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  1. M

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh my EDD is 26th june 2010
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi everyone, Vi4n thanks for asking on me I a doing good. Visited Dr Sadhana on 18th jan again confirmed is a prince. Will be doing my detailed scan on 12th feb. I can fell baby movements in the afternoon and night when I lay down.
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi Gals, Nice to see u all here. Hazel Congrates!! I just went for my gynea visit and I am also having a Boy. Looks like all June deliveries are mostly boys.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Singapoh: just checked. For Trisomy 21: Adjusted risk is 1:14174.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sisters, Hope few remember me. I maintained a low profile since I was spotting when I was 6 weeks pregnant. It lasted for 2 weeks and stopped. Now I am happy to share that I am in tri 2. Yesterday I did DS and baby is very low risk 1:14000. I am 12 weeks + pregnant. baby was measuring...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi girls, I am in bedrest since I started bleeding. I keep spotting on off only once in a day. And that too not all days. 4 days once I have blood and later will be just brown spooting. I met dr.Sad when I was 7weeks 4 days. She checked and said there is a blood sac and once baby grows it...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Su_yana thanks, I am not local and really dont have gf having issues like me. Hi baby, thanks will inform my hubby abt the gyneas u mentioned. Hi hazel, yeah I am not worried to know if 2 or one. Was confused if the slower growing one is causing the bleeding or what. or its in wrong...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hey girls, I need some more support and siggestions from you. today i again had bleeding this time not brown but dark red and was quite a bit thought it stopped by itself by the time I reached 24hr clinic. The dr again in 24 hr clinic say she can see 2 sacs where one sac has the big baby...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Linda, thanks for asking. I had a bad news and good news. Let me start with good one. Yesterday I did scan at AMC and Dr sadhana confirmed that I am having singleton. I saw baby's heart beat and was measuring 6.4 weeks was really happy. my hubby cld not see as they said they have to do...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Oxidised, I miss typed. we did ER on sept30th. Sorry to confuse
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Vi4n, Congrates!! no worries as prof says he was happy. Thats an assurance for us. I used this calculater which says ultrasound can detect Heartbeat on Nov3rd for you and me as we both did ER on sept 20th check out.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Spiffy, My previous preganacy I had a mc at 9week that was my 1st IVF. So I am concerned. Dont wanna think abt the prev one but still I cant forget. praying hard I really wanna this to be successful.
  13. M

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Singapoh, Congrates!!! seeing the heart beat is wonderfull feeling. Lots of twins lately. Teake care and eat well. Vi4n, you doing scan tommr right!! wow!!. I tried calling kkh to bring my scan fwd but they cannot dr sadhana is fully booked till nov 10th. So sticking to nov 3rd as scheduled...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Linda, Congrates!! Please take care and eat well. Sunnybaby, Sorry to hear the news. please try again. do u have frozen embies?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Littlemik, Might be the embryo implanted late in such cases it will be low. Will keep u in my prayer's. Linda, how was ur scan today?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi oxidise .. Congrats for twins. I am very happy for you .
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Spiffy, Happy for your Congrates!! Please eat well and take work lighter. I am really waiting for my scan long time to go. its nov 3rd. Do u have ms?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies, Wanna ask you is anyone of you using Blakmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold. What is the right time to start with ?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Vi4n, I too don't have any morning sickness ..
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sunnybaby, Rest more, feel warm and sweat is good sign. Baby dust to you!!!
