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  1. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    oh just want to check, do you know where can we find chinese names to choose from? I'm sourcing for my baby's chinese name.
  2. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    nattan, should we get diapers so early? Because my EDD only end Jun so get ard Apr or May should be fine right? I need to buy a small plastic cupboard to put my baby's clothes too, think I wil just buy a temp cheap one because my new hse shld be ready by end of this year. Ya, I think I will just...
  3. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    nattan> I don't have baby clothes yet, just maternity clothes and electric pump. For the cot, my colleague is checking the size of his kid's cot to see if it can fit in my room because his is the wooden type of cot, quite big I heard. But I might just go for a plastic one coz is easier to move...
  4. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    ohhh my EDD is on 26 Jun =) Might see you around. Yours is a boi or gal? Are you planning to go by epidural? I want to go natural but just afraid i cannot tahan the pain
  5. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Ohh thanks for the link, the baby clothes are cute! =) Anyone having their gynae at KKH private suite
  6. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    I gotten some maternity clothes from my colleagues so im didnt buy anymore, just bought a support belt as i started to experience back aches. Another colleague will be giving me her electric pump so thats settle. Other than that I have not bought anything, was planning to wait till May to get...
  7. K

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Hi all, would like to know when is the best time to start buying the stuff? There's so many baby fairs going on now but my EDD is only in end Jun, if I buy now will it be too early?
  8. K

    (2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

    Hi everyone, i'm new mother of a baby gal due in Jun 12. Im having trouble swallowing my multi vitamin pills coz is too big so sometimes i did not take it. Will it affect the baby?
