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  1. I

    (2014/01) January 2014

    anyway for my #1 i used mamypoko since birth till about 10mths. then we saw a promo for Pampers active and decided to try it & love it! now my boy use both mamypoko and pampers depending on which has promo.
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    (2014/01) January 2014

    but when can a child sit in booster seat? i think its only for 4yo and above right? my #1 & #2 will only be 22 mths apart. he still has to be in his car seat so the only think i can think of is put him in the far end, then newborn car seat in the middle and me beside the newborn. but if my #1...
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    (2014/01) January 2014

    hi mummies... on the topic of position of car seats in the car, does anyone of us have two car seats in the car? i have a 16 mth old baby right now & i'm expecting my #2 in jan. how do i fit two car seats & what brand of car seat is compact/less bulky? i wanna avoid putting either one of them in...
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    Recommendations on Gynae (Help needed)

    I recommend Dr Jasmine at Thomson Medical. Have been with her since my first pregnancy, and now I'm currently pregnant with #2. She's great!
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    (2014/01) January 2014

    Hi GBOB, I am just as stressed & worried as you. I came down with diarrhea last weekend & hubby took me to KKH O&G clinic. They did a scan for me and told me there is only a sac visible. I am worried sick I have been so paranoid I might lose this baby! I'm already planning to visit...
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    (2014/01) January 2014

    Congrats to all the mummies-to-be!! I'm joining this thread. Just tested positive & so I will due in mid to end January too. I tested on my own last Sunday & went to a GP the following day to confirm. Heh. So kiasu! This will be my #2. My firstborn is exactly 13mth old today. Didn't...
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    Hi the items i want r already out of stock. Pls proceed without me & sorry for the delay.
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    Hi, r u still accepting orders? I will post order & trf by tmrw if u still are. Thanks.
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    (2017/01/14) BP#4 Lose Weight, Fats N Water Retention, Shake to a Healthier Lifestyle

    Hi, i am still Breastfeeding but i'd like to lose weight. What are the pdts i can take? Pls email me at [email protected]. Tq!
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    I meant my son! Type too fast hehe!
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Mummybaby, silverygal & lilcactus Thanks for your replies. I hv a tin of Nan HA so maybe will try first then see how my baby reacts to it. Silverygal, Any reason why u change from similac to s26? I heard s26 has higher sugar content and thus promotes weight gain. Is it true? Mind...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Lilcactus My boy is sucking his fist now. He's gonna find his thumb very soon. Im very wary of thumb sucking and pacifier habits but hb is confident can wean off my boy later. Right now i give him a pacifier to soothe himself to sleep. Smtimes he takes it, most of the time he spits it out coz...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Lovexuan, Ya my MIL is really insensitive with her comments. Always say my milk not enough thats why baby cry every 3 hrs. And she's very superstitious, this cannot that cannot. Reborn, Such insensitive ppl! I wish i have a freezerfull of BM but unfortunately i have yet to start building a...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    lovexuan Your babies sound rly big and chubby!! I love chubby babies!! Mine is 5kg at 4 wks.. He was 3.2kg at birth & PD say his weight gain is on track but my MIL keep saying my baby is skinny. N im TBF so it makes me sensitive when she comments like that. As if saying my milk is not...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Thanks all. Its my wedding anniversary tomorrow & hb and I are taking baby out with us for a celebratory lunch so I'll try my hand at hand nursing in public again! Pinkbunny That Guy is super rude! Should whack him in the head! Katy I'm trying to lose more weight too. I aim to lose...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi mummies, is it too late to join you all here? I'm a first-time mummy too.. Gave birth to my boy on 21 apr via emergency csect & have been following this thread silently cos I keep losing my password! Anyway, I'm BF my boy too but did supplement him with FM a no of times when I was too...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi mummies.. I'm an April mummy too! Currently 33 wks preg with my 1st bb & it's a boy.. Anyway, I'm selling my BN Boba Wrap in Olive Green. In box, just opened to check contents but never used coz my bb is not born yet. Hehe. Whatsapp me at 93803050 for pics. Selling at $65 inc free...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Ethan_Ethel - Thanks! That will be helpful. Mossie - Hello to you too! ni - I heard that if the ward of your choice is full, they will upgrade you but you still pay the price of the original ward you wanted. But your friend got charged the upgraded ward price? Yikes. I guess i heard...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Ethan_Ethal, are the charges very expensive? I've been warned by friends of additional charges incurring during hospital stay when delivering baby too, but I'm gonna save myself the hassle & just use what they provide. Besides, I doubt I'll remember to remind the nurses that I'm using my...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi everyone!! I have been a silent reader in this thread but finally registered an account so I can start posting. I'm so excited to be here & hope it's not too late to join you all. A bit of intro abt myself -- EDD - 21st April 2012 Gynae - Dr Jasmine Mohd at KKH Private Suite...
