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    Calling ALL Thomas TRain FANS!

    Hi Co11ectionz May I know how is a wooden Salty looks like? Is it suitable to a 2.5 yr old? My boy is a fan of Thomas as well
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

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    Hi mummies, may I know how much does a Leappad learning to read system cost? Thought of getting one. But if sale is cheaper, rather wait for it then.
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi Jasmommy The cream after bath recommended by paediatrician is Physiogel.
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    jasmommy, your gal is similar case to my boy. Let me go home to check what type of cream I used. The bathing soap as well. Yoshi... everyone also said that, try lah... 2nd will be different. What if it is the same... I will faint! Frankly, its the fear I have to get over it so no no... 1 is...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Totally agree with you leobbsmom. Whenever I complain, my mum will always said, "Then you think it is easy being a mum?" hahaha... each time hugging the toilet bowl, my hubby will accompany me and stroke my back and I will always grumble no more after this and blame him for making me suffer :D...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi Jasmommy Have you bring your girl to a doc to check which type of eczema is she having? Knowing which type, the right treatment given will be effective. Cause my boy has eczema when he is around 3 months old. He has scaly red patches on his 2 cheeks and on both of his legs as well. Then...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    leosbbmum - me too, I am the first to give birth among my generation and I don't have any pass me clothings :D Of course I did ask my hubby whether he wants to know, he said no difference, so I play my mystery game then ;) Everyone was so curious, all want to know, all asked what's the matter...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    leobbsmom... maybe its only 18mths ago, that is why memory is still fresh. Thinking back of my first scan, you are right about the feeling. It is really amazing to see. Throughout my whole preggie, I didn't want to know the sex of the baby. Which get everyone so curious and my gynae was so...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Kelly, if you are not too sure about BF, can call up KKH nurse line to check with the lactation consultant. I've BF for a year and during this period got flu and bronchitis and need to take anti-biotics. The GP asked me to throw away my milk as I am taking the anti-biotic. Ever read before that...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    hahaha... yes, I did heard about cruise that one do nothing but eat and eat... right now, I need to lose some stubborn weight, have yet to lose the extra 2 - 3 kg NO cruise for me till I lose them.
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    White_Lady I have not been on a cruise so not sure whether is it worth it. Since you are driving up to Genting, can consider. At least you can make some stop and the toddler is able to look at different things. During the ride, you might want to get ready a few CDs with his favourite songs...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    White_lady, coincidentally I have been thinking of going to Genting. But when think of the transport decided not to. First my boy cannot sit in a bus for more than 30 mins as he is just too active. So if you are to travel by bus, it will be very tiring. If you are to travel by air, then you will...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Thanks Kelly! Do count me in. Have noticed that, I should have come in earlier and vent frustration here. Fiona, my condolence. For the next 72 hrs, you must monitor her closely like fever, vomiting, lost of appetite. Fully understand how you feel, cause my boy fell off the high chair when...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Joined this thread is to hope that I have an outlet to let go of my frustrations, not with kid though but more of adult. Also to hear and learn from other wonderful mums here.
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    WOW... I didn't know that! May I know which programme is that? Chinese - channel 8 or U? For me I am seldom on these 2 channel, most of the time is on Channel Newsasia or 5. Yo Kelly, no no... it has never come across my mind that you are one, so please don't think that way. I believe you...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hey kelly I have read that book. I read alot in order to prepare myself for the infamous "terrible twos". After reading and sharing with my mum, my mum will always tell me that is what she is trying to tell me. Then I realised the chinese saying of something like - 不听老人言....
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi Kelly I have only 1 and I am really way below all of you wonderful mummies, it will put me to shame to be standing among you mummies. Sorry, you mean you got featured on TV? WOW... no wonder I have touch a sensitive side of you. Sorry
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Dear mummies Just to share 2 books which I have read to prepare myself for the "terrible twos" and other parenting methods. Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn Raising our children, raising ourselves by Naomi aldort
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Whitelady - I was strongly recommended by my nanny and a few of my friends of this show called the Supernanny and it was on air about 2 years ago (?). It is a discipline technique, whereby a minute for every year of the child's life, so 2 minutes in a naughty area (it can be a step/chair but a...
