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  1. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    I am on puregon injection for so-iui, they ask me to continue jabbing today, tml go back scan again..
  2. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Jus went for CD9 scan, largest only 13.5mm, need to go back again tml for scan. Doc says shd be ovulating soon.. So fast? I would thought must be at least 18mm to be a good size follicle for fertilization. She said 16mm is good. Looks like this cycle chances are low? :(
  3. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Pls add me :) I hv pm you
  4. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    hi ladies, where can I get the Brazilian nut?
  5. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Suhaidah, me too, if this round of so-iui fail we are going for IVF too in Jan, already in the queue. crossing finger :(
  6. dino_meow

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    hi all I am currently trying for #2, my #1 girl is 4 years old now also conceived thru so-iui(hub having super low morphology-2% only). currently at CD8 on pureugon injection with KKH. anyone here also almost the same day as me? went for CD6 scan and two biggest follicle only 8mm and 7.5mm...
  7. dino_meow

    any mummy trying for #2 for Year 2016?

    I'm 38 this year and TTC #2. My #1 is a girl, 4 yrs old and been asking for a sibling to play with her. been TTC for a year now with a pvt clinic. my menses have been very accurate, too accurate till usually ovulate on weekend and the clinic/lab not open on weekend to do IUI. the only chance...
  8. dino_meow

    Bukit Batok/Bukit Gombak Mummies Club

    Hi, I am staying in Bukit batok too, can someone also add me into Whatsapp group too :) Thank you.
  9. dino_meow

    BATH & BODY WORKS SG @ Semi Annual Sale Online ~vicky~

    Hi I would like to order the Dandelion brightening face powder @US$28.
  10. dino_meow

    0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

    Good morning ladies, its another day of the cycle. ladies who are in the CD 20-24 or 1st week DPO, do you have any special symptom or sign of fertilization or implantation? My BBT didnt rise much to show sign or hope of pregnant The tww is so tough and draining....
  11. dino_meow

    0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

    yaataa - jia you! work harder this month. once hit jackpot, we can rest for 9 months
  12. dino_meow

    0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

    Hi JJ Thanks for your advice. Ya, will seek prof help if still no good news for another 2 cycle try. My gynae has asked my DH to go for sperm check in Nov last year, cos he smoke, so my gynae suspect is due to smoking tat is causing problem to his sperm, but DH dont wan! so upset. I dont...
  13. dino_meow

    0-24mths TTC - MTB in 2010/2011 by Claire Teo hamsterbiz

    Hi all Happy Chinese New Year! Lets Huat and Strike ah! ^_^ 1st time posting on this thread, been a silent reader. Been trying for 8 months now, still no good news, mentally and emotionally very tiring Start taking BBT together with OPK test this month, am now on CD20, but so far no...
