1 or 4 bedder at KKH

ok lei my supply stil maintain at 200ml n above a day lei even tho i no pump thru out the nite.... every morn my first pump will b the most milk... 80-100ml... other time of day will b lk 40-60ml per pump.

no fl sore or uncomfy when i no pump at nite

Hi Bulma and SY,
I'm having this feeling since yesterday...my vagina and bump is painful..and i can't sleep anymore..i always feel like i want to poop but cannot poop when i go to the loo.

I dun hv bloody show yet and my water bag hvnt burst yet..i dun feel any contractions..am i in labour..did u hv this feeling before u gave birth? My doc appointment is tomorrow, i think most likely i'll be admitted tomorrow.
Hi bulma,

So envy of yr supply
. Now my supply is like yours but is for a 5mth old baby
. I think i will stop bf after he turned 6mths....
actually i prefer to latch but boy doesn't like to latch....pumping is so troublesome. nowadays i try to let him latch at least once a day. milk ss on left side is better and he doesn't scream so much anymore. but right side still no luck.

so u get more than 200ml a day? i recorded down my pumping and it is abt 160-170ml a day. but it is only if i pump like 6-8 times.

i keep leaking. is that a good sign that milk ss going to increase? but my right side very weird one. it keeps leaking but when i pump, very little milk come out.

think before the due date, will get a bit paraniod also. i also tend to take note of every sign that i feel like pooing but can't poo. also got that feeling at times....
Hi SY,

My boy also don like to latch on....so have to express out & let him drink..my right breast milk is more than my left one....don know wat happen....Spoken to the counsellor from BF support group...she say is quite normal....
It can be troublesome to pump. I couldn't agree more. With latch-on, the bb tends to prefer one side and the other side which is neglected will have a 'shortage' of milk.

Also, if you are letting the bb latch-on, do try to alternate. For eg, the last time the bb drank on the left side, start on the right side the next session. Otherwise, the breasts will be lop-sided.
Hi ladies,
I juz came from checkup and the pain i'm having is the first sign of contractions..me very happy ,at least i'm almost there..thanks a lot for the advise
Hi Marcia,
Wow, you are almost there. Looks like you are anytime now. Will your baby be the first baby in the Year of the Dog ?

The first month is tough. I wanted to give up in the first week. Besides the engorgement, I was feeling the blues too. So, if you need advice or let off steam, you can offload here.
I hope so..I'm so excited at the same time scared of the pain..my doc said that epidural is the right labor pain relief for me.

To all the mummies and mtb:
Happy Chinese New Year..may all of us be blessed with happiness, health and love!!!

Ya, is tough in the beginning esp when the supply is unstable. Now is quite ok cause alredi used to it. So u must be determine to continue bf yr bb


Congrats, who might know ur bb will be featured in news been the first newborn for the year of Dog.....
If you have a low pain threshold like me, go for the epidural. Don't try to be a hero and hang on.
In the meantime, take care and all the best.

so hv u popped? did gyn estimate ard when u will pop? last few weeks towards EDD is lk dat ... v paranoid and impatient to pop yet scare haha rmbr to go for epidural yeah

i pump 4x everyday during day time. i dun pump at nite... now i can get abt 300ml a day.. i also fl lk giving up pumping and just feed on FM. it's so troublesome and my fingers joints all painful meh fr the pumping

u good meh can EBM so long... i think i wanna give up after 1st mth =p actually now wanna give up but hb dun allow so now i only pump bcos hb force me to pump haha think after he go bk to work nx wk, i will lazy and will start to reduce expressing and soon my BM SS will be gone =p
i dunno whether shd give up. i wake up every night abt 3x to pump and so tired. supply still low. dunno whether i m pumping correctly. when i pump, i dun see the milk come out. i have to use my hand to squeeze.

so exciting..is your bb the first bb of dog year??

bulma, i pump abt 8x a day leh...still not much increase...

