Search results

  1. autumnjune

    Learning Vision @ Grassroot Club

    My girl is with teacher emm n beibei laoshi. Going to change to full day soon. Still worried that she might not be able to sleep well in school or drink not enOugh water. But she likes school!
  2. autumnjune

    Learning Vision @ Grassroot Club

    Hi my 2.5 year old is with them at Grassroots Club since January. No complaints except the fees are on the high side!=)
  3. autumnjune

    Dr Benjamin Tham from TMC

    My sister's 3 kids are all delivered by him. My first daughter too and now i'm in my 28 weeks of number 2, still going back to see him. My best friend's 3 pregnancies all handled by him as well as a few other friends. Two nurses friends of mine who worked in KKH gave thumbs up for him. From KKH...
  4. autumnjune

    Trying To Conceive...

    Your cycles look normal to me. You should have calculate the days based on the first day of period last month to first day of this month.
  5. autumnjune

    Trying To Conceive...

    hi ladies, I just got pregnant after trying for nearly 2 years. First of all i will suggest both you and your hubby go for a check up at KKH. my husband did his sperm tests and i after much delay and miscommunication went for a HSG scan( a very detailed xray of the womb to see if my...
  6. autumnjune

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    hello ladies! My name is Jamie and I'm in my 6th week now. =)This is my first pregnancy and my husband and I had been trying for nearly 2 years liao! Nice to join this online portal and meet fellow July 2010 mommies! I am actually in a dilemma now cos i've a trip coming up next week...
