even without setting alarm clock. Urgh...

need to keep math and english textbooks and those paper work? I know need to keep science and chinese textbook is for my ABC son.

To all parents and kids...have an enjoyable 2011 year end sch holiday!
JustJazz: I did not keep most of the text books. I only kept Science textbooks.

Now trying to ask my son to finish all the P3 assessment books as a revision.

Hubby asked me not to buy so many for P4. Only 1 book per subject.*faint* I managed to bargain for 2 books per subject
JustJazz - I only keep the science textbooks/notes/worksheet/test papers..the rest I just throw them away..can't afford to keep for all the subjects..no room for storage..

Avrilf - I am also getting my kids to finish up the assessment as revision during holiday

Assessment books
Bought a few more assessment books using the 20% popular discount voucher - mainly on Science guides and assessments..reckon that they will not be wasted as the topics will be tested for PSLE. For English and Chinese, I got one assessment for each subject, but none for Maths as I intend to use the tuition center materials. Nonetheless, I hv to monitor her progress and see if I need to invest in other maths assessment books or not..

Jolene - I heard good recommendation for Just Education..but no personal experience. My gal is taking English tuition at Mind stretcher..in my opinion, standard is high for my gal..but so far, my gal has improved a bit in her writing..so I just let her continue.
I am now thinking of withdrawing the tuition classes for my kids. Find that it is very time consuming to send them there and fetch them after lesson.

Sometimes, due to work, I need to ask them to skip lessons.
for me, if i find that it is a chore to bring the kids for classes, it'll mean that i feel that the classes are not effective or good enough for us to make the effort to attend.

Yen ling

I felt more relieved sending them for tuition classes. I can't get them to sit down to study at all this entire school holiday. The 2 hours at tuition is far more fruitful than the 2 hours at home idling. Just the nagging already drove me up the wall. I told my kids I want to run away from home someday!
