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  1. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Everyone, happy new year! I have been quiet because reading forum daily makes me a bit kan cheong so I am relaxing a bit. Thanks for those who are concerned about me, I am doing well. Junior, yes, after you ovulate, still should have eggs inside. I didn't know this too! Haha :D As...
  2. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Junior, today is my CD16, I went SGH for a scan so I know most of the eggs are only 10mm, or rather the biggest one is only 10mm. I used Ovluation kit so I knew already over. Wow! thats good chances... so exciting! That means your eggs will be out 24-36 hours after tonight's jab.
  3. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hey Cherrie, how are you feeling today? it should be more than a week after your egg transfer ler...
  4. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Morning ladies! Merry Christmas. Junior, blue black is ok... don't worry. Just don't inject at the same place everyday... Came back from overseas on Christmas eve and was trying naturally. I had an appt for a scan today at SGH and my biggest egg is only 10mm and already ovulated, try...
  5. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    haha :D Funny enchanted garden, poor thing then but now with super good news Thanks for your well wishes! Please do come back and update us on your progress... would love to hear from you. Hopefully I am as lucky as you, hope to strike when IVF in Feb.
  6. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Junior, Dr Fong Yang is good. My friend stablised her gal through him, she nearly lost the baby. One box of 300IU puregon is $224 or so, in SGH. So yours is a bit expensive. But the private docs really aim high and get high. I only start on CD5 till CD13, 50iu per night. Good luck to you and...
  7. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Rainy, lets catch baby dust from enchanted... Our turn next! wooohhooo
  8. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Woah...a good news to share, one of us in IUI thread just strike! Its her first try. So we have hope...
  9. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hey Enchanted garden, think everyone will adopt a child from tree vision very soon wor. LOL. today is actually your 14th day, so Sunday test was too early. So excited for you. but that means you are not going for your trip ler. But also means this year CNY, you don't need to dig a...
  10. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    woww!!!!! so happy for you enchanted garden! you made it! ahhhhh.......... what a good xmas gift
  11. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Think its good right, Ceo? heee... So nice...enjoy the process
  12. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Joy and Faith...for adding me. I have access to the doc now. I wil start my IVF in Feb and will update. Tanny : if I pursue, I can be "someone" too. But I didn't want to pursue. So yes, I am attuned.
  13. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    I wonder how is Liang doing, she is also into the 2ww. Also Chris didn't log in ler. Hi Cherrie, if you are reading, how are you feeling today?
  14. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Rainy, thanks...yes, going for holiday tomorrow and back on Xmas eve. Ecups and Junior will keep you company. Hehe... Hey Junior, good news! Update us ok. You gals married so early, for me, its late marriage and that's why I am already 36, going to be 37 soon! LOL... I am the oldest, I...
  15. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Enchanted Garden, think positive! Share the good news with us. I was at Raffles Hospital under Sheila Loh before I jumped to SGH, reason being their lab was closed! Haha. The re-opening date is 27 Dec. Since I want to do IVF and stop IUI, I will stay with SGH for the government grant...
  16. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Big Hugs to you, Ms Dandelion. Perhaps you can try chinese medication to build your body? A healer just told me on Saturday that I am too anxious to have a baby and the more anxious I am, the more negative my energy is...and so I will yield nothing. I am trying to relax too! You rest well...
  17. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Wow...Thanks CEO! this is a good doc! I will update my IVF progress in Feb, I have requested today that I want to do it in Feb. My fertile period will hit into Xmas and CNY, they are unwilling to do it for me. And also they are full in CNY. I am at SGH
  18. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Googled but some said she is no longer in Thong Chai. Is it Tan Siew Buoy?
  19. K

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Cherrie, my friend is also under Dr. Tan HH. She said he is very good. You take good care. By the way, can share on your ET today? How is it like? 5 mins only or you are under anaethesia?
  20. K

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    The Dr. Tan SB mentioned here, where is her clinc?
