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  1. L

    (2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

    Hi fellow twin mums! Have the following to let go. PM me if interested. =) 1. Breastfriend twin nursing pillow (bought at $168, letting go at $138) VERY good condition, used for less than 1 mth. REALLY helped a whole load the first month in kickstarting BF. 2. Books on twins (including...
  2. L

    (2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

    Hi Annika!! Glad to see you here. Yes, the first 2 months were super siong!!! Though things got slightly better after that, it still feels very siong everyday. Haha. They are now 6 months and 1 week old and just started solids a few weeks ago. I also have 1 fussy twin!!! Twin #1. Guess...
  3. L

    (2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

    Hi all, I have a twin brestfeeding pillow to let go. I used only for a couple of weeks. In very good condition. Original retail price is $168, letting go at $128 (Self-collect). PM me if interested! =)
  4. L

    (2011)Twin / multiple pregnancy

    Hi all! That's where some of you have been... I thought the 2010 twins thread died. Haha, until PinkD told me abt this thread. My twins are 6 months old exactly tomorrow!!! I have a toddler who is almost 2.5 years old... it's been a whirlwind the last few months, but guess things are...
  5. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hey Annika, My twins are 4.5 mths old now. Sad to say, my twins' routine are not as good as my #1. It seems very very hard to have a consistent routine with them. =( But to share, here's roughly what it's like... They are on 3 hrly feeding schedule even till now. Some days they start at...
  6. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hey Nann! How is your breastfeeding going? How's life after your CL left? I remember my #1 also cried A LOT in the first 2 months. I remember carrying him for 2 hours at nite before he stopped crying. =( I think it was colic. There's only so much we can do, put ru yu oil and give ridwind...
  7. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi, how is everyone's CNY? =) Happy CNY! Forum has been a bit quiet... how is everyone coping?
  8. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi everyone! How's your CNY? Forum been really quiet in the past few weeks... how is everyone coping? =)
  9. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Yup, my boy still needs one of us to lie beside him before he sleeps... and sometimes it takes FOREVER. Plus, he still has bad habit of waking up in the middle of nite asking for milk! Can u imagine? SIGH... =( When he started doing it, we thought it's just a phase and we just let it be.. and it...
  10. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    hey nann, It's like that first time round. With #1, my heart starts beating super fast when I hear baby cry... go into panic mode. But now with the twins, it's much better and I can let them cry for longer periods before panicking. Haha. Think it's still possible to pump and feed with a...
  11. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi Mail, I did the same as Tulips_hope. Wake other twin up so that their feeding times are close/same. If not, I feel like I'm constantly feeding them through out the day... At nite, I think some mothers follow cues of babies to feed on demand, but cos I bottle fed my twins, I actually wake...
  12. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Mail, I'm not as determined as the other mums and I do get affected and waivered by what the CL says. But one thing I insisted on was to feed them TOGETHER, so that you won't feel like you are constantly feeding them and it helps to establish some form of feeding schedule. I do help my CL. So...
  13. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hey Mail, Don't give up yet... If your nipples are bleeding, rest them a bit and don't offer them to your baby. Let them heal a bit before latching the babies again. Pump first. It can be surprising how fast the nipples toughen up. But this is a temporary measure. Most importantly, the...
  14. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hey Nann, Congrats on your twins! They are of good weights too. My younger twin also failed the hearing test (twice!) Got us really worried for a while... had to repeat it when he is 1 mth old. And thank God he passed it. It's true that many of the cases are due to water inside the...
  15. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hey Pinky, Can I ask, when you put your twins in their crib at 8 pm and they either cry or stare into space, how long do you let them cry for? You mean from 8 pm to 10 pm they can be doing that? Haha... If you set their bedtime at 8 pm, what if they just fed at say 6.30 pm? Do you just...
  16. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Hi 76, that's my hope too!! That my kids will sleep by 8-9 pm so that I can get a bit of downtime myself, time to chit chat with my hubby... if not, can go a bit crazy. My #1 somehow shifted his bedtime later and later... now we prep him to sleep at 9, but he only really sleeps at 10+ pm. =(...
  17. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi Mail, I also always seem to only be able to feel 1 twin kicking more vigorously when I was pregnant... but as long as the scan shows that they're both growing, it helps to assure me... Yeah, I agree that the giving birth process is nothing compared to the breastfeeding/taking care of...
  18. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Hi 76, Your schedule looks pretty good... that they're in bed by 8 pm. How long did it take you to establish this and how do you put them to bed? With my #1, I also managed to do 3 hourly feeds and all. But with the twins, everything just seem very much harder. Btw, saw some of the...
  19. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Baby, I think first few weeks, it's best to try and latch the babies. It's prob the best way to build up your supply.. When you pump, you can try massaging your breasts at the same time to increase the milk pumped out. That's what I do. As for the wound, I remember it still felt sore...
  20. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Hi twin mummies, Thought I will ask my question here since you guys are probably more experienced! =) Any mummy had success establishing a simple routine with your twins? When did you start? In terms of napping and feeding schedule? Do you let your twins cry it out? Anyone had success...
