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  1. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Sorry.. double post..
  2. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi lynn, u tested all saw a bery faint light? I tested with stripe type and test kit. Stripe show bery faint and e test kit show neg.. . M confuse.. nw just wait for another few more days thentest again..
  3. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi lynn, u tested all saw a bery faint light? I tested with stripe type and test kit. Stripe show bery faint and e test kit show neg.. . M confuse.. nw just wait for another few more days thentest again..
  4. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    congrats henshe.. happy for u.. welcome welcome..
  5. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Sunflower & Queenie, thanks for the advice.. i cant hold till next wrk then test.. lol.. too gan cheong.. hope i gd news tomolo..
  6. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    hi naddy & ladies, usually you all did e test in e morning right? Plan to use strip to test then use test kit to double confirm
  7. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    nana, maybe i test again tomolo morning.. hope it is positive.. have been trying bery long..
  8. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    helllooo mummies... morning i using test strip tested positive(e line appear bery light).. Just now go watson buy test kit tested negative.. so positive or negative?? sian..
  9. D

    (2013/02) March 2013

    hihihihi.. just use test strip to test this morning.. POSITIVE!! m sooo happy.. but dont knw e strip type reliable anot... hahaha.. later lunch time must cheong to watson to buy clear blue type.. if confirm this is my 2nd one.. 1st is girl and already 2yr plus.. hope hope is POSITIVE!!!
  10. D

    (2019/05/29) Factory Price - Windows/ Grilles/ Gates/ Repairs

    Hi, can you kindly quote the window grills for me (Horizontal grills 3)for 3 rooms flat in teban garden(new flat)?
  11. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Skymummy.. Me too.. Just spotted red.. Hiaz.. Lets try harder ;) Take care..
  12. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Skymummy.. Same here.. Hate e feeling of waiting.. Somemore i buy e clearblue to test.. Soo exp.. Maybe i wait for another few more days then test again.. U go see gynea liao let my knw wat they say..
  13. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Tested.. Still negative.. 10 days late.. Think i not pregnant bah.. Just menses late.. Congrate to u all mtb.. Me & hubby will try harder..;)
  14. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Still dont dare to test again.. Hate e feeling when saw negative again.. ;..( hiaz..
  15. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Jan: tks.. Nw can only 'chi chi de den'
  16. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hiaz.. tested NEGATIVE.. Dont knw y my menses still nt here yet. Alrdy day 8.. Wat happen to me.. So sad.. Thought tis time strike liao.. My hubby so sad too.. Nw can only wait for another few days then test again.. Hope to see gd news..
  17. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Ya.. When I having my 1st bb doctor doctor also recommend to hve dha @ 3 mth
  18. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi morning everyone, Haha.. Ya.. Later will go buy a test kit during lunch time.. Hope it is +ve then i can close shop.. Hehe.. If positive, tis is my 2nd pregnancy.. hope tis time is a boy.. My 1st one alrdy 16mth..
  19. D

    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi all mtb, My LMP is 12/7.. Menses late for 1 week leh but i still havent do any test yet.. Lol.. Dont knw is it false alarm ant but after reading u all posting like having cramps, i also got tat feeling.. Thinking i might be pregnant too.. Maybe i wait for another 1 or 2 days before buying...
  20. D

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    toray: usually gave her papaya & banana. ya.. so times i also lazy.. usually my in law give de. :p