My case is nothing, there mothers who can work and give EBM to bb for up to 12 mths or more.... hehehe...actually me is also getting abit lazy and my bm ss is reducing liao so thinking of stopping when my son turned 6mths.....
That's the question a lot of new mothers ask themselves - whether they should continue bf ?
It is a lot of hard work. Wanted to give up expressing many times too, but when I saw how well my daughter was enjoying the milk and growing well, I continued.

It's not easy, but whether you want to continue or give FM depends very much on yourself.
i want to continue very much. i went to get an electric pump yesterday. hopefulyl will motivate me more. now that i spent money on it i tell myself to be more dilligent in pumping. it is just that the supply doesn't increase....
Since you bought a pump yesterday, I guess you will put it to good use. Don't worry or stress yourself too much. As long as you express the every 3/4 hours, drink more fish soup, the supply should continue.
Paiseh to ask. For those who delivered in Yr 2005 or Yr 2005. What is the cash top up for 1 bedder/4 bedder at KKH? Normal/C-section? How many days stay?

I deliever in yr 2002 (oct) and yr 2004 (jan) and pricing have changed alot liao. So I really need to know as this is my niece first pregnancy and she has no one else to ask. So can anyone please help?
hi icebaby,

I have delivered in KKH in 2005, I took a 4 bedder and given birth thru normal birth with epidual... i stayed for 2 days 3 nights, normally is only 2 days 1 night but i extended... my total bill is abt $2.7K & paid $200 plus after i discharged & they refunded me $100 plus

forget to add something, I am private patient under their private suite. I have paid $1k deposit before admitting for my doctor fees & booking of the bed....

Another words, u paid $1k (deposit) and additional $200 (after leaving), but got refund $100 plus. Total cash is $1.1k

Is it?
I think pte suit is more expensive right? I remember Jan 2004, i deliver normal 3D2N at KKH...I paid only $800+ cash.

That time I save alot of money cos for consultation I spend abt $600 in total for all checkup + scanning + test.
the first time i use the pump, i manage to get abot 60 ml combined. but subsequent it has been betwn 30ml-40ml. but at least not so tiring. so as long as i continue to pump, it shd increase?

i delivered in 2006. took 1 bedder under private suite. paid 1K in cash and 1.5K claim medisave.
As long as you continue to express every 3-4 hours, the supply should increase. Make sure you massage and clear any ducts at every session. Drink more soup made with fish bones (threadfin and cod fish)
ss no increase so far. i keep telling myself to be patient. so far no blocked ducts yet. i m using electric pump but sometimes i think it doesn't empty the breast well. i try to squeezt out whatever remaining after that using hand but think sometimes i squeeze very hard
i always start with lower suction and then push to stronger towards the end.... but stlil need to squeeze out for my left breast or it won't be empty
I have to do some 'manual' work too towards the end. But on the whole, Medela is able to express most of the milk. Keep it up.
Hi SY,
just chance upon this thread. maybe you can try some other soup other than fish soup? For me, the peanut pig trotters soup works better than fish soup for me. there is also soup using beef and chicken. So maybe for you, the milk triggering soup may not be fish. dun give up. but really need to drink more fluid before you pump. One more thing, no milo and holick cause heard cocoa and malt drink stop milk production.
i think my experience is like yours. it can draw most of the milk out but towards the end i need to squeeze out the remaining milk.

Ah may,
i din know that milo can stop milk production. maybe i shall just stick to drinking water then...

besides fish soup, i drink lotus soup as well, chicken soup too. maybe i shall try the pig trotters one...

