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  1. Z

    (2014/07) July 2014

    hi, i m currently 6+ weeks. saw sac n heartbeat alr. this is my no.2. pls add me in the FB grp([email protected]). thanks!!
  2. Z

    LUK/Mini LUK

    Hi, I would like to order 1) MiniLUK Advance Complete Set with controller ($50.75) 2)MiniLuk Combo Set with controller ($79.90) Please email me at...
  3. Z

    Your Baby Can Read VCD/DVD -Buttercup

    hi, do u still have available stock for the dvd set?
  4. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hope, count me in!
  5. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    kaoru, i dont like My First Skool leh.. not impressed with the curriculum and each time i pick J up, i hear the teachers screaming at the kiddos.. the kiddos also dont look very happy.. it speaks volumes right? For IfC, i am just closing one eye for now... Elfa is at Tamp CC and Simei CC. I...
  6. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    the carpe diem near my place is about $400 after subsidy but I didnt choose it cos i find it too run-down.. Gonna switch CC for my my boy when he turns 18mths.. switch to Elfa.. they follow kinderland curriculum.. will be paying $500 odd after subsidy.
  7. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    carpe diem.. i think the one at alexandra is good but the branch at tampines is not after a visit tehre... the outdoor environment at alexandra is a good bonus point.
  8. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Xiaoxin, I find that the 'homework' we do after work plays a very impt part too. When I leave at 3plus, all my work are not done, things are not marked and they can only be done when the boy falls aslp.. And it's jus so sickening to know that u have this homework waiting for u everyday and the...
  9. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    but XX, that's provided u are not staying behind to mark etc?? then u gonna lug things home to do? Anyway, i think the 1/2 and 2/3 load thing really depends on ur sch's arrangements. going off at 3.30 to 4 is already a big challenge for me!
  10. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hope, I find online very leh chey so I mailed to ICA instead
  11. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hope, that's so exp!! equivalent to J's 2 months of sch fees
  12. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Julia, Manduca is $249.90 for basic edition and $279.90 for limited edition.
  13. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    The current model is okay for infants. J used it since he was 2 months and some of my friend's started their newborn with it too. Seems fine so far.
  14. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    The new model is the same price cos it's supposed to replace the current model. I think they have ready stock for navy and black, the other colours have to pre order and arrive by mid July ( according to my FB newsfeed)
  15. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Jojo, yup there is a new model coming out...called the manduca newstyle.. basically the same except for colours. our hood is a different colour from the main body.. but the new design will have the whole carrier in the same colour. Our kids alr 1 year old.. hahahaha u wait any longer.. may...
  16. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Jojo, I just mine for a friend. However, I have another card but that is only 5%. Let me know if u want it.
  17. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hope, i have fungicort. applied before.. works for awhile, then it comes back again. cos its steriod, i dont wanna keep applying it on the testicles!!!
  18. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Mummies, my boy has some rashes on his testicles and penis for about 3 weeks alr. Do u think I shd bring him to PD?
  19. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Irene, has he seen a doc? Use antiseptic wash on his bum, followed by antibiotic cream and purple desitin
  20. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hope, can la. Those of us who go with 1 kid and no help to swim, we usually help one another out.
