(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Not me. I prefer to let her finish her p2 assessments to strengthen her foundation. With the exception of science, have asked her to read up leisurely. But the science is still lying on the shelf untouched. Lol...
Hi jolene
Bought an EPH science assessment, topical type $7plus nia. Hv some revision or guides prior to doing the assesment. DS will read up himself before doing them. But so far did only 1 exercise n nvr touch liao... LOL
The science guide book from marshal cavendish (my pals are here) at $32 is it the booster set? I thought it is on sale at popular at $24 plus. There is set A and Set B. Set A is for lower pri and set B is for pup pri. The books are v colorful and paper quality is good. Qt tempted to buy. Want to wait for book fest to see if have further discount.
Hi maisy daisy
Yes that is the one I lazy to queue up at book fest sure long queue... I used the 20% coupon. For me I only get my gal to read the science guide from Marshall canvendish but she is in holiday mood haven"t touch it yet

My dd finished reading 3 of her science textbooks, that's about it. She's busy attending holiday programmes the last 2 weeks - weiqi, french, sketching, chinese and we managed to catch a movie 'harry potter' and watced hi 5 at marina square

I plan to pester her in 2nd half of Dec to do some reading & hopefully kick start some assessment books too
maisy, jolene

marshal cavendish (my pals are here) - book is very colourful with nice pic but dh said info too brief

So we bought Science Booster Notes - Casco. After browsing, I find its content too heavy for me. Hehe, think I've been out of touch for far too long
RE Marshal cavendish (my pals are here) Science
for $32, i rather buy 2 cheaper guidebooks. haha...
Btw, is the Teacher's circle assessment book good? or any other good sch assessment book (not guide book) to recommend?

RE P3 syllabus
I went through with my boy his sch textbook for Diversity. His CL enrichment has covered Chap 1. He has been busy playing his lego and reading as i had borrowed a lot of books for him.
I bought the Ultimate science guide which is supposedly recommended. I think the Marshall cavendish (my pals) probably good for introductory or revision reading since it's more colorful so less likely to fall asleep... Lol. I may buy that so as to coerce dd to read outside her text. Anyway, my ds will be p 3 next yr so 2 kids share should be worth it.

I was qt tempted to get teachers@work assessment. The questions are all experiment questions which I think need more practice. Already bought Janet Sim box set which is also recommended.
Just to share what happened over the weekend. I was reading through the ultimate sci guide and 'chit-chatting' with dd on some of the concepts. Things like can plants move? how living things respond to the environment etc ...surprisely she knows. When I asked her how she got to know abt such things (coz she did not even touch the sci guide books), she replied, "aiyah, young scientist magazine lor!" It seems that this mag has subconscioulsy imparted sci knowledge to kids in an enjoyable way.....
Ya I am also keen in the Ultimate Science Guide.

In her book list, there is this option guide book which I just bought it for ease as I din know what to get for science.

i-Science Enrichment P3&4
EAN :9789812736536 Marshall Cavendish S$9.00 S$9.00

i-Science Parent's Guide Lower Block P3&4
EAN :9789812736543

Still letting my girl enjoy because next week her student care will start preparing them for next year's class.
My kids also started the camp today. Seems like the turnout was qt good. Saw many parents who bring their kids for repeated participation.

Yawn yawn,
The publisher for Ultimate science guide is EPH. There is lower block (p3-4) and upper block (p5-6). If you read Popular mag, it was the "hot" guide book. Heard that I science is good too but haven't got the chance to check it out.

This fri is start of book fest. Thinking whether to go down during lunch to check it out.
RE Bookfest

which day/time do you guys think will be the less crowded? i have not been to one so far....
Last yr i took fri pm leave & went bkfest on 1st day after lunch time. Queue for half hr to pay despite numerous cashiers around.
I went in previous years on weekend and I don't recall long Q. But I always go on the last few days. But if I bring my kids, it's difficult to browse cos they will grumble I spent too much time reading the assessments. So this year I plan to go without them. If time permits then visit another day.

