1 bedder at gleneagles: how much did u pay?

there is a cap on how much u can use from medisave.. u hv to chk with them.. not sure how they calculate.
the medisave account has a higher interest then yr bank.. thats y i did not bother much abt $450 which i can claim from medisave for doc fees.. its also yr $. i use medisave for the hospital charges only..

Yes, there's a max amt u can deduct depending on yr type of birth. The more complicated the more u can deduct frm medisave. after the hos generate the bill, it goes to the cpf to determine hw much u can deduct from medisave. Note that the max amt does not mean the amt u are entitled to... then the ho will mail us they actual bill. They will refund bal if yr stay is less than yr deposit.
hi ethel and PM,
thanks for ur explanation. am still a lil confused..anyways, at least i noe now that it is possible for use medisave. just one more qn, how much did you hv to pay in cash after deduction frm medisave?

oh, and how was ur overall experience at Gleneagles. sorry for the many qns!
hi jazzy,
i've also signed up for Ms Wong class at TMC, this sat is my first lesson. hope to benefit from it cos we receive quite a few recommendations by friends and colleagues to go for her class. how you find the class?

hi haru,
i'll be also delivering at gleneagles, EDD is this christmas, looking forward to seeing my girl
have the same questions as you too
Hello all mummies and mums to be,

can u please kindly advise how much to deliver in Gleneagles?

I was told if normal (single bedder) will be $5K (before CPF deduction).

Coz i was informed that for Single bedder in Thomson will be $3K. Please kindly advise as I am urgently looking for an appropriate gynae.

The usual gynae I go to only affliate with Gleneagles but if the cost is $2K more expensive then Thomson, then I will have to search for another gynae asap.

Many thanks
I posted this few months back. Here's a re-post :

Here's a breakdown of my charges at GHL for Normal Delivery with epidural (without assistance), 1-bed room :

My Bill
Citibank 1-bedder Package : $1778
Items not included in package -
Equipment & Supply : $5.40
Pharmacy : $220.30
Total Hospital charges (+5% GST) = $2103.89

Anaesthetist fee : $300
Gynae fee : $1365
Total Doctor Fee = $1665

Total charges (Doctors fees + hospital charges) = $3768.89

Deduct Medisave : $1500
Deduct deposit : $1788

Amt due = $480.89
Baby's bill
Citibank Package (2day, neonatal) : $350
Items not included in package : $50
Total hospital charges (+5% GST) = $420

PD fee : $157.50

Total charges = $577.50
Deduct Medisave : $502.73

Amt due = $74.77

So, in total, upon admission, I paid $1788 deposit. Upon discharge, I paid an additional of $480.89 + $74.77 = $555.66
Hello Wendy,

Thank you for sharing.

Question : how did you sign up the Citibank package? wondering is the promotion on-going?

Is the citibank promo tied to the gynae? or tied to the hospital?

Reason being i was told to expect about $5000. If I am able to get your package, I will love to.

Thank you
As long as u hv a citibank crdit card, u are eligible for the promo. but i think the promotion over.

i delivered end july.. they told me the promo over.. u hv to chk again...

i paid $3088k for 1 bedder - normal delivery without epidural... i think i claimed $1200 from medisave
my gynea is mary yang.. her package very reasonable.. only $900 for normal 2D scan.. if u wan the 4D scan, its $1200
Hi Ethel,

I called Gleneagles and they also mentioned the promotion is over.

Me newly pregnant, what's 2D scan or 4D scan?

the 4d scan enables u to see the facial features of yr baby.. the doctors are able to tell if yr baby has clef lips.. the parents can see who the baby resembles..
as a first time parent, i think u wld want to try the 4d scan..
i did for my first son.. its a nolvety thingy.. hahha.. didnt do the 4d scan for teh 2nd one..
hi wendy,
thanks for sharing! i think ur bill is really reasonable! hope that citibank will have tis as an-going deal as it wld really entice mummy-to-be to deliver at GlenE. at least i definitely would. hubby is insisting that i deliver there. and anyway, my gynae Dr Chan KH's clinic is there too.

hey ethel and lovedogs, we are planning to start trying next year. i have just ordered some folic acid supplements. were there any preps that you did when you are planning for a baby? =>

MY GYNAE IS aso mary yang ....
is she reali good @ labour when helping u to push ?
and does she do the blood test herself or her nurse ?
hi paulyn,
gd at labour ah?? ermm... when i was in so much pain.. i couldnt even hear what she was saying.. can see her mouth moving but no sound.. hahah..i asumed she was telling me to push lor.. my labour was really short.. like 20mins...
which blood test?? the prick finger blood test?? tats done by the nurse.. but she drew lots of blood from me for some test i forgot which one.
eh, u dun accept PM.. pls pm me so can gossip more..

i took my folic and ate normally.. maybe u can try taking lots if milk to build up the calcium for yr body..
hi ethel,
wow!!! u are soo blessed!!! i pray that i wil have a smooth and painless delivery when it comes to my turn!!

i was reading at another thread that some ladies actually started drinking anmum even before they were preggie...do u noe of any mummies that did that too?
hello haru,
the gynae i am seeing is also Dr Chan! so coincidental
I find him not bad leh...

mine wasn't really a planned pregnancy... i was on contraceptive pills all along...then i stopped 2 months ago....then discovered this month that i am preggie...but still very early stage only...so no, i wasn't taking anything prior to conceiving leh...

what's ammum?
delivery is not and will not be painless... i didnt hv epidural and the pain nearly made me pass out.. hahah.. lucky it was a short labour..

