SO IUI Aug/Sep 2013


Active Member
Dear all lovely TTCers, i'm creating a new thread for those who are embarking on SO IUI this quarter of the year, be it first timer or otherwise. I am in the 4th cycle of SO IUI now, 2nd time with the current gynae.

First two were done with another gynae but no success, so thought of trying out another equally renowned gynae who uses different protocols.

The tww can be extremely nerve wrecking and much as you try not to read into any signs, you can't help it but to google at every available chance on every single noticeable or maybe even phantom sign!!

I'm at 4dpiui today :)

If you can wait, test on 14dpiui better. Qne day does make a lot of difference in early pregnancy as our beta HSG doubles by the day at this very early stage.

But I know totally how you feel, been there done it! Haha....

Some tests are more sensitive, they can pick up HSG of at least 25. Clearblue digital only picks up HSG of 50 and above, but the clearblue stick picks up 25 and above.

Get clearblue, expensive but more reliable. Try the stick first, the one with the positive sign on window which works from the first day you missed your menses.

Clearblue digital maybe one week later to play safe, not cheap lor. :)

jiayou Joyce...only 2 days to exciting. I really really wish you all the very best and baby blessings!!!
Joyce, did Dr Cheng inform you what your lining thickness and follicles size were on your last day of scan prior to trigger shot?

I had 5 follicles measuring 17mm, 3 on one side and 2 on other size but cannot rmb which is which side now. And lining at 9.5mm. So after that morning scan at CD11, I was asked to do trigger shot that night itself at 10pm. IUI was done CD13 around 1pm. I cant help but to think I ovulated before IUI.

Are your temp rising everday or rather stagnant but on the high side?
If I never remember wrongly, the left follicle is the dominant one at around 21mm and some small one at around 8-9mm on right. Lining was about 9mm. I tested opk tve after trigger shot (kinda silly actually- cos how can not ovulate after trigger shot).
My temp was lingering aroung 36 degress before IUI but after around 2 days after IUI, temp raised to min 36.45 degrees and maintaining till now with today highest at 36.68 degrees. Hope not due to medication or impending flu. But then, temp always been previously low even on medications, hope its a sign
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Sounds good Joyce!

If temp goes higher nearer test date, that's a good sign. Are you experiencing any symptoms? Like sore tits, sore boobs, nauseous, frequent urination?

It's prolly too early to hv any I suppose coz I have a few friends who DuPont know they were pregnant till about 6 weeks, after missing their period for two whole weeks.
Do you get more cervical mucus now or dry?

I'm feeling relatively dry, not much mucus after iui. But I hv been having strange cravings, not sure if its the hormone tablets resulting in my cravings and I gain so much weight.
I did have sore breast on and off. Initially, before IUI and few days after that cervical mucous was quite a lot. Mostly clear. Dr Cheng say it's good sign. No nausea really but easily bloated. I don't know if it's the weather but been feeling very hot lately. Now do not actually have cervical mucous, quite dry. Am I supposed to have cervical mucous?
I read on some forums how the BFPers experience lots of milky or creamy discharge during the two weeks wait. So when I wipe after loo visit, I'll inspect but no, nothing. Quite dry too.

Clear cervical mucus during ovulation period is good, signifies fertile period.

When I fell pregnant the first time, I had sore breast, only my right. So bad I dare not adjust much when wearing a bra. At the time, I was still ignorant of signs and was even worried if I am getting breast cancer. I lost that pregnancy. Exactly one yr from now.

Keep trying, my hope. :)

I'm counting down for u, 2 days to go.
i played cheat today. Took HPT in the morning. But felt the not really a very strong positive cos the + not very visible.
but it shows a plus right? coz you tested too early, it will be faint. once beta HSG rise with the days, the kit was pick up more and the plus sign will be stronger.


you can whatsapp me the pic if you like. you want my mobile?
Dear Joyce - ee,

Faint line usually indicates early pregnancy....
If u wait another two days and take another test,it might turn darker..
Anyway,how was ur BT result???
Hi Ladies, I'm on my 2nd attempt at so-iui... Only on 1 leading follicle >_<, gynae don't want to waste the cycle. Today is 7 dpiui. It's silly but I can't withhold myself & tested today. Needless to say the result :/ . Looking fwd to this sat at 11dpiui where I tested positive during my 1st attempt.

