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  1. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hi mummies finally! i've popped! pls help to update! delivered on 27 jun via natural with epidural.. baby's name, Megan, 3.35kg, 51cm! tks..! will share more coz juz discharged & trying to adapt to BF & etc!!
  2. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hey, want to ask the mummies.. during contractions.. does the baby still move during that 5 min interval (when the tummy is not aching or harden).. eg. still can feel baby move the leg or wat..??
  3. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    just wondering.. for 1st time mummies, is it really true tat babies will only pop near edd and not earlier? seems like those mommies tat are near my edd have already popped while i'm still waiting for the signs to appear.. haiz...
  4. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    dear mummies & MTBs, congrats to all mummies who have popped!! it has been a while since i last logged in here.. btw, i'm in my 39wks++ and yet no signs!! yday experienced irregular pain but not too sure if its really signs of labour.. cant wait to see my bb gal but also afraid of the...
  5. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hey... its really been a while that i log into this forum... btw, can Jalgal help to update list? mine is a baby girl.. i'm staying at commonwealth.. age 30 =) tks!
  6. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Yep, same here... got cravings sometimes.. i love to take hot soup & water these days.. dislike rice.. still love maggi.. haa
  7. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Summer_March: Guess all you need to do now is to relax and stay happy..!!! everything shld be fine.. dun stress out too much.. its harmful to both u n bb... dun carry too heavy stuff and also rest more ya.. =)
  8. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Summer_March: Yes, same here.. my stomach will make weird noises.. but i doubt is the little one is hungry.. guess its the whole homornes reaction.. yep, at my 7wks now.. juz visited the gynae on Mon and listened to the bb HB.. its quite fun. =) Is this your first? When is your EDD...
  9. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Summer_March: Yes, i have bloated stomach too.. And its feeling really uncomfortable.. i oso feel like puking. in the morn, afternn, and nite.. and i think it leads to some gastro-something.. which feels like having gastritis..either i throw up nothing or the yellow acidic stuff.. haiz.. the...
  10. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Aven2009: Pizza every nite? tats really quite filling! hee.. Missbluey: Seems like we hv a habit of eating supper.. i usually can eat more in the morn or late nites.. nv for dinner.. =( unless its really my fav food.. Anyone got bad MS? mine can happen anytime of the day...
  11. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    yep.. my stomach will make alot of weird noises.. then followed by some reactions.. next i will throwup yellow acidic juices... its really weird for such a small baby at early wks can make us so uncomfortable... -_-'''
  12. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    missbluey & isobellies, then its confirmed! its my stomach bloat.. haa! but when i have appetite, i can eat alot.. i'm a sashimi fan too.. dare not eat much.. ate 2 slices only.. then still can eat wonton noodles at 12+am.. haa.. muz be the excess fats residual.. =P hey, i've heard abt...
  13. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    sourfish, i think i'm really like u! can be no appetite at all.. stomach bloated.. alot of wind.. then when i'm hungry, i really need to eat IMMEDIATELY.. cant wait =( .... do we really need to apply stretch cream so early? btw, do you gals start to have baby bumps already? think i...
  14. L

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi MTBs, I'm new here and glad to know so many thgs thru this forum. 2 days ago just listened to the baby's heartbeat and i'm really thrilled. Hi CJ, can you update for me too? EDD: 23 Jun 2010 Hosp: Mt E Gynae: Dr Ben Neo Expecting: #1