Btw there is usually a Popular fair in end Dec, right? What's the diff between this and the book fest?
i have to bring my kids along as no other caregiving alternatives, so hoping can avoid long queues. still thinking if it is worth the hassle....
i think i go early next week....weekends not possible cos my husband hates crowds.....and also he is also not keen to babysit the boys. :p
The first weekend would be crowded because Popular is giving out the $10 voucher for every $100 spent for the first 3 days of the book fest.
Hi Mummies,

I am thinking of dropping by during lunchtime on Friday. Not sure if I will be buying any books. Hopefully not too crowded.
I went to the book fest just now. Assessment bks section most crowded. Most eph bks have 25% discount while some are 3 for $10. Bot the sci thematic dictionary coz got 25% discount. Also bot the eph daily chinese practice assessment after overhearing a few mummies standing next to me commented their kids improved alot after practising with this bk. Me another kiasu mother! Queue half an hr to pay again this round.
i went to de bkfest dis morning after de P3 English workshop from Popular bebe mentioned in an earlier post. i also bought de cai yunfei book but they were only selling 3A. did u manage to buy 3B?

also bought de Ultimate science guide. had to walk around n wait for de corresponding revision book cos it was OSS! did anyone buy de Ultimate revision book?
No, didn't get 3b either. I noticed they only have bk 'A' for all levels. I didn't see the ultimate sci revision bk on fri. What's its color & price? How's the crowd on Sat? Thinking of going bkfest again next wk to get some pre-school bks for dd2.
Yawn yawn,
I was also thinking i wouldn't spend $100 until i did a rough count b4 i went to cashier. Actually it's quite easy to hit that amt. The sci guide bks cost more than $10 bucks each, plus a few assessment bks here & there. Plus if your kid wants to buy storybks (lotsa chinese ones) & stationery...I was poorer by $100 when i stepped out of exhibition hall 2 hrs later.
I think this is the utlimate workbk. The lower block ultimate sci guide has the same cover but title is 'ultimate science guide'.
I went to eph website again. You can click on to psle ultimate sci guide icon and the lower block ultimate sci guide is hidden in there.
Hi cookiepie
It's advisable to call n reserve it as I call them last nite to check whether they have it in store. I was at tampines popular yesterday they have 3B only since the nearest is at compass pt so I call n check! Just to play safe =]
I went Popular pasir ris and spent $100 too. Bot guidebooks (for all subjects) including Eng and Chinese oral, compo. The Daily intensive chineses by Cai Yun Fei looks good but the staff says it follows the Chinese syllabus (not higher chinese). Moreover my kids should still be in berries next year so will just let them do past year exam papers instead of piling w more assessment. Today, I try to clear their past year's text, papers. If no space to keep the new books.

Do you keep past year's revision wk, papers, text? The bookshelf now looks like kiam chai, with many pieces of papers and books.
Noted, i will do so. Looks like it's a popular bk.

Maisy daisy,
My bkshelf also looked messy with all the p2 assessment bks, revision papers. I intend to throw those used assessment bks away. Unused ones passed to my colleagues. As for past yr papers, just saved the soft copy and reproduce if dd2 needs them 4yrs later. The p3/4 sci guide bks will take up lotsa space....all so thick & need to keep till p6.
I have also bought Daily intensive chineses by Cai Yun Fei for this year(only 2A), but my son did not like it as it is too much so I did not get it this year. Instead I bought the guan jun wang recommended by the school bookshop, but only 3A.

Other than the science guide, can some mummies please also reommend good science assessment without the guide?
I'm trying to resist buying too many science guide books at one go. Another 3 to 4 years to PSLE. If buy everything now, will books be outdated by then?
Plan to start with one or two guides, then buy some more along the way when I'm more familar with the syllabus. Now still quite clueless what to look out for
cai yun fei - I've the thick thick version 1000 exercises, not A & B type, just one thick book
aiyo, my dd1 didn't even touch that book, gather dust for a whole year, luckily can pass to dd2

I do keep the entire year worksheets, in case my dd2 needs to cross reference. Most likely white elephant lah
I will not be buying the intensive cl book too. Flipped thru today. It is good but to do cl everyday, where have time to do other subj? One chapter in cl text, the assessmt book has 7 exercises. Really intensive. I probably get one of those with 1 exercise for a textbk chapter.
I bought janet sim too. Then i read that renee's science companion is good. I flipped thru it and find it has its good areas too. But i already have janet. I intend to get one more science assessmt book, but not decided if i want to get one with both mcq and struct q, or one with purely struct q. Each cost more than 15 bucks!
Hi mummies,

me too was at the bookfest yesterday. Came out indeed poorer by $200. I KS and lazy i brought the upper primary chinese as well since on sale so that next year no need to go the and shop again. Got the chinese 3A too. There was lots of science book there, so stoned after glancing through them.
Hi i also went to book fest today .bought those recommended english , maths n chinese assessment books by Young parents,besides,bought Janet sim one set of science workbook ,n ultimate science guide.e daily intensive chinese by Caiyunfei only sell 3A at bookfest ,3b need to buy frm popular .
Also bought practice books for P1 preparation for my k2 girl.plus sm of the story books ,spend ard $130+ today ...