its good if u are able to stomach all those pre natal milk.. anmum,frisomum etc.. its high in folic n all the essential vitamins n minerals... but when i was pregnant, all th emilk taste like puke to me.. hahha.. so i didnt take any milk.. i force down a glass of HL milk once a while.. sumtimes i add milo to the milk.. but still hate the taste. i jus make sure i eat enough meat n veggies n fish..
actually, for mums who have not delivered yet, I strongly recommend epidural. A long laboured delivery can stress the baby and you may end up doing an emergency c-sect. It happened to a few of my friends who thought they could go through it without epidural. I took epidural and had a very fast and smooth delivery. Dr Boey who was my anaesthetist gave me half epidural so my legs are not numb. I can still move my legs freely and feel the labour contractions yet the pain is enough to cause any distress to mother or baby.
i agree with wendy... Pls take epidurall.. even if u hear stories that there will be side effects.. (its only a 0.01% that sum thing will go wrong) my side effect was that i had a splitting headache after delivery n i vomitted.. my anaesthertist was dicky tay from GE.. didnt feel a thing.. i think the drip needle was more painful than the epidural needle..
i didnt take epidural for my 2nd pregancy cos there was no time.. i was begging for epidural or any pain reliving methods.. but they say too late.. can only give me gas,. they took so long to hook the gas thingy up that i nearly kill the nurse!!
hi lovedogs,
really? my husband and i like him alot, he has a good sense of humour!

anmum is the milk for mummies (by anlene). so when will u be seeing him again. really like to hear more on your journey to motherhood! congrats!!

hey ethel,
ya, i've heard that when preggie, the taste buds can change dramatically..

hi wendy and ethel,
i am just like one of those that want to do it without epdidural as much as poss too..=P but thanks for ur advice, will bear in mind!
hi haru,

think i am still at a very early stage. coming 5 weeks only i think. will be seeing in again in week 7.

hi ethel and wendy,

thanks...i am already opting for epidural as my theshold for pain is very very low. however, i heard abt side effects...how true is it?
I didn't really have any side effects. No backaches or headaches or nausea if that's what u mean. I was only shivering cold in the labour room. Nurse said its because the epidural caused my blood vessels to contract, so I feel cold. After the drip was stopped, so did the coldness.
i also delivered in July.. 24th at GE.. wat date did u deliver??
backaches due to carrying the baby up n down n breastfeeding.. i initially also tot was due to epidural.. it will go off eventually..
its common to have backaches after delivery due to poor posture during feeding and carrying baby.

If you're asking about the epidural jab, its slightly painful but u need to remain absolutely still during insertion of the catheter. Once the anaesthesia is injected, you won't feel pain anymore. So, at most, its a minute of pain compared to hours of labour pain.
hi lovedogs,
dun worry ya? just stay positive and when u finally see ur baby, am sure you will forget about all the discomfort you had to endure!

i just took got some folic acid supplement tis evening and wil start taking it from tom. =>
hi, talking about the epidural jab, i was so afraid of jabs that i had to take the gas to take the epidural jab! hahha.. so ironic! I think the nurses and doc were laughing at me! hiaks!
that was so smart of u.. i think i will opt for yr method If i deliver again.. shld hv tot of tat.. btw, do they charge for the gas? i was so terrified of the epidural for my first boy, 2nd boy no time for epidural... must CONFIRM can get girl then i will try for #3...

u delivered alrdy?
no lei.. they never charge me for the gas. maybe becos i was so frightenend of the jab that i kept moving and hence the nurse suggested i take the gas.
ethel, by the way, so brave of u to wanna have so many kids. me only have one now and thinking of stopping but scared my gal lonely.. sighh. so scared to have number 2! cannot handle man!
hi cindy,
u are so cute leh! hahaha..we do have any kids yet, and initially hubby said only wana have one. but now he says he wana have 2 kids coz dun want the our kid to be lonely..
i followed the booklet GE gave me. matrernity pads, underwear, pyjamas, toothbrush n toothpaste, swaddling blanket, .. cant remem wad else..

i just tested positive for pregnancy.. hehe just wan to ask... if at Glen Hospital . which gynae would you recommend.. preferbably male.

erm... first timer.. so dont mind my erm... questions...

if let say i decided to do delivery at Gleneagles 8-9 mths later . havent been to a gynae yet, as i just tested two days ago.

do i normally engage a gynae straight from Gleneagles or from other private clinics????

which option is better?? because i wan to stick to one gynae throughout the pregnancy.

is there any gynae for recommendation??

and the package at gleneagles.. is it only covers for the later stage of pregnancy.. or is there one package that starts from the start???

hope i dont confuse anybody hehe
hi irene,

congrats to you

my gynae is Dr Chan KH. He is located in Gleneagles Medical centre. For delivery, he only delivers in Gleneagles hospital.

I find that he is veyr good and he has the 3D / 4D machines in his clinic. You can check him out if you are interested. He is in his early 50s and is very experienced.

My bb is near to 9 weeks now. Went to see Dr Tham at O&G Clinic located at GlenE. Delivered at GlenE too. He is a very experience gynae. Get to know him coz my mum, sis and sis in law r his patients.. Moreover, his wife is our family docter so i feel very comfortable with him.

Dr Tham will not introduce package until about 16 weeks which he says the bb is more stable.

I think its better to stick to 1 gynae throughout.

Hi all mummies,

Anyone have any idea where i can go for photoshooting with my big tummy of around 30weeks? Think need to know a place where they r experience and reasonable price.

This is something i want to do for my BB
