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  1. M

    SO IUI Aug/Sep 2013

    Hi all, Need yr advice. Does different DR make a difference? Im under Dr veronique and just had my beta test 17dpiui. Turned out negative but no AF Yet. Any advice?
  2. M

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salams all, I just had my first iui , today is my 17dpiui and went for my beta test tapi sadly it was negative. I still have not had my AF though, and been feeling pretty pms-y these weeks. I want to ask you all, have anyone gone for IUI or all of you went straight for IVF? I am pretty upset...
  3. M

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Hi all I just had my beta test today 17dpiui and it turns out to be not pregnant. However AF hve not yet arrived and i just had spotting with brown blood today. Anyone have any recommendations? I went for SO-iui , have pcos and seldom have my menses. Before i had my iui, i have got 7 follicles...
