1 or 4 bedder at KKH

pumping is using suction whereas hand xpress is squeezing. therefore it is easier to get milk out wif hand xpress. Both mtd won't stimulate let dwn if u hv let dwn problem. U imagine using my eg. Dr not open. When u pump u try to suck milk out; when u hand xpress u squeeze milk out thru the gap of the dr. Both way won't open the dr

yr MS got get better?

so did u call the LC to help? but that LC in KKH quite fierce hor hehe she massage our breasts v painful.. did u see her when u in KKH? thk her name is something lk Yen Ping or wat

btw, marcia delivered liao lei

It is arranged by my gynae, so i also don know... I just know she keep on talking & talking & she never smile one.....
The LC I went to in TMC is Mrs Wong. She's very helpful and friendly. Even offered me a hot cup of Ovaltine, saying it will help to relax and bm will be easy to express.
no increase yet. will be trying fenugreek,. yah i met the same LC. she looks fierce but she really reply my sms and will call back when i drop her sms to ask qn....
Hi ladies,
I've given birth oredi and now my concern is not enough BM to sustain my bb, so I do 50-50 BM and FM, is this ok? I tried fenugreek and papaya soup but still no effect..am i doing something wrong?

dun worry too much abt BM. me only giving bb abt 30% BM and the rest on FM. still working hard to increase my MS.
i will let u know my bill tonight or tml. i now at my mum's hse so duun hv the bill w me. think mine also $3k+ (inc package)...

one of the feb mummy say TMC that MRs Wong ah helps to clear milk ducts and is v effective lei after clearing, will hv a lot of MS. she trying to find more information. mayb once she give us the info, i let u know.
Hi Marcia,

U just given birth so yr supply is so stable yet, u latch on yr baby every 2 - 3 hrs, yr supply will come in...don worry, just take care of yrself
my KKH bill
Amount payable after GST $3,719.62 + antenatal claim $1,717.19 = $5,436.81. minus away Paid $1,497.10 (before delivery) and medisave $1,875 and antenatal claim $1,717.19... balance i stil nd to pay to KKH $347.52

Baby Bill
Amount after GST $296.12 less medisave $282.99 = balance to pay to KKH $13.13

wat about yours? same? u also stay 1-bedder right? mine is normal with assisted delivery (vacuum) and i took 1 dose epidural. i admit 12.01.2006, 3.16am and discharge 13.01.2006, 7.01pm
wat is the difference btw 5-in-1 (polyclinic) jab and 6-in-1 jab (private/KKH)? izzit true that if ilet bb tk 5-in-1 in polyclinic, bb will hv fever? whereas if tk 6-in-1 jab will not hv fever?... anyway can advise?

SY, u letting yr bb tk which jab?
how come your medisave can claim so much? i can only claim 1525. i need to pay abt 1.1K still

6 in 1 jab can be taken at PD also. less jabs than 5 in 1. i shd be taking 6 in 1

for 5 in 1 in polyclinic w/o PD is abt $300 & KKH cost $450 w PD consultation. my son took the 5 in 1 jab and he does not have fever. The doc say it depend on the bb... does not mean that bb take 6 in 1 will not have fever is just that it has less jab.
Hi Bulma,
It's true Mrs Wong can help clear the milk ducts. She will teach you how to latch on and massage so that you can prevent the ducts from forming again.

6-in-1 jabs only means lesser jabs. Whether the bb gets fever or not depends. Anyway, my girl had mild fever about 2 hours after the jabs. After giving her the Paracetamol, she is fine.
Hi Bulma,

First of all, congrats on your smooth delivery.
1. Can I check with you whether you stay in a 1-bedded ward or 4-bedded ward?
2. What do you mean when you say "Paid $1,497.10 (before delivery)" is it the consultation??
3. How does your antenatal claim $1,717.19 being calculated? is it the claim for every visit to the doctor?

hi lili
thanks =)

1. i stay 1 bedded ward
2. $1,497.10 was paid when i do the administration for the delivery at wk i thk 32... e nurse ask me if i gg for natural or c-sec.. then i chose natural so she explain to me the estimated cost for natural and then ask me to pay this amount
3. i not sure of the antenatal claim thingy lei... hmm... i also dunno how they got this figure ... SY, u know? yr bill hv this claim?
my bill different from yours. i paid 1047 for the package and claim 1525 from medisave so now i still have to pay abt 1174....
hi lili & bulma,

I also have the antenatal claim thingy reflected on my bill, mine i think is abt $1161.53. I also pay abt $1.1k before admission & $1525 from medisave...when i discharge fr hospital i still need to pay abt $200+ but end of the day, they refund me $100+
hi lili & bulma,

