Search results

  1. iemuhs

    Wtb good condition combi/maclaren/or equivalent stroller.

    For your consideration please.
  2. iemuhs

    Wtb car seat for 7mth to 3/4yrs old

    Hi, I have a very good Britax Boulevard convertible carseat for sale. Please see here: Willing to close deal at $200. pm me if interested.Thank you!
  3. iemuhs

    WTB: River Safari Ticket

    I have 1 adult tickets at $18, 2 children tickets at $13 each for sale. Valid until 30 Sep 13. With 2 free drink vouchers at Mama Panda Kitchen. Self collect at Bedok South, or I can pass to you weekdays mornings around Parkway area.
  4. iemuhs

    WTB: Sling for baby

    Hi, I have a brand new MIM cotton sateen sling for sale at $20 still in original packaging and with DVD. Am away now for the long weekend and don't have pic. Pick up from my place at Bedok South.
  5. iemuhs

    WTB: Car seat

    Hi, I have a very good Britax Boulevard convertible carseat for sale. Please see here: pm me if interested.Thank you!
  6. iemuhs

    WTB: Car seat

    Hi, I have a very good Britax Boulevard convertible carseat for sale. Please see here: pm me if interested.
  7. iemuhs

    WTB: Car Seat and Baby Bjorn Carrier

    Hi, I have a very good Britax Boulevard convertible carseat for sale. Please see here: I also have a Baby Bjorn Air (black mesh) in as-good-as-new condition for sale. It is...
  8. iemuhs

    WTB: BN Infant Sling Carrier & Car Seat

    Hi, I have a very good Britax Boulevard carseat for sale. Please see here: I also have a brand new MIM cotton sateen sling with DVD for sale @ $15. PM me if interested...
  9. iemuhs

    Any Good recommendation on Malay lady massage??

    Hello mummies, I would like to recommend my massage lady. She's a chinese actually. I have delivered 4 months ago and the malay massages I get earlier and nothing compared to hers! My sister recommended her to me. Her rates are $750, plus $80 for massage cream and $80 transport fee. Total...
  10. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Toilet Training Ruixiang was toilet trained at 22 month old when he started playgroup. Actually the toilet training was triggered by my sis, who claimed that all her 3 children are toilet trained by 18 months. *rolled eyes*. of course going to class also helps us to be more onz in training...
  11. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Opps! Just read the past posts! Thanks so much girls for your well wishes! I delivered Ian Rui Heng on 12 Sep 08, 2.38pm. He weighs 3.4kg at birth. He's doing fine now, been a good boy so far. Cannot say the same for Ruixiang, who is getting really challenging to look after, not sure if it's the...
  12. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi mommies, Good to see the thread moving! But I dun have much time, so did not read the posts much..anyway, can I ask those 2nd time mommies a question? What is your childcare arrangement for no.1 and no. 2 when you go back to work? Am thinking through our options now. Previously had...
  13. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi Tracy, Thanks! Yup, going for epi c-sec.
  14. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi Hunniepot, Thanks for your well wishes. :D
  15. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi twws, haha, actually I get up around that time every day cos Ruixiang is an early riser. Yes, am glad that my hubby is finally back... I no longer feels half empty now... somehow one never realised how empty life can be without someone else to share the joy of having a child. Joy is...
  16. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Wow! the thread is finally moving again Thanks to all the moms who gave me advice on the sleeping arrangement for bb and the CL. Will follow what you all did and give myself the rest then. Actually, I think i am not really mentally prepared for the baby! Oh dear! Hubby been's away for...
  17. iemuhs

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi mommies, ha, thought I would asked this question here instead of the Sep 08 thread where mommies are bz updating their birth stories and prob have no time to answer my question :p btw, am going for c-sec on 12 Sep I am getting a confinement nanny this time round, and I have...
  18. iemuhs

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Lok, Yes, I am thinking along the same line as you. My son goes to playgroup in the morning, and sleeps quite long in the afternoon. During these times, I will spend time with bb, but when my FB is up, I will spend time with him. BB will then go to confinement nanny and maid. My hubby will go...
  19. iemuhs

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    xuanting, I dunno leh, I dun think they follow their utero sleep pattern.... I was reading what to expect when you are expecting, and they state that an active baby in utero does not equate to an active baby when born. I dun recall my son being v active in Utero, but he sure is wakeful and...
  20. iemuhs

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    blackberryB, Yup, I TBF. In the first month, if I remember correctly, it takes my son 45 mins to nurse. After a while, it gets faster. Then when they are nursing, not so good to read magazine, watch tv etc, cos it's supposed to be good baby/ mommy bonding time, so have to spend some time...
