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  1. M

    SAHM? or planning to become one?

    Hi All, thanks for yr advice. I think i need to seriously work out our budget before making any decision.
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    SAHM? or planning to become one?

    Can i ask all the SAHM one personal question - hw much is yr hubby bringing home every mth? I had quit my job last year and rest for 4mths. During these 4 mths, is a tolerant for me, I did not go out cos scare to spend money. I return back to work during April and after working for 4mths, I am...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Lee - I check my setting n enable almost everything. Can u check again.. Sorry ya
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Piyo - thanks ya Lee- I hv change my setting to public le..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Sorry me not a familiar user of FB.. Go where to enable add friends?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi lee.. I just pm u too
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Oic.. ntuc now got offer for chicken esscenes wor.. Buy 24 bottles for 59.90 only. Just bought over weekend, hee feel like drinking already cos everyday so tired!
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi mummies, hv u all start drinking bird nest n chicken essence? When is the best time to start ar?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Zenn - my backache also getting worse, especially sitting on office for 8 hours. Now feel like breaking. Rachel - what is the website for the Chinese calendar to see the gender? I want to try too.. I prefer a boy but my hubby prefer a gal. If boy, I can close 'factory' le if I don't want...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Rachel - Dr Tan Kim Teng from Kkh. Happen to hv same dr as Can.. Can - ya both my appointment super fast too. Less than 15mins I m out Liao. My hubby say fast mean no problem with me n bb.. So should be happy, why bother so much. Anyway my hubby is a very optimistic guy lar.. Very easy...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Can - ya I think better to consider doing to hv a piece of mind for the rest of the pregnancy. What do u think of Dr Tan? I find her very aloof n she seem to be rushing for time during the consultation. When I ask her if my BB ok, she reply I can't tell u if bb is ok or not right now.. I was...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi Lee - great to b same EDD .. So mean u are at 8 weeks 5 days as me ya. But yesterday my scan can't see the legs n hands leh.. Maybe hiding frm me.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Can - I just finish my check up with Dr Tan. My next appointment also schedule 8 weeks later which is my 16th week. But I m taking the Oscar test so mean 4 weeks later going back to do the test. I guess the test wun b done by Dr Tan. My edd change to 4/12.. Bb now 2.1cm. Can see heartbeat...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    GGchua - u hv a active Bb ya.. 8 weeks old know hw to wave hand Liao.. Keke I m going for my check up tomorrow.. Also in the 8th weeks. Hope my bb growing well.. I m worry cos I don't hv serious MS like the rest of u gals. Keep thinking if my bb is healthy or not. Can't wait for tomorrow...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    BB burger - India.. Haiz third world country where hygiene I'd not as good. Me alway hv to go these country like cambodia, vietnam too.. Which my hubby n MIL worry about the hygiene. Over there we drink mineral water whole day as their tap water nt safe for drinking. And drinking too much...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi trinity - Boost yr health back ASAP, don't give up ya. Hi Can- Dr Have not yet schedule the Oscar test for me. But most prob will b doing it. Let see what she say on my coming check up. I feeling better today. Finally last nite I manage to sleep at 10.30am till now. I m wondering if is...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Was on 2 days mc not due to MS but due to terrible headaches n insomnia.. I can't sleep for the past 2 nites, laying on bed till 5am. Haiz., don't knw why this week I feel so depress n moody. Can't smile at all. CanT - I went for my 1st check up when I m in 5th week 6 days. My nxt...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

        hi Chez, can update mine Nick: maxlene BB#: 1 EDD: 10 Apr Gynae: Dr Tan Kim Teng Hospital : KKH TPS NSEW: NE
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Divein - I think I will behave like u too.. Can't bear to leave Bb right. Haiz mayb I should ask my boss to demote me after I give birth..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    My job required me to fly almost once a mth, 3 to one week away. When I told my boss I m preggy she nv say anything.. Don knw if she still want me to fly or nt. haiz.. Worry this is going to affect my performance. Even when BB is born, don't know if I m able to leave him or her for one week...
