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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Geryl & All Mummies .... Thxs for sharing, i m putting up in the west area. But i wont mind to drive him to a school within 15mins distance with good environment with newer facilites and patient professional teachers...haha am i asking for alot but really wants the best poss for him...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi April Mummies, Hv not been on thread for a while... hope to catch up. Can i seek for your advices on any good preschool that i cud send my just-turned 2year old boy to. Honestly, he had been worst cranky ever of late and am really afraid whether he cud accustomed well to the class. Can...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Angel, Thanks loads for the long note on the muffin recipes... heaps of thanks and appreciation. I will try it out and revert on success the next time. rdgs- RAR
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi All, Hv not catch up for a while... ryan had been rejecting his solids lately namely porridge, rice, noodles soup. Can anyone share what good nutritious recipes that i could wet his appettite again, thanks. Also, i have lately learned to make muffins for him but three attempts yet...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Calarmari, Do not hv msn... thanks for yr feedback. Let me know how is the class for JG bilingual playgroup cos i am planning that too except now has already enrolled him in Schichida... Meantime enrollement for JG playschool dont start now till next year so hv to wait then. Afterall, the...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Jules mum, Will chk out more playshcools that ryan can stay for few hrs. Yes, u r right, Chiltern hse is for 2.5yrs to 3yrs old... but need to be on high waiting list to be in thus must enrol earlier. Wow, ur maid is pretty good, ya. She can bake muffins which my maid is not even able to cook...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Jules& Sputnik, Thxs & will chk it out at the website indicated. Ya, indeed extreme confused cos i really saw the instructions on the childlife Cod Liver Oil at Gnc indicated for 2years above dosages thus salesman said wait till 2yrs after cos this is slightly stronger type.... haha...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Jules, I went to Gnc to recfm again on the cod liver oil at another branch and also e salesperson insisted Childlife cod liver oil is meant for 2years and above of which they also shown me as indicated on the instructions for 2years above on the bottle itself... I am kinda confused. Is it...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Xav, what is sambulcos ? Hi All Mums, I am currently giving my boy the Neoboitics in satchet form from Guardian & Unity on alternate day basis mixed in his milk intake... However due to the recent spate of his severe 10days bad diahorrea had made casting gradual doubts on this...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    artist, Where can i get neurogain Dha..? are u giving other supplements as well ? is it in capsules or liquid form ? tks
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Calamari, Re - can u adv me the website add for the supplements i cud get for my boy... btw are they selling the same types as Gnc ? What are the suggested supplements to give for 17mths tot then..?? I do also unstd that Gnc can give up to 35% for bday mth discounts. I m too keen on the...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Jules, I was also planning to get him multi vit and Dha at Gnc ....but e salesgirl told me their cod liver oil is only suitable for tot above 2years old.... so maybe you wud like to recfm abt it if you are giving to your younger boy now ? Btw, what you think of their vit c cos salesgirl says...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Shelyn , tratties... Same question i have here too for my son on the supplements cos plan to send him to playschool soon.
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Jules, U r continuing with the class on wkday now..? In what other areas do you think it has also help your boy in his devt in Kindermusik cos i am still contemplating other enrichment classes to enrol him ....?? He loves music too but he hardly speak thus i am thinking of how to make him...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Jules, My son had only started at 11mths and end at 15mths old when the swine flu started that i put to a stop first till now. I dont think we have met before as he only attended a short period of 4mths only. btw, he attended the sunday session at 4pm slot at Tanglin, how about you. Btw, i...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Violet, Life sometimes can be indeed contradicting but i must assure u that is truly blessed to have a mum by your side to care for yr child. Yes, they can sometimes be very naggy and irritating though caring and that honestly makes us stressssssssssss instead at the end of the day. I used...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Artist, U make my day with the laugh that the aircon man is simply so silly to comment Jax is 1week old... how a big silly ignorant man he is...heehee. I totally agree with you that mouth is "evil" with all the nonsense and hurting comments sprouting without knowing that it cud hurts...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Xav, Will add u in the msn... btw i do not know Cindy. Hahha... thanks for looking upon me to be a part-time baby sitter. I can never be one cos tending for my son is already a big chore and stress to me...hehehe. thus not possible lah. Yeah, is good to do some biz so cud have more time for...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Artist, Coincidentally, Ryan also just had stomache flu passed on by me and had lost some weight too due to poor appetite. You are right, after a while we seem to be more "seasoned" being not overly obessive of their weight anymore as long they are well, healthy and happy...U indeed have a...
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi Mummies, When i first known of this motherhood thread...i am impressed and somewhat touched by so many nice mummies out there willing to lend a helping hand and ear to share about their experiences of parenting the child of similar age ranges. I have stopped writing for a while due to...
