(2002) Any 2002 babies?

i can already feel the P3 stress.....with the added subject, bigger class size and possibly wanting my boy to sign up for CCA, that means 2 afternoons a week gone. left 3 weekdays afternoons a week, to divide between 4 subjects. weekends usually for enrichment, family outings and grandparents visitations.
don't dare to think beyond P3....must come in here often to destress...:p
Hi mummies,

I also went to book fest today.

Bought some of those recommended english n maths assessment books by Young parents. Can't decide what to get for science and chinese. Had wanted to get the daily intensive chinese by Caiyunfei but still in the end, did not as it is really intensive. Maybe will get those with weekly exercise for each textbk chapter.
can share what are the recommended eng and math assessment books by Young parents? i don't think i can go to bookfest, so i probably use my 20% vouchers to get the remaining outstanding assessment books.
Hi fz,

The list was shared by jh in this thread on 2 Dec.

I have pasted it here for easy reference.

Assessment Books picked by parents & tuition teachers, from Dec's issue of Young Parents :

Primary 3 Challenging English 4-in-1 (by M. Rani, EPH, $6.40)
Primary 3 Complete Practice Book For Grammar, Vocabulary And Comprehension (by Saira Yusof, EPH, $8.90)

Primary 3 Complete Step-by-Step Maths (by Simon Eio, EPH, $8.05)
Primary 3 Andrew Er's Maths Companion (by Andrew Er, EPH, $8.05)

Primary 3 A/B Chinese Daily Intensive Practice (by Cai Yun Fei, EPH, $12.95)
Primary 3 Creative Chinese Writing (by Ni Si Jin, Greenleaf Publications, $7.50)

Primary 3/4 Science Process Skills Lower (S'pore Asian Publications, $16.90)
My Pals Are Here! - Science Booster Volume A (Marshall Cavendish, $32)
For science, I have bought 2 box sets, Janet Sim and Renee Chong. The school is already using I-science worksheets. Initially wanted to buy My Pals are here - Science Booster Volume. But in the end, only got the Ultimate Science Guide. Like Yawn yawn say, maybe buy 1 guide book first, in case of change in syllabus or there could be new guide book being released. I like Renee Chong and Janet Sim box set because before each exercise, there's a summarised review of the topic so it's good for exam. My $100 (exclude textbooks) spent is only for my DD at P3.
Maisy Daisy,
is it worth to buy Renee Chong after getting Janet Sim? cos both seem similar...in the sense that both are box sets.
I read through the display sets briefly. They are just assessment books but presented in a box set. Each topic will be in one book e.g. Interaction, Diversity, instead of all in one assessment book. I think it will be easier to revise. The questions will be different since it's different authors. I couldn't decide which to buy so bought both loh.
Wow...Maisy Daisy, you are really prepared for the Pri 3 battle.

I cant find Primary 3 Creative Chinese Writing (by Ni Si Jin, Greenleaf Publications, $7.50) @ Popular. Maybe I will try to see if there is any at Bookfest. But is it really worth buying?

With only 19 days to go before school reopens, I am still very slack. Need more self motivation to start the engine.
Wow mummies, all of you seems prepared for next year already. By the way, any idea does the school opens on 3rd of 4th January 2011? My dd have been enjoying herself since holiday started and recently addicted to playing monopoly. I have not bought any assessment books and guide books... i guess i am also on holiday..hee..hee.. have been watching korean dramas... Felt so guilty after reading this thread.
Only the mummy is prepared (with all the books on the shelf). But the kids not prepared. All the books are still untouched. Haha. Does the Creative Chinese Writing by Ni Si Jin, includes Oral? I bought 1 book (P3/P4) not sure is it the same one. Cos the ones on my shelf are all P1/2. The reason for buying all now is because of the Popular 20% voucher. Then hopefully can last through 2011.
School starts on 4 jan 2011 coz new yr day falls on saturday. So 1 extra day off for teachers.

Maisy daisy, Avrilf,
I fully agree with you that only mummies are prepared for p3. The kids, still fully enjoying their holidays.

I bought chinese daily assessment 3b fm compass pt popular today. Not many copies left. Mostl 3a ones.
Hi Valerie, you are not alone. Me too had not prepare my kids for anything and almost wasted 3wks already, except have their school books bought and wrapped. Even those assessment books bought also had not touched.
I am outsourcing preparations for P3 to student care, enrichment class and home tuition. My girl started her first lesson with Busy Bee CL Creative Writing yesterday and she enjoyed it. Crossing finger that the feel does not die down if not headache.

Now she is re-starting her first home tuition lesson with home tutor Ms Er again. Ms Er will cover English, Maths and Science. No confidence on coaching her science and wanted her to set the foundation right.

Student care is also starting lesson this week.

Looks like her holiday is ending soon but every week she is looking forward to the excursion. This week will be pizza hut kitchen tour, next week is a session at art class. Thereafter will be Xmas Party.

Thanks to JH
I simply bought the assessment books based on the asia parent guide.

Except the science guide, I had ordered blindly as optional in her book list so I got I science instead.

