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  1. Y

    (2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

    Hi, Ciarie Yes!i long time no post liao. Wah! This tread go very fast oh!! Really like F1...
  2. Y

    (2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

    I'm already 38 weeks n 2 days preg.Sit at hm and wait sibeh SIAN leh!! Tomorrow morning still want go for following check-up again , i hope my gynea will say can get ready to induce loh!!....
  3. Y

    (2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

    Congrats to all mummies who had POPPED!!
  4. Y

    Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

    Hi, Kell I'm seeing Dr.Han at KKH TPS too.And this is my #1 bb..I agree with u coz everytime when i went to see him its always so rush and less than 5 mins.But if i got any Qns i will ask him and he will explain and answer the Qns nicely loh and always told me don't worry too much... Everytime...
  5. Y

    (2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

    Hi,,all mummies i'm new here. Here are my details. Nick: yvonne aurias Expecting: #1 Edd: 15 April Bb Gender: Girl Gynae: Dr Han How Chuan Hospital: KKH
  6. Y

    Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

    hi chloegal, thanks alot, i already received your email lioa..
  7. Y

    Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

    Hi, Chloegal my gynae is Dr Han too...i'm also curious too see his 7 childrends... could you email me Dr Han's family photo. my email is [email protected] Thanks....
