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  1. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    ashley, u lost quite abit of weight! I lost 1.5kg within 2wks due to lost of appetite... I m scheduling for the NT scan at 12wks, currently 10wks...can't wait to see my baby...though not as excited as when having #1 but still looking forward to it...
  2. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    morning! Babieslove, you are early!
  3. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    congrats fiona! I think clearblue shld b accurate!
  4. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    dzxz, ya, agree! Can't help thinking about it. So i tested 4days in a row till i got a very clear line! Haha... Chloe, i was breastfeeding and my menses has yet to return. But i did had faint spotting around 20feb, considered that as menses? If so i only 3wks pregnant! 3wks can test positive...
  5. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    fiona, i also got no feeling of being pregnant yet..haha..let nature take its course... Dzxz, pregnant also will feel cramping one...dont think so much...
  6. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    chloe,the problem is i dont even have a single clue what week im in... [IMG=]
  7. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    i seriously cant remember the last day of menses and no idea when i ovulate, but when i test, the line is probably a shade or two lighter than the control line...does it means that i can be considered 4 or 5wks already? Deciding when should i visit a gynea...i want to wait till at least can hear...
  8. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    chloe, i couldn't get to slp with the excitement! Fiona, its a sign of pregnant too! After ovulatin if the egg is fertilized, the body temperature remains high too! Its normal, i feel hot too! [IMG=]
  9. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    ladies, i think confirm i strike already..couldn't resist the temptations and tested again, the 2nd line very obvious le [IMG=] but i think i won't be seeing a gynea so soon, maybe end of this month or next month when can hear...
  10. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    thanks ladies! Me also considered in the waiting game..think got to wait till next wk then can confirm as now still too early..don't want to be happy for nothing.. I don't have many signs of pregnant though...
  11. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    thanks fiona!
  12. D

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    hi all, i m new here! tested with a pregnancy test strip and had a vy vy vy vy faint line..tot my eyes were playing tricks on me, but my husband saw it too! I think if im pregnant, im probably a wk or so only cos the line is hardly there! going to test everyday till I get a obvious line...