Primary 3 Creative Chinese Writing (by Ni Si Jin, Greenleaf Publications, $7.50 already no stock at at popular bras basah last monday before the bookfest.
I ask for once a week 2 hours because my girl has student care plus 2 days after school cca so if I add in 2 days per week then there is no rest for her. Monday tuition, tue n thu I will let her do assessment. Wed n Friday her cca days so will let her rest

Are you with ms Er too? What is your arrangement? Ha ha I never even ask her on the rate dunno if still the same as in p2 level

When did you start ? Where do you stay? She stay in the west.

To me I feel she is a "pusher" n my girl needs someone like that as she always take her own sweet time
I see. Did the tuition help your girl? For me , i din want to spend too much on individual teachers n enrichment class plus no bandwidth to send so many places

So since she can cover 3 subjects I juz go back to her. last year the few months with her I like her attitude to prepare n set expectation right n building foundation from now for psle. A bit far but can't help worrying with one more subject science
Hi Chicken Little / Jolene,

I am considering home tuition for my ds. Do u mind to PM me Miss Er's contact? I am staying in the West.

Thanks in advance..

Primary 3 Creative Chinese Writing (by Ni Si Jin, Greenleaf Publications, is available at West Mall Popular. I managed to get a copy. Looks good...with the explanation at the side to guide the child in planning to write the compo.

Have also bought the Ultimate Science Guide today.
pm you liao. you went to west mall, ha ha you should be not far from me then. I am at hillview. will see if I have time to check it out
Went bookfest today. Only spend $25 - bought 2 chinese comic books, 1 english assessement book for dd2 and 1 science guide book for dd1. I think I'm done with assessement books for the time being. In case all ended up as white elephants in the shelves

fz, maisy
I flipped through renee and janet box set. Seem very similar to me too

Decided to kiv the ultimate science guide. Do you feel all the guides looked similar after flipping a few? Hehe
chicken little

Can u pls pm me the teacher contact too. Because my current tution teacher raise her price, and is double of what i paying now so quite expensive.
I also went to the bookfest today...ended up only bought the past year young scientists series and a chinese model compo for P3/P4.
I was totally lost at the assessment book sections..too many choices until I am confused. With 2 kids and 1 bb..I doubt I can browse too long. In the end I decide to go back to Popular one of these days ON MY OWN..so that I can have clearer mind to assess the various assessment/guide books

I am so UNPREPARED for the new term..the textbooks are still kept in the box..prob got to wrap them before next week.

Meanwhile my P3 gal has resumed her mindstretcher last weekend..the first maths lessons, she had a maths revision test and she did very badly. It is good that they gave her the test - to "remind" her that she needs to be consistent in her maths revision.
Hi bebe i was at the bookfest this afternoon and bought the 2010 young scientist too
there was a chinese story tellng corner where my kids sat there to listen, at least they weren't so bored while i roam around. After which the main stage had some inter-sch competition which is quite entertaining. The pri sch kids are so eloquent in their mandarin
i am also going back to Popular on my own because i can't handle my preschooler in a crowded place. already bought a second copy of the popclub mag for the voucher.

yes, all the guide books seem similar. thinking of getting a science assessment book but not sure which is good...
fz, bebe

If you're planning to buy EPH assessment books, bookfest having 25% discount, better than popular 20% coupon in popclub mag. The rest of the publisher I think only 20% so no difference whether buy from bookfest or bookstore


hehe, we're there around same time. Missed the story telling but heard the prize presentation
Natellehcim/Yawn Yawn

I was there during the story telling
contest..frankly speaking it was very "disturbing" to me..ha ha. I was more worried that the event will wake up my sleeping bb..cos of the speakers and applauses..really could not concentrate on selecting the books..hee

I saw the discounted 25% section..incl Andrew Er and Fabian Ng's book I think. But I really could not manage any longer..my mind too overwhelmed by the various types of science guidebooks and chinese assessment books..

Ya...I must find a day to "deposit" the kids with my in laws so that I can "shop" in peace.
Wow looks like there's a lot of postings going on yesterday nite. I couldn't logon coz dds were playing angry birds game on my hp, lol ...

Just to share that i personally find the chinese comprehension by greenleaf quite good ...can't remember the entire english name, think starts with "Defective XXXXX".

As for eph books, think the popular branches are also offering 25% discount coz i bought the ultimate sci workbook yesterday at compass pt popular and it showed 25% discount on the receipt.
You are right. Some (but not all) EPH assessments are on 25pc off in Popular. I actually went to browse through at Popular 3 times before I actually bought the books. Didn't want to buy the wrong ones and then re-buy another set.

I reminded my gal to read up on science but she seems to still be in holidayland. She just came back from Science camp and enjoyed it very much. She asked if she could join for 2 weeks next year. I told her the camp is expensive. I can't afford to send both kids for 2 sessions. It will cost me a bomb.
Hi mummies,
Can ask if you are sending your kids to private tuition or group enrichment for Chinese? I'm in dillema whether to continue dd in enrichment or try pte tuition. Cos some pp tell me at P3 onwards, it's more effective to go 1-to-1 tuition
Maisy Daisy,
I would opt for 1-to-1 or small group tuition if i can get a good tutor because at P3, it depends on the child's progress to see if he can catch up with enrichment centre's curriculum.
bebe75: How do u find MindStretcher Maths class? Do you think it is good?

