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    Anyone can donate breast milk

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    <b>Anyone delivering @ NUH?</b>

    Hi KS_Lover, I just checked my bills last night. I made a mistake about the cost of the consultation. It's currently $120+ for 1st checkup with senior consultant and $90 for subsequent visits. There are at least 4 female gynes I know of at NUH, A/Prof Mary Rauff, Dr TM Chua, Dr Su Lin Lin...
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    <b>Anyone delivering @ NUH?</b>

    Hi KS Lover, As a private patient, for antenatal checkups, I pay $60+ for senior consultant (first visit is $90+) and $90+ additional for an obsteric scan if the gyne thinks it's necessary or if you request for one. I can't remember the exact delivery charges, but the bill was between...
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    <b>Anyone delivering @ NUH?</b>;func=view&amp;rid=1056785&amp;ptid=1054235
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    trustingHim: I have been to church service at Trinity Christian Centre. Thank you for your suggestion. sunstillshines: Here is a link to a website that attempts to explain Reiki to Christians. It may help a little: Melissa: When I first wrote...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    ChrisL, red_velvet and Miracle: I wanted to share my Reiki healing experience in my TTC journey with you. I don't feel that Reiki has anything to do with witchcraft nor contravenes any religious faith or belief or practices. I lost my baby boy at 18 weeks and 1 day in March this year. I...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear Dawndew, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. *hugs* Thank you for sharing your story with us. I feel your pain, having walked the difficult path of fertility treatment myself. To finally manage to conceive, only to lose her after such a long journey must be beyond heart wrenching...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello mummies, I originally posted my story on the stillbirth thread which I found out about from a really nice mtb from the Aug 2012 thread. My baby boy was due in Aug. I lost him at 18 weeks. I went into labour suddenly and delivered him. He was still alive and kicking when they did a...
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    Feeling left out with all my "Dragon mummies-to-be" "friends" <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherho

    Dear TTCing, I wanted to send you a PM, but you do not accept PMs. I completely understand how you feel. The stress of ttc is already bad enough without having the additional stress of having to conceive by a certain time. Please try not to worry about what other people are saying or...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Ethan_mum: I'm so sorry to read about losing your baby girl at 17 weeks. I feel your pain; lost my baby boy at 18 weeks. In my case, I had contractions before dilation, so I can't be sure if it is cervix insufficiency. I had similar feelings as you - that I didn't take good care of myself and...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Angeline: I hope your appointment went well yesterday. I'm thinking of you and baby. I took your advice and went to see my gyne to get the blood tests ordered. I forgot to ask her on getting checked for cervix incompetency; maybe I'll ask at the next visit in mid May when the blood test...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Angeline: I'm so sorry about the diabetes diagnosis. Is it gestational diabetes? I know it is very difficult, but try not to worry too much until you have seen the doctor on Wednesday. Stress cannot be good for you and for baby. I am sure that the diabetes can be managed and monitored closely...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    babymaking, Sticky: *Hugs* to you both. Everyone around me keeps saying that we will feel better with time. I keep hoping that it is true, not because I want to forget my baby boy, but so that I can somehow function like a normal human being and not suddenly start crying in the middle of a meal...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Castiel's Mummy: Thanks! Fingers crossed for you to have a BFP this cycle! Ranice: I can't tell you how happy I am for you and I wish for everything to go well for you this time! My lochia also ended around 2 weeks (the 2nd week was just on and off bleeding and spotting), but I started...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Ranice: I'm so happy for you that everything turned out so well at the gyne visit! I know it must be really difficult for you with Donte's EDD being so close. But he is in a happy place now and is looking out for you and his little brother or sister. You have to take care of yourself because...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Enjel: Thank you for remembering and checking in on me. I haven't gone back to work yet. Going back next Friday. I have a very understanding gyne who extended my hospitalization leave by 2 weeks; I would have been a wreck at work if I'd gone back after just the initial 2 weeks leave. I'm...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    I don't know if this has been posted in this thread before, but I saw it today in the miscarriages thread and thought that I'd share it here. It made me cry, but at the same time made me feel much better. What Makes A Mother I thought of you and closed my eyes And prayed to God today I...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear Ranice and Castiel's Mummy, Even though it hurts, I'd rather that people ask me about him. For the same reason as Ranice's. When others are willing to talk about them, I feel that they acknowledge that he existed. Just because we miscarried them or just because they were stillborn...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Enjel: Congratulations on having a lovely baby gal! I loved your idea of celebrating your angel gal's birthday with a cake. I think we will do the same for our angel boy. Angeline: Your stories made me cry so much. It's so unfair for someone to have to experience this kind of awful pain more...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hello Ranice, Thank you for replying and giving me hope. I hope with all my heart that your current pregnancy will be strong and smooth. I know that you will be worried and fearful; I won't try to tell you otherwise because I know that's exactly how I would feel in your position. I know...