Really really hope things will go smoothly all the way this tie round! Jia you All!
Hi Ladies, I'm on my 2nd attempt at so-iui... Only on 1 leading follicle >_<, gynae don't want to waste the cycle. Today is 7 dpiui. It's silly but I can't withhold myself & tested today. Needless to say the result :/ . Looking fwd to this sat at 11dpiui where I tested positive during my 1st attempt.

Really really hope things will go smoothly all the way this tie round! Jia you All!
All the best!!
Hi all,

Need yr advice. Does different DR make a difference? Im under Dr veronique and just had my beta test 17dpiui. Turned out negative but no AF Yet. Any advice?
Dr Veronique is a new doctor...Actually they are all skilled..its juz that u will feel more confident wen u take a more experienced doctor...Sadhana,HH Tan are experienced and statistically,they have more success rates... :) If ur Beta is negative, AF should be visiting u anytime this week...Don't be disheartened..u can always try again.. :)
Hi I am new to this forum... Anyone know which hospital is specialised in So-IUI with subsidy? Is SGH good for so-iui?
Hello all! I am new here. Decided to join the forum to get some support.
Been on an emotional roller coaster. TTC for 1.5years. PCOS. 28yrs old.
4 failed clomid cycles,body doesn't respond to clomid.
Just started 1st cycle of so-iui. Day 4 of 75miu puregon. I think my hormones are wrecking up my mood. Is puregon suppose to have that effect?

Feeling very depressed especially when my frds don't understand my situation and I can't get support from my girl friends.
Hi ladies, I will be returning 60 eggs on 1st Jan 2014 at Shuang Lin Temple at Zhu Sheng Niang Niang altar before 12pm. Do go down and collect the eggs. Hope everyone will get a BFP! Happy New Year to all!
Hello all! I am new here. Decided to join the forum to get some support.
Been on an emotional roller coaster. TTC for 1.5years. PCOS. 28yrs old.
4 failed clomid cycles,body doesn't respond to clomid.
Just started 1st cycle of so-iui. Day 4 of 75miu puregon. I think my hormones are wrecking up my mood. Is puregon suppose to have that effect?

Feeling very depressed especially when my frds don't understand my situation and I can't get support from my girl friends.

I feel you jooo..

I am a PCOS too. Was on clomid cycle for a few cycles which doesn't seems to have any effect. Either lining still too thin or eggs immature. Nevertheless still went for IUI which of course was unsuccessful. I subsequently changed consultation to a fertility specialist gynae who still start on one cycle of clomid to no avail. After discussion, we went ahead with self-injectables Gonal-F since the eggs just refused to mature then SO-IUI. Was then prescribed hormonal tablets and jabs to 'promote' implantation.

Try to relax and don't think too much. All these hormonal jabs and tablets will caused mood swings. You might want to consider seeing TCM as well to nourish your body constitutes. Unless they are experiencing what we been going through, friends doesn't know the pain of continuously ttc with no results and seeing them having one kid after the other.
Hi Joyce_ee, I am currently seeing TCM and apparently my Gynae and the Chinese physician know each other! So both of them supported each other and said to still continue treatment on both sides.

So how did your SO-IUI go?
Great! Take it easy.. I'm seeing my gynae and TCM as well. Prior and during treatment, I took various supplement to try to boost body as well even though gynae think not really necessary. He only kept reminding me to relax and relax.
I'm at my 20weeks keeping fingers crossed cos had a rough journey earlier with all the spotting, bleeding and hospitalization
I'm seeing Dr Fong Yang. .
Yours? I am going for my second scan on Monday. Hoping the eggs will be ready.