Thought of finding other options just in case I am not able to cope with his P3 Maths.

Maisy Daisy: 1 to 1 tuition is good if you know the teacher's standard plus you can choose the timing which suits you.

But if your gal has been improving while studying in the current enrichment centre, I do not see the need to switch.
yawn / avrilf,
I am beginning to sound like a kiasu mum. Both kids Chinese results are around 93~94/100 and are among the top 5 in class for Chinese. I was also comtemplating switching them to a less expensive Chinese enrichment (i.e. non-branded or home based ones) as Berries is expensive. 2 kids are like $800 per term. Getting them to go for tuition / enrichment is because I've no time to teach. I'm afraid their Chinese may suffer in future if foundation is not strong. Unlike Maths / Science, which can be improved through regular practice, languages needs nurturing and have to be developed over time. Everyday I reach home after dinner already 8pm. So just wanted someone to give them some booster.

Your dd's result is very good! No need 1 to 1 tuition lah.

Mine is attending creative writing at nearby CC. Impossible to ask her to write at home so better to send her to class 'force' to write. Very cheap since it's group class and at CC
Maisy daisy,
Maybe i'm a kiasu plus kiasi mum. If your kids are producing good results under berries, why rock the boat? It's not easy to find gd enrichment which the kids like & produce results. If you pull them out now fm berries, will it be easy to let them re-join the class if you subsequently find other tuition sources not ideal? I heard berries has long waiting list .... Personal Pexperince with dd, she was giving gd results when she had CL tuition. But when i pulled her out coz timing class with maths tuition (her maths needed more help then), her CL suffered (dropped fm 90 plus to low 80s) ..... Anyway just my personal opinion....

Any recommendation where to develop photos, as i got so many. Ever since my girl birth till now i never develop the photos , all save in the hard disk only.
CL, Avrilf and yawn,
Greatly appreciate the advice. I think most likely will stick to the existing enrichment for now. May consider visiting Molin as I heard their standard is qt high too. The 1 to 1 tuition idea was because mummy too lazy to fetch them. But for my ds, I think group learning will still be more suitable for him. Too young to 'drill' him. At least now they never resist going for chinese classes.

Any good CC holiday courses to recommend? My kids seem to be bored at home. Thinking of signing up some robotics or science class in CC. But too many choices and vendors don't know which to select.
Hello mummies,

Just to share that Popular is offering the $10 voucher for every $100 spent again at the suntec bookfest to popular members on 17 dec and 18 dec only. Just received the sms from popular. Mummies who have yet to stock up on assessment books can grab this chance.
avrilf - I cannot comment much abt mindstretcher Maths yet cos my gal only started her first Maths lesson with them last week..need to monitor for 1,2 terms first and see..

I am also considering 1-1 tuition if she is unable to cope. Cos seriously, I doubt I can tutor her Science after browsing thru the various science guide and assessments..

I just came back from Bishan Popular emptied handed cos I really dunno which to buy and some recommended one are not there..prob will go to TPY outlet and see

For science guide, can we buy the PSLE guide instead? I find the explanation are better elaborated. Prob get the PSLE guide for my own reference and another simpler one for my gals' reference?? What do ya think?

want to share with you my gal's case. since P1, she attended Molin (cos they were cheapest in de area
n also gd review). their worksheets are not as thick n words are larger than Wang Lao Shi's. i only have Wang LS's worksheets to compare cos my nephew n niece attend Wang LS. it din bother me then cos my gal had 93 marks for her Chinese last year.

then she changed timing dis yr n had another teacher. during de orientation talk given by the principal (she's a retired local teacher), i realised my gal's teacher wasn't doing what de principal said she told her teachers to do. i spoke to de principal n she told me she'll monitor dis class thru de cctv she has juz installed. there din seem to b any improvement, even after i spoke to the principal a couple of times. hence, my gal stopped classes in May. her P2 result is still 93 marks, de best amongst de 3 subjects! i think dis is an improvement considering de fact dat P2 should be more difficult than P1. also, i din help her wif Chinese cos i was concentrating on her poorest subject Maths.

i was told by her K2 Chinese teacher then, to let her try P1 b4 jumping into tuition but being KS, i enrolled Molin from start of P1.

tink different kids learn differently. my gal, although she din like her Chinese sch teacher, was able to learn from her classes n hence, din need tuition during P1 n 2. if yr child needs more than de usual class time to learn, then she needs tuition. also, i think de tuition centre plays a part too. if my gal cannot cope in P3, i'll probably go to Wang LS cos their standard seemed to be higher than Molin. in my opinion, Molin is good for children who are not so good in de language to start with.

fyi, my gal takes higher chinese in school.
