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  1. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Thank you. I understand more now. You mentioned u are under "private" even though it's at a govt hosp. In this case, do you get to tap on the govt subsidy? I wouldn't want to go through the hassle (polyclinic referral, long wait etc) if possible since my records are all with Dr Kelly Loi already...
  2. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Thank u for the enlightenment. Hmm, 3 mths...boleh tahan juga tu.
  3. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salam Sue Dazey. Alhamdulillah for the 6 eggs retrieved. Don't be worried. Banyak eggs doesn't necessarily mean very good cos one can be more at risk of getting OHSS. Apa yang penting, kita doa semoga the eggs are of good quality and will fertilize to become good embryos. :)
  4. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    True. Thank u, dear. Will consider carefully. If I were to proceed with ivf again, shld be at the end of the year, insyaAllah...but so far, I haven't fully decided or talked to my husband abt it although I'm sure he wld agree to it. Kalau govt hosp, can we choose when to proceed with ivf or is...
  5. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Haizz...the govt shld really consider giving subsidies for surgeries at private hospitals. I'm under Dr Kelly Loi at Paragon Medical Suites so kalau ada apa2 procedures, can only do it at Mt E. Pernah juga consider go govt hosp but susah pula nak transfer records etc and my husband kata better...
  6. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Nak tanya....kalau private hospital, masih takde govt subsidy eh? And, what about it still $6k, $5k and $4k from medisave?
  7. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salam all. Dah lama tak masuk ke lelaman ni. Alhamdulillah, dah ada pula group Muslimah IVF. Much needed. :) Sebenarnya, beberapa minggu ni, asyik tertanya-tanya je whether nak go thru IVF sekali lagi. I got married in Dec 2009 tapi masih belum dikurniakan zuriat. Doctor kata tak ada masalah...
  8. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Cas....u r already a strong woman to go thru all these...u can be stronger too... all the best for ur ET....I'm excited for all sisters who r still in the journey...may we all get our good news one way or another...
  9. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Cas....maybe u can take protein shakes. The nurses was telling me abt it before my ET...I didn't buy any though cos I took egg whites instead.
  10. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Ron, hopeful ng.....thanks! I started spotting yesterday. Today, full force menses came. Hopefully my AF is as per normal 7 days. Dun want to be panicky like my post-IUI....hehheh.. Joanne tan...sorry to hear abt ur small follicles. Hmm, I wonder if u can eat more protein. I remembered during...
  11. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Wow...I cannot keep track who is doing what. All the best to all awaiting ER, ET and BT. May I have ur good news soon! Hmmm...can anyone advise...after a failed fresh cycle, would our AF be longer than usual? When I failed my IUI last yr, my AF was 17 days, unlike my usual cycles with AF...
  12. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Cool....I can't remember whether I've congratulated u...*short term memory loss*...hehhe...congrats!! Booboolina....*hugs*...let ur body rest, do all the things u wanna do....enjoy urself and then we'll jiayou together again ya... All the best to those doing their ET...
  13. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Cool....congrats!!....please rest and take care ya...
  14. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Booboolina....all the best! Hoping to grab ur baby dusts.... Biggly....dun worry too much ya...
  15. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Luvnhope (and to all sisters for future reference)... out of curiosity, I actually smsed my nurse to ask my doc abt the possibility of me getting a false positive....hehheh...she replied saying tt my Ovidrel jab was 250mcg which wld have cleared within 3-4 days. They took that into...
  16. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Heartbeats....yep yep, u shall be my inspiration. Pancake....hope ur lining is good by tmrw n tt u can have ur ET...
  17. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dear sisters, thank u for the encouragement. So sorry for raising up day-4 issue. Please don't panic. Nothing wrong with day-4 transfer. As I read thru this forum, realized that I am not alone. There are so many of u in is journey together with me and it has never been easy for all of us. My DH...
  18. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopeful ng.....*hugs* let's stay strong together. I suppose u have some frozen ones waiting for u? Get ur body prepared and try again when u r ready ya, dear....
  19. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thank u all. Will definitely move on and stay positive. Sugary...I suppose so. Like what ron8129 said, God sure works in mysterious ways..we can never understand.... Luvnhope....I suppose it shld be out of my system cos tickles (tikcles, i hope u dun mind i used urs as an example) had her...
  20. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group wasn't my decision to blast the embies. The embryologist and/or my doctor decided on it probably because they want to confirm the best 2 of all...until now, I still dunoe why mine is a day-4 transfer...but nevermind...perhaps they think I'm still very young and can 'experiment' more...
