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    ! -- Advice: Pat's Schoolhouse Baby Haven

    baby haven is for babies up to 2 years. Pat's is fo the older kids They are all part of the pat's group.
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    Birthday Cake pics to share

    Hi Has anyone done a Thomas the tank engine cake? Need one and cupcakes for my son's 3rd birthday on 25 Aug, Pls PM me with pics and cost. thanks
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    ! -- Advice: Pat's Schoolhouse Baby Haven

    not baby haven. all the baby meals are prepared in-house from the start.
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    ! -- Advice: Pat's Schoolhouse Baby Haven

    my 10 month baby is there now for 3 weeks and seems to be enjoying it. my other 2 older kids are pats alumni too. it is the best choice i have made for them so far in terms of school. my eldest one cried when they graduated. it is really a school with heart.
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    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    ann and taurus think the docs recommend sleeping on the left side so that we do not press on the vein removing the waste matter on our right side. i find that propping a pillow or body cushion under my right side usually makes it more comfortable...
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    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    jimbo u must be a very concerned husband to want to find ways to support your wife but ultimately she is the one who needs to realise that once she becomes a mummy...the sacrifices start[IMG=]not to say that she wont regain her...
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    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    megane *hugs* pls take care of yourself and "bu" your body back to health. I had an m/c too with my first pregnancy so i can imagine how u feel. be strong. pris i used mustela for #1 and will NEVER use Palmers cocoa butter as after starting that for #2 i got PUPPP. i'm still worried that...
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    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    jellypurin good for u that u got to hear and see bb[IMG=] do take care of yourself and dont exert. if necessary, take mc. confinement nanny I had a day nanny for #1 cos hubby did not want a stranger to stay in and it was...
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    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies am new here[IMG=] my EDD is 7 July and I will be delivering at Mt E. This bb will be my No. 3[IMG=] hopefully its a little princess or I will pengz cos i...
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    Advice me pls: Maid wearing my clothes

    hi just to share i read some other threads and have found a solution that works for me. i asked my maid whether in her previous employer's place she could help herself freely and she said yes. so i told her that we do things differently in this house. Now whenever I buy soft drinks or green tea...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    chewy MILS will always be an unfathomable species unlike our own mums who can always be trusted and relied upon cos they gave birth to us... SO we both had better be having daughters this time round! can u imagine having 3 daughters-in-law??! if its another boy i confirm go and book my place in...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    thanks storeberry
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    gunibabe due 7 july 2010. chilli? owwww... will have to fix my mind to dtart the weaning business. jon still doesnt like formala milk so if he doesnt have bm not sure what he's gonna drink. when is your due date? koras poor baby K. hope he gets better soon. If he has gastric flu, likely not...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    thanks lil CH and bigtoes think pink! think pink! think pink!*LOL* weaning jon: got any tips? my gynae suggested make him go cold turkey and apply lemon on my boobs?!
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    er lil CH ya.:D muhahaha just found out. hope its pink dust otherwise pengz liao. btw just got back from the PD with jon and sam. they both have dreadful colds that we hope will not get worse. jon has fever again to boot. sigh. thanks Goldfish.
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Goldfish should be end june/early july next year.
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hello all ummmm, anyone got good confinement nanny to recommend?
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    Maid's salary

    happyface yes the salary in HK and Taiwan is double that of singapore. also the maid benefits are better too ie they have "normal working hours" e.g. 8-5pm and they usually do not stay in with the emplyer. So that means nights free to do things like shopping, go for classes etc. I had a maid...
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    Advice me pls: Maid wearing my clothes

    happymum thanks for the reply. your filipina sounds very siong le. has she had a lot of experience in singapore? mine was a transfer from a superrich employer living in orchard road, Indo expat but who verbally abused her. The agent said cannot be lax with her and overall she is good and...
