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  1. I

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    hi everyone just want to give you all support. one must not give up in pursuing your dream, you must persevere, your patience will be rewarded. sometimes you will succeed, when you least expect it. my baby is the result of only 5 cell embryo on day 3 (average grade only, when it is...
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    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Pink...don't give up, give the little embryo a chance, you never know. if it doesn't work, then you should consider seeing prof ng at gleneagles. i used to have only 1 embryo in my previous cycles. (to celia, i did my previous cycles in another country) in my successful cycle with prof ng i...
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    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    hi love dd i was a patient of prof ng at gleneagles and i have finally given birth to my baby, after my 4th attempt of ivf. in my opinion, prof ng's lab is the best in singapore if you have embryo quality issues. i think what he meant by growth hormone is luveris. yes, i had luveris and short...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi shashan i failed several ivf cycles before i finally succeeded and gave birth to my baby. similar to you, i also had poor embryo quality and none frozen. i agree you should go and try with Prof Ng Soon Chye or dr Foong, they have the same clinic. I did mine with Prof Ng, and another...
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi Hazel I've been a silent reader of this forum. I also had prolong bleeding after my ectopic surgery, I spotted for almost 2 months, it was heavy in the beginning with clots but then the brown spotting continues for 2 months, sometimes heavy and sometimes light. I was prescribed some hormone...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi soho i have been a silent reader of this forum. i am a patient of Prof Ng and thanks to him i am finally a mother of my beautiful baby girl personally, i feel Prof Ng is very experienced in ivf protocols, especially if your case is really difficult and you have failed several ivfs in...
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi babymaking have you received my e-mail ? tx
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi Babymaking.. i would like to ask you some questions on your previous hysteroscopy can you pm me your e-mail address please. or active your pm..thanks
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Elle I have just activated my private message, you can now try again. Thanx )
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Elle, thank you for sharing the information. may i know which dr did you go to and the total cost of your procedure. is it possible for me to contact you by e-mail ? you can pm me your email address. Thanks Feibb, congratulations again, so wonderful to hear that you might be pregnant...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone I am new to this forum, but i have been following the thread for a couple of months. Would like to congratulate everyone who have succeeded in this ivf journey especially Imel and Elle, and Feibb. Dear Elle Lim, I have a question in regards to your protocol. Did you have to...