Papaya also helps. However, I usually express before I eat papaya as my girl tends to poo more often after drinking the bm with papaya.
Try tandem pump. I think u hv let dwn problem not insufficient milk since u hv engorgement. I hv let dwn problem some time after I returned to work. I tandem pump to pump out my milk. Now my son is 20mth he nurses v quickly I gotta hand xpress.
I ate the ripe papaya. Like what Foreverfriends mentioned, you don't have a problem with insufficient milk. Just that the let down tends to take a little longer.
what is tandem pump?

think i have insufficient leh. each time i pump still only get like at most 40ml combined. now i spend abt 20 min pumping both sides, stop, massage a bit and 5 min more. usualyl the last 5 min nothing comes out. maybe just a few drops. how do i know whether it's let down problem or insufficient milk?
Tandem pump is latch bb on 1 side pump on the other side. If u hv electric pump, not a problem. Manual pump can b tiring for your hand but manageable when practised over time

Let dwn is something like open the dr. When dr open, milk flows out. U hv milk but dr doesn't open so milk doesn't flow out. Dat's y u get engorgement. When u tandem pump, bb opens both dr (bb is the best pump in the world) BB drinks 1 side, the other side flows into the pump couple wif suction of the pump. Get it?
the problem is bb doesn't want to latch. sometimes when i manage to latch him, he will latch for 5 min only and pull away. there's some milk flowing out but very little. and i notice my ss seems to be droppin abit.
and the problem with latching him is he doesn't open his mouth. always end up just playing with my nipple...

Anybody has any update on the charges of 1 bedded in KKH?

I am into my 33 weeks and they have not check with me on the selection of the ward. I am looking at the 1 bedded but like to know the price range. Also looking at normal delivery if possible.

By the way, how much and when to pay for the deposit.


are u in private suite or normal clinic, there is a price difference for private suite patients & normal clinic patients.

if u want i do have a pricing list for 1 bedder for kkh. I can scan & email to u... but no sure of any changes cause i delivered last aug
BB is as new as u on latching on. Both r 1st time. So both r in learning stage. Persist n keep trying to get bb latch on. He doesn't know the correct way to latch on dat's y he plays wif your nipple. Seek lactation consultant's help to get your bb to latch on

Milk ss will reduce if u can't get your milk out coz it signals to your body your bb doesn't need dat much milk

Alternatively dip towel in hot water (boiling hot) than massage your breast. Gotta stand the hotness. No joke. Tis method takes a long time to get let dwn. When water turns cool, change to hot water agn. It took me 1 hr to pump milk using tis mtd. No matter wat method, bb latching is still the best
Hi SY,
If your bb doesn't know how to latch on, seek the help of LC to teach him how to do so. In the meantime, express the milk so as to 'send a signal' to the brain that bb still needs the milk. Once bb learns to latch on, the supply will keep going.
foreverfriends, janet,
i m thinking of getting LC to come to my place to teach me how to latch bb. realise when doing in hospital it seems easier but do at home it is different.

i use very hot water to massage. always think i m torturing my breasts.

now down with stomach flu so it is hampering my efforts to pump cos i feel so tired.
If you are having stomach flu, doesn't it mean you are on medication ? Getting the LC to teach you at your home would be more relaxed. Take care of yourself.
It's not dat your bb doesn't like to latch on. Both of u dunno how to latch on correctly. Get LC help u a few times. When u mastered it , latching on is a pc of cake

U r not alone, I pity my breasts dat I massage it wif hot water n squeeze it wif hand xpress

Wif stomach flu, u try to drink more fluid n rest whenever u can

Thot of something, b4 u master latching your bb, u may like to hand xpress 1st for a while than let your bb latch on since he latches on for a short while. I find tis way can clear milk better. When u hand xpress u dun get let dwn. U r juz squeezing milk out. ie door not open but u squeeze your milk to flow out thru the gap.
i m on medication. Thikning of getting LC to come my place so that she can advise on the best position and sitting arrangement etc.

how come hand express dun get let down? i find that i clear my milk better when i hand express too. these 2 days i have been doing that to clear my milk though not feeding bb with it. so i just squeeze it out every 3hours. the flow is also better than pumping.

Getting the LC to go to your residence would be better since your home is more conducive and comfortable. Once the bb knows how to latch on, it will be so much easier and convenient.
