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  1. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Tanly, I think your scenario is similar to what I have encountered a week ago. Baby gets very cranky and refuse to drink milk. I brought baby to PD and was given Ridwind Baby Drops (can also get from guardian; approx $6.20) and some good bateria medication. If you are certain that it's due...
  2. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Thanks Sporty for the useful link! Here's my birth story... it's all waiting and waiting... 17-Nov: Felt contractions after dinner around 7pm. 1st time so happy about contractions as this is stronger than the previous "false alarms". Went to labour ward straight after 1 hour, and...
  3. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi mummies here, need your advise... I am very depressed as my breasts are engorged and still no milk supply for baby. Today is already the 4th day since delivery. I tried using a medela freestyle pump last night, once every 3 hours. Today felt super swollen breasts! Now afraid to pump...
  4. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Sporty, I have finally delivered on 18-Nov! Was so exhausted after 20hrs of long labour. For your list update BB Name: Leona BB Weight: 3.51kg BB Length: 51cm Delivery: Natural with epidural
  5. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    No worries Jinghui, You can try asking on your next appointment. Looking forward to hear your updates...
  6. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Haha... ya, my gynae charges extra for weekend delivery, because it is pre-arranged. I think each gynae charges differently. Not sure if it's the same case for you.
  7. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Jinghui Ya lor... 20-Nov! My EDD is 21st but if I deliver on weekend there will be surcharge. So end up I decided on 20-Nov! Felt so depressed why my gal took so long to decide when to come out.
  8. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Tanly, Jinghui & Bearycue, I am also in the same boat with u ladies. Will be going for induced labour on Friday if BB still not out by then.
  9. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Congrats Starz! So Envy... I am now in week 39 today and still waiting to pop. Getting very impatient.
  10. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    oic... can understand. I'm also having the day and night confused these days. Can't sleep at night and sleep very well during the morning. Thks Stacey for your feedback. How many sessions did you had for the postnatal massage? I heard the best time is to have it 2 weeks after delivery...
  11. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    OMG Shirlin, you should not starve yourself. Take good care coz you are in the final phase of pregnancy. Just realised my EDD is 1 day after yours!
  12. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Poor Shirlin... bet your ice cream already melted.
  13. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Anyone has postnatal massage? Do you find helpful in terms of recovery and slimming?
  14. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Ya lor... coz I am v scared of pain one. Heh.. Shihui, I heard from friends that if you are breastfeeding, try to have at least 1-2 hrs btw your confinement meals and breastfeedings, if you are concerned that the ginger and tonic. That's what I intend to practice during confinement period too.
  15. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sure Sporty... Here's my details for your input. EDD: 21-Nov Gynae: Mary Yang Hospital: Gleneagles BB Gender: Female Delivery Method: Natural w/epi
  16. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Thanks Sporty for your reply. Wow... the mummies here are so active. I just started my maternity leave officially to rest home this week and suddently felt like nothing to do. So happy to find you ladies here and share about our excitement. Kimifin, the kidzloft sale is really...
  17. T

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi mummies, my EDD is on 21-Nov. Besides the Braxton Hicks , frequent running to poo and pee, I am also starting to have serious heartburn especially in the night... Makes me feel like vomiting. Anyone having similar experience also?