I also don know wat is the antenatal claim thingy reflected on my bill till now....
Re : bleeding
my bleeding stop after 1 wk fr i deliver and bcom on and off light spotting for abt 3 wks liao then tues morn suddenly started heavy bleding again w blood clots, is tis normal?
hi bulma,

i also have a similar situation as u when i deliver, my bleeding last for abt 2wks then it turn light, on my last wk of confinement it become heavy again for a week after which then it stopped....

i did not consult my gynae cause i think is normal, if not wrong is because of bf, so the bleeding will go on & off... mummies, correct me if i am wrong.
bulma, your bill seems very high leh, considering that you only stayed 1 night. Does it include antenatal package?
The A1 package is for 2 nights so that is why it is high, irregardless whether if you stay 1 night they still charge 2 nights.
A1 ward got no subsidy is it? can use medisave? may i know anyone stay at KKH one bedded before? how much cash u have to pay?
A1 no subsidy. can use medisave but only a portion. after medisave, i stil paid $1800 lk dat. mine is natural with epi and vacuum assisted

ya e package is for 2 nites so stay 1 nite also must pay for 2 nites but i dun lk to stay in hosiptal cos i cant zzz n since gyn say i can go home liao so i only stay 1 nite there
am tinkin of choosing A1..but got a question here..A1 got no subsidy..but wat happens if the baby got some problems later on? (touch wood)

Will the medical bills for the baby be charged at private rate? or will there be any subsidy?
then does it means tat the charges for the baby (born in KK) will be the same as the baby who born in private hospital and who later transferred
to KK due to complications?
hmm.... tis i not so sure lei

so far, yr bb ok? did gyn mention anything to u mk u so concern yr bb may hv complications?

u how many months preggy now?
hi blue blue,

I heard my friend said is almost the same except that KK babies will have the priority. Besides, if touchwood any things happen, i think the hospital will allow yr baby to downgrade...
hi blue blue,
I was told by my friend(who transfer from raffles to kk) that they will allow you to downgrade if changed from private to kk after they look into both you and your hubby's salary.
If its high you cant downgrade.
Hi Bulma,galleria & matsu
Thks very much for the replies!

I am tinking of the private suite @ KK or Mount Alvernia but afraid of the expensive charges incurred if there are any complications esp the baby. Seems like there isn't any much diff if givin birth at KK (as private)or in private hopsital if the charges are applied the same (if complications later arises)

I have check that as subsized patient at KK ,patients won't be able to choose their doc, long waiting queue. Only advantage i see is the cost won't be exhorbitant if any thing happen.

Maybe i worry too much but sometimes 'what if'?

Hi matsu

Do you know what is the salary limit?

I remember reading an acident which the couple incurred over $100,000.00 in bill for baby. The baby was transferred fr Mount Alvernia to KK. Sound scary.
hi blueblue,

i delivered my baby last month.

i saw my gynae at the private suite and was planning to stay at the A1 ward when i delievered.

unfortunately, my baby was way too small and had to be admitted to NICU upon her birth. gynae had already detected that at week 32. so, she didn't activate the private suite package and advised me to stay at the C ward. that's what i did.

i stayed for 10 days at the hospital. 6 days prior to baby's birth and 4 days after. my bill, without subsisides, would have cost about $10k but after all the govt subsisdies, it's only $3k and everything can be taken from medisave.

as for my baby, i dunno what her bill will be yet because she's still in hospital.
add some more:

BUT, u must also realise that i was able to check into the C class because, although i'm seeing my gynae at the pte suite, i didn't sign up for the package.

i just see her there and pay the higher rates each time i see her.
Hi telly

What is the name of yr gynae?

It is gd that KK allow to downgrade if any problem arises. I thought that we must pay for private suite package on the 16 weeks? quite confused abt that.

I read the postings at other threads. Some of them recommend gynae that do gd stitches & stuff. I tink i would like to find a gd gynae that is able to handle emergencies during birth. Any1 can recommend any gynae at KKH?
hi blueblue sorry for the late posting.
My friend who was transferred from Raffles paid $8000 plus when her baby stayed in raffles for 3 days. after the transfer to kk and stayed there for 2 mths paid $20k plus after downgrade.

as regards to the private suite thing you can opt for the package and you can also not opt for it.For me i didnt as i am a civil servant so i can claim part of the package.

My gynae is a senior consultant Dr KT Tan. So far so good very calm lady.My friend recommended her to me cos my friend has diabetes so she say she will be safer in her hands.

hi blueblue

my gynae is dr adelina wong BUT she has just moved to TMC. i have been assigned another gynae, dr yeap min li and will be seeing her tomorrow.

like matsu, i didn't sign up for the package because the nurse told me as a civil servant, it makes more sense to NOT sign up for a package. each time payment needs to be made, i just show my civil service card and i dont pay anything upfront. a small amount would be deducted from my salary instead.
